2018-10-07 09:30:15 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Project name= "ACE" >
<Package name= "MicroDAGR" >
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_itemName" >
<English > MicroDAGR GPS</English>
<German > MicroDAGR GPS</German>
<Spanish > GPS MicroDAGR</Spanish>
<Russian > MicroDAGR GPS</Russian>
<Czech > MicroDAGR GPS</Czech>
<Polish > MicroDAGR GPS</Polish>
<French > MicroDAGR GPS</French>
<Hungarian > MicroDAGR GPS</Hungarian>
<Italian > GPS MicroDAGR</Italian>
<Portuguese > GPS MicroDAGR</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > MicroDAGR GPS</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > MicroDAGR GPS</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 微型军用GPS接收器</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 微型軍用GPS接收器</Chinese>
2020-01-10 23:25:02 +00:00
<Turkish > MicroDAGR GPS</Turkish>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_itemDescription" >
<English > MicroDAGR advanced GPS receiver</English>
<German > MicroDAGR - Fortgeschrittener GPS-Empfänger</German>
<Spanish > Receptor avanzado GPS MicroDAGR</Spanish>
<Russian > Многофункциональный GPS-приёмник.</Russian>
<Polish > Zaawansowany odbiornik GPS MicroDAGR</Polish>
<French > Récepteur GPS MicroDAGR</French>
<Czech > MicroDAGR pokročílá GPS příjímač</Czech>
<Hungarian > MicroDAGR fejlett GPS vevőegység</Hungarian>
<Italian > Ricevitore GPS avanzato MicroDAGR</Italian>
2019-09-14 18:36:28 +00:00
<Portuguese > Receptor GPS avançado MicroDAGR</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > MicroDAGR は改良された GPS 受信機です</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > MicroDAGR 고급 위성항법 수신기</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 微型军用高级防御GPS接收器</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 微型軍用高級防禦GPS接收器</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_settingUseMils" >
<English > Angular Unit:</English>
<Spanish > Unidad angular:</Spanish>
<Russian > Угловые единицы:</Russian>
<Polish > Jednostka kątowa:</Polish>
French translation Update / Added (#7213)
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* Update French Explosives Translation Update
* Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation
* Update hearing french translation
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Frag Module
- Gestures Module
- Goggles Module
- Grenades Module
- Gunbag Module
- Hearing Module
- Hellfire Module
- Hitreactions Module
- Hot Module
- Interact_Menu Module
- Interaction Module
- Inventory Module
- Laser Module
- Laserpointer Module
- Magazinerepack Module
- Map Module
- Map_gesture Module
- Maptools Module
- Markers Module
- Maverick Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Interaction Module
- Medical Module
- Medical_damage Module
- Medical_feedback Module
- Medical_gui Module
- Medical_statemachine Module
- Medical_treatment Module
- Microdagr Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Missileguidance Module
- Missionmodules Module
- Nametags Module
- Nightvision Module
- Nlaw Module
- Noradio Module
- Optionsmenu Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Overheating Module
- Overpressure Module
- Parachute Module
- Pylons Module
- Quickmount Module
- Rangecard Module
- Realisticnames Module
- Rearm Module
- Refuel Module
- Reload Module
* Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module
* Correction typo mineure
* Adding French translation and / or correction for :
- Respawn Module
- Safemode Module
- Sandbag Module
- Scopes Module
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module
* Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden.
Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission.
En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin.
Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;).
De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée.
Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Slideshow Module,
- Spectator Module,
- Spottingscope Module,
- Swichunits Module,
Minor correction on Nametags Module
* Correction ponctuation
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Tacticalladder Module,
- Tagging Module,
- Trenches Module,
- Tripod Module.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- UI Module,
- Vehiclelock Module,
- Vehicles Module.
Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French > Unité angulaire :</French>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<German > Winkeleinheit:</German>
<Czech > Úhlová jednotka:</Czech>
<Hungarian > Szögmértékegység:</Hungarian>
<Italian > Unità angolare:</Italian>
<Portuguese > Unidade Angular:</Portuguese>
2017-07-23 12:27:50 +00:00
<Japanese > 角度の種類:</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 각도의 단위:</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 角密位:</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 角密位:</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_settingMils" >
<English > Mils</English>
<German > Mil</German>
<Spanish > Mils</Spanish>
<Russian > Тысячные</Russian>
<Polish > Tysiączne</Polish>
<French > Mils</French>
<Czech > Mils</Czech>
<Hungarian > Mil</Hungarian>
<Italian > Mils</Italian>
<Portuguese > Mils:</Portuguese>
2017-07-23 12:27:50 +00:00
<Japanese > ミル</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 밀</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 密位</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 密位</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_settingShowWP" >
<English > Show Waypoints On Map:</English>
<German > Zeige Wegpunkte auf Karte</German>
<Spanish > Mostrar puntos de ruta en el mapa:</Spanish>
<Russian > Показывать маршрутные точки на карте:</Russian>
<Polish > Pokaż PT na mapie:</Polish>
French translation (#7298)
* Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) :
- Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators.
- Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date.
- Minor french translation correction.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Weaponselect module,
- Weather module,
- Winddeflection module,
- Yardage450 module,
- Zeus module.
* Convert Tabs to Spaces
* Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files.
* Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings.
- Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque
option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines
absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les
langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée.
Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très
- Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer
l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas,
aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options).
- Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage
du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons.
Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas
dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant.
* Corrections mineures
* correction erreurs
* correction erreurs (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common)
* Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes
* correction key error
* Added Vdauphin suggestions :).
* French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side)
* Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation
* - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml
* Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation :
Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically.
Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list.
modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml
modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml
* Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French > Montrer points de passage sur la carte :</French>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Czech > Ukázat waypointy na mapě:</Czech>
<Hungarian > Útvonalpontok mutatása a térképen:</Hungarian>
<Italian > Mostra waypoint sulla mappa:</Italian>
<Portuguese > Mostrar Waypoints no mapa:</Portuguese>
2017-07-23 12:27:50 +00:00
<Japanese > 地図へウェイポイントを表示:</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 웨이포인트를 지도에 보이기:</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 显示路径点在地图上:</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 顯示路徑點在地圖上:</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_settingDegrees" >
<English > Degrees</English>
<German > Grad</German>
<Spanish > Grados</Spanish>
<Russian > Градусы</Russian>
<Polish > Stopnie</Polish>
<French > Degrés</French>
<Czech > Stupně</Czech>
<Hungarian > Fok</Hungarian>
<Italian > Gradi</Italian>
<Portuguese > Graus</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > 角度</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 각도</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 度</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 度</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_settingOn" >
<English > On</English>
<Czech > Zapnuto</Czech>
<French > Allumé</French>
<German > Ein</German>
<Italian > Acceso</Italian>
<Polish > Wł.</Polish>
<Portuguese > Ativar</Portuguese>
<Russian > Вкл.</Russian>
<Spanish > Encendido</Spanish>
<Hungarian > Be</Hungarian>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > 有効</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 켜기</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 开启</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 開啟</Chinese>
2020-01-10 23:25:02 +00:00
<Turkish > Açı k</Turkish>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_settingOff" >
<English > Off</English>
<Czech > Vypnuto</Czech>
French translation (#7298)
* Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) :
- Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators.
- Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date.
- Minor french translation correction.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Weaponselect module,
- Weather module,
- Winddeflection module,
- Yardage450 module,
- Zeus module.
* Convert Tabs to Spaces
* Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files.
* Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings.
- Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque
option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines
absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les
langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée.
Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très
- Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer
l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas,
aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options).
- Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage
du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons.
Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas
dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant.
* Corrections mineures
* correction erreurs
* correction erreurs (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common)
* Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes
* correction key error
* Added Vdauphin suggestions :).
* French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side)
* Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation
* - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml
* Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation :
Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically.
Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list.
modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml
modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml
* Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French > Éteint</French>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<German > Aus</German>
<Italian > Spento</Italian>
<Polish > Wył.</Polish>
<Portuguese > Desativar</Portuguese>
<Russian > Выкл.</Russian>
<Spanish > Apagado</Spanish>
<Hungarian > Ki</Hungarian>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > 無効</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 끄기</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 关闭</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 關閉</Chinese>
2020-01-10 23:25:02 +00:00
<Turkish > Kapalı </Turkish>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_wpEnterCords" >
<English > Enter Grid Cords:</English>
<Spanish > Introducir coordenadas de cuadrícula:</Spanish>
<Russian > Введите сеточные координаты:</Russian>
<Polish > Wprowadź współrzędne:</Polish>
French translation Update / Added (#7213)
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* Update French Explosives Translation Update
* Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation
* Update hearing french translation
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Frag Module
- Gestures Module
- Goggles Module
- Grenades Module
- Gunbag Module
- Hearing Module
- Hellfire Module
- Hitreactions Module
- Hot Module
- Interact_Menu Module
- Interaction Module
- Inventory Module
- Laser Module
- Laserpointer Module
- Magazinerepack Module
- Map Module
- Map_gesture Module
- Maptools Module
- Markers Module
- Maverick Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Interaction Module
- Medical Module
- Medical_damage Module
- Medical_feedback Module
- Medical_gui Module
- Medical_statemachine Module
- Medical_treatment Module
- Microdagr Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Missileguidance Module
- Missionmodules Module
- Nametags Module
- Nightvision Module
- Nlaw Module
- Noradio Module
- Optionsmenu Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Overheating Module
- Overpressure Module
- Parachute Module
- Pylons Module
- Quickmount Module
- Rangecard Module
- Realisticnames Module
- Rearm Module
- Refuel Module
- Reload Module
* Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module
* Correction typo mineure
* Adding French translation and / or correction for :
- Respawn Module
- Safemode Module
- Sandbag Module
- Scopes Module
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module
* Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden.
Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission.
En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin.
Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;).
De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée.
Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Slideshow Module,
- Spectator Module,
- Spottingscope Module,
- Swichunits Module,
Minor correction on Nametags Module
* Correction ponctuation
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Tacticalladder Module,
- Tagging Module,
- Trenches Module,
- Tripod Module.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- UI Module,
- Vehiclelock Module,
- Vehicles Module.
Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French > Entrer coordonnées :</French>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<German > Koordinaten eingeben:</German>
<Czech > Napiš souřadnice:</Czech>
<Hungarian > Add meg a rácskoordinátákat:</Hungarian>
<Italian > Introduci griglia coordinate:</Italian>
2019-09-14 18:36:28 +00:00
<Portuguese > Digite as Coords. do Grid</Portuguese>
2017-07-23 12:27:50 +00:00
<Japanese > 座標を入力:</Japanese>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 输入网格座标:</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 輸入網格座標:</Chinese>
2017-09-25 15:54:27 +00:00
<Korean > 좌표 입력:</Korean>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_wpEnterName" >
<English > Name of [%1]</English>
<German > Name von [%1]</German>
<Spanish > Nombre de [%1]</Spanish>
<Russian > Название [%1]</Russian>
<Polish > Nazwa [%1]</Polish>
French translation (#7298)
* Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) :
- Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators.
- Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date.
- Minor french translation correction.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Weaponselect module,
- Weather module,
- Winddeflection module,
- Yardage450 module,
- Zeus module.
* Convert Tabs to Spaces
* Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files.
* Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings.
- Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque
option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines
absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les
langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée.
Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très
- Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer
l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas,
aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options).
- Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage
du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons.
Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas
dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant.
* Corrections mineures
* correction erreurs
* correction erreurs (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common)
* Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes
* correction key error
* Added Vdauphin suggestions :).
* French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side)
* Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation
* - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml
* Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation :
Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically.
Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list.
modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml
modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml
* Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French > Nom de [%1]</French>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Czech > Název [%1]</Czech>
<Hungarian > [%1] neve</Hungarian>
<Italian > Nome di [%1]</Italian>
<Portuguese > Nome do [%1]</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > [%1] の名前</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > [%1] 의 이름</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 名称 [%1]</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 名稱 [%1]</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_controlMGRS" >
<English > MGRS-New</English>
<German > UTMREF-NEU</German>
<Spanish > Nuevo-MGRS</Spanish>
<Russian > MGRS-Новая</Russian>
<Polish > MGRS-Nowy</Polish>
<French > Info-MGRS</French>
<Czech > MGRS-Nový</Czech>
<Hungarian > MGRS-új</Hungarian>
<Italian > Nuovo MGRS</Italian>
<Portuguese > MGRS-Novo</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > MGRS-New</Japanese>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 军事网格座标系统-新型</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 軍事網格座標系統-新型</Chinese>
2017-09-25 15:54:27 +00:00
<Korean > MGRS-New</Korean>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_controlWGD" >
<English > WGD</English>
<German > WGD</German>
<Spanish > WGD</Spanish>
<Russian > WGD</Russian>
<Polish > WGD</Polish>
<French > WGD</French>
<Czech > WGD</Czech>
<Hungarian > WGD</Hungarian>
<Italian > WGD</Italian>
<Portuguese > WGD</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > WGD</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > WGD</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 世界座标</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 世界座標</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_controlRange" >
<English > Range:</English>
<Spanish > Distancia:</Spanish>
<German > Distanz:</German>
<Russian > Дистанция:</Russian>
<Polish > Dystans:</Polish>
French translation Update / Added (#7213)
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* Update French Explosives Translation Update
* Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation
* Update hearing french translation
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Frag Module
- Gestures Module
- Goggles Module
- Grenades Module
- Gunbag Module
- Hearing Module
- Hellfire Module
- Hitreactions Module
- Hot Module
- Interact_Menu Module
- Interaction Module
- Inventory Module
- Laser Module
- Laserpointer Module
- Magazinerepack Module
- Map Module
- Map_gesture Module
- Maptools Module
- Markers Module
- Maverick Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Interaction Module
- Medical Module
- Medical_damage Module
- Medical_feedback Module
- Medical_gui Module
- Medical_statemachine Module
- Medical_treatment Module
- Microdagr Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Missileguidance Module
- Missionmodules Module
- Nametags Module
- Nightvision Module
- Nlaw Module
- Noradio Module
- Optionsmenu Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Overheating Module
- Overpressure Module
- Parachute Module
- Pylons Module
- Quickmount Module
- Rangecard Module
- Realisticnames Module
- Rearm Module
- Refuel Module
- Reload Module
* Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module
* Correction typo mineure
* Adding French translation and / or correction for :
- Respawn Module
- Safemode Module
- Sandbag Module
- Scopes Module
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module
* Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden.
Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission.
En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin.
Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;).
De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée.
Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Slideshow Module,
- Spectator Module,
- Spottingscope Module,
- Swichunits Module,
Minor correction on Nametags Module
* Correction ponctuation
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Tacticalladder Module,
- Tagging Module,
- Trenches Module,
- Tripod Module.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- UI Module,
- Vehiclelock Module,
- Vehicles Module.
Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French > Distance :</French>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Czech > Vzdálenost:</Czech>
<Hungarian > Távolság:</Hungarian>
<Italian > Distanza:</Italian>
<Portuguese > Distância:</Portuguese>
2017-07-23 12:27:50 +00:00
<Japanese > 距離:</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 거리:</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 范围:</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 範圍:</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_compasDirection" >
<English > Compass Direction</English>
<German > Kompass Richtung</German>
<Spanish > Dirección de la brújula</Spanish>
<Russian > Азимут</Russian>
<Polish > Azymut</Polish>
<French > Azimut</French>
<Czech > Azimut:</Czech>
<Hungarian > Irányszög</Hungarian>
<Italian > Azimut</Italian>
<Portuguese > Direção na bússula</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > 方位磁石での方位</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 방위</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 指北针方位</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 指北針方位</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_menuMark" >
<English > Mark</English>
<German > Markieren</German>
<Spanish > Marca</Spanish>
<Russian > Отметка</Russian>
<Polish > Oznacz</Polish>
<French > Marque</French>
<Czech > Označit</Czech>
<Hungarian > Jelölés</Hungarian>
<Italian > Marca</Italian>
<Portuguese > Marca</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > マーク</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 표시</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 标记</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 標記</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_menuWaypoints" >
<English > Waypoints</English>
<Spanish > Puntos de ruta</Spanish>
<German > Wegpunkte</German>
<Russian > Машрутные точки</Russian>
<Czech > Waypointy</Czech>
<Polish > Punkty trasy</Polish>
<French > Point de passage</French>
<Hungarian > Útvonalpontok</Hungarian>
<Italian > waypoints</Italian>
<Portuguese > Waypoints</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > ウェイポイント</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 웨이포인트</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 路径点</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 路徑點</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_menuConnectTo" >
<English > Connect To</English>
<Spanish > Conectar a</Spanish>
<Russian > Подключиться к</Russian>
<German > Verbinde zu</German>
<Czech > Připojit k</Czech>
<Polish > Podłącz do</Polish>
French translation Update / Added (#7213)
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* Update French Explosives Translation Update
* Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation
* Update hearing french translation
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Frag Module
- Gestures Module
- Goggles Module
- Grenades Module
- Gunbag Module
- Hearing Module
- Hellfire Module
- Hitreactions Module
- Hot Module
- Interact_Menu Module
- Interaction Module
- Inventory Module
- Laser Module
- Laserpointer Module
- Magazinerepack Module
- Map Module
- Map_gesture Module
- Maptools Module
- Markers Module
- Maverick Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Interaction Module
- Medical Module
- Medical_damage Module
- Medical_feedback Module
- Medical_gui Module
- Medical_statemachine Module
- Medical_treatment Module
- Microdagr Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Missileguidance Module
- Missionmodules Module
- Nametags Module
- Nightvision Module
- Nlaw Module
- Noradio Module
- Optionsmenu Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Overheating Module
- Overpressure Module
- Parachute Module
- Pylons Module
- Quickmount Module
- Rangecard Module
- Realisticnames Module
- Rearm Module
- Refuel Module
- Reload Module
* Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module
* Correction typo mineure
* Adding French translation and / or correction for :
- Respawn Module
- Safemode Module
- Sandbag Module
- Scopes Module
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module
* Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden.
Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission.
En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin.
Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;).
De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée.
Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Slideshow Module,
- Spectator Module,
- Spottingscope Module,
- Swichunits Module,
Minor correction on Nametags Module
* Correction ponctuation
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Tacticalladder Module,
- Tagging Module,
- Trenches Module,
- Tripod Module.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- UI Module,
- Vehiclelock Module,
- Vehicles Module.
Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French > Connecter à</French>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Hungarian > Csatlakozás</Hungarian>
<Italian > Collega a </Italian>
<Portuguese > Conectar à</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > 次に接続</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 연결</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 连接到</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 連接到</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_menuSettings" >
<English > Settings</English>
<French > Paramètres</French>
<German > Einstellungen</German>
<Spanish > Configuración</Spanish>
<Russian > Настройки</Russian>
<Czech > Nastavení</Czech>
<Polish > Ustawienia</Polish>
<Hungarian > Beállítások</Hungarian>
<Italian > Impostaizoni</Italian>
<Portuguese > Opções</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > 設定</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 설정</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 设定</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 設定</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_waypointsSet" >
<English > SetWP</English>
<German > WP setzen</German>
<Spanish > Fijar PR</Spanish>
<Russian > Установить М Т </Russian>
<Czech > Nastavit WP</Czech>
<Polish > UstawPT</Polish>
<French > Définir point de passage</French>
<Hungarian > UP Beállítása</Hungarian>
<Italian > Definisci WayPoints</Italian>
<Portuguese > Definir WP</Portuguese>
2019-02-28 19:36:34 +00:00
<Japanese > WP設定</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 웨이포인트 설정</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 设置路径点</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 設置路徑點</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_waypointsAdd" >
<English > Add</English>
<German > Hinzufügen</German>
<Spanish > Añadir</Spanish>
<Russian > Добавить</Russian>
<Czech > Přidat</Czech>
<Polish > Dodaj</Polish>
<French > Ajouter</French>
<Hungarian > Hozzáadás</Hungarian>
<Italian > Aggiungi</Italian>
<Portuguese > Adicionar</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > 追加</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 더하기</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 新增</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 新增</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_waypointsDelete" >
<English > Delete</English>
<Czech > Smazat</Czech>
<French > Supprimer</French>
<German > Löschen</German>
<Italian > Elimina</Italian>
<Polish > Usuń</Polish>
<Portuguese > Excluir</Portuguese>
<Russian > Удалить</Russian>
<Spanish > Borrar</Spanish>
<Hungarian > Törlés</Hungarian>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > 削除</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 지우기</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 删除</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 刪除</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_toggleUnit" >
<English > Toggle MicroDAGR Display Mode</English>
<German > MicoDAGR Anzeigemodus wechseln</German>
<Spanish > Cambiar modo de pantalla del MicroDAGR</Spanish>
<Russian > Сменить режим показа MicroDAGR</Russian>
<Polish > Przełącz GUI MicroDAGR</Polish>
<French > Basculer le mode d'affichage MicroDAGR</French>
<Czech > Přepnout zobrazení MircroDAGRu</Czech>
<Hungarian > MicroDAGR kijelzési mód váltása</Hungarian>
<Italian > Alterna modalità display MicroDAGR</Italian>
<Portuguese > Alternar Modo de Display do MicroDAGR</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > MicroDAGR の表示モード</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > MicroDAGR 화면 모드 토글</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 切换微型军用GPS接收器显示模式</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 切換微型軍用GPS接收器顯示模式</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_show" >
<English > Show MicoDAGR</English>
<German > Zeige MicroDAGR</German>
<Spanish > Mostrar MicroDAGR</Spanish>
<Russian > Показать MicroDAGR</Russian>
<Czech > Ukázat MicroDAGR</Czech>
<Polish > Pokaż MicroDAGR</Polish>
<French > Afficher MicroDAGR</French>
<Hungarian > MicroDAGR mutatása</Hungarian>
<Italian > Mostra MicroDAGR</Italian>
<Portuguese > Mostrar MicroDAGR</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > MicoDAGR を表示</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > MicroDAGR 꺼내기</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 显示微型军用GPS接收器</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 顯示微型軍用GPS接收器</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_configure" >
<English > Configure MicroDAGR</English>
<German > Konfiguriere MicroDAGR</German>
<Spanish > Configurar MicroDAGR</Spanish>
<Russian > Настроить MicroDAGR</Russian>
<Czech > Konfigurovat MicroDAGR</Czech>
<Polish > Otwórz MicroDAGR</Polish>
<French > Configurer MicroDAGR</French>
<Hungarian > MicroDAGR konfigurálása</Hungarian>
<Italian > ConfiguraMicroDAGR</Italian>
<Portuguese > Configurar MicroDAGR</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > MicroDAGR を設定</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > MicroDAGR 설정하기</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 设定微型军用GPS接收器</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 設定微型軍用GPS接收器</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_closeUnit" >
<English > Close MicroDAGR</English>
<German > Schließe MicroDAGR</German>
<Spanish > Cerrar MicroDAGR</Spanish>
<Russian > Закрыть MicroDAGR</Russian>
<Czech > Zavřít MicroDAGR</Czech>
<Polish > Zamknij MicroDAGR</Polish>
<French > Fermer MicroDAGR</French>
<Hungarian > MicroDAGR elrejtése</Hungarian>
<Italian > Chiudi MicroDAGR</Italian>
<Portuguese > Fechar MicroDAGR</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > MicroDAGR を閉じる</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > MicroDAGR 집어넣기</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 关闭微型军用GPS接收器</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 關閉微型軍用GPS接收器</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_Module_DisplayName" >
<English > MicroDAGR Map Fill</English>
<Polish > Wypełnienie mapy MicroDAGR</Polish>
<Spanish > Relleno del mapa MicroDAGR</Spanish>
<Czech > MicroDAGR - Vyplnění mapy</Czech>
<German > MicroDAGR-Kartenfüllung</German>
<Portuguese > Preenchimento de mapa do MicroDAGR</Portuguese>
2015-08-08 17:57:18 +00:00
<French > MicroDAGR - Remplissage de la carte</French>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Hungarian > MicroDAGR térképkitöltés</Hungarian>
<Russian > Заполнение карты MicroDAGR</Russian>
2016-02-20 20:39:05 +00:00
<Italian > Riempimento Mappa MicroDAGR</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > MicroDAGR での地図情報</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > MicroDAGR - 지도채우기</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 微型军用GPS接收器地图资料</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 微型軍用GPS接收器地圖資料</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_MapDataAvailable_DisplayName" >
<English > MicroDAGR Map Fill</English>
<Polish > Wypełnienie mapy MicroDAGR</Polish>
<Spanish > Relleno del mapa MicroDAGR</Spanish>
<Czech > MicroDAGR - Vyplnění mapy</Czech>
<German > MicroDAGR-Kartenfüllung</German>
<Portuguese > Preenchimento de mapa do MicroDAGR</Portuguese>
2019-12-28 15:58:52 +00:00
<French > Contenu de la carte</French>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Hungarian > MicroDAGR térképkitöltés</Hungarian>
<Russian > Заполнение карты MicroDAGR</Russian>
2016-02-20 20:39:05 +00:00
<Italian > Riempimento Mappa MicroDAGR</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > MicroDAGR での地図情報</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > MicroDAGR - 지도채우기</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 微型军用GPS接收器地图资料</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 微型軍用GPS接收器地圖資料</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_MapDataAvailable_Description" >
<English > How much map data is filled on MicroDAGR's</English>
<Polish > Jak duża część informacji mapy jest załadowana do MicroDAGR?</Polish>
<Spanish > Cuanta información está disponible en el mapa del MicroDAG</Spanish>
<German > Wie viel Daten auf einem MicroDAGR zu sehen sind</German>
<Czech > Kolik informací je načteno do MicroDAGR?</Czech>
<Portuguese > Quanta informação é preenchida no mapa do MicroDAGR</Portuguese>
2019-12-28 15:58:52 +00:00
<French > Définit le type d'information à afficher sur la carte du MicroDAGR.</French>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Hungarian > Mennyi térképadatot tartalmaz a MicroDAGR</Hungarian>
<Russian > Сколько данных должно отображаться на карте MicroDAGR</Russian>
2016-02-20 20:39:05 +00:00
<Italian > Quanti dati sono trasferiti nella mappa del MicroDAGR</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > MicroDAGR で表示する地図情報を決定します</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 얼마나 많은 데이터가 MicroDAGR에 있는지에 대한 정보</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 有多少地图数据会显示在微型军用GPS接收器</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 有多少地圖數據會顯示在微型軍用GPS接收器</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_MapFill_Full" >
<English > Full Satellite + Buildings</English>
<Polish > Pełna satelitarna + budynki</Polish>
<Spanish > Satelite completo + Edificios</Spanish>
<German > Satellitenbild + Gebäude</German>
<Czech > Satelit + Budovy</Czech>
<Portuguese > Satélite completo + Edifícios</Portuguese>
2019-12-28 15:58:52 +00:00
<French > Image satellite + Bâtiments</French>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Hungarian > Teljes műholdas + épületek</Hungarian>
<Russian > Спутник + Здания</Russian>
2016-02-20 20:39:05 +00:00
<Italian > Satellite Completo + Edifici</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > 完全な衛星画像と建物</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 위성 사진 + 건물</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 完整卫星画面 + 建筑物位置</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 完整衛星畫面 + 建築物位置</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_MapFill_OnlyRoads" >
<English > Topographical + Roads</English>
<Polish > Topograficzna + drogi</Polish>
<Spanish > Topografico + Carreteras</Spanish>
<German > Topografisch + Straßen</German>
<Czech > Topografické + Cesty</Czech>
<Portuguese > Topográfico + Estradas</Portuguese>
2015-08-08 17:57:18 +00:00
<French > Topographie + Routes</French>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Hungarian > Topográfia + utak</Hungarian>
<Russian > Топография + Дороги</Russian>
2016-02-20 20:39:05 +00:00
<Italian > Topografico + Strade</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > 地形と道路</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 지형학 도표 + 도로</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 地形 + 道路</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 地形 + 道路</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_MapFill_None" >
<English > None (Cannot use map view)</English>
<Polish > Żadna (wyłącza ekran mapy)</Polish>
2016-02-25 19:50:29 +00:00
<Spanish > Nada (No se puede usar vista del mapa)</Spanish>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<German > Keine (kann keine Kartenansicht verwenden)</German>
<Czech > Žádný (Nelze použít zobrazení mapy)</Czech>
<Portuguese > Nada (Não pode usar a tela de mapa)</Portuguese>
2019-12-28 15:58:52 +00:00
<French > Néant (carte désactivée)</French>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Hungarian > Semmi (nem használható a térképnézet)</Hungarian>
<Russian > Н е показывать (запрещает использовать режим карты)</Russian>
2016-02-20 20:39:05 +00:00
<Italian > Nessuno (Non puoi usare la vista mappa)</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > なし(地図表示を使えません)</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 없음 (지도를 볼 수 없음)</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 无 (无法检视地图)</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 無 (無法檢視地圖)</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
2018-09-22 03:32:09 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_WaypointPrecision_DisplayName" >
<English > MicroDAGR - Waypoint Precision</English>
<German > MicroDAGR - Wegpunkt Genauigkeit</German>
2018-10-09 01:49:37 +00:00
<Italian > MicroDAGR - Precisione del Waypoint</Italian>
2018-11-26 23:09:32 +00:00
<Japanese > MicroDAGR - ウェイポイントの精度</Japanese>
2018-12-11 22:50:36 +00:00
<Polish > MicroDAGR - Precyzja PT</Polish>
2019-06-03 14:59:13 +00:00
<Russian > MicroDAGR - Точность маршрутных точек</Russian>
2019-09-14 18:36:28 +00:00
<Portuguese > MicroDAGR - Precisão de Waypoint</Portuguese>
2019-12-28 15:58:52 +00:00
<French > Précision des points de passage</French>
2019-11-28 17:45:27 +00:00
<Chinese > 微型軍用GPS接收器 - 導航精確度</Chinese>
2019-12-20 19:38:53 +00:00
<Czech > MicroDAGR - přesnost Waypointů</Czech>
2018-09-22 03:32:09 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_WaypointPrecision_Description" >
<English > Controls how precise the waypointdistance can be displayed</English>
<German > Legt die Genauigkeit der Entfernung von Wegpunkten fest</German>
2018-10-09 01:49:37 +00:00
<Italian > Controlla quanto precisamente può essere visualizzato il waypoint a distanza</Italian>
2018-11-26 23:09:32 +00:00
<Japanese > 表示されるウェイポイントの精度を設定します</Japanese>
2018-12-11 22:50:36 +00:00
<Polish > Kontroluje jak precyzyjnie może być wyświetlany dystans PT</Polish>
2019-06-03 14:59:13 +00:00
<Russian > Управляет точностью отображения расстояний маршрутных точек</Russian>
2019-09-14 18:36:28 +00:00
<Portuguese > Controla o quão preciso pode exibir o waypoint de distância</Portuguese>
French translation Update / Added (#7213)
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* Update French Explosives Translation Update
* Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation
* Update hearing french translation
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Frag Module
- Gestures Module
- Goggles Module
- Grenades Module
- Gunbag Module
- Hearing Module
- Hellfire Module
- Hitreactions Module
- Hot Module
- Interact_Menu Module
- Interaction Module
- Inventory Module
- Laser Module
- Laserpointer Module
- Magazinerepack Module
- Map Module
- Map_gesture Module
- Maptools Module
- Markers Module
- Maverick Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Interaction Module
- Medical Module
- Medical_damage Module
- Medical_feedback Module
- Medical_gui Module
- Medical_statemachine Module
- Medical_treatment Module
- Microdagr Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Missileguidance Module
- Missionmodules Module
- Nametags Module
- Nightvision Module
- Nlaw Module
- Noradio Module
- Optionsmenu Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Overheating Module
- Overpressure Module
- Parachute Module
- Pylons Module
- Quickmount Module
- Rangecard Module
- Realisticnames Module
- Rearm Module
- Refuel Module
- Reload Module
* Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module
* Correction typo mineure
* Adding French translation and / or correction for :
- Respawn Module
- Safemode Module
- Sandbag Module
- Scopes Module
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module
* Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden.
Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission.
En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin.
Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;).
De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée.
Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Slideshow Module,
- Spectator Module,
- Spottingscope Module,
- Swichunits Module,
Minor correction on Nametags Module
* Correction ponctuation
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Tacticalladder Module,
- Tagging Module,
- Trenches Module,
- Tripod Module.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- UI Module,
- Vehiclelock Module,
- Vehicles Module.
Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French > Définit la précision d'affichage des points de passage.</French>
2019-11-28 17:45:27 +00:00
<Chinese > 控制顯示的導航點精確度為多少</Chinese>
2019-12-20 19:38:53 +00:00
<Czech > Nastavuje jak přesně je vzdálenost waypointů zobrazena.</Czech>
2018-09-22 03:32:09 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_WaypointPrecision_medium" >
<English > 100m</English>
<German > 100m</German>
2018-10-09 01:49:37 +00:00
<Italian > 100m</Italian>
2018-11-26 23:09:32 +00:00
<Japanese > 100m</Japanese>
2018-12-11 22:50:36 +00:00
<Polish > 100m</Polish>
2019-06-03 14:59:13 +00:00
<Russian > 100 м</Russian>
2019-09-14 18:36:28 +00:00
<Portuguese > 100m</Portuguese>
French translation Update / Added (#7213)
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* Update French Explosives Translation Update
* Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation
* Update hearing french translation
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Frag Module
- Gestures Module
- Goggles Module
- Grenades Module
- Gunbag Module
- Hearing Module
- Hellfire Module
- Hitreactions Module
- Hot Module
- Interact_Menu Module
- Interaction Module
- Inventory Module
- Laser Module
- Laserpointer Module
- Magazinerepack Module
- Map Module
- Map_gesture Module
- Maptools Module
- Markers Module
- Maverick Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Interaction Module
- Medical Module
- Medical_damage Module
- Medical_feedback Module
- Medical_gui Module
- Medical_statemachine Module
- Medical_treatment Module
- Microdagr Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Missileguidance Module
- Missionmodules Module
- Nametags Module
- Nightvision Module
- Nlaw Module
- Noradio Module
- Optionsmenu Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Overheating Module
- Overpressure Module
- Parachute Module
- Pylons Module
- Quickmount Module
- Rangecard Module
- Realisticnames Module
- Rearm Module
- Refuel Module
- Reload Module
* Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module
* Correction typo mineure
* Adding French translation and / or correction for :
- Respawn Module
- Safemode Module
- Sandbag Module
- Scopes Module
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module
* Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden.
Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission.
En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin.
Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;).
De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée.
Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Slideshow Module,
- Spectator Module,
- Spottingscope Module,
- Swichunits Module,
Minor correction on Nametags Module
* Correction ponctuation
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Tacticalladder Module,
- Tagging Module,
- Trenches Module,
- Tripod Module.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- UI Module,
- Vehiclelock Module,
- Vehicles Module.
Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French > 100 m</French>
2019-11-28 17:45:27 +00:00
<Chinese > 一百公尺</Chinese>
2019-12-20 19:38:53 +00:00
<Czech > 100 m</Czech>
2018-09-22 03:32:09 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_WaypointPrecision_close" >
<English > 10m</English>
<German > 10m</German>
2018-10-09 01:49:37 +00:00
<Italian > 10m</Italian>
2018-11-26 23:09:32 +00:00
<Japanese > 10m</Japanese>
2018-12-11 22:50:36 +00:00
<Polish > 10m</Polish>
2019-06-03 14:59:13 +00:00
<Russian > 10 м</Russian>
2019-09-14 18:36:28 +00:00
<Portuguese > 10m</Portuguese>
French translation Update / Added (#7213)
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* Update French Explosives Translation Update
* Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation
* Update hearing french translation
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Frag Module
- Gestures Module
- Goggles Module
- Grenades Module
- Gunbag Module
- Hearing Module
- Hellfire Module
- Hitreactions Module
- Hot Module
- Interact_Menu Module
- Interaction Module
- Inventory Module
- Laser Module
- Laserpointer Module
- Magazinerepack Module
- Map Module
- Map_gesture Module
- Maptools Module
- Markers Module
- Maverick Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Interaction Module
- Medical Module
- Medical_damage Module
- Medical_feedback Module
- Medical_gui Module
- Medical_statemachine Module
- Medical_treatment Module
- Microdagr Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Missileguidance Module
- Missionmodules Module
- Nametags Module
- Nightvision Module
- Nlaw Module
- Noradio Module
- Optionsmenu Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Overheating Module
- Overpressure Module
- Parachute Module
- Pylons Module
- Quickmount Module
- Rangecard Module
- Realisticnames Module
- Rearm Module
- Refuel Module
- Reload Module
* Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module
* Correction typo mineure
* Adding French translation and / or correction for :
- Respawn Module
- Safemode Module
- Sandbag Module
- Scopes Module
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module
* Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden.
Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission.
En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin.
Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;).
De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée.
Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Slideshow Module,
- Spectator Module,
- Spottingscope Module,
- Swichunits Module,
Minor correction on Nametags Module
* Correction ponctuation
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Tacticalladder Module,
- Tagging Module,
- Trenches Module,
- Tripod Module.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- UI Module,
- Vehiclelock Module,
- Vehicles Module.
Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French > 10 m</French>
2019-11-28 17:45:27 +00:00
<Chinese > 十公尺</Chinese>
2019-12-20 19:38:53 +00:00
<Czech > 10 m</Czech>
2018-09-22 03:32:09 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_WaypointPrecision_exact" >
<English > 1m</English>
<German > 1m</German>
2018-10-09 01:49:37 +00:00
<Italian > 1m</Italian>
2018-11-26 23:09:32 +00:00
<Japanese > 1m</Japanese>
2018-12-11 22:50:36 +00:00
<Polish > 1m</Polish>
2019-06-03 14:59:13 +00:00
<Russian > 1 м</Russian>
2019-09-14 18:36:28 +00:00
<Portuguese > 1m</Portuguese>
French translation Update / Added (#7213)
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* Update French Explosives Translation Update
* Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation
* Update hearing french translation
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Frag Module
- Gestures Module
- Goggles Module
- Grenades Module
- Gunbag Module
- Hearing Module
- Hellfire Module
- Hitreactions Module
- Hot Module
- Interact_Menu Module
- Interaction Module
- Inventory Module
- Laser Module
- Laserpointer Module
- Magazinerepack Module
- Map Module
- Map_gesture Module
- Maptools Module
- Markers Module
- Maverick Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Interaction Module
- Medical Module
- Medical_damage Module
- Medical_feedback Module
- Medical_gui Module
- Medical_statemachine Module
- Medical_treatment Module
- Microdagr Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Missileguidance Module
- Missionmodules Module
- Nametags Module
- Nightvision Module
- Nlaw Module
- Noradio Module
- Optionsmenu Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Overheating Module
- Overpressure Module
- Parachute Module
- Pylons Module
- Quickmount Module
- Rangecard Module
- Realisticnames Module
- Rearm Module
- Refuel Module
- Reload Module
* Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module
* Correction typo mineure
* Adding French translation and / or correction for :
- Respawn Module
- Safemode Module
- Sandbag Module
- Scopes Module
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module
* Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden.
Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission.
En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin.
Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;).
De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée.
Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Slideshow Module,
- Spectator Module,
- Spottingscope Module,
- Swichunits Module,
Minor correction on Nametags Module
* Correction ponctuation
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Tacticalladder Module,
- Tagging Module,
- Trenches Module,
- Tripod Module.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- UI Module,
- Vehiclelock Module,
- Vehicles Module.
Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French > 1 m</French>
2019-11-28 17:45:27 +00:00
<Chinese > 一公尺</Chinese>
2019-12-20 19:38:53 +00:00
<Czech > 1 m</Czech>
2018-09-22 03:32:09 +00:00
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_MicroDAGR_Module_Description" >
2016-02-24 18:22:16 +00:00
<English > Controls how much data is filled on the microDAGR items. Less data restricts the map view to show less on the minimap.</English>
<Polish > Moduł ten pozwala kontrolować jak duża ilość informacji jest załadowana do przedmiotów MicroDAGR. Mniejsza ilość danych ogranicza widok mapy pokazując mniej rzeczy na minimapie.</Polish>
<Spanish > Controla la cantidad de información disponible en el microDAGR. Menos datos limitan la vista del mapa a mostrar menos en el minimapa.</Spanish>
<German > Steuert wie viel Daten auf dem microDAGR zu sehen ist. Weniger Daten schränken die Kartenansicht ein, um mehr auf der Minimap zu sehen.</German>
<Czech > Tento modul umožňuje kontrolovat, kolik informací je obsaženo v MicroDAGR. Menší množství dat omezené zobrazením mapy ukazují méně věcí na minimapě.</Czech>
<Portuguese > Controla quantos dados são preenchidos nos itens microDAGR. Menos dados restringe a visualização de mapa para mostrar menos informações no minimapa.</Portuguese>
French translation Update / Added (#7213)
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* Update French Explosives Translation Update
* Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation
* Update hearing french translation
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Frag Module
- Gestures Module
- Goggles Module
- Grenades Module
- Gunbag Module
- Hearing Module
- Hellfire Module
- Hitreactions Module
- Hot Module
- Interact_Menu Module
- Interaction Module
- Inventory Module
- Laser Module
- Laserpointer Module
- Magazinerepack Module
- Map Module
- Map_gesture Module
- Maptools Module
- Markers Module
- Maverick Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Interaction Module
- Medical Module
- Medical_damage Module
- Medical_feedback Module
- Medical_gui Module
- Medical_statemachine Module
- Medical_treatment Module
- Microdagr Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Missileguidance Module
- Missionmodules Module
- Nametags Module
- Nightvision Module
- Nlaw Module
- Noradio Module
- Optionsmenu Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Overheating Module
- Overpressure Module
- Parachute Module
- Pylons Module
- Quickmount Module
- Rangecard Module
- Realisticnames Module
- Rearm Module
- Refuel Module
- Reload Module
* Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module
* Correction typo mineure
* Adding French translation and / or correction for :
- Respawn Module
- Safemode Module
- Sandbag Module
- Scopes Module
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module
* Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden.
Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission.
En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin.
Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;).
De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée.
Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Slideshow Module,
- Spectator Module,
- Spottingscope Module,
- Swichunits Module,
Minor correction on Nametags Module
* Correction ponctuation
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Tacticalladder Module,
- Tagging Module,
- Trenches Module,
- Tripod Module.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- UI Module,
- Vehiclelock Module,
- Vehicles Module.
Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French > Définit la quantité de données présentes dans le MicroDAGR.\nMoins de données force la carte à afficher moins d'informations sur la minimap.</French>
2016-02-24 18:22:16 +00:00
<Hungarian > Meghatárroza a MicroDAGR objektumok térképének tartalmát. A kevesebb adat korlátozza a térképnézeti módot az eszközön.</Hungarian>
2016-02-24 18:34:03 +00:00
<Russian > Контролирует, сколько данных должно отображаться на карте устройств MicroDAGR. Ограничивает объем отображаемых данных на миникарте.</Russian>
2016-02-24 18:22:16 +00:00
<Italian > Controlla quanti dati sono presenti negli oggetti MicroDAGR. Meno dati costringono la vista mappa a mostrare meno informazioni nella minimappa.</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:16:06 +00:00
<Japanese > アイテム上で表示されるデータ量を決定します。設定を減らすと地図上での情報が少なくなります。</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > MicroDAGR에 얼마나 많은 데이터가 들어있는지 정합니다. 적을 수록 지도상에도 비춰지는게 적어집니다.</Korean>
2017-10-18 17:01:29 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 设定有多少数据会显示在微型军用GPS接收器上。这些资料的多寡会反映在迷你地图的显示上。</Chinesesimp>
2018-09-22 03:32:09 +00:00
<Chinese > 設定有多少數據會顯示在微型軍用GPS接收器上。這些資料的多寡會反映在迷你地圖的顯示上。</Chinese>
2015-09-03 01:54:52 +00:00
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00