2018-10-07 09:30:15 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Project name= "ACE" >
<Package name= "Inventory" >
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Inventory_SettingName" >
<English > Make Inventory Display Bigger</English>
<German > Erhöhe die angezeigte Inventargröße</German>
<Spanish > Hacer la pantalla de inventario mas grande</Spanish>
<Russian > Изменить размер окна инвентаря</Russian>
<Czech > Zvětšit zobrazení inventáře</Czech>
<Polish > Powiększ UI ekwipunku</Polish>
French translation (#7298)
* Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) :
- Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators.
- Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date.
- Minor french translation correction.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Weaponselect module,
- Weather module,
- Winddeflection module,
- Yardage450 module,
- Zeus module.
* Convert Tabs to Spaces
* Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files.
* Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings.
- Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque
option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines
absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les
langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée.
Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très
- Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer
l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas,
aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options).
- Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage
du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons.
Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas
dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant.
* Corrections mineures
* correction erreurs
* correction erreurs (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common)
* Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes
* correction key error
* Added Vdauphin suggestions :).
* French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side)
* Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation
* - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml
* Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation :
Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically.
Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list.
modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml
modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml
* Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French > Agrandir l'affichage de l'inventaire</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Hungarian > Legyen a felszerelés menüje nagyobb</Hungarian>
<Italian > Ingrandisci il menù inventario</Italian>
<Portuguese > Aumentar o Tamanho da Tela do Inventário</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:12:32 +00:00
<Japanese > インベントリ表示を大きくする</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 소지품 화면을 더 크게 합니다</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 使物品显示清单更大</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 使物品顯示清單更大</Chinese>
2020-01-17 03:14:23 +00:00
<Turkish > Envanter Görüntüsünü Daha Büyük Yap</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Inventory_SettingDescription" >
<English > Normally inventory display is scaled by UI size. This allows scaling the Inventory UI size up, but doesn't increase font size allowing more rows displayed.</English>
<German > Im Regelfall wird die Inventargröße durch die Größe der Nutzeroberfläche bestimmt. Diese Einstellung erlaubt es, das Inventar unter Ausschluss der Schriftgröße zu vergrößern. Dadurch können mehr Gegenstände angezeigt werden.</German>
<Spanish > Normalmente la pantalla de inventario se escala por el tamaño de la interfaz de usuario. Esto permite ampliar el tamaño de la interfaz de usuario de inventario, pero no aumenta el tamaño de fuente, permitiendo mostrar más filas.</Spanish>
<Russian > Обычно, размер окна инвентаря зависит от размеров пользовательского интерфейса. Эта настройка позволяет увеличить размер окна инвентаря, не увеличивая размеры шрифтов, так что отображется большее количество строк.</Russian>
<Czech > Normálně se velikost invetáře škáluje s velikostí UI. Toto nastavení dovoluje škálování velikost inventáře ale nežvětšuje velikost fontu. To dovoluje zobrazení více řad v inventáři.</Czech>
<Polish > Ekwipunek skalowany jest poprzez rozmiar UI. Ta opcja pozwala powiększyć rozmiar UI ekwipunku, lecz nie zwiększa rozmiaru fontu pozwalając na wyświetlanie większej ilości wierszy.</Polish>
French translation (#7298)
* Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) :
- Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators.
- Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date.
- Minor french translation correction.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Weaponselect module,
- Weather module,
- Winddeflection module,
- Yardage450 module,
- Zeus module.
* Convert Tabs to Spaces
* Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files.
* Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings.
- Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque
option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines
absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les
langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée.
Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très
- Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer
l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas,
aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options).
- Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage
du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons.
Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas
dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant.
* Corrections mineures
* correction erreurs
* correction erreurs (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common)
* Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes
* correction key error
* Added Vdauphin suggestions :).
* French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side)
* Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation
* - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml
* Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation :
Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically.
Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list.
modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml
modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml
* Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French > En principe, l'affichage de l'inventaire est dimensionné par la taille de l'IU. Cette option permet d'agrandir l'IU de l'inventaire, mais sans augmenter la taille des polices, ce qui permet d'afficher plus de lignes.</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Hungarian > Alaphelyzetben a kezelőfelület mérete skálázza a felszerelési menüt. Ez az opció engedélyezi a menü felskálázását, de megtartja a betűméreteket, így növelve a láthatóságot.</Hungarian>
2018-10-09 01:49:37 +00:00
<Italian > Normalmente il menù inventario è scalato in base alle dimensioni dell'interfaccia. Questa opzione permette di ingrandirlo ulteriormente ma senza aumentare la dimensione del testo.</Italian>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Portuguese > Normalmente o tamanho da tela do inventário é ditada pelo tamanho da UI. Isso permite aumentar o tamanho da tela de inventário, mas não aumenta o tamanho da fonte, permitindo que mais linhas sejam visualizadas.</Portuguese>
2017-10-04 14:30:11 +00:00
<Japanese > 通常、インベントリは UI の大きさにより調整して表示されます。これはインベントリ UI を大きくできますが、文字は大きくできません。</Japanese>
2022-05-10 01:28:28 +00:00
<Korean > 보통 소지품 화면은 사용자 인터페이스 크기에 비례합니다. 이 항목은 소지품의 사용자 인터페이스를 확대를 가능케 하면서 글씨는 그대로 놔두게 해줍니다.</Korean>
2022-02-14 21:57:50 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 一般来说,物品清单尺寸是由使用者界面来决定的。此选项能让你的物品显示清单更大但不会增加字体大小,此举可增加更多能被显示的描述行数!</Chinesesimp>
2017-10-18 17:01:29 +00:00
<Chinese > 一般來說,物品清單尺寸是由使用者介面來決定的。此選項能讓你的物品顯示清單更大但不會增加字體大小,此舉可增加更多能被顯示的描述行數!</Chinese>
2020-01-17 03:14:23 +00:00
<Turkish > Normalde envanter görüntüleme, kullanı cı arayüzü boyutuna göre ölçeklenir. Bu, Envanter kullanı cı arayüzü boyutunu büyütmeye izin verir, ancak daha fazla satı r görüntülenmesine izin vermek için yazı tipi boyutunu büyütmez.</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Inventory_Backpacks" >
<English > Backpacks</English>
<German > Rucksäcke</German>
<Czech > Batohy</Czech>
<Polish > Plecaki</Polish>
2016-02-20 20:39:05 +00:00
<Italian > Zaini</Italian>
2016-02-25 13:54:19 +00:00
<Spanish > Mochilas</Spanish>
2016-03-01 01:27:19 +00:00
<French > Sacs à dos</French>
2016-06-19 11:27:26 +00:00
<Portuguese > Mochilas</Portuguese>
2016-08-13 09:25:43 +00:00
<Russian > Рюкзаки</Russian>
2016-09-27 16:12:32 +00:00
<Japanese > バックパック</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 가방</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 背包</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 背包</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Çantalar</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Inventory_Headgear" >
<English > Headgear</English>
<German > Kopfbedeckungen</German>
<Czech > Pokrývka hlavy</Czech>
<Polish > Hełmy</Polish>
2016-02-20 20:39:05 +00:00
<Italian > Copricapi</Italian>
2016-02-25 13:54:19 +00:00
<Spanish > Cascos</Spanish>
2017-02-11 21:16:56 +00:00
<French > Couvre-chefs</French>
2016-06-19 11:27:26 +00:00
<Portuguese > Capacetes</Portuguese>
2016-08-13 09:25:43 +00:00
<Russian > Головные уборы</Russian>
2016-09-27 16:12:32 +00:00
<Japanese > ヘッドギア</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 헬멧</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 头盔</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 頭盔</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Kasklar</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Inventory_Glasses" >
<English > Glasses</English>
<German > Brillen</German>
<Czech > Brýle</Czech>
<Polish > Gogle</Polish>
2016-02-20 20:39:05 +00:00
<Italian > Occhiali</Italian>
2016-02-25 13:54:19 +00:00
<Spanish > Gafas</Spanish>
2016-03-01 01:27:19 +00:00
<French > Lunettes</French>
2016-06-19 11:27:26 +00:00
<Portuguese > Óculos</Portuguese>
2016-08-13 09:25:43 +00:00
<Russian > Очки</Russian>
2016-09-27 16:12:32 +00:00
<Japanese > メガネ</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 안경</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 眼镜</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 眼鏡</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Gözlükler</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Inventory_Uniforms" >
<English > Uniforms</English>
<German > Uniformen</German>
<Czech > Uniformy</Czech>
<Polish > Uniformy</Polish>
2016-02-20 20:39:05 +00:00
<Italian > Uniformi</Italian>
2016-02-25 13:54:19 +00:00
<Spanish > Uniformes</Spanish>
2016-03-01 01:27:19 +00:00
<French > Uniformes</French>
2016-06-19 11:27:26 +00:00
<Portuguese > Uniformes</Portuguese>
2016-08-13 09:25:43 +00:00
<Russian > Униформа</Russian>
2016-09-27 16:12:32 +00:00
<Japanese > 戦闘服</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 복장</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 服装</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 服裝</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Üniformalar</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Inventory_Vests" >
<English > Vests</English>
<German > Westen</German>
<Czech > Vesty</Czech>
<Polish > Kamizelki</Polish>
2018-10-09 01:49:37 +00:00
<Italian > Giubbotti</Italian>
2016-02-25 13:54:19 +00:00
<Spanish > Chalecos</Spanish>
2016-03-01 01:27:19 +00:00
<French > Vestes</French>
2016-06-19 11:27:26 +00:00
<Portuguese > Coletes</Portuguese>
2016-08-13 09:25:43 +00:00
<Russian > Жилеты</Russian>
2016-09-27 16:12:32 +00:00
<Japanese > ベスト</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 조끼</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 背心</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 背心</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Yelekler</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Inventory_Grenades" >
<English > Grenades</English>
<German > Granaten</German>
<Czech > Granáty</Czech>
<Polish > Granaty</Polish>
2016-02-20 20:39:05 +00:00
<Italian > Granate</Italian>
2016-02-25 13:54:19 +00:00
<Spanish > Granadas</Spanish>
2016-03-01 01:27:19 +00:00
<French > Grenades</French>
2016-06-19 11:27:26 +00:00
<Portuguese > Granadas</Portuguese>
2016-08-13 09:25:43 +00:00
<Russian > Гранаты</Russian>
2016-09-27 16:12:32 +00:00
<Japanese > 手榴弾</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 수류탄</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 手榴弹</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 手榴彈</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Bombalar</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Inventory_Medical" >
<English > Medical</English>
2016-02-10 15:24:18 +00:00
<German > Sanitätsmaterial</German>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Czech > Lékařské vybavení</Czech>
<Polish > Medyczne</Polish>
2016-02-20 20:39:05 +00:00
<Italian > Medico</Italian>
2016-02-25 13:54:19 +00:00
<Spanish > Médico</Spanish>
2016-06-19 13:16:43 +00:00
<French > Médical</French>
2016-06-19 11:27:26 +00:00
<Portuguese > Médico</Portuguese>
2016-08-13 09:25:43 +00:00
<Russian > Медицина</Russian>
2016-09-27 16:12:32 +00:00
<Japanese > 医療</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 의료</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 医疗</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 醫療</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Sağlı k</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00