Set CHUNK_SITE to 10 which results in a mean of 13ms per Slowjob. Its good if it stays under 30ms so it has less influence on ticks.
Some performance values measured with a AMD Ryzen 1700X:
- voxygen and server and swarm (25 clients, 10 vd) on one machine.
- total runtime was 240s
- CHUNK_GENERATOR total time is 486s with a mean of 40ms
- CHUNK_SERIALIZER total time is 18.19s with a mean of 13ms, so in total its a order of magnitude lower
Trancy confirms this, the Serialize backlog is usually handled within 1-2 ticks.
- terrain::sys total time 1.2s, mean 188us
- msg::terrain::sys total time 812ms, mean 125us
- terrain::sync total time 12ms, mean 1,85us
- chunk_serialize::sys total time 69ms, mean 10us
- chunk_send::sys total time 50ms, mean 7us
so all in all total time for serializsation is 20.33 of which 89% are spend outside of the ECS
- Armor and sneaking have exclusive effects on overall stealth, rather
than armor taking effect only while sneaking.
- Agents factor in stealth from armor in all cases, not only when sneaking.
- Max stealth takes place when sneaking (final multiplier of `0.7`) and with stealth from armor up to `0.7` (`0.3` multiplier), resulting in a max distance modifier of about `0.5`, approximately what it was previously.
- Min stealth score from armor is now 0 instead of 2.
- Stealth getter accounts for sneaking in final calculation, not just
- Prevents potential division by zero.
- Stealth getter returns value that should be multiplied instead of divided.
- Legitimized stealth as a score between 0 and 1.
- FIXME: Someone more familiar with the different armor types may want to adjust their stealths.
- Armor stealths seem to be valued between `0.0` and `1.0`, and I've reinforced this in the code. However, it is possible, particularly for the `Dragonscale` armors, to cumulatively reach a value of `2.0`.
- Refactors `choose_target()`, renaming it and extracting functions with more meaningful names and more correct behavior.
- Adds FOV for agents scanning for hostile targets.
When a sound was received in `idle_tree()`, awareness would be
incremented, causing a call to `handle_elevated_awareness()`, which
handled sounds heard. Instead, just `handle_sounds()` when they are heard and
increment awareness as part of hearing them.
The code more straightforwardly shows the agent first hearing a sound and then
becoming more aware based on that.