Tweaked: Decreased the radius that prevents items from respawning to 100 meters (was 200 meters before)
Tweaked: Mosin rifle moved into Tier 2,3 alongside reduction of its nominal and min value
Tweaked: NAC access card, Lantia locator, APAC module and LEHS parts init damage (now always pristine)
Tweaked: All vehicles will always spawn with all wheels to counter issues with vehicle spawning (regular)
Added: BK-12 shotgun in Tier 1 civilian spawns and its sawed off variant (crafted)
Added: SSG-82 rifle into police spawns across the whole map with a random magazine chance
Added: Blowtorch into generic industrial spawns
Added: GPS receiver into military and hunting spawns across the whole map
Added: Vanilla black plate carrier into random attachment spawns of NAC soldier infected (rare spawn)
Added: Vanilla olive plate carrier into random attachment spawns of RU soldier infected (rare spawn)
Added: Vanilla camo plate carrier into random attachment spawns of standard soldier infected (rare spawn)
Added: Colour variants of all plate carrier holster and pouches and rebalanced the count
Added: Improvised eye patch (crafted)
Added: M1025 multipurpose vehicle, can spawn in several military locations (regular)
Added: M1025 wheels into industrial and military spawns (regular)
Added: Glowplug into industrial and military spawns (regular)
Added: A chance for the spare wheel to appear on civilian vehicles (regular)
Changed: Items will now not respawn if a player is closer than 200 meters from a building
Changed: All items (with few exceptions) are now spawning in a random condition (from pristine to badly damaged)
Tweaked: Reduced chance for finding the vanilla tan plate carrier on US soldier infected
Tweaked: Lowered the amount of BK-43 shotguns
Tweaked: Changed the format of attachment randomization for vehicle parts (regular)
Fixed: An error message about missing "cfgeventgroups.xml" (Namalsk does not use event groups, but added an empty file)
Removed: Plate carrier holster from the police spawns