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Translation: Veloren/voxygen-hud-misc
Translate-URL: https://translate.codeberg.org/projects/veloren/voxygen-hud-misc/
This commit is contained in:
Codeberg Translate 2023-08-28 17:37:37 +00:00
parent cdd2d00017
commit e103b078c3
No known key found for this signature in database
177 changed files with 394 additions and 1013 deletions

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@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
hud-trade-trade_window = تجارة
hud-trade-accept = قبول
hud-trade-decline = رفض
hud-trade-buy_price = سعر الشراء
hud-trade-sell_price = سعر البيع

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@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
buff-remove = Націсніце, каб выдаліць
buff-title-missing = Назва адсутнічае
buff-desc-missing = Апісанне адсутнічае
buff-title-heal = Вылечванне
buff-desc-heal = Паступова аднаўляе здароўе.
buff-title-potion = Зелле
@ -36,4 +34,4 @@ buff-stat-increase_max_energy = Павышае максімальнае здар
buff-stat-increase_max_health = Павышае максімальную энергію на { $strength }
buff-stat-invulnerability = Даруе няўразлівасць
buff-text-over_seconds = на працягу { $dur_secs } сек.
buff-text-for_seconds = на працягу { $dur_secs } сек.
buff-text-for_seconds = на працягу { $dur_secs } сек.

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@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ common-rand_name = Выпадковае імя
common-stats-combat_rating = БР
common-stats-power = Моц
common-stats-speed = Хуткасць
common-stats-poise = Ураўнаважанасць
common-stats-crit_chance = Крыт. шанец
common-stats-crit_mult = Крыт. множнік
common-stats-armor = Браня
@ -101,4 +100,4 @@ common-material-wood = Драўніна
common-material-stone = Камень
common-material-cloth = Тканіна
common-material-hide = Шкура
common-sprite-chest = Куфар
common-sprite-chest = Куфар

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@ -53,13 +53,9 @@ hud-settings-auto_camera = Аўтакамера
hud-settings-reset_gameplay = Па змаўчанню
hud-settings-view_distance = ДБ (далёкасць бачн.)
hud-settings-sprites_view_distance = ДБ спрайтаў
hud-settings-figures_view_distance = ДБ аб’ектаў
hud-settings-maximum_fps = Максімальны FPS
hud-settings-background_fps = Фонавы FPS
hud-settings-present_mode = Рэжым прэзэнтацыі (Vulkan Swap Chain)
hud-settings-present_mode-fifo = FIFO
hud-settings-present_mode-mailbox = Mailbox
hud-settings-present_mode-immediate = Імгненны
hud-settings-fov = Вугал агляду (град.)
hud-settings-gamma = Гама
hud-settings-exposure = Экспазіцыя
@ -68,8 +64,6 @@ hud-settings-antialiasing_mode = Рэжым антыаліясінгу
hud-settings-upscale_factor = Унутраная разрознасць
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode = Якасць аблокаў
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode = Якасць вадкасцяў
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode-cheap = Нізкая
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode-shiny = Бліскучая
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-minimal = Мінімальная
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-low = Нізкая
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-medium = Сярэдняя
@ -87,7 +81,7 @@ hud-settings-resolution = Разрознасць
hud-settings-bit_depth = Глыбіня колеру
hud-settings-refresh_rate = Частата абнаўлення экрана
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode = Якасць асвятлення
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-ashikhmin = Тып A - Высокая
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-ashikhmin = Тып A - Высокая
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-blinnphong = Тып B - Сярэдняя
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-lambertian = Тып L - Нізкая
hud-settings-shadow_rendering_mode = Якасць ценяў
@ -124,4 +118,4 @@ hud-settings-region = Рэгіён
hud-settings-say = Гаворка побач
hud-settings-all = Усе
hud-settings-group_only = Толькі група
hud-settings-reset_chat = Па змаўчанню
hud-settings-reset_chat = Па змаўчанню

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@ -16,11 +16,8 @@ hud-trade-invite_sent = Прапанова гандляваць даслана {
hud-trade-result-completed = Гандаль скончыўся паспяхоўна.
hud-trade-result-declined = Прапанова была адхіленая.
hud-trade-result-nospace = Не хапае месца ў торбах, каб скончыць ўгоду.
hud-trade-buy_price = Кошт куплі
hud-trade-sell_price = Кошт продажу
hud-trade-coin = манет
hud-trade-tooltip_hint_1 = <Shift-Click каб дадаць/забраць адзінку тавару.>
hud-trade-tooltip_hint_2 = <Ctrl-Click каб ураўнаважыць кошт гэтым таварам.>
hud-trade-your_offer = Ваша прапанова
hud-trade-their_offer = Іх прапанова
hud-trade-amount_input = Абярыце рэч
hud-trade-amount_input = Абярыце рэч

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@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
buff-remove = Clica per eliminar
buff-title-missing = Sense Títol
buff-desc-missing = Sense Descripció
buff-title-heal = Sanació
buff-desc-heal = Restableix Salut durant un temps.
buff-title-potion = Poció
@ -36,4 +34,4 @@ buff-stat-increase_max_energy = Augmenta l'Energia màxima en { $strength }
buff-stat-increase_max_health = Augmenta la Salut màxima en { $strength }
buff-stat-invulnerability = Concedeix invulnerabilitat
buff-text-over_seconds = al llarg de { $dur_secs } segons
buff-text-for_seconds = durant { $dur_secs } segons
buff-text-for_seconds = durant { $dur_secs } segons

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@ -86,7 +86,6 @@ common-rand_name = Nom Aleatori
common-stats-combat_rating = PC
common-stats-power = Potència
common-stats-speed = Velocitat
common-stats-poise = Estabilitat
common-stats-crit_chance = Probabilitat de Crític
common-stats-crit_mult = Multiplicador de Crític
common-stats-armor = Armadura
@ -101,4 +100,4 @@ common-material-wood = Fusta
common-material-stone = Pedra
common-material-cloth = Tela
common-material-hide = Pell
common-sprite-chest = Cofre
common-sprite-chest = Cofre

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@ -49,13 +49,9 @@ hud-settings-auto_camera = Auto càmera
hud-settings-reset_gameplay = Configuració per defecte
hud-settings-view_distance = Distància de Visió
hud-settings-sprites_view_distance = Distància de Visió dels Sprites
hud-settings-figures_view_distance = Distància de Visió de les Entitats
hud-settings-maximum_fps = FPS Màxims
hud-settings-background_fps = FPS de fons
hud-settings-present_mode = Mode Present
hud-settings-present_mode-fifo = Fifo
hud-settings-present_mode-mailbox = Mailbox
hud-settings-present_mode-immediate = Immediate
hud-settings-fov = Camp de Visió (graus)
hud-settings-gamma = Gamma
hud-settings-exposure = Exposició
@ -64,8 +60,6 @@ hud-settings-antialiasing_mode = Mode Antialiàsing
hud-settings-upscale_factor = Resolució Interna
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode = Mode de Renderitzat de Núvols
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode = Mode de Renderitzat de Fluids
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode-cheap = Barat
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode-shiny = Brillant
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-minimal = Mínim
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-low = Baix
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-medium = Mitjà
@ -83,7 +77,7 @@ hud-settings-resolution = Resolució
hud-settings-bit_depth = Profunditat de Bit
hud-settings-refresh_rate = Tassa de Refresc
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode = Mode de Renderitzat de la Llum
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-ashikhmin = Tipus A - Alt
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-ashikhmin = Tipus A - Alt
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-blinnphong = Tipus B - Mitjà
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-lambertian = Tipus L - Barat
hud-settings-shadow_rendering_mode = Mode de Renderitzat d'Ombres
@ -120,4 +114,4 @@ hud-settings-region = Regió
hud-settings-say = Dir
hud-settings-all = Tothom
hud-settings-group_only = Sols Grup
hud-settings-reset_chat = Configuració per defecte
hud-settings-reset_chat = Configuració per defecte

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@ -16,11 +16,8 @@ hud-trade-invite_sent = Petició de Comerç enviada a { $playername }.
hud-trade-result-completed = Intercanvi completat amb èxit.
hud-trade-result-declined = Intercanvi refusat.
hud-trade-result-nospace = Espai insuficient per completar l'intercanvi.
hud-trade-buy_price = Preu de Compra
hud-trade-sell_price = Preu de Venda
hud-trade-coin = Diner(s)
hud-trade-tooltip_hint_1 = <Shift-Clic per Afegir/Eliminar de l'Intercanvi.>
hud-trade-tooltip_hint_2 = <Ctrl-Clic per Auto-Balancejar amb açò.>
hud-trade-your_offer = La teva oferta
hud-trade-their_offer = La seva oferta
hud-trade-amount_input = Tria un objecte
hud-trade-amount_input = Tria un objecte

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@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
buff-remove = Klikni pro zrušení
buff-title-missing = Chybějící název
buff-desc-missing = Chybějící popis
buff-title-heal = Léčba
buff-desc-heal = Přidá život během určitého času.
buff-title-potion = Lektvar
@ -34,4 +32,4 @@ buff-stat-increase_max_energy = Zvedne Maximální Výdrž o { $strength }
buff-stat-increase_max_health = Zvedne Maximální počet Životů o { $strength }
buff-stat-invulnerability = Zaručuje nezranitelnost
buff-text-over_seconds = více než { $dur_secs } sekund
buff-text-for_seconds = po dobu { $dur_secs } sekund
buff-text-for_seconds = po dobu { $dur_secs } sekund

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@ -83,7 +83,6 @@ common-rand_name = Náhodné jméno
common-stats-combat_rating = CR
common-stats-power = Síla
common-stats-speed = Rychlost
common-stats-poise = Postoj
common-stats-crit_chance = Kritická šance
common-stats-crit_mult = Krit Násobek
common-stats-armor = Zbroj
@ -97,4 +96,4 @@ common-material-metal = Kov
common-material-wood = Dřevo
common-material-stone = Kámen
common-material-cloth = Látka
common-material-hide = Kůže
common-material-hide = Kůže

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@ -48,12 +48,8 @@ hud-settings-auto_camera = Automatická kamera
hud-settings-reset_gameplay = Výchozí Nastavení
hud-settings-view_distance = Vykreslovací Vzdálenost
hud-settings-sprites_view_distance = Vykreslovací Vzdálenost Spritů
hud-settings-figures_view_distance = Vykreslovací Vzdálenost Entit
hud-settings-maximum_fps = Maximum FPS
hud-settings-present_mode = Režim snímkování
hud-settings-present_mode-fifo = Fifo
hud-settings-present_mode-mailbox = Mailbox
hud-settings-present_mode-immediate = Immediate
hud-settings-fov = Úhel pohledu (stupně)
hud-settings-gamma = Gama
hud-settings-exposure = Expozice
@ -62,8 +58,6 @@ hud-settings-antialiasing_mode = Režim AntiAliasing
hud-settings-upscale_factor = Interní Rozlišení
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode = Vykreslování Mraků
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode = Vykreslování Vody
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode-cheap = Levný
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode-shiny = Blištivý
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-minimal = Minimální
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-low = Nízký
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-medium = Střední
@ -80,7 +74,7 @@ hud-settings-resolution = Rozlišení
hud-settings-bit_depth = Bitová Hloubka
hud-settings-refresh_rate = Obnovovací Frekvence
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode = Vykreslování Osvětlení
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-ashikhmin = Typ A - Vysoký
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-ashikhmin = Typ A - Vysoký
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-blinnphong = Typ B - Střední
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-lambertian = Typ L - Levný
hud-settings-shadow_rendering_mode = Vykreslování Stínů
@ -116,4 +110,4 @@ hud-settings-region = Region
hud-settings-say = Říct
hud-settings-all = Vše
hud-settings-group_only = Pouze skupina
hud-settings-reset_chat = Výchozí Nastavení
hud-settings-reset_chat = Výchozí Nastavení

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@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
hud-rank_up = Nový Bod Zkušenosti
hud-skill-sp_available = { $number } bodů dostupných
hud-skill-not_unlocked = Ještě neodemčeno
hud-skill-req_sp ={"\u000A"}
hud-skill-req_sp =
{ "\u000A" }
Vyžaduje { $number } bodů
hud-skill-inc_health_title = Zvýší Zdraví
@ -108,8 +109,6 @@ hud-skill-bow_charged_knockback_title = Silný Ráz
hud-skill-bow_charged_knockback = Odhoď nepřátele o { $boost }% dále{ $SP }
hud-skill-bow_charged_speed_title = Rychlost napnutí
hud-skill-bow_charged_speed = Zrychluje rychlost napnutí o { $boost }%{ $SP }
hud-skill-bow_charged_move_speed_title = Rychlost při míření
hud-skill-bow_charged_move_speed = Zvýší pohyb během napínání luku o { $boost }%{ $SP }
hud-skill-bow_repeater_title = Opakovačka
hud-skill-bow_repeater = Čím déle střílíš, tím rychleji střílíš
hud-skill-bow_repeater_damage_title = Poškození

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@ -12,6 +12,3 @@ hud-trade-invite_sent = Žádost o obchod zaslána { $playername }.
hud-trade-result-completed = Obchod proběhl úspěšně.
hud-trade-result-declined = Obchod odmítnut.
hud-trade-result-nospace = Nedostatek místa pro dokončení.
hud-trade-buy_price = Cena koupě
hud-trade-sell_price = Cena prodeje
hud-trade-coin = Peníze

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@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ common-rand_name = Zufälliger Name
common-stats-combat_rating = Kampfrating
common-stats-power = Stärke
common-stats-speed = Schnelligkeit
common-stats-poise = Haltung
common-stats-range = Reichweite
common-stats-energy_efficiency = Ausdauereffizienz
common-stats-buff_strength = Buff/Debuff Stärke
@ -108,4 +107,4 @@ common-material-wood = Holz
common-material-stone = Stein
common-material-cloth = Stoff
common-material-hide = Leder
common-sprite-chest = Kiste
common-sprite-chest = Kiste

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@ -8,71 +8,7 @@ common-abilities-staff-fireshockwave = Ring des Feuers
.desc = Entzündet einen Feuerring um dich herum.
common-abilities-sceptre-wardingaura = Abwehrende Aura
.desc = Schützt deine Verbündeten vor feindlichen Angriffen.
# Schwert-Fähigkeiten
common-abilities-sword-balanced_combo = Ausgeglichener Stil
.desc = Dieser Stil hat einige Nachteile, ist aber nicht besonders.
common-abilities-sword-balanced_thrust = Schwertstoß
.desc = Lade einen Stoß auf um Gegner aus einer größteren Entfernung zu treffen.
common-abilities-sword-balanced_finisher = Finisher
.desc = Ein kräftiger Hieb welchen du erhälst, nachdem du lange genug gekämpft hast.
common-abilities-sword-offensive_combo = Offensiver Stil
.desc = Dieser Stil trifft härter, verbraucht jedoch mehr Ausdauer.
common-abilities-sword-offensive_finisher = Offensiver Finisher
.desc = Ein kräftiger Schlag welcher stärker wird, je länger du kämpfst.
common-abilities-sword-offensive_advance = Offensiver Vorstoß
.desc = Greife Gegner mit einem schnellen, kräftigen Schlag an.
common-abilities-sword-crippling_combo = Verstümmelnder Stil
.desc = Dieser Stil ist für die Unehrenhaften, die es genießen, ihre Gegner zu verstümmeln.
common-abilities-sword-crippling_finisher = Verstümmelnder Finisher
.desc = Dieser Schlag verkrüppelt deine Gegner stärker, je länger du mit ihnen kämpfst.
common-abilities-sword-crippling_strike = Verstümmelnder Schlag
.desc = Verkrüppelt deine Gegner.
common-abilities-sword-crippling_gouge = Verstümmelnder Hieb
.desc = Fügt deinem Gegner eine bleibende Wunde zu.
common-abilities-sword-cleaving_combo = Spaltender Stil
.desc = Dieser Stil konzentriert sich auf weite, bogenförmige Schläge, die mehrere Gegner treffen können.
common-abilities-sword-cleaving_finisher = Spaltender Finisher
.desc = A spaltender Schlag, der das Potenzial hat, mehrere Gegner zu erledigen.
common-abilities-sword-cleaving_spin = Spaltende Drehung
.desc = Spaltet sich durch alle Gegner, die dich umgeben.
common-abilities-sword-cleaving_dive = Spaltender Sprung
.desc = Kann sich selbst durch die größten Gegner hindurchspalten, wenn du schnell fällst.
common-abilities-sword-defensive_combo = Defensiver Stil
.desc = Eine eher schützende Form, bei der du deine Klinge bereit hältst, um Angriffe abzuwehren.
common-abilities-sword-defensive_bulwark = Defensiver Schutzschild
.desc = Du bereitest dich auf eingehende Angriffe vor und verteidigst dich gegen die meisten von ihnen.
common-abilities-sword-defensive_retreat = Defensiver Rückzug
.desc = Schlag deine Gegner, während du dich taktisch zurückziehst.
common-abilities-sword-parrying_combo = Parierstil
.desc = In diesem Stil machst du dich bereit, jeden Schlag zu stoppen und einen Angriff zu parieren.
common-abilities-sword-parrying_parry = Parieren
.desc = Du wartest auf den nächsten Angriff und wehrst ihn ab.
common-abilities-sword-parrying_riposte = Rückschlag
.desc = Du wartest auf einen eingehenden Angriff, und startest bei erfolgreicher Abwehr einen Gegenangriff.
common-abilities-sword-parrying_counter = Gegenangriff
.desc = Du schlägst blitzschnell zu und versuchst, deinen Gegner zu erledigen, bevor dessen Angriff ankommt.
common-abilities-sword-heavy_combo = Schwerer Stil
.desc = In diesem Stil hältst du deine Schläge kontrollierter, um dein Gleichgewicht zu bewahren.
common-abilities-sword-heavy_finisher = Schwerer Finisher
.desc = Ein mächtiger Schlag, der deinen Gegner stärker ins Wanken bringt, je länger du mit ihm kämpfst.
common-abilities-sword-heavy_pommelstrike = Knaufschlag
.desc = Schlage deinen Gegner mit dem Knauf deines Schwertes, um ihn möglicherweise zu betäuben.
common-abilities-sword-heavy_fortitude = Schwerer Standhaftigkeit
.desc = Du stabilisierst dich, so dass die nächsten Schläge dich nicht ins Wanken bringen.
common-abilities-sword-mobility_combo = Beweglichkeitsstil
.desc = In diesem Stil hältst du dein Schwert näher an dich heran und bist bereit, dich beim geringsten Anlass zu bewegen.
common-abilities-sword-mobility_feint = Scheinangriff
.desc = Täusche deinen Gegner, indem du anfängst zu schlagen, bevor du zur Seite gehst und von dort aus angreifst.
common-abilities-sword-mobility_agility = Gewandtheit
.desc = Greift auf deine Energiereserve zu, um dich schneller bewegen und angreifen zu können.
common-abilities-sword-reaching_combo = Weitreichender Stil
.desc = Dieser Stil konzentriert sich auf Stöße und nicht auf Hiebe.
common-abilities-sword-reaching_charge = Aufladen
.desc = Schließe schnell die Lücke zu deinem Gegner, indem du mit einem Ausfallschritt nach vorne stürmst.
common-abilities-sword-reaching_flurry = Stürmischer Angriff
.desc = Führe mehrere schnelle Stöße auf deinen Gegner aus.
common-abilities-sword-reaching_skewer = Spieß
.desc = Stürze dich mit genügend Kraft nach vorne, um mehrere Gegner zu durchbohren.
veloren-core-pseudo_abilities-sword-stance_ability = Schwertstil-Fähigkeit
.desc = Im Schwertstil hat diese Fähigkeit unterschiedliche Auswirkungen.

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@ -1,42 +1,50 @@
## Utils
hud-chat-all = Alle
hud-chat-you = Du
hud-chat-mod = Mod
hud-chat-chat_tab_hover_tooltip = Rechtsklick für Einstellungen
hud-loot-pickup-msg = {$actor} nahm { $amount ->
[one] { $item }
*[other] {$amount}x {$item}
} auf
hud-loot-pickup-msg =
{ $actor } nahm { $amount ->
[one] { $item }
*[other] { $amount }x { $item }
} auf
## Buff outcomes
hud-outcome-burning = An Verbrennung gestorben
hud-outcome-curse = An Verfluchung gestorben
hud-outcome-bleeding = Verblutet
hud-outcome-crippled = An Verkrüpplung gestorben
hud-outcome-frozen = Erfroren
hud-outcome-mysterious = Unter geheimnisvollen Umständen gestorben
## Player events
hud-chat-online_msg = [{ $name }] ist nun online
hud-chat-offline_msg = [{ $name }] ging offline
hud-chat-online_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] ist nun online
hud-chat-offline_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] ging offline
## Other deaths
hud-chat-default_death_msg = [{ $name }] starb
hud-chat-environmental_kill_msg = [{ $name }] starb in { $environment }
hud-chat-fall_kill_msg = [{ $name }] starb durch Fallschaden
hud-chat-suicide_msg = [{ $name }] beging Selbstmord
hud-chat-default_death_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] starb
hud-chat-environmental_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] starb in { $environment }
hud-chat-fall_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] starb durch Fallschaden
hud-chat-suicide_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] beging Selbstmord
## Buff, PvE, PvP deaths
hud-chat-died_of_pvp_buff_msg = [{ $victim }] starb an { $died_of_buff } von [{ $attacker }]
hud-chat-pvp_melee_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] vernichtete [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_ranged_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] erschoss [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_explosion_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] sprengte [{ $victim }] aus dem Leben
hud-chat-pvp_energy_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] tötete [{ $victim }] mit Magie
hud-chat-pvp_other_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] tötete [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-died_of_buff_nonexistent_msg = [{ $victim }] starb an { $died_of_buff }
hud-chat-died_of_npc_buff_msg = [{ $victim }] starb an { $died_of_buff } von { $attacker }
hud-chat-died_of_pvp_buff_msg = { "[" }{ $victim }] starb an { $died_of_buff } von [{ $attacker }]
hud-chat-pvp_melee_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }] vernichtete [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_ranged_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }] erschoss [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_explosion_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }] sprengte [{ $victim }] aus dem Leben
hud-chat-pvp_energy_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }] tötete [{ $victim }] mit Magie
hud-chat-pvp_other_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }] tötete [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-died_of_buff_nonexistent_msg = { "[" }{ $victim }] starb an { $died_of_buff }
hud-chat-died_of_npc_buff_msg = { "[" }{ $victim }] starb an { $died_of_buff } von { $attacker }
hud-chat-npc_melee_kill_msg = { $attacker } tötete [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-npc_ranged_kill_msg = { $attacker } erschoss [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-npc_explosion_kill_msg = { $attacker } sprengte [{ $victim }] aus dem Leben
hud-chat-npc_energy_kill_msg = { $attacker } tötete [{ $victim }] mit Magie
hud-chat-npc_other_kill_msg = { $attacker } tötete [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-loot_fail = Dein Inventar ist voll!
hud-chat-goodbye = Auf Wiedersehen!
hud-chat-connection_lost = Verbindungsabbruch. Du wirst in { $time } Sekunden gekickt.
hud-chat-connection_lost = Verbindungsabbruch. Du wirst in { $time } Sekunden gekickt.

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@ -80,8 +80,6 @@ hud-settings-antialiasing_mode = AntiAliasing-Modus
hud-settings-upscale_factor = Interne Auflösung
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode = Wolken-Renderingmodus
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode = Flüssigkeiten-Renderingmodus
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode-cheap = Billig
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode-shiny = Glänzend
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-minimal = Minimal
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-low = Niedrig
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-medium = Mittel
@ -153,4 +151,4 @@ hud-settings-reset_chat =
hud-settings-third_party_integrations = Drittanbieter Integrationen
hud-settings-enable_discord_integration = Aktiviere Discord Integration
hud-settings-enable_discord_integration = Aktiviere Discord Integration

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@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ common-rand_name = Nombre Aleatorio
common-stats-combat_rating = CC
common-stats-power = Poder
common-stats-speed = Velocidad
common-stats-poise = Tenacidad
common-stats-range = Rango
common-stats-energy_efficiency = Eficiencia de energía
common-stats-buff_strength = Fuerza de Mejora/Debilitación

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@ -1,43 +1,56 @@
## Player events
hud-chat-online_msg = [{ $name }] esta en linea
hud-chat-offline_msg = [{ $name }] se ha desconectado
hud-chat-online_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] esta en linea
hud-chat-offline_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] se ha desconectado
## Buff outcomes
hud-outcome-burning = ha muerto por: quemadura
hud-outcome-curse = ha muerto por: maldición
hud-outcome-bleeding = ha muerto por: sangrado
hud-outcome-crippled = ha muerto por: lesión
hud-outcome-frozen = ha muerto por: congelamiento
hud-outcome-mysterious = ha muerto por: secreto
## Buff deaths
hud-chat-died_of_pvp_buff_msg = [{ $victim }] { $died_of_buff } causado por [{ $attacker }]
hud-chat-died_of_buff_nonexistent_msg = [{ $victim }] { $died_of_buff }
hud-chat-died_of_npc_buff_msg = [{ $victim }] { $died_of_buff } causado por { $attacker }
hud-chat-died_of_pvp_buff_msg = { "[" }{ $victim }] { $died_of_buff } causado por [{ $attacker }]
hud-chat-died_of_buff_nonexistent_msg = { "[" }{ $victim }] { $died_of_buff }
hud-chat-died_of_npc_buff_msg = { "[" }{ $victim }] { $died_of_buff } causado por { $attacker }
## PvP deaths
hud-chat-pvp_melee_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] ha derrotado a [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_ranged_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] disparó a [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_explosion_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] hizo explotar a [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_energy_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] mató a [{ $victim }] con magia
hud-chat-pvp_other_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] mató a [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_melee_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }] ha derrotado a [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_ranged_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }] disparó a [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_explosion_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }] hizo explotar a [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_energy_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }] mató a [{ $victim }] con magia
hud-chat-pvp_other_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }] mató a [{ $victim }]
## PvE deaths
hud-chat-npc_melee_kill_msg = { $attacker } ha matado a [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-npc_ranged_kill_msg = { $attacker } disparó a [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-npc_explosion_kill_msg = { $attacker } hizo explotar a [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-npc_energy_kill_msg = { $attacker } mató a [{ $victim }] con magia
hud-chat-npc_other_kill_msg = { $attacker } mató a [{ $victim }]
## Other deaths
hud-chat-environmental_kill_msg = [{ $name }] murió en { $environment }
hud-chat-fall_kill_msg = [{ $name }] murio por daño de caida
hud-chat-suicide_msg = [{ $name }] murió por heridas autoinfligidas
hud-chat-default_death_msg = [{ $name }] murió
hud-chat-environmental_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] murió en { $environment }
hud-chat-fall_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] murio por daño de caida
hud-chat-suicide_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] murió por heridas autoinfligidas
hud-chat-default_death_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] murió
## Utils
hud-chat-all = Todos
hud-chat-you = Tú
hud-chat-mod = Moderador
hud-chat-chat_tab_hover_tooltip = Click derecho para opciones
hud-loot-pickup-msg = {$actor} Recogio { $amount ->
[one] { $item }
*[other] {$amount}x {$item}
hud-loot-pickup-msg =
{ $actor } Recogio { $amount ->
[one] { $item }
*[other] { $amount }x { $item }
hud-chat-loot_fail = ¡Tu inventario está lleno!
hud-chat-goodbye = ¡Adiós!
hud-chat-connection_lost = Conexión perdida. Desconectando en { $time } segundos.
hud-chat-connection_lost = Conexión perdida. Desconectando en { $time } segundos.

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@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ hud-settings-loading_tips = Consejos en Pantalla de Carga
hud-settings-reset_interface = Restablecer a predeterminado
hud-settings-pan_sensitivity = Sensibilidad de Desplazamiento de la Cámara
hud-settings-zoom_sensitivity = Sensibilidad del Zoom
hud-settings-camera_clamp_angle = Ángulo para el modo de de cámara fija vertical
hud-settings-camera_clamp_angle = Ángulo para el modo de cámara fija vertical
hud-settings-invert_scroll_zoom = Invertir Zoom
hud-settings-invert_mouse_y_axis = Invertir eje Y del Ratón
hud-settings-invert_controller_y_axis = Invertir el eje Y del Mando

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@ -16,17 +16,18 @@ hud-trade-invite_sent = Solicitud de intercambio enviada a { $playername }.
hud-trade-result-completed = Intercambio completado con éxito.
hud-trade-result-declined = Intercambio rechazado.
hud-trade-result-nospace = No hay suficiente espacio para completar el intercambio.
hud-trade-buy = Precio de compra: { $coin_num ->
[one] una moneda.
*[other] { $coin_formatted } monedas
hud-trade-sell = Precio de venta: { $coin_num ->
[one] una moneda.
*[other] { $coin_formatted } monedas
hud-trade-buy =
Precio de compra: { $coin_num ->
[one] una moneda.
*[other] { $coin_formatted } monedas
hud-trade-sell =
Precio de venta: { $coin_num ->
[one] una moneda.
*[other] { $coin_formatted } monedas
hud-trade-tooltip_hint_1 = <Shift-Click para añadir/quitar del intercambio.>
hud-trade-tooltip_hint_2 = <Ctrl-Click para balancear automáticamente con esto.>
hud-trade-your_offer = Tu oferta
hud-trade-their_offer = Su oferta
hud-trade-amount_input = Selecciona un objeto
hud-trade-coin = moneda(s)

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@ -44,8 +44,8 @@ common-chat_settings = Ajustes de chat
common-networking_settings = Ajustes de red
common-connection_lost =
¡Conexión perdida!
¿Se reinició el servidor?
¿Está el cliente actualizado?
¿Se reinició el servidor?
¿Está el cliente actualizado?
common-species-orc = Orco
common-species-human = Humano
common-species-dwarf = Enano

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@ -151,7 +151,3 @@ hud-settings-low_graphics = Bajo
hud-settings-medium_graphics = Medio
hud-settings-high_graphics = Alto
hud-settings-ultra_graphics = Ultra
hud-skill-bow_charged_energy_regen_title = Regeneración de aguante
hud-skill-bow_charged_energy_regen = Aumenta la regeneración de aguante en un { $boost } %{ $SP }
hud-skill-bow_charged_move_title = Velocidad de movimiento en tensión
hud-skill-bow_charged_move = Aumenta la velocidad de movimiento un { $boost } % mientras estás tensando un arco{ $SP }

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@ -4,28 +4,33 @@ hud-skill-sp_available =
{ $number ->
[0] Sin puntos de habilidad disponibles
[one] { $number } punto de habilidad disponible
*[other] { $number } puntos de habilidad disponibles
*[other] { $number } puntos de habilidad disponibles
hud-skill-not_unlocked = Bloqueado
hud-skill-req_sp ={"\u000A"}
hud-skill-req_sp =
{ "\u000A" }
Requiere { $number ->
[one] { $number } punto de habilidad
*[other] { $number } puntos de habilidad
*[other] { $number } puntos de habilidad
hud-skill-set_as_exp_bar = Fijar en barra de experiencia
# Combate general - Árbol de habilidades
## Salud
hud-skill-inc_health_title = Aumentar salud
hud-skill-inc_health = Aumenta la salud máxima en { $boost } puntos{ $SP }
## Aguante
hud-skill-inc_energy_title = Aumentar aguante
hud-skill-inc_energy = Aumenta el aguante máximo en { $boost } puntos{ $SP }
## Competencia con armas
hud-skill-unlck_sword_title = Competencia con espadas
hud-skill-unlck_sword = Desbloquea el árbol de habilidades de la espada{ $SP }
hud-skill-unlck_axe_title = Competencia con hachas
@ -40,6 +45,7 @@ hud-skill-unlck_sceptre_title = Competencia con cetros
hud-skill-unlck_sceptre = Desbloquea el árbol de habilidades del cetro{ $SP }
## Esquiva
hud-skill-dodge_title = Esquivar
hud-skill-dodge = Ruedas por el suelo para darte un breve período de invulnerabilidad y así poder esquivar los ataques enemigos.
hud-skill-roll_energy_title = Coste de aguante para esquivar
@ -50,6 +56,7 @@ hud-skill-roll_dur_title = Duración de esquiva
hud-skill-roll_dur = Tu esquiva dura un { $boost } % más{ $SP }
## Escalada
hud-skill-climbing_title = Escalar
hud-skill-climbing = Subir pendientes y trepar a grandes alturas
hud-skill-climbing_cost_title = Coste de aguante para escalar
@ -58,13 +65,17 @@ hud-skill-climbing_speed_title = Velocidad de escalada
hud-skill-climbing_speed = Escalas un { $boost } % más rápido{ $SP }
## Nado
hud-skill-swim_title = Nadar
hud-skill-swim = Movimiento acuático
hud-skill-swim_speed_title = Velocidad al nadar
hud-skill-swim_speed = Nadas un { $boost } % más rápido{ $SP }
# Martillo - Árbol de habilidades
## Golpe único
hud-skill-hmr_single_strike_title = Golpe sencillo
hud-skill-hmr_single_strike = Tan sencillo como tú
hud-skill-hmr_single_strike_knockback_title = Retroceso de {{ hud-skill-hmr_single_strike_title }}
@ -77,6 +88,7 @@ hud-skill-hmr_single_strike_speed_title = Velocidad de {{ hud-skill-hmr_single_s
hud-skill-hmr_single_strike_speed = Aumenta la velocidad de ataque con cada golpe sucesivo{ $SP }
## Martillazo
hud-skill-hmr_charged_melee_title = Martillazo
hud-skill-hmr_charged_melee = Un golpe más con el martillo... pero esta vez lleno de energía
hud-skill-hmr_charged_rate_title = Velocidad de carga de {{ hud-skill-hmr_charged_melee_title }}
@ -89,22 +101,25 @@ hud-skill-hmr_charged_melee_knockback_title = Retroceso de {{ hud-skill-hmr_char
hud-skill-hmr_charged_melee_knockback = Aumenta en gran medida el potencial para lanzar por los aires a los enemigos en un { $boost } %{ $SP }
## Terremoto
-hud-skill-hmr_leap_title = Terremoto
hud-skill-hmr_unlock_leap_title = Desbloquear {{ -hud-skill-hmr_leap_title }}
hud-skill-hmr_unlock_leap = Desbloquea el {{ -hud-skill-hmr_leap_title }}{ $SP }
hud-skill-hmr_leap_damage_title = Daño de {{ -hud-skill-hmr_leap_title }}
hud-skill-hmr_unlock_leap_title = Desbloquear Terremoto
hud-skill-hmr_unlock_leap = Desbloquea el Terremoto{ $SP }
hud-skill-hmr_leap_damage_title = Daño de Terremoto
hud-skill-hmr_leap_damage = Aumenta el daño del salto en un { $boost } %{ $SP }
hud-skill-hmr_leap_distance_title = Distancia de {{ -hud-skill-hmr_leap_title }}
hud-skill-hmr_leap_distance_title = Distancia de Terremoto
hud-skill-hmr_leap_distance = Aumenta la distancia de salto en un { $boost } %{ $SP }
hud-skill-hmr_leap_knockback_title = Retroceso de {{ -hud-skill-hmr_leap_title }}
hud-skill-hmr_leap_knockback_title = Retroceso de Terremoto
hud-skill-hmr_leap_knockback = Aumenta el retroceso infligido del salto en un { $boost } %{ $SP }
hud-skill-hmr_leap_cost_title = Coste de {{ -hud-skill-hmr_leap_title }}
hud-skill-hmr_leap_cost_title = Coste de Terremoto
hud-skill-hmr_leap_cost = Reduce el coste del salto en un { $boost } %{ $SP }
hud-skill-hmr_leap_radius_title = Radio de {{ -hud-skill-hmr_leap_title }}
hud-skill-hmr_leap_radius_title = Radio de Terremoto
hud-skill-hmr_leap_radius = Aumenta el radio del golpe al suelo en { $boost } metros{ $SP }
# Cetro - Árbol de habilidades
## Drenar vida
hud-skill-sc_lifesteal_title = Drenar vida
hud-skill-sc_lifesteal = Lanza un rayo que absorbe la esencia vital de los enemigos
hud-skill-sc_lifesteal_damage_title = Daño
@ -117,6 +132,7 @@ hud-skill-sc_lifesteal_lifesteal_title = Robo de vida
hud-skill-sc_lifesteal_lifesteal = Convierte un { $boost } % adicional del daño infligido en salud{ $SP }
## Campo de vida
hud-skill-sc_heal_title = Campo vital
hud-skill-sc_heal = Emana de ti un aura curativa que usa la esencia vital absorbida
hud-skill-sc_heal_heal_title = Potencia de {{ hud-skill-sc_heal_title }}
@ -129,7 +145,7 @@ hud-skill-sc_heal_range_title = Alcance de {{ hud-skill-sc_heal_title }}
hud-skill-sc_heal_range = El aura llega un { $boost } % más lejos{ $SP }
## Aura de protección
-hud-skill-sc_wardaura_title = Aura del guardián
hud-skill-sc_wardaura_unlock_title = Desbloquear {{ -hud-skill-sc_wardaura_title }}
hud-skill-sc_wardaura_unlock = Emana de ti un aura que te protege a ti y a tus aliados{ $SP }
hud-skill-sc_wardaura_strength_title = Potencia de {{ -hud-skill-sc_wardaura_title }}
@ -142,7 +158,10 @@ hud-skill-sc_wardaura_cost_title = Coste de aguante de {{ -hud-skill-sc_wardaura
hud-skill-sc_wardaura_cost = El aura requiere un { $boost } % menos de aguante{ $SP }
# Árco - Árbol de habilidades
## Tiro de arco
hud-skill-bow_charged_title = Tiro de arco
hud-skill-bow_charged = Tensa tu arco para disparar una flecha
hud-skill-bow_charged_damage_title = Daño de {{ hud-skill-bow_charged_title }}
@ -153,6 +172,7 @@ hud-skill-bow_charged_knockback_title = Retroceso de {{ hud-skill-bow_charged_ti
hud-skill-bow_charged_knockback = Las flechas hacen retroceder a los enemigos un { $boost } % más{ $SP }
## Metralleta
hud-skill-bow_repeater_title = Metralleta
hud-skill-bow_repeater = Dispara una serie de flechas que van aumentando de velocidad
hud-skill-bow_repeater_damage_title = Daño de {{ hud-skill-bow_repeater_title }}
@ -163,7 +183,7 @@ hud-skill-bow_repeater_speed_title = Velocidad de {{ hud-skill-bow_repeater_titl
hud-skill-bow_repeater_speed = Aumenta la velocidad a la que se disparan flechas en un { $boost } %{ $SP }
## Escopeta
-hud-skill-bow_shotgun_title = Escopeta
hud-skill-bow_shotgun_unlock_title = Desbloquear Escopeta
hud-skill-bow_shotgun_unlock = Desbloquea la capacidad de disparar una multitud de flechas al mismo tiempo{ $SP }
hud-skill-bow_shotgun_damage_title = Daño de {{ -hud-skill-bow_shotgun_title }}
@ -176,11 +196,15 @@ hud-skill-bow_shotgun_arrow_count_title = Flechas de {{ -hud-skill-bow_shotgun_t
hud-skill-bow_shotgun_arrow_count = Aumenta el número de flechas por disparo en { $boost }{ $SP }
## Velocidad de proyectil
hud-skill-bow_projectile_speed_title = Velocidad de proyectil
hud-skill-bow_projectile_speed = Las flechas llegan más lejos al viajar un { $boost } % más rápido{ $SP }
# Bastón de fuego - Árbol de habilidades
## Bola de fuego
hud-skill-st_fireball_title = Bola de Fuego
hud-skill-st_fireball = Dispara una bola de fuego que explota al impactar
hud-skill-st_damage_title = Daño de {{ hud-skill-st_fireball_title }}
@ -191,8 +215,9 @@ hud-skill-st_energy_regen_title = Ganancia de aguante de {{ hud-skill-st_firebal
hud-skill-st_energy_regen = Aumenta la ganancia de aguante en un { $boost } %{ $SP }
## Lanzallamas
hud-skill-st_flamethrower_title = Lanzallamas
hud-skill-st_flamethrower = Lanza fuego, ¡fríelos a todos!
hud-skill-st_flamethrower = Lanza fuego, fríelos a todos
hud-skill-st_flamethrower_damage_title = Daño de {{ hud-skill-st_flamethrower_title }}
hud-skill-st_flamethrower_damage = Aumenta el daño infligido en un { $boost } %{ $SP }
hud-skill-st_flame_velocity_title = Velocidad de {{ hud-skill-st_flamethrower_title }}
@ -203,7 +228,7 @@ hud-skill-st_flamethrower_range_title = Alcance de {{ hud-skill-st_flamethrower_
hud-skill-st_flamethrower_range = Las llamas llegan un { $boost } % más lejos{ $SP }
## Onda de choque
-hud-skill-st_shockwave_title = Onda de choque
hud-skill-st_shockwave_unlock_title = Desbloquear {{ -hud-skill-st_shockwave_title }}
hud-skill-st_shockwave_unlock = Desbloquea la habilidad de lanzar por los aires a los enemigos usando fuego{ $SP }
hud-skill-st_shockwave_damage_title = Daño de {{ -hud-skill-st_shockwave_title }}
@ -214,7 +239,6 @@ hud-skill-st_shockwave_knockback_title = Retroceso de {{ -hud-skill-st_shockwave
hud-skill-st_shockwave_knockback = Aumenta la potencia de lanzamiento en un { $boost } %{ $SP }
hud-skill-st_shockwave_cost_title = Coste de {{ -hud-skill-st_shockwave_title }}
hud-skill-st_shockwave_cost = Reduce el coste de aguante en un { $boost } %{ $SP }
# Minería - Árbol de habilidades
hud-skill-mining_title = Minería
hud-skill-pick_strike_title = Picar

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@ -11,27 +11,24 @@ main-notice =
Antes de que te adentres en el juego, por favor ten en cuenta un par de cosas:
- Esto es una alfa muy temprana. Espera errores, mecánicas de juego inacabadas, mecánicas sin pulir, y cosas que simplemente faltan.
- Si tienes críticas constructivas o reportes de errores, puedes contactar con nosotros vía Reddit, GitLab, o por nuestro servidor de Discord.
- Veloren se licencia bajo la licencia de código abierto GPL 3. Esto quiere decir que eres libre para jugar, modificar y redistribuir el juego tal y como desees (siempre y cuando tal trabajo se licencie también bajo la GPL 3).
- Veloren es un proyecto comunitario sin ánimo de lucro, y todo aquel que trabaja en él es un voluntario.
Si te gusta lo que ves, ¡eres bienvenido a unirte a los equipos de desarrollo o arte!
Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer esta noticia, ¡esperamos que disfrutes del juego!
~ Los desarrolladores de Veloren
main-login_process =
Información para iniciar sesión:
Por favor, ten en cuenta que ahora necesitas una cuenta para jugar en servidores con autenticación activada.
Puedes crear una cuenta en
main-login-server_not_found = Servidor no encontrado
main-login-authentication_error = Error de autenticación al servidor
main-login-internal_error = Error interno en el cliente (lo más probable es que se haya borrado el personaje)
@ -62,7 +59,7 @@ main-servers-network_error = Red de servidor/Error de socket: { $raw_error }
main-servers-participant_error = Desconexión de participante/error protocolo: { $raw_error }
main-servers-stream_error = Conexión de cliente/compression/error (de)serialización: { $raw_error }
main-servers-database_error = Error en la base de datos del servidor: { $raw_error }
main-servers-persistence_error = Error de persistencia del servidor (Probablemente datos de Asset/Personaje): { $raw_error }
main-servers-persistence_error = Error de persistencia del servidor (Probablemente datos de Asset/Personaje): { $raw_error }
main-servers-other_error = Error general del servidor : { $raw_error }
main-credits = Créditos
main-credits-created_by = creado por
@ -84,7 +81,7 @@ loading-tips =
.a10 = No te olvides de ajustar los gráficos. Pulsa '{ $gameinput-settings }' para abrir la configuración.
.a11 = ¡Jugar con otros jugadores es divertido! Pulsa '{ $gameinput-social }' para ver quien esta en línea.
.a12 = Pulsa '{ $gameinput-dance }' para bailar. ¡Fiesta!
.a13 = Pulsa '{ $gameinput-glide }' para utilizar tu paravela y conquistar los cielos.
.a13 = Pulsa '{ $gameinput-glide }' para utilizar tu paravela y conquistar los cielos.
.a14 = Veloren se encuentra todavia en pre-alfa. ¡Hacemos todo lo posible para mejorar la experiencia de juego día a día!
.a15 = Si quieres unirte al equipo de desarrollo o conversar con nosotros, únete a nuestro servidor de Discord.
.a16 = Puedes mostrar u ocultar tu total de salud de la barra de salud en los ajustes.

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@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ npc-speech-merchant_trade_successful =
.a1 = ¡Gracias!
npc-speech-merchant_trade_declined =
.a0 = Quizás en otra ocasión, ¡ten un buen día!
.a1 = Vaya, supongo que en otra ocasión.
.a1 = Vaya, ¡supongo que en otra ocasión!
npc-speech-villager_cultist_alarm =
.a0 = ¡Cuidado! ¡Hay cultistas sueltos!
.a1 = ¡A las armas! ¡Los cultistas nos atacan!
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ npc-speech-villager_under_attack =
npc-speech-villager_enemy_killed =
.a0 = ¡He destruído a mi enemigo!
.a1 = ¡Por fin, paz!
.a2 = ... ahora, ¿qué estaba haciendo?
.a2 = { "." }.. ahora, ¿qué estaba haciendo?
npc-speech-menacing =
.a0 = ¡Te lo advertí!
.a1 = ¡Si te acercas te atacaré!
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ npc-speech-villager_open =
.a4 = Le he dejado algo de queso a mi hermano. Ahora no sé si de verdad existe. Yo lo llamo el queso de Schrödinger.
.a5 = ¿Has atrapado alguna vez una luciérnaga?
.a6 = Se dice que puedes encontrar gemas de todo tipo dentro de cuevas.
.a7 = No consigo entender de dónde siguen viniendo los sauroks.
.a7 = No consigo entender de dónde siguen viniendo los sauroks.
npc-speech-villager_adventurous =
.a0 = Espero que algún día pueda fabricar mi propia paravela.
.a1 = Me gustaría ir a explorar una cueva cuando me haya hecho más fuerte.
@ -211,11 +211,11 @@ npc-speech-villager_extroverted =
.a6 = Anoche tuve un sueño maravilloso sobre quesos. ¿Cuál podría ser su significado?
.a7 = ¡Me encanta la miel! Aunque les tengo repelús a las abejas.
npc-speech-villager_sociable =
.a0 = ¿No quieres entrar? ¡Estábamos a punto de comer queso!
.a0 = ¿No quieres entrar? ¡Estábamos a punto de comer queso!
.a1 = ¿Te gustaría ver mi jardín?... Bueno, quizás mejor en otro momento.
npc-speech-villager_introverted =
.a0 = Hola.
.a1 = ¿Yo? Yo soy un don nadie.
.a1 = ¿Qué soy yo? Un don nadie.
npc-speech-villager_agreeable =
.a0 = ¿Cómo te encuentras hoy?
.a1 = Avísame si necesitas algo.
@ -257,7 +257,6 @@ npc-speech-prisoner =
.a1 = Quedarte atrapado no es para nada divertido.
.a2 = Uno no se puede fiar de ese cardenal.
.a3 = Los clérigos se traen algo malo entre manos.
.a4 = ¡Ojalá aún tuviese yo mi pico!
npc-speech-moving_on =
.a0 = Ya he pasado demasiado tiempo por aquí, ¡me voy a { $site }!
npc-speech-migrating =

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@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
buff-remove = Egin klik kentzeko
buff-title-missing = Izenburua falta da
buff-desc-missing = Deskribapena falta da
buff-title-heal = Sendatu
buff-desc-heal = Berreskuratu osasuna pixkanaka
buff-title-potion = Edabea

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@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ common-controls = Kontrolak
common-video = Grafikoak
common-sound = Soinua
common-chat = Txata
common-networking= Sarea
common-networking = Sarea
common-resume = Jarraitu
common-characters = Pertsonaiak
common-close = Itxi
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ common-you = Zu
common-automatic = Automatikoa
common-random = Ausazkoa
common-empty = Hutsik
common-confirm= Berretsi
common-delete_server= Ezabatu
common-confirm = Berretsi
common-delete_server = Ezabatu
common-interface_settings = Interfazearen ezarpenak
common-gameplay_settings = Gameplay ezarpenak
common-controls_settings = Kontrolen ezarpenak
@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ common-tool-debug = Arazketa
common-tool-farming = Nekazaritzako tresna
common-tool-pick = Pikotxa
common-tool-mining = Meatzaritza
common-tool-instrument= Instrumentua
common-tool-instrument = Instrumentua
common-kind-modular_component = Pieza modularra
common-kind-modular_component_partial = Pieza
common-kind-glider = Planeagailua
@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ common-rand_name = Ausazko izena
common-stats-combat_rating = BP
common-stats-power = Ahalmena
common-stats-speed = Abiadura
common-stats-poise = Oreka
common-stats-range = Maila
common-stats-energy_efficiency = Energia eraginkortasuna
common-stats-buff_strength = Buff/Debuff indarra

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@ -72,8 +72,6 @@ hud-settings-antialiasing_mode = AntiAliasing modua
hud-settings-upscale_factor = Barneko bereizmena
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode = Hodeiak errenderizatzeko modua
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode = Fluidoak errenderizatzeko modua
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode-cheap = Arina
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode-shiny = Distiratsua
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-minimal = Gutxienekoa
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-low = Baxua
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-medium = Ertaina

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@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ common-rand_name = Nom aléatoire
common-stats-combat_rating = CR
common-stats-power = Puissance
common-stats-speed = Vitesse
common-stats-poise = Équilibre
common-stats-range = Portée
common-stats-energy_efficiency = Efficacité du coût d'Endurance
common-stats-buff_strength = Montant de l'augmentation

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@ -8,64 +8,7 @@ common-abilities-staff-fireshockwave = Anneau de feu
.desc = Enflamme le sol avec une onde de choc ardente.
common-abilities-sceptre-wardingaura = Aura de protection
.desc = Protège vos alliés contre les attaques ennemies.
# Capacités de l'épée
common-abilities-sword-balanced_combo = Posture équilibrée
.desc = Cette posture présente peu d'inconvénients, mais n'est pas particulièrement spéciale.
common-abilities-sword-balanced_thrust = Coup d'épée
.desc = Chargez votre coup pour toucher les ennemis à une plus grande distance.
common-abilities-sword-balanced_finisher = Coup de grâce
.desc = Un coup puissant que vous pouvez utiliser après avoir combattu assez longtemps.
common-abilities-sword-offensive_combo = Posture offensive
.desc = Cette posture frappe plus fort, mais est plus fatigante à utiliser.
common-abilities-sword-offensive_finisher = Coup de grâce offensif
.desc = Une frappe qui devient plus puissante au fur et à mesure que vous vous battez.
common-abilities-sword-offensive_advance = Avancée offensive
.desc = Affrontez rapidement l'ennemi avec un coup puissant.
common-abilities-sword-crippling_combo = Posture paralysante
.desc = Cette posture est pour les déshonorants qui aiment mutiler leurs ennemis.
common-abilities-sword-crippling_finisher = Coup de grâce paralysant
.desc = Ce coup devient de plus en plus paralysant pour votre cible au fur et à mesure que vous vous battez.
common-abilities-sword-crippling_strike = Coup paralysant
.desc = Paralyse votre ennemi.
common-abilities-sword-crippling_gouge = Coup tranchant
.desc = Infligez une blessure durable à votre ennemi.
# Cleaving Stance (I don't know how to translate that, sorry)
common-abilities-sword-defensive_combo = Posture défensive
.desc = Une posture plus protégée, où vous gardez votre lame prête à parer les attaques.
common-abilities-sword-defensive_bulwark = Rempart défensif
.desc = Vous vous préparez aux attaques qui arrivent, en vous défendant contre la plus grosse d'entre elles.
common-abilities-sword-defensive_retreat = Repli défensif
.desc = Frappez vos ennemis en reculant tactiquement.
common-abilities-sword-parrying_combo = Posture de parade
.desc = Dans cette posture, vous vous préparez à arrêter chaque coup et à parer une attaque.
common-abilities-sword-parrying_parry = Parade
.desc = Vous attendez la prochaine attaque et la dévier.
common-abilities-sword-parrying_riposte = Riposte
.desc = Vous attendez une attaque, et après l'avoir bloquée, vous lancez votre propre attaque.
common-abilities-sword-parrying_counter = Contre
.desc = Vous frappez à la vitesse de l'éclair pour tenter d'achever votre ennemi avant que son attaque n'arrive.
common-abilities-sword-heavy_combo = Posture de contrôle
.desc = Dans cette posture, vous contrôlez mieux vos coups pour garder votre sang-froid.
common-abilities-sword-heavy_finisher = Coup de grâce contrôlé
.desc = Un coup puissant qui est d'autant plus assommant pour votre cible que vous vous êtes battus longtemps.
common-abilities-sword-heavy_pommelstrike = Coup avec le pommeau
.desc = Frappez votre ennemi avec le pommeau de votre épée pour l'assommer.
common-abilities-sword-heavy_fortitude = Solidification des appuis
.desc = Vous vous stabilisez pour que les prochains coups ne vous fassent pas flancher.
common-abilities-sword-mobility_combo = Posture de mobilité
.desc = Dans cette posture, vous tenez votre épée plus près, prête à rouler au moindre motif.
common-abilities-sword-mobility_feint = Feinte
.desc = Trompez votre adversaire en commençant à frapper, avant de faire un pas sur le côté et d'attaquer de là.
common-abilities-sword-mobility_agility = Agilité
.desc = Puiser dans une réserve d'endurance pour se déplacer et attaquer plus rapidement.
common-abilities-sword-reaching_combo = Posture d'approche
.desc = Cette posture met l'accent sur les poussées plutôt que sur les coups.
common-abilities-sword-reaching_charge = Charge
.desc = Fermez rapidement l'écart avec votre ennemi en chargeant vers l'avant dans une attaque en fente.
common-abilities-sword-reaching_flurry = Rafale de fentes
.desc = Faites de multiples fentes rapides sur votre ennemi.
common-abilities-sword-reaching_skewer = Brochette
.desc = S'élancer en avant avec assez de force pour transpercer plusieurs ennemis.
veloren-core-pseudo_abilities-sword-stance_ability = Compétences de posture à l'épée
.desc = Lorsque vous êtes en posture avec une épée, cette capacité a des effets différents.

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@ -1,43 +1,56 @@
## Player events
hud-chat-online_msg = [{ $name }] est maintenant en ligne.
hud-chat-offline_msg = [{ $name }] s'est déconnecté.
hud-chat-online_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] est maintenant en ligne.
hud-chat-offline_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] s'est déconnecté.
## Buff outcomes
hud-outcome-burning = Mort: brûlé(e)
hud-outcome-curse = Mort: malédiction
hud-outcome-bleeding = Mort: saignement
hud-outcome-crippled = Mort: estropié(e)
hud-outcome-frozen = Mort: glacé(e)
hud-outcome-mysterious = Mort: secrète
## Buff deaths
hud-chat-died_of_pvp_buff_msg = [{ $victim }] est mort de { $died_of_buff } causé par [{ $attacker }]
hud-chat-died_of_buff_nonexistent_msg = [{ $victim }] est mort de { $died_of_buff }
hud-chat-died_of_npc_buff_msg = [{ $victim }] est mort de { $died_of_buff } causé par { $attacker }
hud-chat-died_of_pvp_buff_msg = { "[" }{ $victim }] est mort de { $died_of_buff } causé par [{ $attacker }]
hud-chat-died_of_buff_nonexistent_msg = { "[" }{ $victim }] est mort de { $died_of_buff }
hud-chat-died_of_npc_buff_msg = { "[" }{ $victim }] est mort de { $died_of_buff } causé par { $attacker }
## PvP deaths
hud-chat-pvp_melee_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] a tué [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_ranged_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] a tiré sur [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_explosion_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] a explosé [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_energy_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] a tué [{ $victim }] avec de la magie
hud-chat-pvp_other_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] a tué [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_melee_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }] a tué [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_ranged_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }] a tiré sur [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_explosion_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }] a explosé [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_energy_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }] a tué [{ $victim }] avec de la magie
hud-chat-pvp_other_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }] a tué [{ $victim }]
## PvE deaths
hud-chat-npc_melee_kill_msg = { $attacker } a tué [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-npc_ranged_kill_msg = { $attacker } a tiré sur [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-npc_explosion_kill_msg = { $attacker } a fait exploser [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-npc_energy_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] a tué [{ $victim }] avec de la magie
hud-chat-npc_other_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] a tué [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-npc_energy_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }] a tué [{ $victim }] avec de la magie
hud-chat-npc_other_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }] a tué [{ $victim }]
## Other deaths
hud-chat-environmental_kill_msg = [{ $name }] est mort dans { $environment }
hud-chat-fall_kill_msg = [{ $name }] est mort de dégâts de chute
hud-chat-suicide_msg = [{ $name }] est mort des suites de ses propres blessures
hud-chat-default_death_msg = [{ $name }] est mort
hud-chat-environmental_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] est mort dans { $environment }
hud-chat-fall_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] est mort de dégâts de chute
hud-chat-suicide_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] est mort des suites de ses propres blessures
hud-chat-default_death_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] est mort
## Utils
hud-chat-all = Global
hud-chat-you = Toi
hud-chat-mod = Mod
hud-chat-chat_tab_hover_tooltip = Clique Droit pour ouvrir les paramètres
hud-loot-pickup-msg = {$actor} a récupéré { $amount ->
[one] { $item }
*[other] x{$amount} {$item}s
hud-loot-pickup-msg =
{ $actor } a récupéré { $amount ->
[one] { $item }
*[other] x{ $amount } { $item }s
hud-chat-loot_fail = Votre inventaire est plein !
hud-chat-goodbye = Au revoir!
hud-chat-connection_lost = Connexion perdue. Expulsion dans { $time } secondes.

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@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
buff-remove = Kattints rá, hogy eltávolítsd
buff-title-missing = Hiányzó név
buff-desc-missing = Hiányzó leírás
buff-title-heal = Gyógyulás
buff-desc-heal = Életerő visszatöltődése bizonyos idő alatt.
buff-title-potion = Főzet
@ -34,4 +32,4 @@ buff-stat-increase_max_energy = Megnöveli a maximális energiát ennyivel: { $s
buff-stat-increase_max_health = Megnöveli a maximális életerőt ennyivel: { $strength }
buff-stat-invulnerability = Sebezhetetlenné tesz
buff-text-over_seconds = { $dur_secs } másodpercre
buff-text-for_seconds = { $dur_secs } másodpercig
buff-text-for_seconds = { $dur_secs } másodpercig

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@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ common-rand_name = Véletlenszerű név
common-stats-combat_rating = KÉ
common-stats-power = Erő
common-stats-speed = Gyorsaság
common-stats-poise = Ellentartás
common-stats-crit_chance = Kritikus találat esélye
common-stats-crit_mult = Kritikus találat szorzója
common-stats-armor = Páncélzat
@ -95,4 +94,4 @@ common-material-metal = Fém
common-material-wood = Fa
common-material-stone = Kő
common-material-cloth = Szövet
common-material-hide = Bőr
common-material-hide = Bőr

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@ -46,12 +46,8 @@ hud-settings-auto_camera = Automatikus kamera
hud-settings-reset_gameplay = Alapértékek visszaállítása
hud-settings-view_distance = Látótóávolság
hud-settings-sprites_view_distance = Sprites View Distance
hud-settings-figures_view_distance = Entities View Distance
hud-settings-maximum_fps = Maximum FPS
hud-settings-present_mode = Bemutató mód
hud-settings-present_mode-fifo = Fifo
hud-settings-present_mode-mailbox = Levéldoboz
hud-settings-present_mode-immediate = Rögtön
hud-settings-fov = Látószög (fok)
hud-settings-gamma = Gamma
hud-settings-exposure = Fényesség
@ -60,8 +56,6 @@ hud-settings-antialiasing_mode = Élsimítás módja
hud-settings-upscale_factor = Belső felbontás
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode = Felhő renderelési mód
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode = Folyadék renderelési mód
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode-cheap = Olcsó
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode-shiny = Fényes
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-minimal = Minimális
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-low = Alacsony
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-medium = Közepes
@ -113,4 +107,4 @@ hud-settings-region = Régió
hud-settings-say = Beszéd
hud-settings-all = Összes
hud-settings-group_only = Csak csoport
hud-settings-reset_chat = Alapértékek visszaállítása
hud-settings-reset_chat = Alapértékek visszaállítása

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@ -16,8 +16,5 @@ hud-trade-invite_sent = Üzletelési szándék elküldve neki: { $playername }.
hud-trade-result-completed = Üzlet sikeresen lebonyolítva.
hud-trade-result-declined = Ajánlat visszautasítva.
hud-trade-result-nospace = Nincs elég tárhely üzlet lebonyolításához.
hud-trade-buy_price = Vásárlói ár
hud-trade-sell_price = Eladói ár
hud-trade-coin = érme
hud-trade-tooltip_hint_1 = <Shift + Kattintás: tárgy hozzádása/levétele>
hud-trade-tooltip_hint_2 = <Ctrl + Kattintás: ajánlatok automatikus kiegyenlítése>
hud-trade-tooltip_hint_2 = <Ctrl + Kattintás: ajánlatok automatikus kiegyenlítése>

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@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
buff-remove = クリックして削除
buff-title-missing = 題名がありません
buff-desc-missing = 説明がありません
buff-title-heal = ヒール
buff-desc-heal = 時間とともに体力を回復
buff-title-potion = ポーション
@ -22,4 +20,4 @@ buff-stat-increase_max_energy = スタミナ最大値を{ $strength }上げる
buff-stat-increase_max_health = 体力最大値を{ $strength }上げる
buff-stat-invulnerability = 不死身になる
buff-text-over_seconds = { $dur_secs }秒以上
buff-text-for_seconds = { $dur_secs }秒間
buff-text-for_seconds = { $dur_secs }秒間

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@ -75,12 +75,10 @@ common-hands-one = 片手持ち
common-hands-two = 両手持ち
common-rand_appearance = ランダムに見た目を選択
common-rand_name = ランダムに名前を選ぶ
common-stats-dps = DPS
common-stats-power = Power
common-stats-speed = Speed
common-stats-poise = Poise
common-stats-crit_chance = Crit Chance
common-stats-crit_mult = Crit Mult
common-stats-armor = Armor
common-stats-poise_res = Poise res
common-stats-slots = Slots
common-stats-slots = Slots

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@ -1,22 +1,18 @@
hud-chat-online_msg = [{ $name }]がオンラインになりました
hud-chat-offline_msg = [{ $name }]がオフラインになりました
hud-chat-default_death_msg = [{ $name }]は死んでしまった
hud-chat-environmental_kill_msg = [{ $name }]は{ $environment }で死亡しました
hud-chat-fall_kill_msg = [{ $name }]は落下のダメージで死亡しました
hud-chat-suicide_msg = [{ $name }]は自傷行為により死亡しました
hud-chat-pvp_buff_kill_msg = [{ $victim }]は[{ $attacker }]による{ $buff }で死亡しました
hud-chat-pvp_melee_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }]は[{ $victim }]を倒した
hud-chat-pvp_ranged_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }]は[{ $victim }]を撃った
hud-chat-pvp_explosion_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }]は[{ $victim }]を爆破した
hud-chat-pvp_energy_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }]は魔法で[{ $victim }]を殺しました
hud-chat-nonexistent_buff_kill_msg = [{ $victim }]は{ $buff }により死亡しました
hud-chat-npc_buff_kill_msg = [{ $victim }]は{ $attacker }の{ $buff }により死亡しました
hud-chat-online_msg = { "[" }{ $name }]がオンラインになりました
hud-chat-offline_msg = { "[" }{ $name }]がオフラインになりました
hud-chat-default_death_msg = { "[" }{ $name }]は死んでしまった
hud-chat-environmental_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $name }]は{ $environment }で死亡しました
hud-chat-fall_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $name }]は落下のダメージで死亡しました
hud-chat-suicide_msg = { "[" }{ $name }]は自傷行為により死亡しました
hud-chat-pvp_melee_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }]は[{ $victim }]を倒した
hud-chat-pvp_ranged_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }]は[{ $victim }]を撃った
hud-chat-pvp_explosion_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }]は[{ $victim }]を爆破した
hud-chat-pvp_energy_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }]は魔法で[{ $victim }]を殺しました
hud-chat-npc_melee_kill_msg = { $attacker }は[{ $victim }]を殺しました
hud-chat-npc_ranged_kill_msg = { $attacker }は[{ $victim }]を撃ちました
hud-chat-npc_explosion_kill_msg = { $attacker }は[{ $victim }]を爆破しました
hud-chat-npc_energy_kill_msg = { $attacker }は魔法で[{ $victim }]を殺しました
hud-chat-npc_other_kill_msg = { $attacker }は[{ $victim }]を殺しました
hud-chat-loot_fail = 持ち物がいっぱいです!
hud-chat-goodbye = さようなら!
hud-chat-connection_lost = 接続が切れました。キックされて{ $time }秒。
hud-chat-connection_lost = 接続が切れました。キックされて{ $time }秒。

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@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ hud-settings-stop_auto_walk_on_input = 移動すると自動移動を停止す
hud-settings-reset_gameplay = デフォルトに戻す
hud-settings-view_distance = ビュー距離
hud-settings-sprites_view_distance = スプライトビュー距離
hud-settings-figures_view_distance = エンティティビュー距離
hud-settings-maximum_fps = FPS最大値
hud-settings-fov = 視野(角度)
hud-settings-gamma = ガンマ
@ -52,8 +51,6 @@ hud-settings-antialiasing_mode = アンチエイリアス モード
hud-settings-upscale_factor = 内部解像度
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode = 雲レンダリングモード
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode = 流体レンダリングモード
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode-cheap = チープ
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode-shiny = 光沢
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-minimal = 最低
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-low = 低い
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-medium = 普通
@ -68,7 +65,7 @@ hud-settings-resolution = 解像度
hud-settings-bit_depth = ビット深度
hud-settings-refresh_rate = リフレッシュレート
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode = 光源レンダリングモード
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-ashikhmin = Type A - 高い
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-ashikhmin = Type A - 高い
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-blinnphong = Type B - 普通
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-lambertian = Type L - チープ
hud-settings-shadow_rendering_mode = 影レンダリングモード
@ -85,4 +82,4 @@ hud-settings-audio_device = オーディオデバイス
hud-settings-reset_sound = デフォルトに戻す
hud-settings-awaitingkey = キーを押してください...
hud-settings-unbound = なし
hud-settings-reset_keybinds = デフォルトに戻す
hud-settings-reset_keybinds = デフォルトに戻す

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@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
hud-rank_up = スキルポイント獲得
hud-skill-sp_available = { $number } SP 利用可能
hud-skill-not_unlocked = 解除されていません
hud-skill-req_sp ={"\u000A"}
hud-skill-req_sp =
{ "\u000A" }
{ $number }SP必要
hud-skill-inc_health_title = 体力追加
@ -94,40 +95,20 @@ hud-skill-st_fireball_title = ファイアーボール
hud-skill-st_fireball = 敵と一緒に遊びましょう
hud-skill-st_damage_title = ダメージ
hud-skill-st_damage = ダメージを{ $boost }%増加 { $SP }
hud-skill-st_explosion_title = エクスプロージョン
hud-skill-st_explosion = 炎だけで足りないければ { $SP }
hud-skill-bow_projectile_speed_title = 発射 速度
hud-skill-bow_projectile_speed = 矢の距離と速度を{ $boost }%アップ { $SP }
hud-skill-bow_arrow_count_title = アロー カウント
hud-skill-bow_arrow_count = ジャンプ時に追加で矢を撃つ { $SP }
hud-skill-bow_repeater_cost_title = リピーター コスト
hud-skill-bow_repeater_cost = 連射のエネルギー消費を{ $boost }%減少 { $SP }
hud-skill-bow_repeater_glide_title = リピーター グライド
hud-skill-bow_repeater_glide = Glide further while repeating{ $SP }
hud-skill-bow_repeater_damage_title = リピーター ダメージ
hud-skill-bow_repeater_damage = 与えるダメージを{ $boost }%増加 { $SP }
hud-skill-bow_repeater_unlock_title = リピーター解除
hud-skill-bow_repeater_unlock = 中を舞うごとく矢を連射する能力を解除 { $SP }
hud-skill-bow_charged_title = チャージドシュート
hud-skill-bow_charged = 長く待ったので…
hud-skill-bow_charged_knockback_title = チャージド ノックバック
hud-skill-bow_charged_knockback = 後方の敵に{ $boost }%ダメージを与える { $SP }
hud-skill-bow_charged_move_speed_title = チャージド ムーブスピード
hud-skill-bow_charged_move_speed = Increases how fast you can shuffle while charging the attack by { $boost }%{ $SP }
hud-skill-bow_charged_speed_title = チャージド スピード
hud-skill-bow_charged_speed = Increases the rate that you charge the attack by { $boost }%{ $SP }
hud-skill-bow_charged_projectile_speed_title = チャージド プロジェクタイルスピード
hud-skill-bow_charged_projectile_speed = Projectile speed increased by an additional { $boost }% while charging{ $SP }
hud-skill-bow_charged_drain_title = チャージド ドレイン
hud-skill-bow_charged_drain = Decreases the rate of stamina drain by { $boost }%{ $SP }
hud-skill-bow_charged_damage_title = チャージド ダメージ
hud-skill-bow_charged_damage = Increases damage by { $boost }%{ $SP }
hud-skill-bow_energy_regen_title = エナジー 再生
hud-skill-bow_energy_regen = Increases stamina gain by { $boost }%{ $SP }
hud-skill-bow_title = アローシュート
hud-skill-bow = 無限の矢筒。ただし子供不可
hud-skill-bow_damage_title = ダメージ
hud-skill-bow_damage = ダメージを{ $boost }%増加 { $SP }
hud-skill-hmr_leap_radius_title = リープ 範囲
hud-skill-hmr_leap_radius = グランドスラムの攻撃半径を{ $boost }m増加 { $SP }
hud-skill-hmr_leap_distance_title = リープ 距離
@ -159,4 +140,4 @@ hud-skill-hmr_single_strike_speed = Increases the attack speed with each success
hud-skill-hmr_single_strike_damage_title = シングルストライク ダメージ
hud-skill-hmr_single_strike_damage = Increases the damage with each successive strike{ $SP }
hud-skill-hmr_single_strike_knockback_title = シングルストライク ノックバック
hud-skill-hmr_single_strike_knockback = スイングして投げる能力を{ $boost }%増加 { $SP }
hud-skill-hmr_single_strike_knockback = スイングして投げる能力を{ $boost }%増加 { $SP }

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@ -16,6 +16,3 @@ hud-trade-invite_sent = { $playername }に取引リクエストを送りまし
hud-trade-result-completed = 取引は成立しました。
hud-trade-result-declined = 取引は不成立でした。
hud-trade-result-nospace = 取引を完了するためのスペースがありません。
hud-trade-buy_price = 購入価格
hud-trade-sell_price = 販売価格
hud-trade-coin = コイン

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@ -90,7 +90,6 @@ common-rand_name = 랜덤 이름
common-stats-combat_rating = CR
common-stats-power = 공격력
common-stats-speed = 속도
common-stats-poise = 균형
common-stats-range = 사거리
common-stats-energy_efficiency = 기력 효율
common-stats-buff_strength = 힘 버프/디버프

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@ -8,71 +8,7 @@ common-abilities-staff-fireshockwave = 불의 고리
.desc = 땅에 불로 된 고리를 만든다.
common-abilities-sceptre-wardingaura = 보호 오라
.desc = 아군을 피해로부터 보호한다.
# Sword abilities
common-abilities-sword-balanced_combo = 균형잡힌 자세
.desc = 이 자세는 약점이 적지만 강점도 없다.
common-abilities-sword-balanced_thrust = 검 찌르기
.desc = 더 멀리 있는 적을 공격하는 찌르기다.
common-abilities-sword-balanced_finisher = 마지막 일격
.desc = 오랫동안 싸우면 쓸수 있는 강력한 공격이다.
common-abilities-sword-offensive_combo = 공격적인 자세
.desc = 이 자세는 더 세게 공격할수 있지만 오래 유지하기 힘들다.
common-abilities-sword-offensive_finisher = 공격적인 마무리
.desc = 오래 싸울수록 강해지는 공격이다.
common-abilities-sword-offensive_advance = 공격적인 전진
.desc = 강한 공격으로 적에게 빠르게 접근한다.
common-abilities-sword-crippling_combo = 비열한 자세
.desc = 이 자세는 명예를 모르는 비열한 자들이 쓰는 자세다.
common-abilities-sword-crippling_finisher = 비열한 마무리
.desc = 오래 싸울수록 강해지는 공격이다.
common-abilities-sword-crippling_strike = 다리 베기
.desc = 적의 다리를 벤다.
common-abilities-sword-crippling_gouge = 깊은 찌르기
.desc = 적에게 깊은 상처를 낸다.
common-abilities-sword-cleaving_combo = 베는 자세
.desc = 이 자세는 여러명을 공격할수 있는 큰 베는 동작에 치우친 자세다.
common-abilities-sword-cleaving_finisher = 베는 마무리
.desc = 여러명을 벨수 있는 크게 베는 마무리 공격이다.
common-abilities-sword-cleaving_spin = 베며 돌기
.desc = 주변에 있는 모든 적을 벤다.
common-abilities-sword-cleaving_dive = 베며 뛰어들기
.desc = 빠르게 떨어지며 쓰면 커다란 적도 벨수 있다.
common-abilities-sword-defensive_combo = 방어적인 자세
.desc = 공격을 막을수 있게 검을 가까이 드는 방어적인 자세다.
common-abilities-sword-defensive_bulwark = 난공불락
.desc = 막을 자세를 갖추어 대부분의 공격을 막을 수 있다.
common-abilities-sword-defensive_retreat = 방어적인 후퇴
.desc = 뒤로 움직이며 적을 공격한다.
common-abilities-sword-parrying_combo = 받아치는 자세
.desc = 적의 공격을 받아칠 기회를 노리는 자세다.
common-abilities-sword-parrying_parry = 쳐내기
.desc = 적의 다음 공격을 옆으로 쳐낸다.
common-abilities-sword-parrying_riposte = 받아치기
.desc = 적의 다음 공격을 막고 받아친다.
common-abilities-sword-parrying_counter = 선수치기
.desc = 적이 공격하기 전에 먼저 빠르게 공격한다.
common-abilities-sword-heavy_combo = 무거운 자세
.desc = 균형을 유지하며 공격을 조심스럽게 하는 자세다.
common-abilities-sword-heavy_finisher = 무거운 마무리
.desc = 오래 싸울수록 적을 더 오래 비틀거리게 만드는 공격이다.
common-abilities-sword-heavy_pommelstrike = 폼멜 공격
.desc = 적을 폼멜로 가격해 기절시킬수 있는 공격이다.
common-abilities-sword-heavy_fortitude = 불굴
.desc = 자세를 바로잡아 적의 다음 공격에 맞아도 비틀거리지 않는다.
common-abilities-sword-mobility_combo = 가벼운 자세
.desc = 이 자세는 검을 가깝게 들어 언제든 구를 준비가 되어있는 자세다.
common-abilities-sword-mobility_feint = 페인트
.desc = 공격하는척 적을 속였다가 옆으로 움직여 헛점을 노리는 공격이다.
common-abilities-sword-mobility_agility = 민첩
.desc = 기력을 끌어모아 더 빠르게 공격하고 움직이게 된다.
common-abilities-sword-reaching_combo = 뻗는 자세
.desc = 베기보다 찌르기에 집중하는 자세다.
common-abilities-sword-reaching_charge = 돌진
.desc = 적에게 달려들어 빠르게 거리를 좁히는 공격이다.
common-abilities-sword-reaching_flurry = 마구찌르기
.desc = 적을 여러번 찌른다.
common-abilities-sword-reaching_skewer = 꿰뚫기
.desc = 앞으로 움직이며 적 여럿을 꿸수 있을 정도로 강하게 찌른다.
veloren-core-pseudo_abilities-sword-stance_ability = 검 자세
.desc = 검 자세에 따라 다양한 능력으로 변한다.

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@ -1,43 +1,56 @@
## Player events
hud-chat-online_msg = [{ $name }]이(가) 현재 온라인
hud-chat-offline_msg = [{ $name }]이(가) 현재 오프라인
hud-chat-online_msg = { "[" }{ $name }]이(가) 현재 온라인
hud-chat-offline_msg = { "[" }{ $name }]이(가) 현재 오프라인
## Buff outcomes
hud-outcome-burning = 사인: 화상
hud-outcome-curse = 사인: 저주
hud-outcome-bleeding = 사인: 출혈
hud-outcome-crippled = 사인: 다리 부러짐
hud-outcome-frozen =사인: 동사
hud-outcome-frozen = 사인: 동사
hud-outcome-mysterious = 사인: 비밀
## Buff deaths
hud-chat-died_of_pvp_buff_msg = [{ $attacker }]이(가) [{ $victim }]을(를) 죽임. { $died_of_buff }
hud-chat-died_of_buff_nonexistent_msg = [{ $victim }] { $died_of_buff }
hud-chat-died_of_npc_buff_msg = { $attacker }이(가) [{ $victim }]을(를) 죽임. { $died_of_buff }
hud-chat-died_of_pvp_buff_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }]이(가) [{ $victim }]을(를) 죽임. { $died_of_buff }
hud-chat-died_of_buff_nonexistent_msg = { "[" }{ $victim }] { $died_of_buff }
hud-chat-died_of_npc_buff_msg = { $attacker }이(가) [{ $victim }]을(를) 죽임. { $died_of_buff }
## PvP deaths
hud-chat-pvp_melee_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }]이(가) [{ $victim }]을(를) 쓰러트림
hud-chat-pvp_ranged_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }]이(가) [{ $victim }]을(를) 쏴죽임
hud-chat-pvp_explosion_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }]이(가) [{ $victim }]을(를) 터트려 죽임
hud-chat-pvp_energy_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }]이(가) [{ $victim }]을(를) 마법으로 죽임
hud-chat-pvp_other_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }]이(가) [{ $victim }]을(를) 죽임
hud-chat-pvp_melee_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }]이(가) [{ $victim }]을(를) 쓰러트림
hud-chat-pvp_ranged_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }]이(가) [{ $victim }]을(를) 쏴죽임
hud-chat-pvp_explosion_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }]이(가) [{ $victim }]을(를) 터트려 죽임
hud-chat-pvp_energy_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }]이(가) [{ $victim }]을(를) 마법으로 죽임
hud-chat-pvp_other_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }]이(가) [{ $victim }]을(를) 죽임
## PvE deaths
hud-chat-npc_melee_kill_msg = { $attacker }이(가) [{ $victim }]을(를) 죽임
hud-chat-npc_ranged_kill_msg = { $attacker }이(가) [{ $victim }]을(를) 쏴죽임
hud-chat-npc_explosion_kill_msg = { $attacker }이(가) [{ $victim }]을(를) 터트려 죽임
hud-chat-npc_energy_kill_msg = { $attacker }이(가) [{ $victim }]을(를) 마법으로 죽임
hud-chat-npc_other_kill_msg = { $attacker }이(가) [{ $victim }]을(를) 죽임
## Other deaths
hud-chat-environmental_kill_msg = [{ $name }]이(가) { $environment }에서 죽음
hud-chat-fall_kill_msg = [{ $name }]이(가) 떨어져 죽음
hud-chat-suicide_msg = [{ $name }]이(가) 자해로 인해 사망
hud-chat-default_death_msg = [{ $name }]이(가) 죽음
hud-chat-environmental_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $name }]이(가) { $environment }에서 죽음
hud-chat-fall_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $name }]이(가) 떨어져 죽음
hud-chat-suicide_msg = { "[" }{ $name }]이(가) 자해로 인해 사망
hud-chat-default_death_msg = { "[" }{ $name }]이(가) 죽음
## Utils
hud-chat-all = 모두
hud-chat-you = 당신
hud-chat-mod = 모드
hud-chat-chat_tab_hover_tooltip = 오른쪽 마우스 클릭으로 설정
hud-loot-pickup-msg = {$actor}이(가) { $amount ->
[one] { $item }
*[other] {$amount}x {$item} 주음
hud-loot-pickup-msg =
{ $actor }이(가) { $amount ->
[one] { $item }
*[other] { $amount }x { $item } 주음
hud-chat-loot_fail = 가방이 가득 찼습니다!
hud-chat-goodbye = 안녕!
hud-chat-connection_lost = 연결 끊김. { $time }초후 킥.
hud-chat-connection_lost = 연결 끊김. { $time }초후 킥.

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@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
buff-remove = Klikk for å fjerne
buff-title-missing = Mangler tittel
buff-desc-missing = Mangler beskrivelse
buff-title-heal = Helbred
buff-desc-heal = Helbred over tid.
buff-title-potion = Trylledrikk
@ -8,4 +6,4 @@ buff-desc-potion = Drikker...
buff-title-saturation = Metning
buff-desc-saturation = Helbred over tid fra forbruksvarer.
buff-title-bleed = Blør
buff-desc-bleed = Påfører regelmessig skade.
buff-desc-bleed = Påfører regelmessig skade.

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@ -1,20 +1,18 @@
hud-chat-online_msg = [{ $name }] logget på
hud-chat-offline_msg = [{ $name }] logget av
hud-chat-default_death_msg = [{ $name }] døde
hud-chat-environmental_kill_msg = [{ $name }] døde i { $environment }
hud-chat-fall_kill_msg = [{ $name }] døde av fallskade
hud-chat-suicide_msg = [{ $name }] døde av selvskader
hud-chat-pvp_melee_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] drepte [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_ranged_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] skjøt [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_explosion_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] sprengte [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_energy_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] drepte [{ $victim }] med magi
hud-chat-pvp_buff_kill_msg = [{ $attacker }] drepte [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-online_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] logget på
hud-chat-offline_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] logget av
hud-chat-default_death_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] døde
hud-chat-environmental_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] døde i { $environment }
hud-chat-fall_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] døde av fallskade
hud-chat-suicide_msg = { "[" }{ $name }] døde av selvskader
hud-chat-pvp_melee_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }] drepte [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_ranged_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }] skjøt [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_explosion_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }] sprengte [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-pvp_energy_kill_msg = { "[" }{ $attacker }] drepte [{ $victim }] med magi
hud-chat-npc_melee_kill_msg = { $attacker } drepte [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-npc_ranged_kill_msg = { $attacker } skjøt [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-npc_explosion_kill_msg = { $attacker } sprengte [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-npc_energy_kill_msg = { $attacker } drepte [{ $victim }] med magi
hud-chat-npc_other_kill_msg = { $attacker } drepte [{ $victim }]
hud-chat-loot_fail = Ditt inventar er fullt!
hud-chat-goodbye = Adjø!
hud-chat-connection_lost = Forbindelse mistet. Utkastet om { $time } sekunder.
hud-chat-connection_lost = Forbindelse mistet. Utkastet om { $time } sekunder.

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@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ hud-settings-auto_walk_behavior = Autogåing oppførsel
hud-settings-stop_auto_walk_on_input = Stopp autogåing på bevegelse
hud-settings-view_distance = Utsiktsavstand
hud-settings-sprites_view_distance = Sprites utsiktsavstand
hud-settings-figures_view_distance = Enhets utsiktsavstand
hud-settings-maximum_fps = Maksimum FPS
hud-settings-fov = Synsfelt (deg)
hud-settings-gamma = Gamma
@ -45,8 +44,6 @@ hud-settings-ambiance = Stemning Brightness
hud-settings-antialiasing_mode = Kantutjevningsmodus
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode = Tegn-skyer-modus
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode = Tegn-væske-modus
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode-cheap = Billig
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode-shiny = Skinnende
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-minimal = Minimal
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-low = Lav
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-medium = Medium
@ -61,7 +58,7 @@ hud-settings-bit_depth = Bit Dybde
hud-settings-refresh_rate = Oppdateringsfrekvens
hud-settings-save_window_size = Spar vindusstørrelse
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode = Tegn-belysning-modus
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-ashikhmin = Type A - Høy
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-ashikhmin = Type A - Høy
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-blinnphong = Type B - Medium
hud-settings-lighting_rendering_mode-lambertian = Type L - Billing
hud-settings-shadow_rendering_mode = Tegn-skygger-modus
@ -75,4 +72,4 @@ hud-settings-sound_effect_volume = Lydeffektvolum
hud-settings-audio_device = Lydenhet
hud-settings-awaitingkey = Trykk på en tast...
hud-settings-unbound = Ingen
hud-settings-reset_keybinds = Tilbakestill til standardinnstillinger
hud-settings-reset_keybinds = Tilbakestill til standardinnstillinger

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@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ char_selection-delete_permanently = Karakter Permanent Verwijderen?
char_selection-change_server = Server Wisselen
char_selection-enter_world = Wereld Betreden
char_selection-logout = Uitloggen
char_selection-create_new_charater = Nieuw Karakter Maken
char_selection-creating_character = Karakter Wordt Aangemaakt...
char_selection-character_creation = Karaktercreatie
char_selection-human_default = Standaard Mens
@ -17,4 +16,4 @@ char_selection-eye_color = Oogkleur
char_selection-skin = Huid
char_selection-eyeshape = Oogdetails
char_selection-accessories = Accessoires
char_selection-create_info_name = Je karakter heeft een naam nodig!
char_selection-create_info_name = Je karakter heeft een naam nodig!

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@ -37,7 +37,6 @@ hud-settings-stop_auto_walk_on_input =
wandelen bij bewegen
hud-settings-view_distance = Kijkafstand
hud-settings-sprites_view_distance = Kijkafstand sprites
hud-settings-figures_view_distance = Kijkafstand entiteiten
hud-settings-maximum_fps = Maximum FPS
hud-settings-fov = Gezichtsveld (graden)
hud-settings-gamma = Gamma
@ -45,9 +44,6 @@ hud-settings-ambiance = Omgevingshelderheid
hud-settings-antialiasing_mode = AntiAliasing Modus
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode = Wolk Rendering Modus
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode = Vloeistoffen Rendering Mode
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode-cheap = Goedkoop
hud-settings-fluid_rendering_mode-shiny = Schitterend
hud-settings-cloud_rendering_mode-regular = Gewoon
hud-settings-fullscreen = Volledig scherm
hud-settings-fullscreen_mode = Volledige scherm modus
hud-settings-fullscreen_mode-exclusive = Exclusief
@ -74,4 +70,4 @@ hud-settings-awaitingkey = Druk op een toets...
hud-settings-unbound = Geen
hud-settings-reset_keybinds =

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