Added: BK-12 shotgun in Tier 1 civilian spawns and its sawed off variant (crafted)
Added: SSG-82 rifle into police spawns across the whole map with a random magazine chance
Added: Blowtorch into generic industrial spawns
Added: GPS receiver into military and hunting spawns across the whole map
Added: Vanilla black plate carrier into random attachment spawns of NAC soldier infected (rare spawn)
Added: Vanilla olive plate carrier into random attachment spawns of RU soldier infected (rare spawn)
Added: Vanilla camo plate carrier into random attachment spawns of standard soldier infected (rare spawn)
Added: Colour variants of all plate carrier holster and pouches and rebalanced the count
Added: Improvised eye patch (crafted)
Added: M1025 multipurpose vehicle, can spawn in several military locations (regular)
Added: M1025 wheels into industrial and military spawns (regular)
Added: Glowplug into industrial and military spawns (regular)
Added: A chance for the spare wheel to appear on civilian vehicles (regular)
Changed: Items will now not respawn if a player is closer than 200 meters from a building
Changed: All items (with few exceptions) are now spawning in a random condition (from pristine to badly damaged)
Tweaked: Reduced chance for finding the vanilla tan plate carrier on US soldier infected
Tweaked: Lowered the amount of BK-43 shotguns
Tweaked: Changed the format of attachment randomization for vehicle parts (regular)
Fixed: An error message about missing "cfgeventgroups.xml" (Namalsk does not use event groups, but added an empty file)
Removed: Plate carrier holster from the police spawns
Added: Content of Update 3 (new items and lore)
Added: Tier 7 (Lantia - outside of Keyhole)
Added: Variety of standard items with dzn_ prefix to exclusively populate Lantia
Changed: Moved VSD into Tier 5 (Athena-3), magazine into Tier 4,5
Changed: Moved SVAL into Tier 4, magazine into Tier 4
Changed: Increased number of firearms that can spawn within Athena-2 facility
Changed: Moved M4-A1 and AUR AX into Tier 7 (Lantia)
Changed: Moved KA-M drum, 60rnd Standardized, 40rnd MAG-C and 45rnd KA-74 magazines into Tier 6,7 (Lantia)
Changed: Eastern and western suppressors moved into Tier 6,7 (Lantia)
Changed: Moved AUR A1 into Tier 5 (Athena-3)
Changed: Random military ammo spawn in clothing and infected can now also spawn 9x39 ammo piles and boxes
Changed: Black plate carrier moved into Tier 5 (Athena-3) with lowered attachment chances
Changed: Black plate carrier attachments are now part of the world spawns (Tier 5)
Changed: Surge module moved into Tier 7 (Lantia)
Changed: Extender module moved into Tier 3 (Phoenix)
Changed: Increased range of global damage, dealt by CE to the types within cfgspawnabletypes definition
Tweaked: PO-X 40mm grenade moved into Tier 6,7 (Lantia)
Fixed: Forgotten entries for crafted sawed-off guns (Revolver and Blaze) (regular)
Fixed: Some car parts did not have a loot category (causing spawns in weird places) (regular)
Added: AUR A1 with a guaranteed magazine spawn into Tier 4
Added: AUR AX with a guaranteed magazine spawn into Tier 5
Added: 30rnd AUR magazine into Tier 4
Added: Hunter vest into hunting spawn points
Added: cfgweather.xml configuration file (replaces the original init.c weather setup)
Added: land_observatory_spawn and land_portalcage_spawn (invisible objects) expanding loot spawn points in Lantia (allowing for bigger items to be spawned in Tier 6)
Added: Tire repair kit into hardcore setup
Added: Christmas event (disabled for now)
Changed: Updated map cluster and map pos files to support latest version of Namalsk
Tweaked: re-named effect area json file to all lower-case
Fixed: Invalid spawn point at land_hiluxT wreck
Fixed: Invalid spawn point on a stove inside village house 1w04
Fixed: Invalid spawn point on a bmp1 wreck
Removed: Incorrect secondary spawner settings for StaticMedDrop
Removed: Legacy waves parameter from events
Tweaked: Swapped Mag_STANAGCoupled_30Rnd for Mag_STANAG_60Rnd as random cargo spawn
Tweaked: Increased the lifetime for all hunting traps
Fixed: Player could sometime spawn without disinfected rags
Fixed: Swapped min and nominal value for Machete
Added: New lore items into the world spawns
Added: Tier 6 (dedicated only for smaller items for now)
Added: NAC plate carrier with all the attachments into Tier 6
Added: Chance of NAC ballistic vest spawn on NAC infected
Fixed: Wrong suppressor spawn for CR-61 (there was a chance for the KA suppressor, not the pistol one)
Tweaked: (hardcore) lowered number of weapon attachments and medical
Removed: DexamphetamineTablets pills from cfgrandompresets.xml
Removed: cz550 def from cfgspawnabletypes.xml (was my experimental
Removed: (regular) spawn of hunting vest
Removed: (hardcore) combo locks and barbed wire from spawns
Removed: (hardcore) power generator, spotlight, cable reel and truck
battery from spawns
Removed: (hardcore) vehicle defs from cfgspawnabletypes