- Added an option to completely disable Simulation for specific Base
- Added Base Parts without animations to this array.
- Removed Base Objects Init (mpAddEventhandler "mpKilled") from
indestructible Base Objects, as it is not needed.
- Moved Dynamicsimulation server side (not needed client side)
- Resorted epochonfig.hpp
All changes are running on our Server without any problems and with a
good performance boost, as the dynamicsimulationhandler has not to
handle a few thousand objects anymore
New global marker sets and functions.
Replace all markers for events and locations(fully configurable in CfgMarkerSets)
New MapScale marker zoom feature.
fix error if EPOCH_playerEnergyMax was nil
another test case for swapBuilding if still not fixed.
removed hitpoints var from heal and godmode as it is not used.
- We no longer spawn antagonists on opening loot containers or trash.
Instead we have the client spawn them from a new weighted array. Note:
Admins can control what AI are spawning by removing from array
(antagonistChances) or setting chance to 0
- moved EPOCH_spawnIndex and EPOCH_spawnLimits to master loop init
instead of both_init as it is only needed client side.
- loot table updates for extra logic condition.
Fully customizable system.
Base system laid out more so as an example.
Client side stat change with optional send to server.
Server side stat change with optional send to client.
Server is backed up with token check if sent from client.
- change a few call compile + callExtension calls to parseSimpleArray +
callExtension as they return arrays.
- allow anti teleport check to be disabled with
antihack_antiTeleportCheck = "false" inside epochah.hpp
- optimized and made EPOCH_server_getRealTime command a normal server