* Add new `IdMaps` type that contains mappings to Entity from Uid, CharacterId, and
* Add PresenceKind::LoadingCharacter variant for when the CharacterId
has not actually been confirmed to exist and belong to the logged in
client. Switches to the regular PresenceKind::Character once the
character is loaded from the database and that is used to update the
* Start refactoring `delete_entity_recorded` to check for CharacterId
and RtsimEntity values that may need to be removed from the map (just
very start, not near complete).
* Other misc tweaks.
* Pets now teleport to their owner when they are too far away from them
* Limited the animals that can be tamed to `QuadrupedLow` and `QuadrupedSmall` to prevent players taming overly powerful creatures before the pet feature is further developed
* Added `Pet` component used to store pet information about an entity - currently only used to store the pet's database ID
* Added `pet` database table which stores a pet's `body_id` and `name`, alongside the `character_id` that it belongs to
* Replaced `HomeChunk` component with more flexible `Anchor` component which supports anchoring entities to other entities as well as chunks.
* Added "migration of migrations" to transfer the data from the __diesel_schema_migrations table to the refinery_schema_history table
* Removed all down migrations as refinery does not support down migrations
* Changed all diesel up migrations to refinery naming format
* Added --sql-log-mode parameter to veloren-server-cli to allow SQL tracing and profiling
* Added /disconnect_all_players admin command
* Added disconnectall CLI command
* Fixes for several potential persistence-related race conditions
- now last digit version is compatible 0.6.0 will connect to 0.6.1
- the TCP DATA Frames no longer contain START field, as it's not needed
- the TCP OPENSTREAM Frames will now contain the BANDWIDTH field
- MID is not Protocol internal
Update network
- update API with Bandwidth
Update veloren
- introduce better runtime and `async` things that are IO bound.
- Remove `uvth` and instead use `tokio::runtime::Runtime::spawn_blocking`
- remove futures_execute from client and server use tokio::runtime::Runtime instead
- give threads a Name
In order to keep the performance we made it Internal Mutability and use a `Mutex` per Stream, till `Stream.send` is no longer `&mut self`.
The old solution didn't rely on this, but needed multiple Components instead which zest didn't liked
- fix wording in error msg
- find better name for structs
- unify errors and cleanup code with `(|| {foo?; Some(())})()` pattern
- fix the negative PlayersOnline, it was caused by having a gracefull shutdown AND a timeout error. we now unregister the client when he issues TERMINATE
His reason to reqeust that is, that there might not be a perfect disctinction in the future.
Now we need to send ServerGeneral over streams and do additional checking at various places to verify that not the wrong variant is send.
- Instread we have a dedicated thread that will async wait for new participants to connect and then notify the main thread
- registry no longer sends a view distance with it.
- remove ClientMsg::Command again as it's unused
//This is a helper structure, containing all possible data send over
pub enum ClientMsg {
Rather than having a single Stream to handle ALL data, seperate into multiple streams:
- Ping Stream, for seperate PINGS
- Register Stream, only used till the client is registered, then no longer used!
- General Stream, used for msg that can occur always
- NotInGame Stream, used for everything NOT ingame, e.g. Character Screen
- InGame Stream, used for all GAME data, players, terrain, entities, etc...
This version does compile, and gets the client registered (with auth too) but doesnt get to the char screen yet.
This fixes also the ignoring messages problem we had, as we are not sending data to the register stream!
This fixes also the problem that the server had to sleep for the Stream Creation, as the Server is now creating the streams and client has to sleep.