added missing var init server side
moved playMoveNow to master loop init and after display checks.
added config switch setAnimStateEnabled to test this, set
setAnimStateEnabled = true in CfgEpochClient to enable. Disabled by
all markers now scaled based on sizing desired in the cfgMarkerSets.
Adjustment of 2.25 to the mapScale was added to achieve smaller markers sooner and maintain non cluttered map markers
Allow eating of all seeds
Fixed no effect from nanite injector, nanite cream, nanite pills, iodide
Provide feedback when attempting to use morphine when you dont need it.
when using Default as parent class InteractAction defaults to ammo
repack = 0
interactActions 1,2 ,6,7,8,9 are all do the same thing via
_unifiedInteract function
Add direction lock.
If direction lock it only allows 0 and 180 degrees adjustment.
Will force 90 to 180 an 270 to 0
This keeps all snaps in proper order during tests
logic to select low or high criticalAttributes
forced blood drop if player is hypothermic.
force blood pressure rise if toxicity or radiation is over 55
removed Radiation reduction in master loop so you can only reduce
radiation with treatments
players blood pressure must stay within 11-179 range or be killed.
Only do the marker resizing of core Epoch mod markers since it causes issues with mission markers.
Also shrank the sizes a bit after discussion with @xDrokz
New global marker sets and functions.
Replace all markers for events and locations(fully configurable in CfgMarkerSets)
New MapScale marker zoom feature.
reverted changes to check Nearby
added crafted item count, default is 1. Allows for crafting multiples of
the same item (for example 1 plant in and 2 Seeds out)
added item return after crafting, this allows the smelting tools to be a
recipe requirement that gets refunded to player.