[Changed] Dynamic sub menu for inventory item interaction and crafting
options. (Double click item in your inventory)
[Changed] Armor stat inventory feature now dynamic and no longer forced
via config.
[Changed] Group menu and requests are now on the self action menu.
new compiler with optional v2 format more like BI's
added expanded startup init logic
moved mirror setup to own function inside epoch core
moved server init code to main gamemode init logic.
More work on Dynamic HUD and hudConfigs are now found in CfgEpochClient.
Animal spawn table now found in CfgEpochClient.
Two new functions added to handle get(In|Out)Man Event Handlers.
moved forced disabling of build mode when getting in vehicle to getInMan
EH function.
removed a few unused files.
* Adds experimental test of new HUD from @raymix
* Hud elements are added and removed dynamically so that all active
icons are always right justified.
* Icons scale in size when critical levels are reached.
* added use of new A3 features to control angle and scale of hud icons.
* warning and critical levels are controlled via customVarsDefaults.
* Added larger group sizes up to 64 players and increased Krypto costs.
* reworked Finsh login in login fsm to wait for display 46 not to be
change gamemode from Survival to Survive
enabled Ryan Zombies support by default.
added random delay in revenge detonation.
added min alive time setting for player revenge options. Default 15
minutes (900 seconds).
fixed incorrect index in weighted array fnc when zombies not used
added 3 additional water sources
fixed BE kick when base building since b564
removed allowdamage false on player revive, that caused player immunity
to server side AI.
trade request text feedback changed
simplify new load vehicle, (realized sleep was not needed as allowDamage
does not effect scripted damage (per the wiki)
[added] old load vehicle script and epochconfig,hpp flag. (default is
false = use new load vehicles, true use old one from 0.3.8
Zombies: fixed issue with multiple targets
moved CfgSounds and CfgSay3Dhandler to mission file
added new mission config (CfgSwitchMovehandler) for
EPOCH_server_handle_switchMove function
minor cleanup to EPOCH_server_handle_say3D usages.
only use nearestTerrainObjects [player, ["SHIPWRECK"], 40000]; postions
for containerpos array
change gamemode to survival, (might show as unknown gamemode pre 1.62)
add loot class override variable epochLootClass, to allow all zed
classes to return
BE filter updates for extra zombie classes
added loot table for zombies.
added looting of Dogs for meat with negative karma.
cooking of dog meat.
loot configs for shark
interactAttributes format changed to an array ["Hunger",100,1] //
CustomVarName, value, make value randomized.
BE updates and fixes
new function EPOCH_giveAttributes
[fixed] invalid vehicle token check was not enabled if simulation
handler was disabled.
[changed] rework load vehicle script to make vehicles immune for 120
seconds and then apply damage and hitpoints.
[Added] Starting to add support for Tanoa. (more loot positions and
world interaction configs still needed)
[Changed] move vehicle EH init before setdamage.
[Changed] add extra debug to load vehicles.
[Changed] Tool: buildings without loot pos script now uses mission
config and terrain objects command.
[Fixed] take into account trader stored per class vehicle limits when
spawning new vehicles.
fixed path change a3_epoch_server_settings -> epoch_server_settings
if 4th variable in the EpochEvents array is set to 0 scriptName is used
as the full path. Default is to use pre/postfix.
Init weather script at server startup
1= Epoch Events run at server startup and then again after given delay.
0 = Default, runs after given delay.
Changed path from \x\addons\a3_epoch_server to \epoch_server to match
new build tool prefixes
[Fixed] BE kick since 1.58 hotfix.
[Fixed] Attempt fix issues with temporary angle and rotation issues with
base building.
[Fixed] Check for base kit item is in players inventory before spawning
[Fixed] Use object as input for remoteExec instead of owner.