While in the gunner view, or generally when seeing the tracer from the
front or rear, the shell tracers look reasonalble.
However closer to a perpendicular angle the tracers appear substantially
larger than they ought to.
This texture update makes the tracer look a little smaller from those
- B_50BW_Ball_F and B_580x42_Ball_F
- Sub_F_Signal_Green and Sub_F_Signal_Red
* also moved the 5.45x39 classes into alphabetical order with the other
assault rifle ammo
- allows ACE tracers to function properly at night
- all tracer rvmat's values have been changed to be closer or the same
as vanilla tracer rvmat values for the same tracer colour
- ace_shell_tracer_red is now a copy of ace_shell_tracer_yellow, but
using the red texture and rvmat.
This is because it had a completely different model then the other
ace_shell_tracer_xx models that was large, fuzzy, and translucent. it
made red tank tracers look like a big red cloud flying through the air.
* the new values for the rvmat's aren't perfect, but they work I will
probably tweak and test a little more