Start translating skills.ron

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Filip Bengtsson 2021-06-05 23:25:11 +02:00
parent cf051fd9fb
commit 6277106e78

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@ -1,243 +1,243 @@
/// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM /// WARNING: Localization files shall be saved in UTF-8 format without BOM
/// Localization for "global" English /// Localization for "global" Swedish
( (
string_map: { string_map: {
"hud.rank_up": "New Skillpoint", "hud.rank_up": "Nytt färdighetspoäng",
"hud.skill.sp_available": "{number} SP available", "hud.skill.sp_available": "{number} FP tillgängliga",
"hud.skill.not_unlocked": "Not yet unlocked", "hud.skill.not_unlocked": "Inte upplåst än",
"hud.skill.req_sp": "\n\nRequires {number} SP", "hud.skill.req_sp": "\n\nKräver {number} FP",
// Skills // Skills
// General // General
"hud.skill.inc_health_title": "Increase Health", "hud.skill.inc_health_title": "Mer hälsa",
"hud.skill.inc_health": "Increases max health by 5{SP}", "hud.skill.inc_health": "Ökar maxhälsan med 5{SP}",
"hud.skill.inc_stam_title": "Increase Stamina", "hud.skill.inc_stam_title": "Ökad uthållighet",
"hud.skill.inc_stam": "Increases max stamina by 5{SP}", "hud.skill.inc_stam": "Ökar max-uthålligheten med 5{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_sword_title": "Unlock Sword", "hud.skill.unlck_sword_title": "Lås upp svärd",
"hud.skill.unlck_sword": "Unlocks sword skill tree{SP}", "hud.skill.unlck_sword": "Låser upp färdighetsträdet för svärd{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_axe_title": "Unlock Axe", "hud.skill.unlck_axe_title": "Lås upp yxa",
"hud.skill.unlck_axe": "Unlocks axe skill tree{SP}", "hud.skill.unlck_axe": "Låser upp färdighetsträdet för yxa{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_hammer_title": "Unlock Hammer", "hud.skill.unlck_hammer_title": "Lås upp hammare",
"hud.skill.unlck_hammer": "Unlocks hammer skill tree{SP}", "hud.skill.unlck_hammer": "Låser upp färdighetsträdet för hammare{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_bow_title": "Unlock Bow", "hud.skill.unlck_bow_title": "Lås upp pilbåge",
"hud.skill.unlck_bow": "Unlocks bow skill tree{SP}", "hud.skill.unlck_bow": "Låser upp färdighetsträdet för pilbåge{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_staff_title": "Unlock Staff", "hud.skill.unlck_staff_title": "Lås upp stav",
"hud.skill.unlck_staff": "Unlocks staff skill tree{SP}", "hud.skill.unlck_staff": "Låser upp färdighetsträdet för stav{SP}",
"hud.skill.unlck_sceptre_title": "Unlock Sceptre", "hud.skill.unlck_sceptre_title": "Lås upp spira",
"hud.skill.unlck_sceptre": "Unlocks sceptre skill tree{SP}", "hud.skill.unlck_sceptre": "Låser upp färdighetsträdet för spira{SP}",
"hud.skill.dodge_title": "Dodge", "hud.skill.dodge_title": "Ducka",
"": "Dodge rolls are triggered with middle-click, and grant temporary immunity to melee attacks (iframes) while you're rolling.", "": "Rulla åt sidan genom att mittenklicka och bli immun mot närstridsattacker under tiden du rullar.",
"hud.skill.roll_stamina_title": "Roll Stamina Cost", "hud.skill.roll_stamina_title": "Uthållighetskostnad för rullning",
"hud.skill.roll_stamina": "Rolling uses 10% less stamina{SP}", "hud.skill.roll_stamina": "Rullning kostar 10% mindre uthållighet{SP}",
"hud.skill.roll_speed_title": "Rolling Speed", "hud.skill.roll_speed_title": "Rullningshastighet",
"hud.skill.roll_speed": "Roll 10% faster{SP}", "hud.skill.roll_speed": "Ralla 10% fortare{SP}",
"hud.skill.roll_dur_title": "Rolling Duration", "hud.skill.roll_dur_title": "Rullningstid",
"hud.skill.roll_dur": "Roll for 10% more time{SP}", "hud.skill.roll_dur": "Rulla 10% längre{SP}",
"hud.skill.climbing_title": "Climbing", "hud.skill.climbing_title": "Klättring",
"hud.skill.climbing": "Jumping higher", "hud.skill.climbing": "Hoppa högre",
"hud.skill.climbing_cost_title": "Climbing Cost", "hud.skill.climbing_cost_title": "Kostnad för klättring",
"hud.skill.climbing_cost": "Climbing uses 20% less stamina{SP}", "hud.skill.climbing_cost": "Klättring kostar 20% mindre energi{SP}",
"hud.skill.climbing_speed_title": "Climbing Speed", "hud.skill.climbing_speed_title": "Klättringshastighet",
"hud.skill.climbing_speed": "Climb 20% faster{SP}", "hud.skill.climbing_speed": "Klättra 20% fortare{SP}",
"hud.skill.swim_title": "Swimming", "hud.skill.swim_title": "Simning",
"hud.skill.swim": "Moving in wet environment", "hud.skill.swim": "Förflyttelse i blöta miljöer",
"hud.skill.swim_speed_title": "Swimming Speed", "hud.skill.swim_speed_title": "Simningshastighet",
"hud.skill.swim_speed": "Swim 40% faster{SP}", "hud.skill.swim_speed": "Simma 40% fortare{SP}",
// Sceptre // Sceptre
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_title": "Lifesteal Beam", "hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_title": "Lifesteal Beam", //TODO
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal": "Drain the life from your enemies", "hud.skill.sc_lifesteal": "Sug livet ur dina fiender",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_damage_title": "Damage", "hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_damage_title": "Skada",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_damage": "Deal 20% more damage{SP}", "hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_damage": "Orsaka 20% större skada{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_range_title": "Range", "hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_range_title": "Räckvidd",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_range": "Your beam reaches 20% further{SP}", "hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_range": "Din stråle når 20% längre{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_lifesteal_title": "Lifesteal", "hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_lifesteal_title": "Lifesteal", //TODO
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_lifesteal": "Convert an additional 15% of damage into health{SP}", "hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_lifesteal": "Omvandlar ytterligare 15% av skadan till kroppspoäng{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_regen_title": "Stamina Regen", "hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_regen_title": "Engergiåterhämtning",
"hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_regen": "Replenish your stamina by an additional 20%{SP}", "hud.skill.sc_lifesteal_regen": "Återhämta ytterligare 20% energi{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_title": "Healing Beam", "hud.skill.sc_heal_title": "Healing Beam", //TODO
"hud.skill.sc_heal": "Heal your allies using the blood of your enemies", "hud.skill.sc_heal": "Hela dina alleirade med dina fienders blod",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_heal_title": "Heal", "hud.skill.sc_heal_heal_title": "Helande",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_heal": "Increases the amount you heal others by 20%{SP}", "hud.skill.sc_heal_heal": "Ökar din förmåga att hela andra med 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_cost_title": "Stamina Cost", "hud.skill.sc_heal_cost_title": "Energikostnad",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_cost": "Healing others requires 20% less stamina{SP}", "hud.skill.sc_heal_cost": "Helande av andra kräver 20% mindre energi{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_range_title": "Range", "hud.skill.sc_heal_range_title": "Räckvidd",
"hud.skill.sc_heal_range": "Your beam reachs 20% further{SP}", "hud.skill.sc_heal_range": "Din stråle når 20% längre{SP}",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_unlock_title": "Warding Aura Unlock", "hud.skill.sc_wardaura_unlock_title": "Warding Aura Unlock", //TODO
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_unlock": "Allows you to ward your allies against enemy attacks{SP}", "hud.skill.sc_wardaura_unlock": "Allows you to ward your allies against enemy attacks{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_strength_title": "Strength", "hud.skill.sc_wardaura_strength_title": "Styrka",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_strength": "The strength of your protection increases by 15%{SP}", "hud.skill.sc_wardaura_strength": "The strength of your protection increases by 15%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_duration_title": "Duration", "hud.skill.sc_wardaura_duration_title": "Varaktighet",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_duration": "The effects of your ward last 20% longer{SP}", "hud.skill.sc_wardaura_duration": "The effects of your ward last 20% longer{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_range_title": "Radius", "hud.skill.sc_wardaura_range_title": "Räckvidd",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_range": "Your ward reaches 25% further{SP}", "hud.skill.sc_wardaura_range": "Your ward reaches 25% further{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_cost_title": "Stamina Cost", "hud.skill.sc_wardaura_cost_title": "Energikostnad",
"hud.skill.sc_wardaura_cost": "Creating the ward requries 15% less energy{SP}", "hud.skill.sc_wardaura_cost": "Creating the ward requries 15% less energy{SP}", //TODO
// Staff // Staff
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_range_title" : "Shockwave Range", "hud.skill.st_shockwave_range_title" : "Chockfrontens räckvidd",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_range" : "throw things that used to be out of reach, range increased 20%{SP}", "hud.skill.st_shockwave_range" : "Kasta saker som tidigre var utom räckhåll, räckvidden utökas med 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_cost_title" : "Shockwave Cost", "hud.skill.st_shockwave_cost_title" : "Chockfrontens kostnad",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_cost" : "Decreases the energy cost to throw helpless villagers by 20%{SP}", "hud.skill.st_shockwave_cost" : "Minskar energikostnaden för stt kasta hjälplösa bybor med 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_knockback_title" : "Shockwave Knockback", "hud.skill.st_shockwave_knockback_title" : "Chockfrontens styrka",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_knockback" : "Increases throw potential by 30%{SP}", "hud.skill.st_shockwave_knockback" : "Chockfronten blir 30% mer kraftfull{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_damage_title" : "Shockwave Damage", "hud.skill.st_shockwave_damage_title" : "Chockfrontens skada",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_damage" : "Increases the damage done by 30%{SP}", "hud.skill.st_shockwave_damage" : "Ökar skadeverkan med 30%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_unlock_title" : "Shockwave Unlock", "hud.skill.st_shockwave_unlock_title" : "Lås upp chockfront",
"hud.skill.st_shockwave_unlock" : "Unlocks the ability to throw enemies away using fire{SP}", "hud.skill.st_shockwave_unlock" : "Låser upp möjligheten att slå undan fiender med eld{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower_title" : "Flamethrower", "hud.skill.st_flamethrower_title" : "Eldkastare",
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower" : "Throws fire, cook'em all", "hud.skill.st_flamethrower" : "Slungar eld, för välgrillade fiender",
"hud.skill.st_flame_velocity_title" : "Flame Velocity", "hud.skill.st_flame_velocity_title" : "Flame Velocity", //TODO
"hud.skill.st_flame_velocity" : "Gets the fire there faster, 25% faster{SP}", "hud.skill.st_flame_velocity" : "Gets the fire there faster, 25% faster{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower_range_title" : "Flamethrower Range", "hud.skill.st_flamethrower_range_title" : "Eldkastares räckvidd",
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower_range" : "For when the flames just won't reach, they go 25% further{SP}", "hud.skill.st_flamethrower_range" : "For when the flames just won't reach, they go 25% further{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.st_energy_drain_title" : "Energy Drain", "hud.skill.st_energy_drain_title" : "Energikostnad",
"hud.skill.st_energy_drain" : "Decreases the rate energy is drained by 20%{SP}", "hud.skill.st_energy_drain" : "Minskar energikostnaden med 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower_damage_title" : "Flamethrower Damage", "hud.skill.st_flamethrower_damage_title" : "Eldkastarens skadeverkan",
"hud.skill.st_flamethrower_damage" : "Increases damage by 30%{SP}", "hud.skill.st_flamethrower_damage" : "Orsakar 30% mer skada{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_explosion_radius_title" : "Explosion Radius", "hud.skill.st_explosion_radius_title" : "Explosionsradie",
"hud.skill.st_explosion_radius" : "Bigger is better, increases explosion radius by 15%{SP}", "hud.skill.st_explosion_radius" : "Större är bättre, explosionsradien ökar med 15%{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_stamina_regen_title" : "Stamina Regen", "hud.skill.st_stamina_regen_title" : "Engergiåterhämtning",
"hud.skill.st_stamina_regen" : "Increases stamina gain by 20%{SP}", "hud.skill.st_stamina_regen" : "Återhämta ytterligare 20% energi{SP}",
"hud.skill.st_fireball_title" : "Fireball", "hud.skill.st_fireball_title" : "Eldklot",
"hud.skill.st_fireball" : "Shoots a fireball that explodes on impact", "hud.skill.st_fireball" : "Skjuter ett eldklot som exploderar vid träff",
"hud.skill.st_damage_title" : "Damage", "hud.skill.st_damage_title" : "Skada",
"hud.skill.st_damage" : "Increases damage by 20%{SP}", "hud.skill.st_damage" : "Orsakar 20% mer skada{SP}",
// Bow // Bow
"hud.skill.bow_projectile_speed_title" : "Projectile Speed", "hud.skill.bow_projectile_speed_title" : "Projektilhastighet",
"hud.skill.bow_projectile_speed" : "Allows you to shoot arrows further, faster, by 30%{SP}", "hud.skill.bow_projectile_speed" : "Låter dig skjuta pilar 30% längre och snabbare{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_title" : "Charged Shoot", "hud.skill.bow_charged_title" : "Charged Shoot", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_charged" : "Because you waited longer", "hud.skill.bow_charged" : "Because you waited longer", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_charged_damage_title" : "Charged Damage", "hud.skill.bow_charged_damage_title" : "Charged Damage", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_charged_damage" : "Increases damage by 20%{SP}", "hud.skill.bow_charged_damage" : "Ökar skadeverkan med 20%{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_energy_regen_title" : "Charged Regen", "hud.skill.bow_charged_energy_regen_title" : "Energiåterhämtning",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_energy_regen" : "Increases stamina recovery by 20%{SP}", "hud.skill.bow_charged_energy_regen" : "Återhämta ytterligare 20% energi{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_charged_knockback_title" : "Charged Knockback", "hud.skill.bow_charged_knockback_title" : "Charged Knockback", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_charged_knockback" : "Knock enemies further back by 20%{SP}", "hud.skill.bow_charged_knockback" : "Knock enemies further back by 20%{SP}", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_charged_speed_title" : "Charged Speed", "hud.skill.bow_charged_speed_title" : "Charged Speed", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_charged_speed" : "Increases the rate that you charge the attack by 10%{SP}", "hud.skill.bow_charged_speed" : "Increases the rate that you charge the attack by 10%{SP}", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_charged_move_title" : "Charged Move Speed", "hud.skill.bow_charged_move_title" : "Charged Move Speed", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_charged_move" : "Increases how fast you can shuffle while charging the attack by 10%{SP}", "hud.skill.bow_charged_move" : "Increases how fast you can shuffle while charging the attack by 10%{SP}", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_title" : "Repeater", "hud.skill.bow_repeater_title" : "Repeater", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_repeater" : "Shoots faster the longer you fire for", "hud.skill.bow_repeater" : "Shoots faster the longer you fire for", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_damage_title" : "Repeater Damage", "hud.skill.bow_repeater_damage_title" : "Repeater Damage", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_damage" : "Increases the damage done by 20%{SP}", "hud.skill.bow_repeater_damage" : "Increases the damage done by 20%{SP}", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_cost_title" : "Repeater Cost", "hud.skill.bow_repeater_cost_title" : "Repeater Cost", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_cost" : "Decreases the energy cost to become a repeater by 20%{SP}", "hud.skill.bow_repeater_cost" : "Decreases the energy cost to become a repeater by 20%{SP}", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_speed_title" : "Repeater Speed", "hud.skill.bow_repeater_speed_title" : "Repeater Speed", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_repeater_speed" : "Increases the rate at which you fire arrows by 20%{SP}", "hud.skill.bow_repeater_speed" : "Increases the rate at which you fire arrows by 20%{SP}", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_shotgun_unlock_title" : "Unlocks Shotgun", "hud.skill.bow_shotgun_unlock_title" : "Unlocks Shotgun", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_shotgun_unlock" : "Unlocks ability to fire multiple arrows at once{SP}", "hud.skill.bow_shotgun_unlock" : "Låter dig skjuta flera pilar samtidigt{SP}",
"hud.skill.bow_shotgun_damage_title" : "Shotgun Damage", "hud.skill.bow_shotgun_damage_title" : "Shotgun Damage", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_shotgun_damage" : "Increases the damage done by 20%{SP}", "hud.skill.bow_shotgun_damage" : "Increases the damage done by 20%{SP}", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_shotgun_cost_title" : "Shotgun Cost", "hud.skill.bow_shotgun_cost_title" : "Shotgun Cost", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_shotgun_cost" : "Decreases the cost of shotgun by 20%{SP}", "hud.skill.bow_shotgun_cost" : "Decreases the cost of shotgun by 20%{SP}", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_shotgun_arrow_count_title" : "Shotgun Arrows", "hud.skill.bow_shotgun_arrow_count_title" : "Shotgun Arrows", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_shotgun_arrow_count" : "Increases the number of arrows in the burst by 1{SP}", "hud.skill.bow_shotgun_arrow_count" : "Increases the number of arrows in the burst by 1{SP}", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_shotgun_spread_title" : "Shotgun Spread", "hud.skill.bow_shotgun_spread_title" : "Shotgun Spread", // TODO
"hud.skill.bow_shotgun_spread" : "Decreases the spread of the arrows by 20%{SP}", "hud.skill.bow_shotgun_spread" : "Decreases the spread of the arrows by 20%{SP}", // TODO
// Hammer // Hammer
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_radius_title" : "Leap Radius", "hud.skill.hmr_leap_radius_title" : "Leap Radius", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_radius" : "Increases attack radius on ground slam by 1 meter{SP}", "hud.skill.hmr_leap_radius" : "Increases attack radius on ground slam by 1 meter{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_distance_title" : "Leap Distance", "hud.skill.hmr_leap_distance_title" : "Leap Distance", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_distance" : "Increases distance of leap by 25%{SP}", "hud.skill.hmr_leap_distance" : "Increases distance of leap by 25%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_cost_title" : "Leap Cost", "hud.skill.hmr_leap_cost_title" : "Leap Cost", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_cost" : "Decreases cost of leap by 25%{SP}", "hud.skill.hmr_leap_cost" : "Decreases cost of leap by 25%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_knockback_title" : "Leap Knockback", "hud.skill.hmr_leap_knockback_title" : "Leap Knockback", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_knockback" : "Increases knockback from leap by 50%{SP}", "hud.skill.hmr_leap_knockback" : "Increases knockback from leap by 50%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_damage_title" : "Leap Damage", "hud.skill.hmr_leap_damage_title" : "Leap Damage", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_leap_damage" : "Increases damage of leap by 40%{SP}", "hud.skill.hmr_leap_damage" : "Increases damage of leap by 40%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_unlock_leap_title" : "Unlock Leap", "hud.skill.hmr_unlock_leap_title" : "Unlock Leap", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_unlock_leap" : "Unlocks a leap{SP}", "hud.skill.hmr_unlock_leap" : "Unlocks a leap{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_title" : "Charged Melee", "hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_title" : "Charged Melee", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee" : "Melee but with charge", "hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee" : "Melee but with charge", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_rate_title" : "Charge Rate", "hud.skill.hmr_charged_rate_title" : "Charge Rate", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_rate" : "Increases the rate that you charge the swing by 25%{SP}", "hud.skill.hmr_charged_rate" : "Increases the rate that you charge the swing by 25%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_nrg_drain_title" : "Charged Melee Energy Drain", "hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_nrg_drain_title" : "Charged Melee Energy Drain", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_nrg_drain" : "Decreases the rate energy drains when charging by 25%{SP}", "hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_nrg_drain" : "Decreases the rate energy drains when charging by 25%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_damage_title" : "Charged Melee Damage", "hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_damage_title" : "Charged Melee Damage", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_damage" : "Increases the damage of the charged swing by 25%{SP}", "hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_damage" : "Increases the damage of the charged swing by 25%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_knockback_title" : "Charged Melee Knockback", "hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_knockback_title" : "Charged Melee Knockback", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_knockback" : "Massively increases throw potential of swing by 50%{SP}", "hud.skill.hmr_charged_melee_knockback" : "Massively increases throw potential of swing by 50%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_title" : "Single Strike", "hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_title" : "Single Strike", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike" : "As single as you are", "hud.skill.hmr_single_strike" : "As single as you are", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_regen_title" : "Single Strike Regen", "hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_regen_title" : "Single Strike Regen", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_regen" : "Increases stamina gain with each successive strike{SP}", "hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_regen" : "Increases stamina gain with each successive strike{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_speed_title" : "Single Strike Speed", "hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_speed_title" : "Single Strike Speed", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_speed" : "Increases the attack speed with each successive strike{SP}", "hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_speed" : "Increases the attack speed with each successive strike{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_damage_title" : "Single Strike Damage", "hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_damage_title" : "Single Strike Damage", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_damage" : "Increases the damage with each successive strike{SP}", "hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_damage" : "Increases the damage with each successive strike{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_knockback_title" : "Single Strike Knockback", "hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_knockback_title" : "Single Strike Knockback", //TODO
"hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_knockback" : "Increase throw potential of swings by 50%{SP}", "hud.skill.hmr_single_strike_knockback" : "Increase throw potential of swings by 50%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill." : "", "hud.skill." : "",
// Sword // Sword
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_title": "Triple Strike", "hud.skill.sw_trip_str_title": "Trippelstöt",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str": "Strike, up to three times", "hud.skill.sw_trip_str": "Gör upp till tre utfall",
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_combo_title": "Triple Strike Combo", "hud.skill.sw_trip_str_combo_title": "Triple Strike Combo", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_combo": "Unlocks combo scaling on triple strike{SP}", "hud.skill.sw_trip_str_combo": "Unlocks combo scaling on triple strike{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_dmg_title": "Triple Strike Damage", "hud.skill.sw_trip_str_dmg_title": "Triple Strike Damage", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_dmg": "Increases the damage each successive strike does{SP}", "hud.skill.sw_trip_str_dmg": "Increases the damage each successive strike does{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_sp_title": "Triple Strike Speed", "hud.skill.sw_trip_str_sp_title": "Triple Strike Speed", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_sp": "Increases attack speed gained by each successive strike{SP}", "hud.skill.sw_trip_str_sp": "Increases attack speed gained by each successive strike{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_reg_title": "Triple Strike Regen", "hud.skill.sw_trip_str_reg_title": "Triple Strike Regen", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_trip_str_reg": "Increases stamina gain on each successive strike{SP}", "hud.skill.sw_trip_str_reg": "Increases stamina gain on each successive strike{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_dash_title": "Dash", "hud.skill.sw_dash_title": "Språng",
"hud.skill.sw_dash": "Pin through your enemies", "hud.skill.sw_dash": "Spetsa dina fiender",
"hud.skill.sw_dash_dmg_title": "Dash Damage", "hud.skill.sw_dash_dmg_title": "Dash Damage", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_dash_dmg": "Increases initial damage of the dash by 20%{SP}", "hud.skill.sw_dash_dmg": "Increases initial damage of the dash by 20%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_dash_drain_title": "Dash Drain", "hud.skill.sw_dash_drain_title": "Dash Drain", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_dash_drain": "Decreases the rate energy is drained while dashing by 25%{SP}", "hud.skill.sw_dash_drain": "Decreases the rate energy is drained while dashing by 25%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_dash_cost_title": "Dash Cost", "hud.skill.sw_dash_cost_title": "Dash Cost", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_dash_cost": "Decreases the initial cost of the dash by 25%{SP}", "hud.skill.sw_dash_cost": "Decreases the initial cost of the dash by 25%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_dash_speed_title": "Dash Speed", "hud.skill.sw_dash_speed_title": "Dash Speed", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_dash_speed": "Increases how fast you go while dashing by 30%{SP}", "hud.skill.sw_dash_speed": "Increases how fast you go while dashing by 30%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_dash_charge_through_title": "Charge Through", "hud.skill.sw_dash_charge_through_title": "Charge Through", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_dash_charge_through": "Allows you to charge through the first enemies you hit{SP}", "hud.skill.sw_dash_charge_through": "Allows you to charge through the first enemies you hit{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_dash_scale_title": "Dash Scaling Damage", "hud.skill.sw_dash_scale_title": "Dash Scaling Damage", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_dash_scale": "Increases the damage scaling from the dash by 20%{SP}", "hud.skill.sw_dash_scale": "Increases the damage scaling from the dash by 20%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_spin_title": "Spin Unlock", "hud.skill.sw_spin_title": "Spin Unlock", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_spin": "Unlocks the sword spin{SP}", "hud.skill.sw_spin": "Unlocks the sword spin{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_spin_dmg_title": "Spin Damage", "hud.skill.sw_spin_dmg_title": "Spin Damage", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_spin_dmg": "Increases the damage done by 40%{SP}", "hud.skill.sw_spin_dmg": "Increases the damage done by 40%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_spin_spd_title": "Spin Speed", "hud.skill.sw_spin_spd_title": "Spin Speed", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_spin_spd": "Increase the speed at which you spin by 25%{SP}", "hud.skill.sw_spin_spd": "Increase the speed at which you spin by 25%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_spin_cost_title": "Spin Cost", "hud.skill.sw_spin_cost_title": "Spin Cost", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_spin_cost": "Decreases the energy cost of each spin by 25%{SP}", "hud.skill.sw_spin_cost": "Decreases the energy cost of each spin by 25%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_spin_spins_title": "Spin Spins", "hud.skill.sw_spin_spins_title": "Spin Spins", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_spin_spins": "Increases the number of times you can spin{SP}", "hud.skill.sw_spin_spins": "Increases the number of times you can spin{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_interrupt_title": "Interrupting Attacks", "hud.skill.sw_interrupt_title": "Interrupting Attacks", //TODO
"hud.skill.sw_interrupt": "Allows you to immediately cancel an attack with another attack{SP}", "hud.skill.sw_interrupt": "Allows you to immediately cancel an attack with another attack{SP}", //TODO
// Axe // Axe
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_title": "Double Strike", "hud.skill.axe_double_strike_title": "Dubbelhugg",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike": "Chop down those villains", "hud.skill.axe_double_strike": "Fäll skurkar likt furor",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_combo_title": "Double Strike Combo", "hud.skill.axe_double_strike_combo_title": "Dubbelhuggskombination",
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_combo": "Unlocks a second strike{SP}", "hud.skill.axe_double_strike_combo": "Unlocks a second strike{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_damage_title": "Double Strike Damage", "hud.skill.axe_double_strike_damage_title": "Double Strike Damage", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_damage": "Increases the damage dealt in each successive strike{SP}", "hud.skill.axe_double_strike_damage": "Increases the damage dealt in each successive strike{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_speed_title": "Double Strike Speed", "hud.skill.axe_double_strike_speed_title": "Double Strike Speed", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_speed": "Increases the attack speed with each successive strike{SP}", "hud.skill.axe_double_strike_speed": "Increases the attack speed with each successive strike{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_regen_title": "Double Strike Regen", "hud.skill.axe_double_strike_regen_title": "Double Strike Regen", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_double_strike_regen": "Increases stamina gain with each successive strike{SP}", "hud.skill.axe_double_strike_regen": "Increases stamina gain with each successive strike{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_spin_title": "Axe Spin", "hud.skill.axe_spin_title": "Axe Spin", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_spin": "You spin it right round ...", "hud.skill.axe_spin": "You spin it right round ...", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_infinite_axe_spin_title": "Infinite Axe Spin", "hud.skill.axe_infinite_axe_spin_title": "Infinite Axe Spin", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_infinite_axe_spin": "Spin for as long as you have energy{SP}", "hud.skill.axe_infinite_axe_spin": "Spin for as long as you have energy{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_spin_damage_title": "Spin Damage", "hud.skill.axe_spin_damage_title": "Spin Damage", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_spin_damage": "Increases the damage each spin does by 30%{SP}", "hud.skill.axe_spin_damage": "Increases the damage each spin does by 30%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_spin_helicopter_title": "Spin Helicopter", "hud.skill.axe_spin_helicopter_title": "Spin Helicopter", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_spin_helicopter": "You fall a little slower while spinning{SP}", "hud.skill.axe_spin_helicopter": "You fall a little slower while spinning{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_spin_speed_title": "Spin Speed", "hud.skill.axe_spin_speed_title": "Spin Speed", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_spin_speed": "Increases your spin speed by 25%{SP}", "hud.skill.axe_spin_speed": "Increases your spin speed by 25%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_spin_cost_title": "Spin Cost", "hud.skill.axe_spin_cost_title": "Spin Cost", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_spin_cost": "Decreases stamina cost of spinning by 25%{SP}", "hud.skill.axe_spin_cost": "Decreases stamina cost of spinning by 25%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_unlock_leap_title": "Unlock Leap", "hud.skill.axe_unlock_leap_title": "Unlock Leap", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_unlock_leap": "Unlocks a leap spin{SP}", "hud.skill.axe_unlock_leap": "Unlocks a leap spin{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_leap_damage_title": "Leap Damage", "hud.skill.axe_leap_damage_title": "Leap Damage", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_leap_damage": "Increases damage of leap by 35%{SP}", "hud.skill.axe_leap_damage": "Increases damage of leap by 35%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_leap_knockback_title": "Leap Knockback", "hud.skill.axe_leap_knockback_title": "Leap Knockback", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_leap_knockback": "Increases knockback from leap by 40%{SP}", "hud.skill.axe_leap_knockback": "Increases knockback from leap by 40%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_leap_cost_title": "Leap Cost", "hud.skill.axe_leap_cost_title": "Leap Cost", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_leap_cost": "Decreases cost of leap by 25%{SP}", "hud.skill.axe_leap_cost": "Decreases cost of leap by 25%{SP}", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_leap_distance_title": "Leap Distance", "hud.skill.axe_leap_distance_title": "Leap Distance", //TODO
"hud.skill.axe_leap_distance": "Increases distance of leap by 20%{SP}", "hud.skill.axe_leap_distance": "Increases distance of leap by 20%{SP}", //TODO
}, },