Advanced Ballistics | Boolean | Enables advanced ballistics. | No
Enabled For Snipers | Boolean | Enables advanced ballistics for non local snipers (when using high power optics). | Yes
Enabled For Group Members | Boolean | Enables advanced ballistics for non local group members.| No
Enabled For Everyone | Boolean | Enables advanced ballistics for all non local players (enabling this feature may degrade performance during heavy firefights in multiplayer). | No
Disabled In FullAuto Mode | Boolean | Disables the advanced ballistics during full auto fire. | No
Enable Ammo Temperature Simulation | Boolean | Muzzle velocity varies with ammo temperature. | Yes
Enable Bullet Trace Effect | Boolean | Enables a bullet trace effect to high caliber bullets (only visible when looking through high power optics). | Yes
Simulation Interval | Number | Defines the interval between every calculation step. | 0.00
Simulation Radius | Number | Defines the radius around the player (in meters) at which advanced ballistics are applied to projectiles. | 3000
When adding the "Blue Force Tracking" module to your mission it adds map markers to every group on the players side and refreshes them in certain configurable interval (in seconds). The module takes the group type into account and uses the proper NATO icon for each marker.
If you are worried that players haven't updated ACE3 or other mods to the version you're using on the server, you can place the "Check PBOs" module on your map. You can choose one of three posible actions that are being executed when a player joins that has a wrong version of ACE3 or an other mod:
You can make a whitelist of addons that don't have to be on the server. If you want to use the "Check all addons" option of this module and allow the usage of client side modifications like Blastcore or JSRS, you have to list them here.
The list must be in the following format: `["ADDON1","ADDON2",...]` where the addons are CfgPatches references to all PBOs of the optional mod. To figure these out, you can use the scripting command `activatedAddons` in the editor while those mods are enabled.
The "Friendly Fire Messages" module triggers a message when a player kills a friendly or civilian unit. This module isn't needed on servers with a low difficulty setting.
Show player names | Option | Let you choose when nametags appears. | "Do Not Force"
layer Names View Distance | Number | Distance (in meters) at which player names are shown. | 5
Show name tags for AI? | Option | Show the name and rank tags for friendly AI units, or by default allows players to choose it on their own. | "Do Not Force"
Show crew info? | Option | Show vehicle crew info, or by default allows players to choose it on their own. | "Do Not Force"
Show for Vehicles? | Boolean | Show cursor NameTag for vehicle commander (only if client has name tags enabled). | No
This module enables Mission Makers to specifically enable units to move a rallypoint. Every unit that is synced with that module is able to move a rallypoint.
<p>It's important to mention that this doesn't work for player who join during a mission (JIP = Join in progress). That's something we can't change because that's the way Bohemia has implemented their module framework.</p>
The "Respawn System" module enables players to respawn with the gear they had before dying and to remove bodies of players after a configurable interval (in seconds).
These modules allow you to lock and unlock vehicles and their inventory using a key. Players don't receive a key automatically; for key names, see [Classnames Wiki](
*`ACE_VehicleLock_lockSide` - SIDE: overrides a vehicle's side, allowing locking and unlocking using a different side's key. For example: Unlocking INDEP vehicles with a BLUFOR key.
*`ACE_vehicleLock_lockpickStrength` - NUMBER: seconds, determines how long lockpicking with take, overrides the value set in the module for a specific vehicle of the mission maker's choice.
<p>ACE3 Weather overrides weather settings (editor, mission settings) and automatically calculates wind, temperature and pressure according to map location, date, time of day and cloud coverage and allows the weather to evolve realistically as the simulation progresses. Weather synchronization occurs between all clients. <br>Adjustment of the weather is possible by modifying the <code>overcast</code> value (for example: <code>0.7</code> may result in intermittent rain).</p>
Weather propagation | Boolean | Enables sever side weather propagation.(This is responsible for synchronizing weather between all clients. Disabling it is **NOT** recommended). | Yes
ACE3 Weather | Boolean | Overrides the default weather with ACE3 weather (map based)(This can be disabled without affecting the weather propagation above. Useful if you prefer changing weather settings manually). | Yes
This module randomizes the time when the sound file is played and the position where the sound file is played (If "Follow Players" is set to No).
`Minimal Distance` and `Maximal Distance` influence the position from where the sound file is played. Setting both values to 0 forces the module to play the sound from where it was placed in the editor.
`Minimal Delay` and `Maximal Delay` work in a similar fashion but are used to randomize when the sound file is played. Setting both values to 0 plays the sound from mission start.
Sounds | String | Class names of the ambiance sounds played. Separated by ','. (Example: `radio_track_01, electricity_loop`)| ""
Minimal Distance | Number | Used for calculating a random position and sets the minimal distance between the players and the played sound file(s) (in meters) | 400
Maximum Distance | Number | Used for calculating a random position and sets the maximum distance between the players and the played sound file(s) (in meters) | 900
Minimal Delay | Number | Minimal delay (in seconds) between sounds played | 10
Maximum Delay | Number | Maximum delay (in seconds) between sounds played | 10
Follow Players | Boolean | Follow players. If set to false, loop will play sounds only nearby logic position. | No
Volume | Number | The volume of the sounds played. | 1
Objects | String | Object names (can also be synchronized objects) slide-show will be displayed on, separated by commas if multiple. | ""
Controllers | String | Controller object names, separated by commas if multiple. | ""
Images | String | List of images that will be used for the slide-show, separated by commas, with full path correctly formatted (eg. images\image.paa). | ""
Interaction names | String | List of names that will be used for interaction entries, separated by commas, in order of images. | Number | | 0 ""
Slide Duration | Number | Duration of each slide (in seconds) (0 = automatic slides disabled) | 0