_maxMissionRespawns = -1; // Chage this to either zero for no respawns or a positive number if you want to limit the number of times a mission spawns at the same location
_markerLabel = "";
_markerType = ["ELLIPSE",[150,150],"GRID"];
_markerColor = "";
_markerMissionName = "TODO: Set this to an appropriate name";
_startMsg = "TODO: Change approiately";
_endMsg = "TODO: Change Appropriately";
_markerMissionName = "";
_crateLoot = GMS_BoxLoot_Blue;
_lootCounts = GMS_lootCountsBlue;
_garrisonedBuilding_ATLsystem = [
Dynamic Mission Generated
Using 3DEN Plugin for GMS by Ghostrider
GMS 3DEN Plugin Version 1.1 : Build 16 : Build Date 09/23/23
_maxMissionRespawns = -1; // Chage this to either zero for no respawns or a positive number if you want to limit the number of times a mission spawns at the same location
_markerLabel = "";
_markerType = ["ELLIPSE",[50,50],"FDiagonal"];
_markerColor = "ColorWEST";
_markerMissionName = "TODO: Set this to an appropriate name";
_startMsg = "TODO: Change approiately";
_endMsg = "TODO: Change Appropriately";
_markerMissionName = "";
_crateLoot = GMS_BoxLoot_Blue;
_lootCounts = GMS_lootCountsBlue;
Dynamic Mission Generated
Using 3DEN Plugin for GMS by Ghostrider
GMS 3DEN Plugin Version 1.1 : Build 16 : Build Date 09/23/23
_maxMissionRespawns = -1; // Chage this to either zero for no respawns or a positive number if you want to limit the number of times a mission spawns at the same location
_markerLabel = "any";
_markerType = ["ELLIPSE",[50,50],"FDiagonal"];
_markerColor = "ColorWEST";
_markerMissionName = "TODO: Set this to an appropriate name";