Tweaked: Updated mapgrouppos and mapgroupcluster to reflect some recent
bugfixes in Namalsk Island update
Tweaked: Freshspawn gear now includes 4 disinfected rags (previously
only 2)
Added: New lore items into the world spawns
Added: Tier 6 (dedicated only for smaller items for now)
Added: NAC plate carrier with all the attachments into Tier 6
Added: Chance of NAC ballistic vest spawn on NAC infected
Fixed: Wrong suppressor spawn for CR-61 (there was a chance for the KA suppressor, not the pistol one)
Added: M16-A2 assault rifle into military Tier 3,4 spawns
Added: 45 round KA-74 magazine into military Tier 3,4 spawns
Added: 60 round STANAG magazine into military Tier 5 spawns
Added: ATOG 6x48 Scope into military spawns and as rare spawn on Pioneer
Added: Crude and Oriental machete into civilian and farm spawns
Added: Tincture of iodine into medical spawns
Added: Officer infected into military infected spawns
Changed: Fresh spawn gear now includes two disinfected rags (previously 4 unclean)
Tweaked: Lowered number of normal machete in the world
Tweaked: Slightly increased chance of a scope spawning on Pioneer
Tweaked: Reduced max random quantity of pills in the vitamin bottle
Tweaked: Adjusted military infected spawn chances
Removed: Coupled STANAG magazine from spawns
Added: Pioneer rifle into police loot spawns (rare spawn)
Added: New (frozen) food items
Added: Farming Hoe, Broom and Sickle tools into spawns
Added: Rare Fange and Kukri knives into hunting spawns (rare spawn)
Changed: Rebalanced distribution of the existing food items (to
accomodate for the new food items)
Changed: Slightly increased number of land mines on the map
Fixed: Missing CE definition for the opened variants of all frozen foods