Persist the hotbar state to disk by writing it out to a `profile.ron`
situated next to the existing `settings.ron`. There are individual
profiles for every character on every server. On creation of a new
character the default hotbar state will be `[None; 10]` i.e. the hotbar
will be empty.
- authc no longer uses reqwest
- image only supports PNG
- replace routille with tiny_http
- several other dependencies
- cargo upgrade
- following improvement was measured on R7 1700X:
- cargo build: 3076.73s user / 4:45 total / 589 dependencies
- cargo test: 6118.38s user / 7:30 total / 959 dependencies
- cargo build: 2680.54s user / 4:05 total / 480 dependencies
- cargo test: 5351.81s user / 7:04 total / 791 dependencies
- added xMAC94x to CODEOWNERS for Cargo.toml, he will protect them from now on and hit people with evil looks ;)
big combined updates.
- Add a timer to the stats persistence system and change the frequency
that it runs to 10s
- Seperate the loading of character data for the character list during
selection, and the full data we will grab during state creation. Ideally
additional persisted bits can get returned at the same point and added
to the ecs within the same block.
- Update client code to use persisted stats
- Add a system for stats persistence
- Add a basic scheduler to control duration between execution of
persistence systems
- Make the character screen load with an empty character list from the server, send event to the server for character creation with data, but not yet saving them to the DB.
- Working but messy character saving to DB
- Add the character_data to the client, rather than keep it in the GLobalState.