provide a certificate file and key file via the settings. When provided it will then listen on TCP and QUIC, if not provided it will be TCP only.
The certificate must be known by the client, so you might get problems with self-signed certificates.
quic_files: Some((
cert: "/home/user/veloren_cert.pem",
key: "/home/user/veloren_key.key",
activate the voxygen settin `use_quic: true` to try to connect to the quic backend of a server.
only `localhost` are allowed in a release build.
when debug assertions are on, others are also allowed.
This change undoes the changes to the settings, so compared to master, there is no effect
The auth server no longer allows the protocol to be specified. we enforce `https` for the auth server, so DO NOT provide a auth url with `https://` but without.
correct is now ``
incorrect is: ``
- now last digit version is compatible 0.6.0 will connect to 0.6.1
- the TCP DATA Frames no longer contain START field, as it's not needed
- the TCP OPENSTREAM Frames will now contain the BANDWIDTH field
- MID is not Protocol internal
Update network
- update API with Bandwidth
Update veloren
- introduce better runtime and `async` things that are IO bound.
- Remove `uvth` and instead use `tokio::runtime::Runtime::spawn_blocking`
- remove futures_execute from client and server use tokio::runtime::Runtime instead
- give threads a Name
switch to `tokio` and `async_channel` crate.
I wanted to do tokio first, but it doesnt feature Sender::close(), thus i included async_channel
Got rid of `futures` and only need `futures_core` and `futures_util`.
Tokio does not support `Stream` and `StreamExt` so for now i need to use `tokio-stream`, i think this will go in `std` in the future
Created `b2b_close_stream_opened_sender_r` as the shutdown procedure does not need a copy of a Sender, it just need to stop it.
Various adjustments, e.g. for `select!` which now requieres a `&mut` for oneshots.
Future things to do:
- Use some better signalling than oneshot<()> in some cases.
- Use a Watch for the Prio propergation (impl. it ofc)
- Use Bounded Channels in order to improve performance
- adjust tests coding
bring tests to work