on revive, use reveal against new player object.
send loadABS value from server and wait client side for a match before
using selectPlayer.
Note: may need some form of code lock to prevent duplicate calls
Todo: Look into changing revive system to A3's own.
- change bools in config files to string or a number.
- EPOCH_fnc_returnConfigEntry(V2) now also supports 0/1 via config when
default input is a bool.
Note: this commit may address issue with Bad conversion: bool rpt spam.
It is suggested to use the following format for storing booleans in
1 = true
0 = false
- Added Ghost Classes for Biulding-Count
- Added SIM Classes for Storage-Count
- 2nd Storage outsinde PlotPole range can not be set fixed
- Cleanup the whole Script a bit
- fixed a typo in takeCrypto and updated private array
- moved epoch_2DCtrlHeartbeat to is Critical logic so it only beats when
critical (todo make slower faster based on high or low status)
- experiment with using dynamic UI (HOLD down Space Bar) for base
building: enable, disable, free mode, and snap alignment options. build
mode can still be disabled with "1" key only if already enabled.
- Replace the use of 1,2,3 keys for base building to free them up to be
used for Arma 3 weapon switching.
removed "wet" HUD icon for now.
reworked login fsm, thanks to some feedback on the forum.
removed most blocking of f1-12 keys and number keys via keyDown
comment out some diag_log spam.
workaround for Arma 3 client crash when an admin uses F5 to delete a
Fixed Ryan Zombies mod detection issues.
Optimized and fixed wall state issues thanks to @Ignatz-HeMan for PR and
Xirtti for the feedback.
Add Wall on Wooden Tower was not working since 0.4.
_x params ["_recipeItem","_recipeQty"]; seem not work here and the paramterer was twice loaded.
This fix is already tested and works.
tanoa mission file added that adds RyanZombies to the addons array
Test extended options support for double click item interaction sub
- "Drink" gas to poison your self.
- Pour our Honey "Empty" option to gain the empty jar without consuming
the honey.
Otherwise it is possible to unlock foreign Doors / Gates while controling an UAV.
If you control an UAV, cameraon will check the Plotpoles near the UAV.
If two players from the same group connect at exact the same time, they can not "find" and join each others Group. So you can invite the other player again and he is doubled in the Group.
This prevents from inviting again.
Already implemented on our Server since a few weeks without problems.