With Pro-nav the irratic behaviour of the laser caused the missile to over correct, so we average the position and use that running average for the target
* Create AGM-114L
* If we lose LOS dont continue tracking magically Allow for datalinked targets to donate data to the missile.
* Update documentation
* RHS 2x hellfire compatability
* Make ARH more realistic by not allowing to switch targets after firing
* Fix filename. Change Hellfire attack profile to lead target. Switch to two LOS checks.
We check two Line's of Sight to ensure that we are 100% gone from the target. A raw LOS check will be blocked by bushes and light trees while the checkVisibility wont while on the otherhand smoke will block a visiblity check but not a raw LOS check. We get best of both worlds with this.
I changed the attack profile so that it will lead moving targets. This isnt needed with the laser version because the user will "lead" the target if needed, but with the radar scan we have velocity information so we might as well lead the target as much as possible
* Change function calls to FUNC macro. Slightly change radar logic. Up poll frequency to 7hz
Instead of the missile immediately going active when the shooter doesn't have radar, check if targets are in datalink. If they are, use the datalink to guide the missile instead of its internal radar.
* Add logic for missiles launched without target
If a missile is fired without a locked target, it will immediately go active and target the first thing its seeker picks up. This is an incredibly dangerous trait of active radar homing missiles and is so in this implementation. Be careful!
* Change from `exitWith` to basic `then`
Legacy code that never got changed. This is essentially what happened before
* Update CfgMagazineWells.hpp
Co-authored-by: PabstMirror <pabstmirror@gmail.com>
* Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) :
- Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators.
- Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date.
- Minor french translation correction.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Weaponselect module,
- Weather module,
- Winddeflection module,
- Yardage450 module,
- Zeus module.
* Convert Tabs to Spaces
* Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files.
* Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings.
- Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque
option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines
absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les
langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée.
Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très
- Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer
l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas,
aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options).
- Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage
du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons.
Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas
dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant.
* Corrections mineures
* correction erreurs
* correction erreurs (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common)
* Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes
* correction key error
* Added Vdauphin suggestions :).
* French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side)
* Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation
* - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml
* Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation :
Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically.
Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list.
modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml
modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml
* Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation