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synced 2024-08-30 18:12:32 +00:00
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518 lines
19 KiB
use super::*;
use crate::{
util::{RandomField, Sampler},
use common::{
store::{Id, Store},
structure::{Structure as PrefabStructure, StructureBlock},
Block, BlockKind,
use std::{cell::RefCell, sync::Arc};
use vek::*;
pub enum Primitive {
Empty, // Placeholder
// Shapes
Pyramid {
aabb: Aabb<i32>,
inset: i32,
Ramp {
aabb: Aabb<i32>,
inset: i32,
dir: Dir,
Gable {
aabb: Aabb<i32>,
inset: i32,
// X axis parallel or Y axis parallel
dir: Dir,
Plane(Aabr<i32>, Vec3<i32>, Vec2<f32>),
/// A line segment from start to finish point with a given radius
Segment(LineSegment3<i32>, f32),
/// A sampling function is always a subset of another primitive to avoid
/// needing infinite bounds
Sampling(Id<Primitive>, Box<dyn Fn(Vec3<i32>) -> bool>),
// Combinators
Intersect(Id<Primitive>, Id<Primitive>),
Union(Id<Primitive>, Id<Primitive>),
// Not commutative
Without(Id<Primitive>, Id<Primitive>),
// Operators
Rotate(Id<Primitive>, Mat3<i32>),
Translate(Id<Primitive>, Vec3<i32>),
Scale(Id<Primitive>, Vec3<f32>),
impl Primitive {
pub fn intersect(a: impl Into<Id<Primitive>>, b: impl Into<Id<Primitive>>) -> Self {
Self::Intersect(a.into(), b.into())
pub fn union(a: impl Into<Id<Primitive>>, b: impl Into<Id<Primitive>>) -> Self {
Self::Union(a.into(), b.into())
pub fn without(a: impl Into<Id<Primitive>>, b: impl Into<Id<Primitive>>) -> Self {
Self::Without(a.into(), b.into())
pub fn sampling(a: impl Into<Id<Primitive>>, f: Box<dyn Fn(Vec3<i32>) -> bool>) -> Self {
Self::Sampling(a.into(), f)
pub fn rotate(a: impl Into<Id<Primitive>>, rot: Mat3<i32>) -> Self {
Self::Rotate(a.into(), rot)
pub fn translate(a: impl Into<Id<Primitive>>, trans: Vec3<i32>) -> Self {
Self::Translate(a.into(), trans)
pub fn scale(a: impl Into<Id<Primitive>>, scale: Vec3<f32>) -> Self {
Self::Scale(a.into(), scale)
pub enum Fill {
Brick(BlockKind, Rgb<u8>, u8),
Gradient(util::gradient::Gradient, BlockKind),
// TODO: the offset field for Prefab is a hack that breaks the compositionality of Translate,
// we probably need an evaluator for the primitive tree that gets which point is queried at
// leaf nodes given an input point to make Translate/Rotate work generally
Prefab(Box<PrefabStructure>, Vec3<i32>, u32),
Sampling(Arc<dyn Fn(Vec3<i32>) -> Option<Block>>),
impl Fill {
fn contains_at(&self, tree: &Store<Primitive>, prim: Id<Primitive>, pos: Vec3<i32>) -> bool {
// Custom closure because vek's impl of `contains_point` is inclusive :(
let aabb_contains = |aabb: Aabb<i32>, pos: Vec3<i32>| {
&& (aabb.min.y..aabb.max.y).contains(&pos.y)
&& (aabb.min.z..aabb.max.z).contains(&pos.z)
match &tree[prim] {
Primitive::Empty => false,
Primitive::Aabb(aabb) => aabb_contains(*aabb, pos),
Primitive::Ramp { aabb, inset, dir } => {
let inset = (*inset).max(aabb.size().reduce_min());
let inner = match dir {
Dir::X => Aabr {
min: Vec2::new(aabb.min.x - 1 + inset, aabb.min.y),
max: Vec2::new(aabb.max.x, aabb.max.y),
Dir::NegX => Aabr {
min: Vec2::new(aabb.min.x, aabb.min.y),
max: Vec2::new(aabb.max.x - inset, aabb.max.y),
Dir::Y => Aabr {
min: Vec2::new(aabb.min.x, aabb.min.y - 1 + inset),
max: Vec2::new(aabb.max.x, aabb.max.y),
Dir::NegY => Aabr {
min: Vec2::new(aabb.min.x, aabb.min.y),
max: Vec2::new(aabb.max.x, aabb.max.y - inset),
aabb_contains(*aabb, pos)
&& (inner.projected_point(pos.xy()) - pos.xy())
.map(|e| e.abs())
.reduce_max() as f32
/ (inset as f32)
< 1.0
- ((pos.z - aabb.min.z) as f32 + 0.5) / (aabb.max.z - aabb.min.z) as f32
Primitive::Pyramid { aabb, inset } => {
let inset = (*inset).max(aabb.size().reduce_min());
let inner = Aabr {
min: aabb.min.xy() - 1 + inset,
max: aabb.max.xy() - inset,
aabb_contains(*aabb, pos)
&& (inner.projected_point(pos.xy()) - pos.xy())
.map(|e| e.abs())
.reduce_max() as f32
/ (inset as f32)
< 1.0
- ((pos.z - aabb.min.z) as f32 + 0.5) / (aabb.max.z - aabb.min.z) as f32
Primitive::Gable { aabb, inset, dir } => {
let inset = (*inset).max(aabb.size().reduce_min());
let inner = if dir.is_y() {
Aabr {
min: Vec2::new(aabb.min.x - 1 + inset, aabb.min.y),
max: Vec2::new(aabb.max.x - inset, aabb.max.y),
} else {
Aabr {
min: Vec2::new(aabb.min.x, aabb.min.y - 1 + inset),
max: Vec2::new(aabb.max.x, aabb.max.y - inset),
aabb_contains(*aabb, pos)
&& (inner.projected_point(pos.xy()) - pos.xy())
.map(|e| e.abs())
.reduce_max() as f32
/ (inset as f32)
< 1.0
- ((pos.z - aabb.min.z) as f32 + 0.5) / (aabb.max.z - aabb.min.z) as f32
Primitive::Cylinder(aabb) => {
&& (pos
.distance_squared(aabb.as_().center().xy() - 0.5)
as f32)
< (aabb.size().w.min(aabb.size().h) as f32 / 2.0).powi(2)
Primitive::Cone(aabb) => {
&& pos
.distance_squared(aabb.as_().center().xy() - 0.5)
< (((aabb.max.z - pos.z) as f32 / aabb.size().d as f32)
* (aabb.size().w.min(aabb.size().h) as f32 / 2.0))
Primitive::Sphere(aabb) => {
aabb_contains(*aabb, pos)
&& pos.as_().distance_squared(aabb.as_().center() - 0.5)
< (aabb.size().w.min(aabb.size().h) as f32 / 2.0).powi(2)
Primitive::Plane(aabr, origin, gradient) => {
// Maybe <= instead of ==
&& (aabr.min.y..aabr.max.y).contains(&pos.y)
&& pos.z
== origin.z
+ ((pos.xy() - origin.xy())
.map(|x| x.abs())
.dot(*gradient) as i32)
Primitive::Segment(segment, radius) => {
&& (segment.start.y..segment.end.y).contains(&pos.y)
&& (segment.start.z..segment.end.z).contains(&pos.z)
segment.as_().distance_to_point(pos.map(|e| e as f32)) < radius - 0.25
Primitive::Sampling(a, f) => self.contains_at(tree, *a, pos) && f(pos),
Primitive::Prefab(p) => !matches!(p.get(pos), Err(_) | Ok(StructureBlock::None)),
Primitive::Intersect(a, b) => {
self.contains_at(tree, *a, pos) && self.contains_at(tree, *b, pos)
Primitive::Union(a, b) => {
self.contains_at(tree, *a, pos) || self.contains_at(tree, *b, pos)
Primitive::Without(a, b) => {
self.contains_at(tree, *a, pos) && !self.contains_at(tree, *b, pos)
Primitive::Rotate(prim, mat) => {
let aabb = self.get_bounds(tree, *prim);
let diff = pos - (aabb.min + mat.cols.map(|x| x.reduce_min()));
self.contains_at(tree, *prim, aabb.min + mat.transposed() * diff)
Primitive::Translate(prim, vec) => {
self.contains_at(tree, *prim, pos.map2(*vec, i32::saturating_sub))
Primitive::Scale(prim, vec) => {
let center =
self.get_bounds(tree, *prim).center().as_::<f32>() - Vec3::broadcast(0.5);
let fpos = pos.as_::<f32>();
let spos = (center + ((center - fpos) / vec))
.map(|x| x.round())
self.contains_at(tree, *prim, spos)
pub fn sample_at(
tree: &Store<Primitive>,
prim: Id<Primitive>,
pos: Vec3<i32>,
canvas_info: &crate::CanvasInfo,
old_block: Block,
) -> Option<Block> {
if self.contains_at(tree, prim, pos) {
match self {
Fill::Block(block) => Some(*block),
Fill::Sprite(sprite) => Some(if old_block.is_filled() {
} else {
Fill::Brick(bk, col, range) => Some(Block::new(
*col + (RandomField::new(13)
.get((pos + Vec3::new(pos.z, pos.z, 0)) / Vec3::new(2, 2, 1))
% *range as u32) as u8,
Fill::Gradient(gradient, bk) => Some(Block::new(*bk, gradient.sample(pos.as_()))),
Fill::Prefab(p, tr, seed) => p.get(pos - tr).ok().and_then(|sb| {
let col_sample = canvas_info.col(canvas_info.wpos)?;
pos - tr,
Fill::Sampling(f) => f(pos),
} else {
fn get_bounds_inner(&self, tree: &Store<Primitive>, prim: Id<Primitive>) -> Option<Aabb<i32>> {
fn or_zip_with<T, F: FnOnce(T, T) -> T>(a: Option<T>, b: Option<T>, f: F) -> Option<T> {
match (a, b) {
(Some(a), Some(b)) => Some(f(a, b)),
(Some(a), _) => Some(a),
(_, b) => b,
Some(match &tree[prim] {
Primitive::Empty => return None,
Primitive::Aabb(aabb) => *aabb,
Primitive::Pyramid { aabb, .. } => *aabb,
Primitive::Gable { aabb, .. } => *aabb,
Primitive::Ramp { aabb, .. } => *aabb,
Primitive::Cylinder(aabb) => *aabb,
Primitive::Cone(aabb) => *aabb,
Primitive::Sphere(aabb) => *aabb,
Primitive::Plane(aabr, origin, gradient) => {
let half_size = aabr.half_size().reduce_max();
let longest_dist = ((aabr.center() - origin.xy()).map(|x| x.abs())
+ half_size
+ aabr.size().reduce_max() % 2)
.map(|x| x as f32);
let z = if gradient.x.signum() == gradient.y.signum() {
Vec2::new(0, longest_dist.dot(*gradient) as i32)
} else {
(longest_dist * gradient).as_()
let aabb = Aabb {
min: aabr.min.with_z(origin.z + z.reduce_min().min(0)),
max: aabr.max.with_z(origin.z + z.reduce_max().max(0)),
Primitive::Segment(segment, radius) => Aabb {
min: segment.start - radius.floor() as i32,
max: segment.end + radius.ceil() as i32,
Primitive::Sampling(a, _) => self.get_bounds_inner(tree, *a)?,
Primitive::Prefab(p) => p.get_bounds(),
Primitive::Intersect(a, b) => or_zip_with(
self.get_bounds_inner(tree, *a),
self.get_bounds_inner(tree, *b),
|a, b| a.intersection(b),
Primitive::Union(a, b) => or_zip_with(
self.get_bounds_inner(tree, *a),
self.get_bounds_inner(tree, *b),
|a, b| a.union(b),
Primitive::Without(a, _) => self.get_bounds_inner(tree, *a)?,
Primitive::Rotate(prim, mat) => {
let aabb = self.get_bounds_inner(tree, *prim)?;
let extent = *mat * Vec3::from(aabb.size());
let new_aabb: Aabb<i32> = Aabb {
min: aabb.min,
max: aabb.min + extent,
Primitive::Translate(prim, vec) => {
let aabb = self.get_bounds_inner(tree, *prim)?;
Aabb {
min: aabb.min.map2(*vec, i32::saturating_add),
max: aabb.max.map2(*vec, i32::saturating_add),
Primitive::Scale(prim, vec) => {
let aabb = self.get_bounds_inner(tree, *prim)?;
let center = aabb.center();
Aabb {
min: center + ((aabb.min - center).as_::<f32>() * vec).as_::<i32>(),
max: center + ((aabb.max - center).as_::<f32>() * vec).as_::<i32>(),
pub fn get_bounds(&self, tree: &Store<Primitive>, prim: Id<Primitive>) -> Aabb<i32> {
self.get_bounds_inner(tree, prim)
.unwrap_or_else(|| Aabb::new_empty(Vec3::zero()))
pub struct Painter {
prims: RefCell<Store<Primitive>>,
fills: RefCell<Vec<(Id<Primitive>, Fill)>>,
impl Painter {
pub fn aabb(&self, aabb: Aabb<i32>) -> PrimitiveRef { self.prim(Primitive::Aabb(aabb)) }
pub fn line(&self, a: Vec3<i32>, b: Vec3<i32>, radius: f32) -> PrimitiveRef {
LineSegment3 { start: a, end: b },
pub fn sprite(&self, pos: Vec3<i32>, sprite: SpriteKind) {
self.aabb(Aabb {
min: pos,
max: pos + 1,
pub fn pyramid(&self, aabb: Aabb<i32>) -> PrimitiveRef {
let inset = 0;
self.prim(Primitive::Ramp {
dir: Dir::X,
.intersect(self.prim(Primitive::Ramp {
dir: Dir::NegX,
.intersect(self.prim(Primitive::Ramp {
dir: Dir::Y,
.intersect(self.prim(Primitive::Ramp {
dir: Dir::NegY,
pub fn prim(&self, prim: Primitive) -> PrimitiveRef {
PrimitiveRef {
id: self.prims.borrow_mut().insert(prim),
painter: self,
pub fn fill(&self, prim: impl Into<Id<Primitive>>, fill: Fill) {
self.fills.borrow_mut().push((prim.into(), fill));
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub struct PrimitiveRef<'a> {
id: Id<Primitive>,
painter: &'a Painter,
impl<'a> From<PrimitiveRef<'a>> for Id<Primitive> {
fn from(r: PrimitiveRef<'a>) -> Self { r.id }
impl<'a> PrimitiveRef<'a> {
pub fn union(self, other: impl Into<Id<Primitive>>) -> PrimitiveRef<'a> {
self.painter.prim(Primitive::union(self, other))
pub fn intersect(self, other: impl Into<Id<Primitive>>) -> PrimitiveRef<'a> {
self.painter.prim(Primitive::intersect(self, other))
pub fn without(self, other: impl Into<Id<Primitive>>) -> PrimitiveRef<'a> {
self.painter.prim(Primitive::without(self, other))
pub fn fill(self, fill: Fill) { self.painter.fill(self, fill); }
pub fn clear(self) { self.painter.fill(self, Fill::Block(Block::empty())); }
pub fn sample(self, sampling: impl Fn(Vec3<i32>) -> bool + 'static) -> PrimitiveRef<'a> {
.prim(Primitive::sampling(self, Box::new(sampling)))
pub trait Structure {
fn render(&self, site: &Site, land: &Land, painter: &Painter);
// Generate a primitive tree and fills for this structure
fn render_collect(
site: &Site,
land: &Land,
) -> (Store<Primitive>, Vec<(Id<Primitive>, Fill)>) {
let painter = Painter {
prims: RefCell::new(Store::default()),
fills: RefCell::new(Vec::new()),
self.render(site, land, &painter);
(painter.prims.into_inner(), painter.fills.into_inner())
/// Extend a 2d AABR to a 3d AABB
pub fn aabr_with_z<T>(aabr: Aabr<T>, z: std::ops::Range<T>) -> Aabb<T> {
Aabb {
min: aabr.min.with_z(z.start),
max: aabr.max.with_z(z.end),
/// Just the corners of an AABB, good for outlining stuff when debugging
pub fn aabb_corners<F: FnMut(Primitive) -> Id<Primitive>>(
prim: &mut F,
aabb: Aabb<i32>,
) -> Id<Primitive> {
let f = |prim: &mut F, ret, vec| {
let sub = prim(Primitive::Aabb(Aabb {
min: aabb.min + vec,
max: aabb.max - vec,
prim(Primitive::Without(ret, sub))
let mut ret = prim(Primitive::Aabb(aabb));
ret = f(prim, ret, Vec3::new(1, 0, 0));
ret = f(prim, ret, Vec3::new(0, 1, 0));
ret = f(prim, ret, Vec3::new(0, 0, 1));