
232 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="Slideshow">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Slideshow_DisplayName">
Update German Stringtables Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml kommas........................................................................................................................................................... Rallypoint Update stringtable.xml slideshow, not finished yet Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml What does Curator mean in this context? l. 294, l 302 cargo Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml I left a few things out. I'd like if someone gives me advice Z.698 Pionier oder Instandsetzer o.Ä. Was genau ist die deutsche Bezeichung der Klasse in ACE bzw Arma? Z.707 Ich habe mich einfach mal auf Mechatroniker festgelegt, da Reperaturspezialist sich doch ein wenig ungelenk anhört... Update stringtable.xml Habe engineer als Pionier übersetzt (halte es selbst für etwas unpassend) Der specialist ist bei mir zum Mechatroniker geworden. Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Fix Mistakes from merge Fix Empty Entries Fix Mistake Fix
2015-09-30 23:30:38 +00:00
2015-08-08 17:57:18 +00:00
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Polish>Pokaz slajdów</Polish>
<Portuguese>Apresentação de Slides</Portuguese>
2015-09-02 23:20:24 +00:00
2015-09-16 10:40:30 +00:00
<Spanish>Presentación de diapositivas</Spanish>
<Italian>Mostra Diapositive</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:23:18 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>슬라이드 쇼</Korean>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Slideshow_Description">
<English>This module allows you to set up slide-shows on different objects. One module per image list. Only objects with hiddenSelection 0 are supported.</English>
Update German Stringtables Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml kommas........................................................................................................................................................... Rallypoint Update stringtable.xml slideshow, not finished yet Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml What does Curator mean in this context? l. 294, l 302 cargo Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml I left a few things out. I'd like if someone gives me advice Z.698 Pionier oder Instandsetzer o.Ä. Was genau ist die deutsche Bezeichung der Klasse in ACE bzw Arma? Z.707 Ich habe mich einfach mal auf Mechatroniker festgelegt, da Reperaturspezialist sich doch ein wenig ungelenk anhört... Update stringtable.xml Habe engineer als Pionier übersetzt (halte es selbst für etwas unpassend) Der specialist ist bei mir zum Mechatroniker geworden. Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Fix Mistakes from merge Fix Empty Entries Fix Mistake Fix
2015-09-30 23:30:38 +00:00
<German>Dieses Modul erlaubt eine Diavorführung auf unterschiedlichen Objekten. Ein Modul, eine Bilderliste. Nur Objekte mit "hiddenSelection 0" werden unterstützt.</German>
2015-08-08 17:57:18 +00:00
<French>Ce module permet d'afficher des diaporamas sur différents objets. Un module par liste d'image. Seul les objets avec le paramètre "HiddenSelection 0" sont supportés</French>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Polish>Ten moduł pozwala skonfigurować pokaz slajdów na różnych obiektach. Jeden moduł na jedną liste slajdów. Tylko obiekty z hiddenSelection 0 są wspierane.</Polish>
<Hungarian>Ez a modul lehetővé teszi a különböző objektumokon való vetítést. Egy modul/képlista. Csak "hiddenSelection 0"-t tartalmazó objektumok felelnek meg.</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Este módulo permite que você monte apresentações de slides em diferentes objetos. Um módulo por lista de imagem. Somente objetos com hiddenSelection 0 são suportados.</Portuguese>
<Russian>Этот модуль позволяет вам устроить слайд-шоу на различных объектах. Один модуль на один список изображений. Поддерживаются только объекты с hiddenSelection 0.</Russian>
2015-09-16 10:40:30 +00:00
<Spanish>Este módulo permite configurar una presentación de diapositivas en diferentes objetos. Un módulo por lista de imágenes. Sólo son soportados objetos con hiddenSelection 0.</Spanish>
2016-02-03 17:30:23 +00:00
<Czech>Tento modul umožňuje nastavit prezentaci na různé objekty. Jeden modul na seznam s obrázky. Podporované jsou pouze objekty s hiddenSelection 0.</Czech>
<Italian>Questo modulo ti permette di creare una presentazione con diapositive su vari oggetti. Un modulo per lista immagini. Solo oggetti con hiddenSelection 0 sono supportati.</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:23:18 +00:00
<Japanese>さまざまなオブジェクトへスライドショーを設定することができます。1つのモジュールは各画像リストになっています。オブジェクトが hiddenSelection 0へ対応している必要があります。</Japanese>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>이 모듈은 다른 물체에 대해 슬라이드 쇼를 놓을 수 있게 해줍니다. 한 모듈당 한 이미지목록만 가능합니다. 또한 물체가 hiddenSelection 0 를 지원해야만합니다.</Korean>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Slideshow_Objects_DisplayName">
Update German Stringtables Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml kommas........................................................................................................................................................... Rallypoint Update stringtable.xml slideshow, not finished yet Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml What does Curator mean in this context? l. 294, l 302 cargo Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml I left a few things out. I'd like if someone gives me advice Z.698 Pionier oder Instandsetzer o.Ä. Was genau ist die deutsche Bezeichung der Klasse in ACE bzw Arma? Z.707 Ich habe mich einfach mal auf Mechatroniker festgelegt, da Reperaturspezialist sich doch ein wenig ungelenk anhört... Update stringtable.xml Habe engineer als Pionier übersetzt (halte es selbst für etwas unpassend) Der specialist ist bei mir zum Mechatroniker geworden. Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Fix Mistakes from merge Fix Empty Entries Fix Mistake Fix
2015-09-30 23:30:38 +00:00
2015-08-08 17:57:18 +00:00
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
2015-09-02 23:20:24 +00:00
2015-09-16 10:40:30 +00:00
2016-09-27 16:23:18 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Slideshow_Objects_Description">
<English>Object names (can also be synchronized objects) slide-show will be displayed on, separated by commas if multiple.</English>
<German>Objektnamen (können auch synchronisierte Objekte sein) auf denen die Diavorführung abgepielt wird. Werden ggf. durch Kommata getrennt.</German>
2015-08-08 17:57:18 +00:00
<French>Nom d'objets (peuvent aussi être des objets synchronisés) sur lesquels les diaporamas vont être affichées, séparation par virgule si plusieurs.</French>
<Polish>Nazwy obiektów (mogą to też być zsynchronizowane obiekty) na których pokaz slajdów zostanie pokazany, oddzielony przecinkiem jeżeli jest ich więcej niż 1.</Polish>
<Hungarian>Objektum nevek (szinkronizált is lehet) amik a vetítésen megjelennek, több darab esetén vesszővel elválasztva.</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Nomes dos objetos (também podem ser objetos sincronizados) em que a apresentação de slides será mostrada, separado por vírgulas se for mais de um.</Portuguese>
<Russian>Имена объектов (так же могут использоваться синхронизированные объекты), на которых будет отображаться слайд-шоу, разделенные запятыми.</Russian>
<Spanish>Los nombres de objetos (también pueden ser objetos sincronizados) de diapositivas se mostrarán en, separados por comas.</Spanish>
<Czech>Jména objektů (lze také použít synchronizované objekty) které se budou zobrazovat v prezentaci, oddělit čárkou pokud jich je více.</Czech>
<Italian>Nomi di oggetti (possono anche essere oggetti sincronizzati) che verranno usati per la presentazione di diapositive, separato da virgole se più di uno.</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:23:18 +00:00
<Japanese>スライドショーを表示するオブジェクト名 (オブジェクトとの同期も可)。複数ある場合はコンマで区切れます</Japanese>
<Korean>슬라이드 쇼가 보여질 물체(동기화 되는 물체도 가능합니다) 명칭, 다수의 경우 쉼표로 구분합니다.</Korean>
<Chinese>物件名稱 (也可使用同步線來設定),幻燈片將會顯示在該物件上,如有多個物件,請以逗號作區隔</Chinese>
<Chinesesimp>物件名称 (也可使用同步线来设定),幻灯片将会显示在该物件上,如有多个物件,请以逗号作区隔</Chinesesimp>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Slideshow_Controllers_DisplayName">
Update German Stringtables Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml kommas........................................................................................................................................................... Rallypoint Update stringtable.xml slideshow, not finished yet Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml What does Curator mean in this context? l. 294, l 302 cargo Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml I left a few things out. I'd like if someone gives me advice Z.698 Pionier oder Instandsetzer o.Ä. Was genau ist die deutsche Bezeichung der Klasse in ACE bzw Arma? Z.707 Ich habe mich einfach mal auf Mechatroniker festgelegt, da Reperaturspezialist sich doch ein wenig ungelenk anhört... Update stringtable.xml Habe engineer als Pionier übersetzt (halte es selbst für etwas unpassend) Der specialist ist bei mir zum Mechatroniker geworden. Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Fix Mistakes from merge Fix Empty Entries Fix Mistake Fix
2015-09-30 23:30:38 +00:00
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
2015-09-16 10:40:30 +00:00
2016-02-03 17:30:23 +00:00
2016-09-27 16:23:18 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>조종 장치</Korean>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Slideshow_Controllers_Description">
<English>Controller object names, separated by commas if multiple.</English>
Update German Stringtables Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml kommas........................................................................................................................................................... Rallypoint Update stringtable.xml slideshow, not finished yet Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml What does Curator mean in this context? l. 294, l 302 cargo Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml I left a few things out. I'd like if someone gives me advice Z.698 Pionier oder Instandsetzer o.Ä. Was genau ist die deutsche Bezeichung der Klasse in ACE bzw Arma? Z.707 Ich habe mich einfach mal auf Mechatroniker festgelegt, da Reperaturspezialist sich doch ein wenig ungelenk anhört... Update stringtable.xml Habe engineer als Pionier übersetzt (halte es selbst für etwas unpassend) Der specialist ist bei mir zum Mechatroniker geworden. Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Fix Mistakes from merge Fix Empty Entries Fix Mistake Fix
2015-09-30 23:30:38 +00:00
<German>Objekte die als Steuereinheit fungieren. Werden ggf. durch Kommata getrennt.</German>
<French>Noms de contrôleur d'objets, séparation par virgule si plusieurs</French>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Polish>Nazwa obiektu - kontrolera, oddzielona przecinkami jeżeli jest ich więcej niż 1.</Polish>
<Hungarian>Vezérlő objektum nevek, vesszővel elválasztva több darab esetén.</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Nome dos objetos de controle, separado por vírgula se mais de um.</Portuguese>
<Russian>Имена объектов-контроллеров, разделенные запятыми.</Russian>
2015-09-16 10:40:30 +00:00
<Spanish>Nombres de objeto de controlador, separados por comas.</Spanish>
<Italian>Nomi di oggetti controllori, separati da virgole se multipli.</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:23:18 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>조종 장치 물체 명칭, 다수의 경우 쉼표로 구분됩니다.</Korean>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Slideshow_Images_DisplayName">
Update German Stringtables Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml kommas........................................................................................................................................................... Rallypoint Update stringtable.xml slideshow, not finished yet Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml What does Curator mean in this context? l. 294, l 302 cargo Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml I left a few things out. I'd like if someone gives me advice Z.698 Pionier oder Instandsetzer o.Ä. Was genau ist die deutsche Bezeichung der Klasse in ACE bzw Arma? Z.707 Ich habe mich einfach mal auf Mechatroniker festgelegt, da Reperaturspezialist sich doch ein wenig ungelenk anhört... Update stringtable.xml Habe engineer als Pionier übersetzt (halte es selbst für etwas unpassend) Der specialist ist bei mir zum Mechatroniker geworden. Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Fix Mistakes from merge Fix Empty Entries Fix Mistake Fix
2015-09-30 23:30:38 +00:00
2015-08-08 17:57:18 +00:00
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
2015-09-02 23:20:24 +00:00
2015-09-18 16:36:57 +00:00
2016-09-27 16:23:18 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Slideshow_Images_Description">
<English>List of images that will be used for the slide-show, separated by commas, with full path correctly formatted (eg. images\image.paa).</English>
Update German Stringtables Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml kommas........................................................................................................................................................... Rallypoint Update stringtable.xml slideshow, not finished yet Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml What does Curator mean in this context? l. 294, l 302 cargo Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml I left a few things out. I'd like if someone gives me advice Z.698 Pionier oder Instandsetzer o.Ä. Was genau ist die deutsche Bezeichung der Klasse in ACE bzw Arma? Z.707 Ich habe mich einfach mal auf Mechatroniker festgelegt, da Reperaturspezialist sich doch ein wenig ungelenk anhört... Update stringtable.xml Habe engineer als Pionier übersetzt (halte es selbst für etwas unpassend) Der specialist ist bei mir zum Mechatroniker geworden. Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Fix Mistakes from merge Fix Empty Entries Fix Mistake Fix
2015-09-30 23:30:38 +00:00
<German>Eine Liste von Bildern, die bei der Vorführung verwendet werden. (Durch Kommata getrennt, mit vollem Pfad angegeben (z.B Bilder\bild.paa)).</German>
<French>Liste d'images qui seront utilisées dans des diaporamas, séparation par virgule, avec le chemin d'accès complet et formaté correctement (ie. images\image.paa)</French>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Polish>Lista obrazów, które zostaną użyte do pokazu slajdów, oddzielone przecinkiem, z poprawnym pełnym formatem ścieżki do obrazka (np. slajdy\obrazek.paa).</Polish>
<Hungarian>A képek listája amit a vetítés használni fog, vesszővel elválasztva, megfelelően formázott teljes útvonallal (pl. képek\kép.paa)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Lista das imagens que serão utilizadas na apresentação de slides, separadas por vírgula, com o caminho completo corretamente formatado (ex: imagens\imagem.paa).</Portuguese>
<Russian>Список изображений, которые будут использованы для слайд-шоу, разделенные запятыми, с полными путями в правильном формате (например, images\image.paa).</Russian>
2015-09-18 16:36:57 +00:00
<Spanish>Lista de imágenes que se utilizarán para la presentación de diapositivas, separadas por comas, con la ruta completa en formato correcto (ej. imágenes\image.paa).</Spanish>
2016-02-03 17:30:23 +00:00
<Czech>Seznam obrázků které budou použity v prezentaci, oddělené čárkami, s kompletní cestou ve správném formátu (např. image\image.paa).</Czech>
<Italian>Lista di immagini che verranno usate durante la presentazione, separati da virgole, con il formato completo del percorso (es. images\image.paa)</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:23:18 +00:00
<Japanese>完全なパスでスライドショーに使う画像一覧を入力してください。コンマで区別できます。(例: images\image.paa)</Japanese>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>슬라이드 쇼에 쓰일 사진목록입니다, 쉼표로 구분됩니다, 경로설정을 정확히 하십시요. (예: 사진\사진.ppa)</Korean>
<Chinese>要做為幻燈片的圖片清單,每個圖片請已逗號區隔,並輸入完整路徑位址 (例如:images\image.paa)</Chinese>
<Chinesesimp>要做为幻灯片的图片清单,每个图片请已逗号区隔,并输入完整路径位址 (例如:images\image.paa)</Chinesesimp>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Slideshow_Names_DisplayName">
<English>Interaction Names</English>
2015-08-08 17:57:18 +00:00
<French>Noms d'interaction</French>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Polish>Nazwy interakcji</Polish>
<Hungarian>Interakciós nevek</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Nomes de Interação</Portuguese>
<Russian>Интерактивные имена</Russian>
2016-02-03 17:30:23 +00:00
<Czech>Názvy interakcí</Czech>
2015-09-16 10:40:30 +00:00
<Spanish>Nombres de interacción</Spanish>
<Italian>Nomi Interazioni</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:23:18 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>상호작용 명칭</Korean>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Slideshow_Names_Description">
<English>List of names that will be used for interaction entries, separated by commas, in order of images.</English>
<French>Liste de noms qui seront utilisés pour des interactions, séparation par virgule, dans l'ordre des images</French>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Polish>Lista nazw, które zostaną użyte do nazwania wpisów interakcji, oddzielone przecinkiem, w kolejności obrazów.</Polish>
<Hungarian>Olyan nevek listája, melyek interakciós célra kellenek, vesszővel elválasztva, kép szerinti sorrendben.</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Lista dos nomes que serão usados para entradas de interação, separados por vírgulas, na ordem das imagens.</Portuguese>
<Russian>Список имен, которые будут использованы при взаимодействии, разделенные запятыми, в порядке следования изображений.</Russian>
2015-09-16 10:40:30 +00:00
<Spanish>Lista de nombres que se utilizarán para las entradas de interacción, separados por comas, en el orden de las imágenes.</Spanish>
<Italian>Lista di nomi che verranno usati per per le interazioni, separati da virgole, in ordine per immagini.</Italian>
<German>Liste aller Namen, die für Interaktionseinträge genutzt werden. Mit Kommata getrennt, in Reihenfolge der Bilder.</German>
2016-09-27 16:23:18 +00:00
<Japanese>画像を操作できるインタラクション エントリ名の一覧を入力してください。コンマで区切り複数を指定できます。</Japanese>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>상호작용 메세지에 쓰일 명칭입니다, 쉼표로 구분합니다, 이미지의 순서입니다.</Korean>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Slideshow_SetName_DisplayName">
<English>Set Name</English>
<German>Setze Namen</German>
<Polish>Ustaw nazwę</Polish>
<French>Définir le nom</French>
<Italian>Imposta Nome</Italian>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Slideshow_SetName_Description">
<English>Name that will be used for main interaction entry (to distinguish multiple slideshows). Default: "Slides"</English>
<German>Name der für den Hauptinteraktionseintrag benutzt wird (um mehrere Diavorführungen voneinander zu trennen).</German>
<Polish>Nazwa, która będzie użyta w głównym menu interakcji (w celu rozróżnienia różnych slajdów). Domyślnie: "Slides"</Polish>
<Japanese>メイン インタラクション エントリで使われる名前を設定します。(複数のスライドショーを区別するため)。標準: "Slides"</Japanese>
<French>Un nom qui sera utilisé pour interagir avec plusieurs diaporamas. Par défaut : "Slides"</French>
<Italian>Nome che sarà utilizzato per le principali interazioni (per distinguere le multiple diapositive). Predefinito: "Slides"</Italian>
<Chinese>設定該幻燈片的標題名稱 (用來區分多個不同標題的幻燈片) 預設名稱: "幻燈片"</Chinese>
<Chinesesimp>设定该幻灯片的标题名称 (用来区分多个不同标题的幻灯片) 预设名称: "幻灯片"</Chinesesimp>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Slideshow_Duration_DisplayName">
<English>Slide Duration</English>
<French>Durée d'un diaporama</French>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Polish>Czas trwania slajdów</Polish>
<Hungarian>Dia időtartam</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Duração do Slide</Portuguese>
<Russian>Длительность слайда</Russian>
2015-09-16 10:40:30 +00:00
<Spanish>Duración de diapositiva</Spanish>
2015-11-10 18:10:36 +00:00
<Czech>Doba trvání snímku</Czech>
<Italian>Durata Diapositiva</Italian>
<German>Länge der Diavorführung pro Bild</German>
2016-09-27 16:23:18 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>슬라이드 지속시간</Korean>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Slideshow_Duration_Description">
<English>Duration of each slide. Default: 0 (Automatic Transitions Disabled)</English>
<French>Durée de chaque diaporama. Défaut: 0 (transition automatique désactivée)</French>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Polish>Czas trwania poszczególnych slajdów. Domyślnie: 0 (Automatyczne przejścia wyłączone)</Polish>
<Hungarian>A diák időtartama. Alapértelmezett: 0 (Automatikus váltás letiltva)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Duração de cada slide. Padrão: 0 (Transição automática desabilitada)</Portuguese>
<Russian>Длительность каждого слайда. По-умолчанию: 0 (автоматический переход отключен)</Russian>
2015-09-16 10:40:30 +00:00
<Spanish>Duración de cada diapositiva. Por defecto: 0 (Transiciones automáticas desactivadas)</Spanish>
2016-02-03 17:30:23 +00:00
<Czech>Doba trvání každého snímku. Výchozí: 0 (Automatické posouvání je zakázáno)</Czech>
<Italian>Durata di ogni diapositiva. Default: 0 (Transizioni Automatiche Disabilitate)</Italian>
<German>Länge der Diavorführung pro Bild. Standard: 0 (Automatischer Wechsel deaktiviert)</German>
2016-09-27 16:23:18 +00:00
<Japanese>各スライドの持続時間。標準0 (自動的な切り替えは無効)</Japanese>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>매 슬라이드의 지속시간. 기본설정: 0 (자동 전환 비활성화)</Korean>
<Chinese>每張幻燈片顯示的時間。 預設:0 (自動換圖已禁用)</Chinese>
<Chinesesimp>每张幻灯片显示的时间。 预设:0 (自动换图已禁用)</Chinesesimp>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Slideshow_Interaction">
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
2015-09-16 10:40:30 +00:00
2015-11-10 18:10:36 +00:00
2016-09-27 16:23:18 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00