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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2015-01-13 23:52:37 +00:00
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="Aircraft">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Aircraft_gatling_20mm_Name">
2016-09-16 10:49:08 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Aircraft_OpenCargoRamp">
<English>Open Cargo Door</English>
<German>Laderampe öffnen</German>
<Spanish>Abrir compuerta de carga</Spanish>
<French>Ouvrir la rampe</French>
<Polish>Otwórz drzwi ładowni</Polish>
<Czech>Otevřít nákladní prostor</Czech>
<Hungarian>Rakodórámpa nyitása</Hungarian>
<Russian>Открыть грузовой отсек</Russian>
<Italian>Apri la rampa di carico</Italian>
<Portuguese>Abrir porta de carga</Portuguese>
2016-09-16 10:49:08 +00:00
<Japanese>カーゴ ドアを開く</Japanese>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>화물칸 개방</Korean>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish>Kargo kapısını</Turkish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Aircraft_CloseCargoRamp">
<English>Close Cargo Door</English>
<German>Laderampe schließen</German>
<Spanish>Cerrar compuerta de carga</Spanish>
<French>Fermer la rampe</French>
<Polish>Zamknij drzwi ładowni</Polish>
<Czech>Zavřít nákladní prostor</Czech>
<Hungarian>Rakodórámpa zárása</Hungarian>
<Russian>Закрыть грузовой отсек</Russian>
2015-04-11 14:27:38 +00:00
<Italian>Chiudi la rampa di carico</Italian>
<Portuguese>Fechar porta de carga</Portuguese>
2016-09-16 10:49:08 +00:00
<Japanese>カーゴ ドアを閉じる</Japanese>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>화물칸 폐쇄</Korean>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish>Kargo kapısını kapat</Turkish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Aircraft_GatlingDescriptionHEI">
<English>30mm High-Explosive Incendiary</English>
2020-05-06 22:38:24 +00:00
<Spanish>30mm Alto Explosivo Incendiaria</Spanish>
<Chinesesimp>30 mm 高爆燃烧</Chinesesimp>
<French>30 mm High-Explosive Incendiary</French>
<Polish>30mm Odłamkowo-Burzące - Zapalające</Polish>
<Turkish>30mm Yüksek Patlayıcı </Turkish>
2020-02-22 20:53:35 +00:00
<German>30mm Hochexplosiv/Brandladung</German>
2020-03-09 16:26:20 +00:00
<Japanese>30mm 焼夷りゅう弾</Japanese>
<Czech>30mm Tříštivo-trhavá zápalná střela</Czech>
<Russian>30мм Осколочно-Фугасный Зажигательный</Russian>
<Korean>30mm 고폭소이탄</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Aircraft_GatlingDescriptionShortHEI">
<English>30mm HEI</English>
2020-05-06 22:38:24 +00:00
<Spanish>30mm AEI</Spanish>
<Chinesesimp>30mm 高爆燃烧</Chinesesimp>
<French>30 mm HEI</French>
<Polish>30mm OB-Z</Polish>
<Turkish>30mm HEI</Turkish>
2020-02-22 20:53:35 +00:00
<German>30mm HEB</German>
2020-03-09 16:26:20 +00:00
<Japanese>30mm HEI</Japanese>
<Czech>30mm HEI</Czech>
<Russian>30мм ОФЗ</Russian>
<Korean>30mm HEI</Korean>
2019-08-05 03:38:13 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Aircraft_GatlingDescriptionAP">
<English>30mm DU Armor Piercing</English>
2020-05-06 22:38:24 +00:00
<Spanish>30mm UE Perforante de Blindaje</Spanish>
<Chinese>30毫米貧化鈾穿甲彈 </Chinese>
<Chinesesimp>30 mm 贫铀穿甲</Chinesesimp>
<French>30 mm UA Armor Piercing</French>
<Polish>30mm Zubożony Uran - Przebijające</Polish>
<Turkish>30mm DU Zırh Delici</Turkish>
2020-02-22 20:53:35 +00:00
<German>30mm abgereichertes panzerbrechendes Uraniumgeschoss</German>
2020-03-09 16:26:20 +00:00
<Japanese>30mm DU 徹甲弾</Japanese>
<Czech>30mm Protipancéřová střela z ochuzeného Uranu</Czech>
<Russian>30мм ОУ Бронебойный Снаряд</Russian>
<Korean>30mm 열화우라늄 철갑탄</Korean>
2019-08-05 03:38:13 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Aircraft_GatlingDescriptionShortAP">
<English>30mm DU AP</English>
2020-05-06 22:38:24 +00:00
<Spanish>30mm UE AP</Spanish>
<Chinesesimp>30mm 贫铀穿甲</Chinesesimp>
<French>30 mm UA AP</French>
<Polish>30mm ZU-P</Polish>
<Turkish>30mm DU AP</Turkish>
2020-02-22 20:53:35 +00:00
<German>30mm DU-PB</German>
2020-03-09 16:26:20 +00:00
<Japanese>30mm DU AP</Japanese>
<Czech>30 mm DU AP</Czech>
<Russian>30мм ОУ БС</Russian>
<Korean>30mm DU AP</Korean>
2019-08-05 03:38:13 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Aircraft_GatlingDescriptionCM41">
<English>30mm Combat Mix 4:1 DU:HEI</English>
2020-05-06 22:38:24 +00:00
<Spanish>30mm Mezcla de Combate 4:1 UE:AEI</Spanish>
<Chinese>30毫米戰鬥混合彈4:1 穿甲:高爆</Chinese>
<Chinesesimp>30mm 战斗混合 穿甲/高爆 4:1</Chinesesimp>
<French>30 mm Mix de Combat 4:1 UA:HEI</French>
<Polish>30mm Mieszanka bojowa 4:1 ZU:OB-Z</Polish>
<Turkish>30mm Combat Mix 4:1 DU:HEI</Turkish>
2020-02-22 20:53:35 +00:00
<German>30mm Kampfmischung 4:1 DU:HEB</German>
2020-03-09 16:26:20 +00:00
<Japanese>30mm コンバット ミックス 4:1 DU:HEI</Japanese>
<Czech>30mm Bojový Mix 4:1 DU:HEI</Czech>
<Russian>30мм Смешанное боепитание 4:1 ОУ:ОФЗ</Russian>
<Korean>30mm 4:1 열화:고폭소이</Korean>
2019-08-05 03:38:13 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Aircraft_GatlingDescriptionShortCM41">
<English>30mm CM 4:1</English>
2020-05-06 22:38:24 +00:00
<Spanish>30mm MC 4:1</Spanish>
<Chinese>30毫米 穿高混合 4:1</Chinese>
<Chinesesimp>30mm 穿爆混合 4:1</Chinesesimp>
<French>30 mm MdC 4:1</French>
<Polish>30mm MB 4:1</Polish>
<Turkish>30mm CM 4:1</Turkish>
2020-02-22 20:53:35 +00:00
<German>30mm KM 4:1</German>
2020-03-09 16:26:20 +00:00
<Japanese>30mm CM 4:1</Japanese>
<Czech>30mm BM 4:1</Czech>
<Russian>30мм СБ 4:1</Russian>
<Korean>30mm CM 4:1</Korean>
2019-08-05 03:38:13 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Aircraft_GatlingDescriptionCM51">
<English>30mm Combat Mix 5:1 DU:HEI</English>
2020-05-06 22:38:24 +00:00
<Spanish>30mm Mezcla de Combate 5:1 UE:AEI</Spanish>
<Chinese>30毫米戰鬥混合彈5:1 穿甲:高爆</Chinese>
<Chinesesimp>30 mm 战斗混合 穿甲/高爆 5:1</Chinesesimp>
<French>30 mm Mix de Combat 5:1 UA:HEI</French>
<Polish>30mm Mieszanka bojowa 5:1 ZU:OB-Z</Polish>
<Turkish>30mm Combat Mix 5:1 DU:HEI</Turkish>
2020-02-22 20:53:35 +00:00
<German>30mm Kampfmischung 5:1 DU:HEB</German>
2020-03-09 16:26:20 +00:00
<Japanese>30mm コンバット ミックス 5:1 DU:HEI</Japanese>
<Czech>30mm Bojový Mix 5:1 DU:HEI</Czech>
<Russian>30мм Смешанное боепитание 5:1 ОУ:ОФЗ</Russian>
<Korean>30mm 5:1 열화:고폭소이</Korean>
2019-08-05 03:38:13 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Aircraft_GatlingDescriptionShortCM51">
<English>30mm CM 5:1</English>
2020-05-06 22:38:24 +00:00
<Spanish>30mm MC 5:1</Spanish>
<Chinese>30毫米 穿高混合 5:1</Chinese>
<Chinesesimp>30mm 穿爆混合 5:1</Chinesesimp>
<French>30 mm MdC 5:1</French>
<Polish>30mm MB 5:1</Polish>
<Turkish>30mm CM 5:1</Turkish>
2020-02-22 20:53:35 +00:00
<German>30mm KM 5:1</German>
2020-03-09 16:26:20 +00:00
<Japanese>30mm CM 5:1</Japanese>
<Czech>30mm BM 5:1</Czech>
<Russian>30мм СБ 5:1</Russian>
<Korean>30mm CM 5:1</Korean>
2019-08-05 03:38:13 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00