This parameter is a weird one. With the abstraction of requests from
the underlying websocket protocol, there theoretically should be no
need to ignore invalid messages, because the implementation of the
low-level protocol on clients should be solid, with the requests
themselves not being fatal to the session.
As such, I consider this to be feature bloat, with lots of messy code
attributed to it.
We were previously storing config values in the WebSocketServer class
itself, in a weak attempt at modularity. It's better to give up on that
idea and just get it from the Config object itself.
- Removes the `isGroup` boolean field from the scene object, and does
not include any groups in the returned array.
- Reintroduces ordered results. Previous versions used a method which
did not return the scene list in the same order as the UI. This change
also means that this request is more susceptible to crashing OBS if
called during a scene collection change.
- Adds the `sceneIndex` number to the scene object. 0 being the bottom
of the scene list, just like in other requests like `GetSceneItemList`.
More docs-related commits will follow, but this needs to be merged in order to continue with other development.
* Docs: Overhaul docs generator (beginning)
* docs: Rename comments file
* docs: Move comments gitignore
* docs: Initial request documentation
* docs: Improvements to comment processing
* docs: More improvements
* docs: Add enum functionality for protocol.json
* WebSocketServer: Document enums
* RequestHandler: Document RequestStatus enum
* Base: Move ObsWebSocketRequestBatchExecutionType to its own file
Moves it to its own file, renaming it to `RequestBatchExecutionType`.
Changes the RPC to use integer values for selecting execution type
instead of strings.
* docs: Update introduction header
Removes the enum section, and documents RequestBatchExecutionType.
* WebSocketCloseCode: Shuffle a bit
* Base: Use `field` instead of `key` or `parameter` in most places
* RequestStatus: Mild shuffle
It was really bothering me that OutputPaused and OutputNotPaused
had to be separated, so we're breaking it while we're breaking
other stuff.
* docs: Delete old files
They may be added back in some form, but for now I'm getting them
out of the way.
* docs: Add enum identifier value
Forgot to add this before, oops
* docs: Document more enums
* docs: Add basic generator
* docs: More work on MD generator
* docs: MD generator should be finished now
* docs: More fixes
* docs: More fixes
* docs: More tweaks + add readme
* docs: Update readme and add inputs docs
* docs: More documentation
This is probably one of the most requested features for obs-websocket.
This currently works by firing an event to all explicit subscribers
with an array of all active audio sources every **60 milliseconds.**
The `inputLevelsMul` field follows this data format:
Base: [Channel, Channel]
Channel: [magnitude (mul), peak (mul), input_peak (mul)]
*Not Muted* *Muted*
Example: [[0.3, 0.5, 0.9], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]
(input_peak is the actual peak value, before volume adjustment.)
You may notice that the values are only in mul. This is because we are
trying to cut down on bandwidth. dB values can be calculated using this
`dB = 20.0 * log10(mul)`
obs-studio's LOG_DEBUG setting only works in very specific
circumstances, which is why we implement our own debug logging. This
will help a lot of code cleanup.
- Implements a WIP ObsWebSocketApi, for obs-websocket-api.h. Events are
finished, but requests are not.
- Some logging improvements
- A bit of code cleanup around the plugin
- Adds variables to execution types SERIAL_REALTIME and SERIAL_FRAME
- Pass by reference where copy is unnecessary
- Start WebSocket server after OBS finishes loading instead of on
plugin load
Crashes can occur if there is no current program scene. Currently
caused by connecting to obs-websocket and calling `GetSceneList`
before OBS has actually finished loading.
A new `executionType` field has been added to the `RequestBatch` Op
Types added:
- Same as how request batches have always worked.
- Requests are processed in-order
- Requests are processed as soon as possible by one worker thread
- The `Sleep` request blocks execution for a specified amount of real
world time
- New!
- Requests are processed in-order
- Requests are processed on the graphics thread. BE VERY CAREFUL NOT
of thumb is for your request batches to take a maximum of 2ms per
frame of processing.
- Requests processing starts right before the next frame is composited.
This functionality is perfect for things like `SetSceneItemTransform`
- The `Sleep` request will halt processing of the request batch for
a specified number of frames (ticks)
- To be clear: If you do not have any sleep requests, all requests in
the batch will be processed in the span of a single frame
- For developers: The execution of requests gets profiled by the OBS
profiler under the `obs-websocket-request-batch-frame-tick` name.
This value (shown in the OBS log after OBS shutdown) represents the
amount of time that the graphics thread spent actively processing
requests per frame. This tool can be used to determine the amount of
load that your request batches are placing on the graphics thread.
- New!
- Requests are processed asynchronously at the soonest possible time.
- Requests are processed by the core obs-websocket thread pool, where
the number of workers == the number of threads on your machine.
- If you have 12 threads on your machine, obs-websocket will be able
to process 12 requests at any given moment.
- The `results` array is populated by order of request completion.
Consider the order to be random.
- The `Sleep` request will return an error if attempted to be used in
this mode.
- Note: This feature is experimental and can increase the chances of
causing race conditions (crashes). While the implementation is fully
thread-safe, OBS itself is not. Usage of this is only recommended if
you are processing very large batches and need the performance benefit.
- Example use case: Performing `SaveSourceScreenshot` on 8 sources
at once.
I realized that it was not entirely fair to expect users to fetch a
scene's item list, then search the list on the client in order to find
an item ID, so this is a compromise. This will also help developers
move from the 4.x scene item functionality to 5.x's
Operating on scene items by relying on source name can be dangerous
and in some cases exhibit what would be considered undefinied behavior.
Operating on scene items using IDs is best practice.
QCloseEvent is the wrong event to use here. If the `Ok` button is
pressed for example, QCloseEvent is not emitted. QHideEvent is
always called when the dialog is hidden.
Fixes these things:
- Websocket password is not generated if FirstLoad and overridden
- Save generated password immediately if FirstLoad
- Do not generate new password if FirstLoad and password already exists
- More logging
- Merge WebSocketProtocol into WebSocketServer
- Having them separated was not doing anything productive
- Request: Move SessionPtr to RequestHandler
- Less copying to do for batch requests
- Fully modularize EventHandler
- Make BroadcastEvent a stored callback that WebSocketServer sets
- Return early on high volume events to avoid unnecessary compute
- These events will only generate a json object when it is actually
As discussed in the #development channel in discord
- Switch from using message types to integer op codes
- Consolidate op-specific keys into `d` sub-object
- Shorten low-level payload keys from `messageType` to `op`, add `d`
Other changes:
- The WebSocketCloseCode enum has been refactored. It's best to just
treat it like it's new
- Some performance benefits came along the way. Nothing gamechanging,
but notable
- Various bug fixes discovered while refactoring
obs_queue_task is set to wait, so there is no need to create our
bool on the stack, as it should never go out of scope when the task
is run. Additionally, the old way didn't actually work anyway.