Merge branch 'xvar/fix-agent-loot-pickup' into 'master'

Fixed animals picking up non-owned non-consumable loot

See merge request veloren/veloren!3417
This commit is contained in:
Ben Wallis 2022-05-31 15:30:57 +00:00
commit d389f4e29b

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@ -1604,29 +1604,30 @@ impl<'a> AgentData<'a> {
let is_valid_target = |entity: EcsEntity| match read_data.bodies.get(entity) {
Some(Body::ItemDrop(item)) => {
// If there is no LootOwner then the ItemDrop is a valid target, otherwise check
// if the loot can be picked up
.map_or(Some((entity, false)), |loot_owner| {
// Agents want to pick up items if they are humanoid, or are hungry and the
// item is consumable
let hungry = self
.map_or(false, |health| health.current() < health.maximum());
let wants_pickup = matches!(self.body, Some(Body::Humanoid(_)))
|| (hungry && matches!(item, item_drop::Body::Consumable));
// Agents want to pick up items if they are humanoid, or are hungry and the
// item is consumable
let hungry = || {
.map_or(false, |health| health.current() < health.maximum())
let wants_pickup = matches!(self.body, Some(Body::Humanoid(_)))
|| (hungry() && matches!(item, item_drop::Body::Consumable));
let can_pickup =
loot_owner.can_pickup(*self.uid, self.alignment, self.body, None);
// The agent will attempt to pickup the item if it wants to pick it up and is
// allowed to
let attempt_pickup = wants_pickup
&& read_data
.map_or(true, |loot_owner| {
loot_owner.can_pickup(*self.uid, self.alignment, self.body, None)
if wants_pickup && can_pickup {
Some((entity, false))
} else {
if attempt_pickup {
Some((entity, false))
} else {
_ => {
if read_data.healths.get(entity).map_or(false, |health| {