* Add: Now findUnloadPosition support also cargo object
- use of ace_cargo_fnc_getSizeItem to determine size of item
- prefer the config way instead of manually set size
- This will also take into account object manually added to the cargo system with ace_cargo_fnc_setsize
- use the cargo object for ace_cargo_fnc_unloadItem.
* FIX: old work around
* FIX: error when cargo module is not loaded
* As suggested by @orbis2358
This fix handle the case when cargo module is not loaded for scheduled and unscheduled environnement.
* Use ACE framework to check if module is present
* FIX: EFUNC and isEqualto
- _itemSize here is always number
- here we are in common module (addons/common/functions/fnc_findUnloadPosition) so FUNC is ace_common_fnc
* FIX case where config value is `-1`
- if the config value is -1, get the `ace_cargo_size` from the `ace_cargo_fnc_getSizeItem
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Remove deprecated functionality for 3.12.0
* Remove associated deprecated module icon
* Restore a dummy version of old module
This is just to prevent existing missions from breaking due to a missing
* Convert ACE_settings to CBA_settings
* Run Modules Globaly, BWC for SetSetting
* Add support for string settings
* ACE_ServerSettings warning
* Add handler for global setting being changed
* Add deprecated and replaced not to Settings Framework doc
* Remove options menu UI, Move Debug and HeadBug Fix to Options in Pause Menu
* Change modules scope to 1
* Disable debug
* advanced_fatigue stringtable german
* cargo stringtable german
* cookoff stringtable german
* fastroping stringtable german
* hellfire stringtable german
* nlaw stringtable german
* overpressure stringtable german
* quickmount stringtable german
* refuel stringtable german
* repair stringtable german
* scopes stringtable german
* slideshow stringtable german
* spectator stringtable german
* zeus stringtable german
* cookoff stringtable german #2
* hellfire stringtable german #2
* nlaw stringtable german #2
* overpressure stringtable german #2
* quickmount stringtable german#2
* refuel stringtable german #2
* scopes stringtable german #2
* slideshow stringtable german #2
* zeus stringtable german #2
* tiny fix
* tiny fix
* quickmount stringtable german #3
* fastroping stringtable german #2
* captives stringtable german
* cargo stringtable german
* cookoff stringtable german
* tiny change
* cargo stringtable german
* fcs stringtable german
* Fix german strings for scopes
* Fix Magazine Repack underwater - fix#5513
Also prevent common goKneeling function underwater
* Fix loading patients underwater - fix#5515
* Fix load object underwater
* Fix take nozzle on jerry can underwater
* Fix refuel underwater conditions further
* Use isTouchingGround, Make refuel semi-compatible
reports false if head is out of the water, we want true even if we are not diving
* Less interact exceptions duplication
* Use animationState to determine if unit is swimming, create common function and use it instead of isTouchingGround
* Fix condition
* Support dragging underwater
No carrying due to animation timing issues and other misc things
* Allow Medical Legs SelfActions underwater
* Fix fixPosition function underwater (use getPosATL instead of getPos)
* Fix fixPosition's slope adjustment for non-gravity objects, Do the same for objects without simulation as well
* Add load in child actions to medical & captive
* Add actions with proper structure
* Move vehicles actions code to common function
* Simplify code in config, Fix docs
* Remove unused vars
* Fix header example
* Add _distance param to fnc_nearestVehiclesFreeSeat
* Change docs
* Fix spacing
* Add removeCargoItem function to cargo module
* Fix documentation typos
* Fix header 'public' field
Of course it's a public function, that's the whole point!
* Fix spelling
* Add missing then command
* Work better with objects
* After-test fixes
* Also update wiki
* Overhaul
* Make the event more robust
* Fix logic & shorten docs
* Update the Jpn translation for cargo
Update the Japanese translation for cargo
* Add the Jpn translation for hellfire
Add the Japanese translation for hellfire
* Add the Jpn translation for nlaw
Add the Japanese translation for nlaw
* Add the Jpn translation for rearm
Add the Japanese translation for rearm
* Update the Jpn translation for refuel
Update the Japanese translation for refuel
* Update the Jpn translation for repair
Update the Japanese translation for repair
* Update the Jpn translation for zeus
Update the Japanese translation for zeus
* Update the Jpn translation for cargo
Update the Japanese translation for cargo
* Add the Jpn translation for hellfire
Add the Japanese translation for hellfire
* Add the Jpn translation for nlaw
Add the Japanese translation for nlaw
* Add the Jpn translation for rearm
Add the Japanese translation for rearm
* Update the Jpn translation for refuel
Update the Japanese translation for refuel
* Update the Jpn translation for repair
Update the Japanese translation for repair
* Update the Jpn translation for zeus
Update the Japanese translation for zeus
- Add a ace_cargo_space attribute to vehicles to alter how much cargo they can carry.
- Add an ace_cargo_size attribute to objects to alter how much cargo space they consume.
- Add two public functions `fnc_setSize.sqf` and `fnc_setSpace.sqf` to update the cargo size/space respectively of any given object.
- Deprecate cargo makeLoadable module and public function.
- Added some macros to get the space/size of a config, making code more readable in places.
* French translation for the two last entries
* French translation for the last entrie
* French Translation for the first entrie
* correct the spelling error