Fixing jungle.

This commit is contained in:
Joshua Yanovski 2019-08-21 20:41:32 +02:00
parent 8c644e2bb1
commit 05d501632e
4 changed files with 325 additions and 256 deletions

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@ -256,6 +256,11 @@ impl<'a> Sampler for ColumnGen<'a> {
Rgb::new(0.01, 0.3, 0.0),
let dead_tundra = Lerp::lerp(
Rgb::new(0.05, 0.05, 0.1),
let cliff = Rgb::lerp(cold_stone, warm_stone, marble);
let grass = Rgb::lerp(cold_grass, warm_grass, marble.powf(1.5).powf(1.0.sub(humidity)));
@ -264,19 +269,26 @@ impl<'a> Sampler for ColumnGen<'a> {
let rainforest = Rgb::lerp(wet_grass, warm_grass, marble.powf(1.5).powf(1.0.sub(humidity)));
let sand = Rgb::lerp(beach_sand, desert_sand, marble);
let tropical = Rgb::lerp(
Rgb::new(0.15, 0.2, 0.15),
Rgb::new(0.87, 0.62, 0.56),
// For below desert humidity, we are always sand or rock, depending on altitude and
// temperature.
let ground = Rgb::lerp(
alt.sub(CONFIG.mountain_scale * 0.25).div(CONFIG.mountain_scale * 0.125)

View File

@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ pub struct Config {
pub const CONFIG: Config = Config {
sea_level: 140.0,
mountain_scale: 1000.0,
snow_temp: -0.4,
snow_temp: -0.6,
tropical_temp: 0.2,
desert_temp: 0.45,
desert_hum: 0.2,
desert_temp: 0.6,
desert_hum: 0.15,
forest_hum: 0.5,
jungle_hum: 0.8,
jungle_hum: 0.85,

View File

@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
#![feature(const_generics, euclidean_division, bind_by_move_pattern_guards, option_flattening)]
mod all;
mod block;

View File

@ -39,27 +39,171 @@ pub const WORLD_SIZE: Vec2<usize> = Vec2 { x: 1024, y: 1024 };
/// If the precondition is met, the distribution of the result of calling this function will be
/// uniformly distributed while preserving the same information that was in the original average.
/// NOTE: For N > 33 the function will no longer return correct results since we will overflow u32.
/// For N > 33 the function will no longer return correct results since we will overflow u32.
/// NOTE:
/// Per [1], the problem of determing the CDF of
/// the sum of uniformly distributed random variables over *different* ranges is considerably more
/// complicated than it is for the same-range case. Fortunately, it also provides a reference to
/// [2], which contains a complete derivation of an exact rule for the density function for
/// this case. The CDF is just the integral of the cumulative distribution function [3],
/// which we use to convert this into a CDF formula.
/// This allows us to sum weighted, uniform, independent random variables.
/// At some point, we should probably contribute this back to stats-rs.
/// 1.,
/// 2. Sadooghi-Alvandi, S., A. Nematollahi, & R. Habibi, 2009.
/// On the Distribution of the Sum of Independent Uniform Random Variables.
/// Statistical Papers, 50, 171-175.
/// 3. h
fn cdf_irwin_hall<const N : usize>(weights: &[f32; N], samples: [f32; N]) -> f32 {
// Take the average of the weights
// (to scale the weights down so their sum is in the (0..=N) range).
let avg = weights.iter().sum::<f32>() / N as f32;
// Take the sum.
// Let J_k = {(j_1, ... , j_k) : 1 ≤ j_1 < j_2 < ··· < j_k ≤ N }.
// Let A_N = Π{k = 1 to n}a_k.
// The density function for N ≥ 2 is:
// 1/(A_N * (N - 1)!) * (x^(N-1) + Σ{k = 1 to N}((-1)^k *
// Σ{(j_1, ..., j_k) ∈ J_k}(max(0, x - Σ{l = 1 to k}(a_(j_l)))^(N - 1))))
// So the cumulative distribution function is its integral, i.e. (I think)
// 1/(product{k in A}(k) * N!) * (x^N + sum(k in 1 to N)((-1)^k *
// sum{j in Subsets[A, {k}]}(max(0, x - sum{l in j}(l))^N)))
// which is also equivalent to
// (letting B_k = { a in Subsets[A, {k}] : sum {l in a} l }, B_(0,1) = 0 and
// H_k = { i : 1 ≤ 1 ≤ N! / (k! * (N - k)!) })
// 1/(product{k in A}(k) * N!) * sum(k in 0 to N)((-1)^k *
// sum{l in H_k}(max(0, x - B_(k,l))^N))
// We should be able to iterate through the whole power set
// instead, and figure out K by calling count_ones(), so we can compute the result in O(2^N)
// iterations.
let x : f32 =
weights.iter().zip(samples.iter()).map(|(weight, sample)| weight / avg * sample).sum();
// CDF = 1 / N! * Σ{k = 0 to floor(x)} ((-1)^k (N choose k) (x - k) ^ N)
let mut binom = 1; // (-1)^0 * (n choose 0) = 1 * 1 = 1
let mut y = x.powi(N as i32); // 1 * (x - 0)^N = x ^N
// 1..floor(x)
for k in (1..=x.floor() as i32) {
// (-1)^k (N choose k) = ((-1)^(k-1) (N choose (k - 1))) * -(N + 1 - k) / k for k ≥ 1.
binom *= -(N as i32 + 1 - k) / k;
y += binom as f32 * (x - k as f32).powi(N as i32);
weights.iter().zip(samples.iter()).map(|(weight, sample)| weight * sample).sum();
let mut y = 0.0f32;
for subset in (0u32..(1 << N)) {
// Number of set elements
let k = subset.count_ones();
// Add together exactly the set elements to get B_subset
let z = weights.iter()
.filter( |(i, _)| subset & (1 << i) as u32 != 0)
.map(|(_, k)| k)
// Compute max(0, x - B_subset)^N
let z = (x - z).max(0.0).powi(N as i32);
// The parity of k determines whether the sum is negated.
y += if k & 1 == 0 { z } else { -z };
// Divide by the product of the weights.
y /= weights.iter().product::<f32>();
// Remember to multiply by 1 / N! at the end.
y / (1..=N as i32).product::<i32>() as f32
/// First component of each element of the vector is the computed CDF of the noise function at this
/// index (i.e. its position in a sorted list of value returned by the noise function applied to
/// every chunk in the game). Second component is the cached value of the noise function that
/// generated the index.
type InverseCdf = Box<[(f32, f32); WORLD_SIZE.x * WORLD_SIZE.y]>;
/// Computes the position Vec2 of a SimChunk from an index, where the index was generated by
/// uniform_noise.
fn uniform_idx_as_vec2(idx: usize) -> Vec2<i32> {
Vec2::new((idx / WORLD_SIZE.x) as i32, (idx % WORLD_SIZE.x) as i32)
/// Compute inverse cumulative distribution function for arbitrary function f, the hard way. We
/// pre-generate noise values prior to worldgen, then sort them in order to determine the correct
/// position in the sorted order. That lets us use `(index + 1) / (WORLDSIZE.y * WORLDSIZE.x)` as
/// a uniformly distributed (from almost-0 to 1) regularization of the chunks. That is, if we
/// apply the computed "function" F⁻¹(x, y) to (x, y) and get out p, it means that approximately
/// (100 * p)% of chunks have a lower value for F⁻¹ than p. The main purpose of doing this is to
/// make sure we are using the entire range we want, and to allow us to apply the numerous results
/// about distributions on uniform functions to the procedural noise we generate, which lets us
/// much more reliably control the *number* of features in the world while still letting us play
/// with the *shape* of those features, without having arbitrary cutoff points / discontinuities
/// (which tend to produce ugly-looking / unnatural terrain).
/// As a concrete example, before doing this it was very hard to tweak humidity so that either most
/// of the world wasn't dry, or most of it wasn't wet, by combining the billow noise function and
/// the computed altitude. This is because the billow noise function has a very unusual
/// distribution that is heavily skewed towards 0. By correcting for this tendency, we can start
/// with uniformly distributed billow noise and altitudes and combine them to get uniformly
/// distributed humidity, while still preserving the existing shapes that the billow noise and
/// altitude functions produce.
/// f takes an index, which represents the index corresponding to this chunk in any any SimChunk
/// vector returned by uniform_noise, and (for convenience) the float-translated version of those
/// coordinates.
/// f should return a value with no NaNs. If there is a NaN, it will panic. There are no other
/// conditions on f.
/// Returns a vec of (f32, f32) pairs consisting of the percentage of chunks with a value lower than
/// this one, and the actual noise value (we don't need to cache it, but it makes ensuring that
/// subsequent code that needs the noise value actually uses the same one we were using here
/// easier).
fn uniform_noise(f: impl Fn(usize, Vec2<f64>) -> f32) -> InverseCdf {
let mut noise = (0..WORLD_SIZE.x * WORLD_SIZE.y)
.map(|i| (
(uniform_idx_as_vec2(i) *|e| e as i32)).map(|e| e as f64))
// sort_unstable_by is equivalent to sort_by here since we include the index in the
// comparison. We could leave out the index, but this might make the order not
// reproduce the same way between different versions of Rust (for example).
noise.sort_unstable_by(|f, g| (f.1, f.0).partial_cmp(&(g.1, g.0)).unwrap());
// Construct a vector that associates each chunk position with the 1-indexed
// position of the noise in the sorted vector (divided by the vector length).
// This guarantees a uniform distribution among the samples.
let mut uniform_noise = box [(0.0, 0.0); WORLD_SIZE.x * WORLD_SIZE.y];
let total = (WORLD_SIZE.x * WORLD_SIZE.y) as f32;
for (noise_idx, (chunk_idx, noise_val)) in noise.into_iter().enumerate() {
uniform_noise[chunk_idx] = ((1 + noise_idx) as f32 / total, noise_val);
/// Calculates the smallest distance along an axis (x, y) from an edge of
/// the world. This value is maximal at WORLD_SIZE / 2 and minimized at the extremes
/// (0 or WORLD_SIZE on one or more axes). It then divides the quantity by cell_size,
/// so the final result is 1 when we are not in a cell along the edge of the world, and
/// ranges between 0 and 1 otherwise (lower when the chunk is closer to the edge).
fn map_edge_factor(posi: usize) -> f32 {
.map2(|e| e as i32), |e, sz| {
(sz / 2 - (e - sz / 2).abs()) as f32 / 16.0
struct GenCdf {
hill: InverseCdf,
humid_base: InverseCdf,
// humid_small: InverseCdf,
temp_base: InverseCdf,
alt_base: InverseCdf,
chaos_pre: InverseCdf,
alt_main: InverseCdf,
alt_pre: InverseCdf,
pub(crate) struct GenCtx {
pub turb_x_nz: SuperSimplex,
pub turb_y_nz: SuperSimplex,
@ -137,11 +281,116 @@ impl WorldSim {
// From 0 to 1.6, but the distribution before the max is from -1 and 1, so there is a 50%
// chance that hill will end up at 0.
let hill = uniform_noise(|_, wposf| (0.0
+ gen_ctx
.mul(1.0) as f32
+ gen_ctx
.mul(0.3) as f32)
// 0 to 1, hopefully.
let humid_base = uniform_noise(
|_, wposf| (gen_ctx.humid_nz.get(wposf.div(1024.0).into_array()) as f32)
/* // Small amount of uniform noise to add to humidity.
let humid_small = uniform_noise(
|_, wposf| (gen_ctx.small_nz.get((wposf.div(500.0)).into_array()) as f32)
.add(0.5)); */
// -1 to 1.
let temp_base = uniform_noise(
|_, wposf| (gen_ctx.temp_nz.get((wposf.div(12000.0)).into_array()) as f32)
// "Base" of the chunk, to be multiplied by CONFIG.mountain_scale (multiplied value is
// from -0.25 * (CONFIG.mountain_scale * 1.1) to 0.25 * (CONFIG.mountain_scale * 0.9),
// but value here is from -0.275 to 0.225).
let alt_base = uniform_noise(
|_, wposf| (gen_ctx.alt_nz.get((wposf.div(12_000.0)).into_array()) as f32)
// chaos produces a value in [0.1, 1.24]. It is a meta-level factor intended to reflect how
// "chaotic" the region is--how much weird stuff is going on on this terrain.
// First, we calculate chaos_pre, which is chaos with no filter and no temperature
// flattening (so it is between [0, 1.24] instead of [0.1, 1.24]. This is used to break
// the cyclic dependency between temperature and altitude (altitude relies on chaos, which
// relies on temperature, but we also want temperature to rely on altitude. We recompute
// altitude with the temperature incorporated after we figure out temperature).
let chaos_pre = uniform_noise(
|posi, wposf| (gen_ctx.chaos_nz.get((wposf.div(3_000.0)).into_array()) as f32)
// [0, 1] * [0.25, 1] = [0, 1] (but probably towards the lower end)
(gen_ctx.chaos_nz.get((wposf.div(6_000.0)).into_array()) as f32)
// Chaos is always increased by a little when we're on a hill (but remember that
// hill is 0 about 50% of the time).
// [0, 1] + 0.15 * [0, 1.6] = [0, 1.24]
.add(0.15 * hill[posi].1));
// This is the extension upwards from the base added to some extra noise from -1 to 1.
// The extra noise is multiplied by alt_main (the mountain part of the extension) clamped to
// be between 0.25 and 1, and made 60% larger (so the extra noise is between -1.6 and 1.6,
// and the final noise is never more than 160% or less than 40% of the original noise,
// depending on altitude).
// Adding this to alt_main thus yields a value between -0.4 (if alt_main = 0 and
// gen_ctx = -1) and 2.6 (if alt_main = 1 and gen_ctx = 1). When the generated small_nz
// value hits -0.625 the value crosses 0, so most of the points are above 0.
// Then, we add 1 and divide by 2 to get a value between 0.3 and 1.8.
let alt_main = uniform_noise(|posi, wposf| {
// Extension upwards from the base. A positive number from 0 to 1 curved to be maximal
// at 0. Also to be multiplied by CONFIG.mountain_scale.
let alt_main = (gen_ctx.alt_nz.get((wposf.div(2_000.0)).into_array()) as f32)
+ alt_main
+ (gen_ctx.small_nz.get((wposf.div(300.0)).into_array()) as f32)
// We ignore sea level because we actually want to be relative to sea level here and want
// things in CONFIG.mountain_scale units, and we are using the version of chaos that doesn't
// know about temperature. Otherwise, this is a correct altitude calculation.
let alt_pre = uniform_noise(|posi, _|
(alt_base[posi].1 + alt_main[posi].1.mul(chaos_pre[posi].1.max(0.1)))
let gen_cdf = GenCdf {
// humid_small,
let mut chunks = Vec::new();
for x in 0..WORLD_SIZE.x as i32 {
for y in 0..WORLD_SIZE.y as i32 {
chunks.push(SimChunk::generate(Vec2::new(x, y), &mut gen_ctx));
for i in 0..WORLD_SIZE.x * WORLD_SIZE.y {
chunks.push(SimChunk::generate(i, &mut gen_ctx, &gen_cdf));
let mut this = Self {
@ -378,22 +627,11 @@ pub struct LocationInfo {
impl SimChunk {
fn generate(pos: Vec2<i32>, gen_ctx: &mut GenCtx) -> Self {
fn generate(posi: usize, gen_ctx: &mut GenCtx, gen_cdf: &GenCdf) -> Self {
let pos = uniform_idx_as_vec2(posi);
let wposf = (pos *|e| e as i32)).map(|e| e as f64);
// From 0 to 1.6, but the distribution before the max is from -1 and 1, so there is a 50%
// chance that hill will end up at 0.
let hill = (0.0
+ gen_ctx
.mul(1.0) as f32
+ gen_ctx
.mul(0.3) as f32)
let (_, hill) = gen_cdf.hill[posi];
// FIXME: Currently unused, but should represent fresh groundwater level.
// Should be correlated a little with humidity, somewhat negatively with altitude,
@ -411,199 +649,38 @@ impl SimChunk {
) as f32;
// "Base" of the chunk, to be multiplied by CONFIG.mountain_scale (multiplied value is
// from -0.25 * (CONFIG.mountain_scale * 1.1) to 0.25 * (CONFIG.mountain_scale * 0.9),
// but value here is from -0.275 to 0.225).
let alt_base_pre = (gen_ctx.alt_nz.get((wposf.div(12_000.0)).into_array()) as f32);
let alt_base = alt_base_pre
// Extension upwards from the base. A positive number from 0 to 1 curved to be maximal at
// 0.
let alt_main_pre = (gen_ctx.alt_nz.get((wposf.div(2_000.0)).into_array()) as f32);
let alt_main = alt_main_pre
// Calculates the smallest distance along an axis (x, y) from an edge of
// the world. This value is maximal at WORLD_SIZE / 2 and minimized at the extremes
// (0 or WORLD_SIZE on one or more axes). It then divides the quantity by cell_size,
// so the final result is 1 when we are not in a cell along the edge of the world, and
// ranges between 0 and 1 otherwise (lower when the chunk is closer to the edge).
let map_edge_factor = pos
.map2(|e| e as i32), |e, sz| {
(sz / 2 - (e - sz / 2).abs()) as f32 / 16.0
// chaos produces a value in [0.1, 1.24]. It is a meta-level factor intended to reflect how
// "chaotic" the region is--how much weird stuff is going on on this terrain.
// First, we calculate chaos_pre, which is chaos with no filter and no temperature
// flattening (so it is between [0, 1.24] instead of [0.1, 1.24]. This is used to break
// the cyclic dependency between temperature and altitude (altitude relies on chaos, which
// relies on temperature, but we also want temperature to rely on altitude. We recompute
// altitude with the temperature incorporated after we figure out temperature).
let chaos_pre = (gen_ctx.chaos_nz.get((wposf.div(3_000.0)).into_array()) as f32)
// [0, 1] * [0.25, 1] = [0, 1] (but probably towards the lower end)
(gen_ctx.chaos_nz.get((wposf.div(6_000.0)).into_array()) as f32)
// Chaos is always increased by a little when we're on a hill (but remember that hill
// is 0 about 50% of the time).
// [0, 1] + 0.15 * [0, 1.6] = [0, 1.24]
.add(0.15 * hill);
// This is the extension upwards from the base added to some extra noise from -1 to 1.
// The extra noise is multiplied by alt_main (the base part of the extension) clamped to
// be between 0.25 and 1, and made 60% larger (so the extra noise is between -1.6 and 1.6,
// and the final noise is never more than 160% or less than 40% of the original noise,
// depending on altitude).
// Adding this to alt_main thus yields a value between -0.4 (if alt_main = 0 and
// gen_ctx = -1) and 2.6 (if alt_main = 1 and gen_ctx = 1). When the generated small_nz
// value hits -0.625 the value crosses 0, so most of the points are above 0.
// Then, we add 1 and divide by 2 to get a value between 0.3 and 1.8.
let alt_pre = (0.0
+ alt_main
+ (gen_ctx.small_nz.get((wposf.div(300.0)).into_array()) as f32)
// 0 to 1, hopefully.
let humid_base =
(gen_ctx.humid_nz.get(wposf.div(1024.0).into_array()) as f32)
as f32;
// Ideally, humidity is correlated negatively with altitude and slightly positively with
// dryness. For now we just do "negatively with altitude." We currently opt not to have
// it affected by temperature. Negative humidity is lower, positive humidity is higher.
// Because we want to start at 0, rise, and then saturate at 1, we use a cumulative logistic
// distribution, calculated as:
// 1/2 + 1/2 * tanh((x - μ) / (2s))
// where x is the random variable (altitude relative to sea level without mountain
// scaling), μ is the altitude where humidity should be at its midpoint (currently set to 0.125),
// and s is the scale parameter proportional to the standard deviation σ of the humidity
// function of altitude (s = √3/π * σ). Currently we set σ to -0.0625, so we get ~ 68% of
// the variation due to altitude between .0625 * mountain_scale above sea level and
// 0.1875 * mountain_scale above sea level (it is negative to make the distribution higher when
// the altitude is lower).
let humid_alt_sigma = -0.0625;
let humid_alt_2s = 3.0f32.sqrt().mul(f32::consts::FRAC_2_PI).mul(humid_alt_sigma);
let humid_alt_mu = 0.125;
// We ignore sea level because we actually want to be relative to sea level here and want
// things in CONFIG.mountain_scale units, and we are using the version of chaos that doesn't
// know about temperature. Otherwise, this is a correct altitude calculation.
let humid_alt_pre = (alt_base + alt_pre.mul(chaos_pre.max(0.1))) * map_edge_factor;
let humid_alt = humid_alt_pre
// The log-logistic distribution (a variable whose logarithm has a logistic distribution) is often
// used to model stream flow rates and precipitation as a tractable analogue of a log-normal
// distribution. We use it here for humidity.
// Specifically, we treat altitude
// For a log-logistic distribution, you have
// X = e^
// where α is a scale parameter (the median of the distribution, where μ = ln(α)), β is a
// shape parameter related to the standard deviation (s = 1 / β)
// Start with e^(altitude difference) to get values in (0, 1) for low altitudes (-∞, e) and
// in [1, ∞) for high altitudes [e, ∞).
// The produced variable is in a log-normal distribution (that is, X's *logarithm* is
// normally distributed).
// A log-logistic distribution represents the probability distribution of a random variable
// whose logarithm has a logistic distribution.
// That is, ln X varies smoothly from 0 to 1 along an S-curve.
// Now we can
// 1 to
// for high.
// We want negative values for altitude to represent
// e^-2
// (alt mag)^(climate mag)
// (2)^(-1)
let (_, alt_base) = gen_cdf.alt_base[posi];
let map_edge_factor = map_edge_factor(posi);
let (_, chaos_pre) = gen_cdf.chaos_pre[posi];
let (_, alt_pre) = gen_cdf.alt_main[posi];
let (humid_base, _) = gen_cdf.humid_base[posi];
let (alt_uniform, _) = gen_cdf.alt_pre[posi];
// let (humid_small, _) = gen_cdf.humid_small[posi];
// Take the weighted average of our randomly generated base humidity, the scaled
// negative altitude, and other random variable (to add some noise) to yield the
// final humidity.
const WEIGHTS : [f32; 4] = [3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0];
// final humidity. Note that we are using the "old" version of chaos here.
const HUMID_WEIGHTS : [f32; 2] = [1.0, 1.0/*, 0.5*/];
let humidity = cdf_irwin_hall(
(gen_ctx.small_nz.get((wposf.div(500.0)).into_array()) as f32)
/* // Now we just take a (currently) unweighted average of our randomly generated base humidity
// (from scaled to be from 0 to 1) and our randomly generated "base" humidity. We can
// adjust this weighting factor as desired.
let humid_weight = 3.0;
let humid_alt_weight = 1.0;
let humidity =
// Adds some noise to the humidity effect of altitude to dampen it.
.mul((gen_ctx.small_nz.get((wposf.div(500.0)).into_array()) as f32)
.div(humid_weight + humid_alt_weight); */
1.0 - alt_uniform,
// humid_small
let temp_base =
gen_ctx.temp_nz.get((wposf.div(12000.0)).into_array()) as f32;
// We also correlate temperature negatively with altitude using a different computed factor
// that we use for humidity (and with different weighting). We could definitely make the
// distribution different for temperature as well.
let temp_alt_sigma = -0.0625;
let temp_alt_2s = 3.0f32.sqrt().mul(f32::consts::FRAC_2_PI).mul(temp_alt_sigma);
let temp_alt_mu = 0.0625;
// Scaled to [-1, 1] already.
let temp_alt = humid_alt_pre
let temp_weight = 2.0;
let temp_alt_weight = 1.0;
let temp =
.div(temp_weight + temp_alt_weight);
let (temp_base, _) = gen_cdf.temp_base[posi];
// We also correlate temperature negatively with altitude using different weighting than we
// use for humidity.
const TEMP_WEIGHTS: [f32; 2] = [2.0, 1.0];
let temp = cdf_irwin_hall(
1.0 - alt_uniform,
// Convert to [-1, 1]
// Now, we finish the computation of chaos incorporating temperature information, producing
// a value in [0.1, 1.24].
@ -643,9 +720,9 @@ impl SimChunk {
// Tree density should go (by a lot) with humidity.
.powf(1.0 - humidity)
// No trees in the ocean (currently), no trees in true deserts.
.mul(if alt > CONFIG.sea_level + 5.0 && humidity > CONFIG.desert_hum {
@ -654,31 +731,6 @@ impl SimChunk {
// let humid_normal = InverseGamma::new(4.0, 0.1).unwrap();
// let humid_normal = LogNormal::new(0.0, 0.1).unwrap();
let humid_normal = Gamma::new(1.0, 0.5).unwrap();
// let humid_normal = Gamma::new(0.1, 1.0).unwrap();
// let humid_normal = Normal::new(0.5, 0.05).unwrap();
/*if humid_normal.cdf(humid_base as f64) > 0.9 *//* {
println!("HIGH HUMIDITY: {:?}", humid_base);
} */
if pos == Vec2::new(1023, 1023) {
let mut noise = (0..1024*1024).map( |i| {
let wposf = Vec2::new(i as f64 / 1024.0, i as f64 % 1024.0);
gen_ctx.humid_nz.get(wposf.div(1024.0).into_array()) as f32
} ).collect::<Vec<_>>();
noise.sort_unstable_by( |f, g| f.partial_cmp(g).unwrap() );
for (k, f) in noise.iter().enumerate().step_by(1024 * 1024 / 100) {
println!("{:?}%: {:?}, ", k / (1024 * 1024 / 100), f);
/* if alt_main_pre.mul(0.5).add(0.5) > 0.7 {
println!("HIGH: {:?}", alt_main_pre);
} */
/* if humidity > CONFIG.jungle_hum {
} */
Self {
@ -744,7 +796,7 @@ impl SimChunk {
/* if tree_density > 0.0 {
println!("Mangroves (forest): {:?}, altitude: {:?}, humidity: {:?}, temperature: {:?}, density: {:?}", wposf, alt, humidity, temp, tree_density);
} */
} else if humidity > CONFIG.forest_hum {
// Moderate climate, moderate humidity.