- Prevent utterances and other sounds from causing undesired jitters and
fleeing, such as those caused by greeting villagers.
- Agents will no longer flee from quieter weapon sounds such as melee.
Piercing damage now ignores an amount of protection equal to the piercing damage value.
Crushing damage now does poise damage equal to the amount of mitigated damage.
When poise damage is dealt while in a poise state, poise damage is instead converted to damage.
Damage from a given individual or group only counts towards a kill for 10 minutes since that individual or group's last damage to the entity - after this period their damage contribution is removed. This avoids the list of damage contributors growing excessively large for an entity that does a lot of combat but never dies.
EXP sharing within groups is unchanged - the difference is simply that the input to this calculation may be less than 100% of the base EXP reward for the kill if other individuals or groups contributed damage.
* disallow_harm -> allow_harm to avoid negative reasoning since it mostly
requires double negation in code
* allow_harm -> may_harm to specify side-effect free
* inline `target_dodging` into struct declaration as they are named
* move `avoid_harm` check out of `Attack::apply_attack` so we don't need
to pass whole Player component.
* another cosmetic things