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2018-10-07 09:30:15 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="Interact_Menu">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_AlwaysUseCursorSelfInteraction">
<English>Always display cursor for self interaction</English>
2016-02-10 15:49:00 +00:00
<German>Immer den Mauszeiger für Selbst-Interaktionen anzeigen.</German>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Spanish>Mostrar siempre el cursor para la interacción propia</Spanish>
<Russian>Показывать курсор (взаимодействия с собой)</Russian>
<Czech>Zobrazit kurzor v menu pro vlastní interakci</Czech>
<Polish>Zawsze wyświetlaj kursor dla własnej interakcji</Polish>
<French>Toujours afficher le curseur pour les interactions sur soi-même</French>
<Hungarian>Mindig legyen a saját cselekvés kurzorja látható</Hungarian>
2015-05-25 10:50:39 +00:00
<Italian>Mostra sempre il cursore delle autointerazioni</Italian>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Portuguese>Sempre mostrar cursor para interação pessoal</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
<Japanese>セルフ インタラクションへ常にカーソルを表示</Japanese>
<Korean>자기상호작용 시 항상 커서를 보이기</Korean>
<Turkish>Kendi kendine etkileşim için daima imleci göster</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_AlwaysUseCursorInteraction">
<English>Always display cursor for interaction</English>
<Spanish>Mostrar siempre el cursor para la interacción</Spanish>
<French>Toujours afficher le curseur pour les interactions</French>
<Italian>Mostra sempre il cursore per le interazioni</Italian>
<Polish>Zawsze wyświetlaj kursor dla interakcji</Polish>
<Russian>Показывать курсор (взаимодействие)</Russian>
<Czech>Zobrazit kurzor v menu pro interakci</Czech>
2016-02-10 15:49:00 +00:00
<German>Immer den Mauszeiger für Fremd-Interaktionen anzeigen</German>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Hungarian>Mindig legyen a cselekvés kurzorja látható</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Sempre mostrar cursor para interação</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
<Korean>상호작용 시 항상 커서를 보이기</Korean>
<Turkish>Etkileşim için her zaman imleci göster</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_UseListMenu">
<English>Display interaction menus as lists</English>
<Spanish>Mostrar los menus de interacción como listas</Spanish>
<Russian>Меню взаимодействий в виде списка</Russian>
<French>Afficher le menu d'interaction sous forme de liste</French>
<Italian>Mostra il menù di interazione come lista</Italian>
<Polish>Wyświetlaj menu interakcji jako listę</Polish>
<Czech>Zobrazit menu interakce jako seznam</Czech>
<German>Interaktionsmenü in Listen anzeigen</German>
<Hungarian>Cselekvő menük listaként való megjelenítése</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Mostrar menu de interação como listas</Portuguese>
<Japanese>インタラクション メニューを一覧表示</Japanese>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>상호작용메뉴를 리스트화 해서 보이기</Korean>
<Turkish>Etkileşim menülerini listeler halinde görüntüle</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_InteractKey">
<English>Interact Key</English>
<Spanish>Tecla de interacción</Spanish>
<Russian>Клавиша взаимодействия</Russian>
<Czech>Klávesa pro interakci</Czech>
<Polish>Klawisz interakcji</Polish>
<French>Touche d'interaction</French>
<Hungarian>Cselekvő gomb</Hungarian>
<Italian>Tasto interazione</Italian>
<Portuguese>Tecla de Interação</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
<Japanese>インタラクション キー</Japanese>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>상호작용 키</Korean>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish>Etkileşim Tuşu</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_SelfInteractKey">
<English>Self Interaction Key</English>
<Spanish>Tecla de interacción propia</Spanish>
<Russian>Клавиша взаимодействия (с собой)</Russian>
<Czech>Klávesa pro vlastní interakci</Czech>
<Polish>Klawisz własnej interakcji</Polish>
<French>Touche d'interaction personnelle</French>
<Hungarian>Saját cselekvő gomb</Hungarian>
<Italian>Tasto interazione su se stessi</Italian>
<Portuguese>Tecla de Interação Pessoal</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
<Japanese>セルフ インタラクション キー</Japanese>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>자기상호작용 키</Korean>
<Turkish>Kendi Etkileşimim Tuşu</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_SelfActionsRoot">
<English>Self Actions</English>
<Spanish>Acciones propias</Spanish>
<Russian>Действия с собой</Russian>
<Czech>Vlastní akce</Czech>
<Polish>Własne akcje</Polish>
<French>Interaction personnelle</French>
<Hungarian>Saját cselekvések</Hungarian>
<Italian>Interazioni su se stessi</Italian>
<Portuguese>Ações Pessoais</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>자기 동작</Korean>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish>Kendi Etkileşimim</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_VehicleActionsRoot">
<English>Vehicle Actions</English>
<Spanish>Acciones de vehículo</Spanish>
<Russian>Действия на транспорте</Russian>
<Czech>Interakce s vozidly</Czech>
<Polish>Akcje pojazdu</Polish>
<French>Interaction véhicule</French>
<Hungarian>Járműves cselekvések</Hungarian>
<Italian>Interazioni con veicoli</Italian>
<Portuguese>Ações de Veículos</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>차량 동작</Korean>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish>Araç Etkileşimi</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_ZeusActionsRoot">
<English>Zeus Actions</English>
2016-02-10 15:49:00 +00:00
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Polish>Akcje Zeusa</Polish>
<Czech>Akce Zeuse</Czech>
<Spanish>Acciones Zeus</Spanish>
<French>Actions Zeus</French>
<Hungarian>Zeus cselekvések</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Ações do Zeus</Portuguese>
<Russian>Действия Зевса</Russian>
<Italian>Azioni Zeus</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
<Japanese>Zeus への動作</Japanese>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>Zeus 동작</Korean>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish>Zeus Etkileşimi</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_ColorTextMax">
<English>Interaction - Text Max</English>
<Polish>Interakcja - Tekst max</Polish>
<Czech>Interakce - Text Max</Czech>
French translation (#7298) * Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) : - Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators. - Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date. - Minor french translation correction. * Added French translation and / or correction for : - Weaponselect module, - Weather module, - Winddeflection module, - Yardage450 module, - Zeus module. * Convert Tabs to Spaces * Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files. * Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings. - Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée. Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très étrange. - Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas, aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options). - Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons. Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant. * Corrections mineures * correction erreurs * correction erreurs (nametags) * correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags) * correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common) * Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes * correction key error * Added Vdauphin suggestions :). * French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side) addons/captives/stringtable.xml addons/switchunits/stringtable.xml addons/zeus/stringtable.xml * Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation * - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml - Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml - Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml * Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation : Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically. Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list. modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml * Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French>Interaction - Texte max</French>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<German>Interaktionstextfarbe Max</German>
<Italian>Interazioni - Testo Massimo</Italian>
<Russian>Взаимодействие - Текст Макс.</Russian>
<Spanish>Interacción - Texto al max.</Spanish>
<Hungarian>Cselekvés - Szöveg max.</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Interação - Max. de Texto</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
<Japanese>インタラクション - 文字の色</Japanese>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>상호작용 - 문자색깔</Korean>
<Chinese>互動 - 文字最大化</Chinese>
<Turkish>Etkileşim - Maksimum Metin</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_ColorTextMin">
<English>Interaction - Text Min</English>
<Polish>Interakcja - Tekst min</Polish>
<Czech>Interakce - Text Min</Czech>
French translation (#7298) * Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) : - Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators. - Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date. - Minor french translation correction. * Added French translation and / or correction for : - Weaponselect module, - Weather module, - Winddeflection module, - Yardage450 module, - Zeus module. * Convert Tabs to Spaces * Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files. * Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings. - Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée. Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très étrange. - Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas, aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options). - Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons. Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant. * Corrections mineures * correction erreurs * correction erreurs (nametags) * correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags) * correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common) * Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes * correction key error * Added Vdauphin suggestions :). * French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side) addons/captives/stringtable.xml addons/switchunits/stringtable.xml addons/zeus/stringtable.xml * Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation * - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml - Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml - Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml * Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation : Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically. Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list. modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml * Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French>Interaction - Texte min</French>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<German>Interaktionstextfarbe Min</German>
<Italian>Interazioni - Testo Minimo</Italian>
<Russian>Взаимодействие - Текст Мин.</Russian>
<Spanish>Interacción - Texto al min.</Spanish>
<Hungarian>Cselekvés - Szöveg min.</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Interação - Min. de Texto</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
<Japanese>インタラクション - 文字の背景色</Japanese>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>상호작용 - 문자배경색</Korean>
<Chinese>互動 - 文字最小化</Chinese>
<Turkish>Etkileşim - Minumum Metin </Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_ColorShadowMax">
<English>Interaction - Shadow Max</English>
<Polish>Interakcja - Cień max</Polish>
<Czech>Interakce - Stín Max</Czech>
French translation (#7298) * Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) : - Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators. - Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date. - Minor french translation correction. * Added French translation and / or correction for : - Weaponselect module, - Weather module, - Winddeflection module, - Yardage450 module, - Zeus module. * Convert Tabs to Spaces * Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files. * Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings. - Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée. Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très étrange. - Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas, aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options). - Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons. Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant. * Corrections mineures * correction erreurs * correction erreurs (nametags) * correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags) * correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common) * Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes * correction key error * Added Vdauphin suggestions :). * French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side) addons/captives/stringtable.xml addons/switchunits/stringtable.xml addons/zeus/stringtable.xml * Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation * - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml - Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml - Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml * Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation : Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically. Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list. modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml * Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French>Interaction - Ombre max</French>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<German>Interaktionstextschatten Max</German>
<Italian>Interazioni - Ombra Massima</Italian>
<Russian>Взаимодействие - Тень Макс.</Russian>
<Spanish>Interacción - Sombras al max.</Spanish>
<Hungarian>Cselekvés - Árnyék max.</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Interação - Max. de Sombra</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
<Japanese>インタラクション - 文字への影の色</Japanese>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>상호작용 - 문자그림자색</Korean>
<Chinese>互動 - 陰影最大化</Chinese>
<Turkish>Etkileşim - Maksimum Gölge</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_ColorShadowMin">
<English>Interaction - Shadow Min</English>
<Polish>Interakcja - Cień min</Polish>
<Czech>Interakce - Stín Min</Czech>
French translation (#7298) * Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) : - Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators. - Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date. - Minor french translation correction. * Added French translation and / or correction for : - Weaponselect module, - Weather module, - Winddeflection module, - Yardage450 module, - Zeus module. * Convert Tabs to Spaces * Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files. * Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings. - Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée. Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très étrange. - Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas, aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options). - Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons. Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant. * Corrections mineures * correction erreurs * correction erreurs (nametags) * correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags) * correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common) * Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes * correction key error * Added Vdauphin suggestions :). * French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side) addons/captives/stringtable.xml addons/switchunits/stringtable.xml addons/zeus/stringtable.xml * Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation * - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml - Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml - Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml * Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation : Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically. Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list. modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml * Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French>Interaction - Ombre min</French>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<German>Interaktionstextschatten Min</German>
<Italian>Interazioni - Ombra Minima</Italian>
<Russian>Взаимодействие - Тень Мин.</Russian>
<Spanish>Interacción - Sombras al min.</Spanish>
<Hungarian>Cselekvés - Árnyék min.</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Interação - Min. de Sombra</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
<Japanese>インタラクション - 文字への影の最低色</Japanese>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>상호작용 - 문자그림자배경색</Korean>
<Chinese>互動 - 陰影最小化</Chinese>
<Turkish>Etkileşim - Minumum Gölge</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_cursorKeepCentered">
<English>Keep cursor centered</English>
<French>Garder le curseur au centre</French>
<Russian>Центрировать курсор</Russian>
2016-02-10 15:49:00 +00:00
<German>Mauszeiger zentriert halten</German>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Hungarian>Kurzor középen tartása</Hungarian>
<Polish>Utrzymaj kursor wyśrodkowany</Polish>
<Spanish>Mantener el cursor centrado</Spanish>
<Czech>Udržuj kurzor na středu</Czech>
<Portuguese>Manter o cursor centralizado</Portuguese>
<Italian>Mantieni il cursore centrato</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>커서를 항상 가운데에 둡니다</Korean>
<Turkish>İmleci Ortada tut</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_cursorKeepCenteredDescription">
<English>Keeps cursor centered and pans the option menu around. Useful if screen size is limited.</English>
<Czech>Udržuje kurzor na středu. Užitečné, pokud je velikost obrazovky omezena.</Czech>
French translation (#7298) * Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) : - Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators. - Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date. - Minor french translation correction. * Added French translation and / or correction for : - Weaponselect module, - Weather module, - Winddeflection module, - Yardage450 module, - Zeus module. * Convert Tabs to Spaces * Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files. * Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings. - Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée. Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très étrange. - Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas, aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options). - Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons. Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant. * Corrections mineures * correction erreurs * correction erreurs (nametags) * correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags) * correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common) * Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes * correction key error * Added Vdauphin suggestions :). * French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side) addons/captives/stringtable.xml addons/switchunits/stringtable.xml addons/zeus/stringtable.xml * Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation * - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml - Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml - Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml * Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation : Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically. Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list. modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml * Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French>Garde le curseur au milieu de l'écran, et dispose le menu des options tout autour. Utile si la taille de l'écran est limitée.</French>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Russian>Центрирует курсор и двигает само меню опций. Полезно при ограниченном размере экрана.</Russian>
2016-02-10 15:49:00 +00:00
<German>Hält den Mauszeiger zentriert und verschiebt das Menü beim Bewegen. Nützlich bei kleinen Bildschirmen.</German>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Hungarian>Középen tartja a kurzort, és a menüelemeket mozgatja. Hasznos lehetőség korlátozott képméretnél.</Hungarian>
<Polish>Utrzymuje kursor na środku ekranu, zamiast tego ruch myszą powoduje przesuwanie menu interakcji. Użyteczne w przypadku kiedy rozmiar ekranu jest ograniczony.</Polish>
<Spanish>Mantiene el cursor centrado y despliega los menús alrededor. Útil si el tamaño de la pantalla es limitado.</Spanish>
<Portuguese>Manter o cursor centralizado e mover o menu de opções. Útil caso o tamanho da tela seja limitado.</Portuguese>
<Italian>Mantieni il cursore centrato e sposta il menù intorno. Utile se lo schermo è piccolo.</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
<Japanese>常にカーソルを中央へ表示させ、オプション メニューが移動します。画面の大きさが制限されている時に使いやすくなります。</Japanese>
<Korean>커서를 항상 가운데에 두고 메뉴를 움직입니다. 화면의 크기가 제한되있을 때 유용합니다.</Korean>
<Turkish>İmleci ortalanmış halde tutar ve seçenek menüsünü kaydırır. Ekran boyutu sınırlıysa kullanışlıdır.</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_ActionOnKeyRelease">
<English>Do action when releasing menu key</English>
<German>Aktion nach Loslassen der Taste ausführen</German>
<Polish>Wykonuj akcje po puszczeniu klawisza menu</Polish>
<Czech>Provést akci při pustění klávesy menu</Czech>
French translation (#7298) * Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) : - Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators. - Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date. - Minor french translation correction. * Added French translation and / or correction for : - Weaponselect module, - Weather module, - Winddeflection module, - Yardage450 module, - Zeus module. * Convert Tabs to Spaces * Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files. * Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings. - Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée. Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très étrange. - Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas, aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options). - Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons. Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant. * Corrections mineures * correction erreurs * correction erreurs (nametags) * correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags) * correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common) * Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes * correction key error * Added Vdauphin suggestions :). * French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side) addons/captives/stringtable.xml addons/switchunits/stringtable.xml addons/zeus/stringtable.xml * Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation * - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml - Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml - Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml * Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation : Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically. Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list. modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml * Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French>Action au relâchement des touches</French>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Russian>Выполнять действие при отпускании кнопки взаимодействия</Russian>
<Spanish>Realizar la acción al soltar la tecla menu</Spanish>
<Portuguese>Execute a ação quando soltar a tecla de menu</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>Cselekvés végrehajtása a menügomb elengedésekor</Hungarian>
<Italian>Esegui l'azione quando rilasci il tasto menu</Italian>
<Japanese>メニュー キーを離した時に動作を実行</Japanese>
<Korean>메뉴 키를 놓을 때 행동하기</Korean>
<Turkish>Menü tuşunu bırakırken işlem yap</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_textSize">
<English>Interaction Text Size</English>
<Czech>Velikost textu interakce</Czech>
<French>Taille du texte d'interaction</French>
<Russian>Размер текста (меню взаимодействия)</Russian>
<Spanish>Tamaño del texto de interacción</Spanish>
<Polish>Rozmiar tekstu interakcji</Polish>
<Portuguese>Tamanho do texto de interação</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>Cselekvő szöveg mérete</Hungarian>
<Italian>Dimensione del testo d'interazione</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>상호작용 - 문자크기</Korean>
<Turkish>Etkileşim Metni Boyutu</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_shadowSetting">
<English>Interaction Text Shadow</English>
<Czech>Stín textu interakce</Czech>
<French>Ombre du texte d'interaction</French>
<Russian>Тень от текста (меню взаимодействия)</Russian>
<Spanish>Sombra del texto de interacción</Spanish>
<Polish>Cień tekstu interakcji</Polish>
<Portuguese>Sombra do texto de interação</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>Cselekvő szöveg árnyéka</Hungarian>
<Italian>Ombra del testo d'interazione</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>상호작용 - 문자그림자</Korean>
<Turkish>Etkileşim Metni Gölgesi</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_shadowSettingDescription">
<English>Allows controlling the text's shadow. Outline ignores custom shadow colors.</English>
<Czech>Umožňuje změnit stíny textu v menu interakce. Barva stínu je u tahu písma ignorována.</Czech>
<German>Stellt den Hintergrundschatten ein. Die Einstellung 'Kontur' ignoriert die Farbe des Schattens.</German>
French translation (#7298) * Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) : - Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators. - Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date. - Minor french translation correction. * Added French translation and / or correction for : - Weaponselect module, - Weather module, - Winddeflection module, - Yardage450 module, - Zeus module. * Convert Tabs to Spaces * Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files. * Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings. - Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée. Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très étrange. - Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas, aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options). - Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons. Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant. * Corrections mineures * correction erreurs * correction erreurs (nametags) * correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags) * correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common) * Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes * correction key error * Added Vdauphin suggestions :). * French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side) addons/captives/stringtable.xml addons/switchunits/stringtable.xml addons/zeus/stringtable.xml * Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation * - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml - Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml - Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml * Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation : Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically. Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list. modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml * Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French>Permet de régler l'ombre du texte. Le contour ne prend pas en compte la couleur des ombres.</French>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Russian>Дает возможность изменять тень, отбрасываемую текстом. Контур не зависит от выбранного цвета тени.</Russian>
<Spanish>Permite contolar la sombra del texto. El contorno ignora los colores personalizados de la sombra.</Spanish>
<Polish>Pozwala kontrolować cień tekstu. Kontury ignorują niestandardowe kolory cienia.</Polish>
<Portuguese>Permite controlar a sombra do texto. Contorno ignora sombras com cores customizadas.</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>Hozzáférést biztosít a szöveg árnyékának kezeléséhez. A körvonal nem veszi figyelembe az egyedi árnyékszíneket.</Hungarian>
<Italian>Permette di controllare l'ombra del testo. L'impostazione "Contorno" ignora il colore dell'ombra.</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
<Korean>문자의 그림자를 조절하는 것을 가능케 합니다. 외곽선은 임의의 그림자색을 무시합니다.</Korean>
<Turkish>Metin gölgesinin kontrolüne izin verir. Dış çizgi, özel gölge renklerini yok sayar.</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_shadowOutline">
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
<Turkish>Dış Çizgi</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_background">
<English>Interaction menu background</English>
<Polish>Tło menu interakcji</Polish>
<Spanish>Fondo del menú de interacción</Spanish>
<Czech>Pozadí menu interakce</Czech>
<Portuguese>Fundo do menu de interação</Portuguese>
French translation Update / Added (#7213) * French MicroDAGR Translation Update * French Missile Guidance Translation Update * French missionmodules Translation Update * French mk6mortar Translation Update * French MicroDAGR Translation Update * French Missile Guidance Translation Update * French missionmodules Translation Update * French mk6mortar Translation Update * French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update * French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update * French Ai Translation Update * French Arsenal Translation Update * French Ballistics Translation Update * French Captives Translation Update * French Cargo Translation Update * French Common Translation Update * French Cookoff Translation Update * French CSW Translation Update * French Dagr Translation Update * French Dogtags Translation Update * French Dragging Translation Update * French Dragon Translation Update * French Explosives Translation Update * French Explosives Translation Update - update * French Fastroping Translation Update * French FCS and Finger Translation Update * French MicroDAGR Translation Update * French Missile Guidance Translation Update * French missionmodules Translation Update * French mk6mortar Translation Update * French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update * French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update * French Ai Translation Update * French Arsenal Translation Update * French Ballistics Translation Update * French Captives Translation Update * French Cargo Translation Update * French Common Translation Update * French Cookoff Translation Update * French MicroDAGR Translation Update * French CSW Translation Update * French Dagr Translation Update * French Dogtags Translation Update * French Dragging Translation Update * French Dragon Translation Update * French Explosives Translation Update * French Explosives Translation Update - update * French Fastroping Translation Update * French FCS and Finger Translation Update * Update French Explosives Translation Update * Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation * Update hearing french translation * Added French update translation and / or correction for : - Frag Module - Gestures Module - Goggles Module - Grenades Module - Gunbag Module - Hearing Module - Hellfire Module - Hitreactions Module - Hot Module - Interact_Menu Module - Interaction Module - Inventory Module - Laser Module - Laserpointer Module - Magazinerepack Module - Map Module - Map_gesture Module - Maptools Module - Markers Module - Maverick Module * Added French update translation and / or correction for : - Interaction Module - Medical Module - Medical_damage Module - Medical_feedback Module - Medical_gui Module - Medical_statemachine Module - Medical_treatment Module - Microdagr Module * Added French update translation and / or correction for : - Missileguidance Module - Missionmodules Module - Nametags Module - Nightvision Module - Nlaw Module - Noradio Module - Optionsmenu Module * Added French update translation and / or correction for : - Overheating Module - Overpressure Module - Parachute Module - Pylons Module - Quickmount Module - Rangecard Module - Realisticnames Module - Rearm Module - Refuel Module - Reload Module * Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module * Correction typo mineure * Adding French translation and / or correction for : - Respawn Module - Safemode Module - Sandbag Module - Scopes Module * Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal * Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module * Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden. Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission. En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin. Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;). De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée. Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée. * Added French translation and / or correction for : - Slideshow Module, - Spectator Module, - Spottingscope Module, - Swichunits Module, Minor correction on Nametags Module * Correction ponctuation * Added French translation and / or correction for : - Tacticalladder Module, - Tagging Module, - Trenches Module, - Tripod Module. * Added French translation and / or correction for : - UI Module, - Vehiclelock Module, - Vehicles Module. Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module * Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French>Arrière-plan du menu d'interaction</French>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Hungarian>Cselekvő menü háttere</Hungarian>
<Russian>Фон меню взаимодействия</Russian>
<Italian>Sfondo Menù Interazioni</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
<Japanese>インタラクション メニューの背景</Japanese>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>상호작용 메뉴 배경</Korean>
<Turkish>Etkileşim menüsü arka planı</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_blurScreenDesc">
<English>Blur the background while the interaction menu is open.</English>
<Polish>Rozmywa lub przyciemnia tło na czas otwarcia menu interakcji</Polish>
<Spanish>Desenfocar el fondo mientras el menú de interacción está abierto.</Spanish>
<Czech>Rozmazat obraz při otevřeném interakčním menu.</Czech>
<German>Den Hintergrund verschwimmen lassen, während das Interaktionsmenü geöffnet ist.</German>
<Portuguese>Desfocar o fundo enquanto o menu de interação está aberto.</Portuguese>
French translation (#7298) * Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) : - Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators. - Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date. - Minor french translation correction. * Added French translation and / or correction for : - Weaponselect module, - Weather module, - Winddeflection module, - Yardage450 module, - Zeus module. * Convert Tabs to Spaces * Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files. * Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings. - Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée. Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très étrange. - Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas, aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options). - Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons. Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant. * Corrections mineures * correction erreurs * correction erreurs (nametags) * correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags) * correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common) * Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes * correction key error * Added Vdauphin suggestions :). * French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side) addons/captives/stringtable.xml addons/switchunits/stringtable.xml addons/zeus/stringtable.xml * Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation * - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml - Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml - Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml * Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation : Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically. Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list. modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml * Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French>Floute l'arrière-plan durant l'ouverture du menu d'interaction.</French>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Hungarian>A háttér elmosása a cselekvő menü használata alatt.</Hungarian>
<Russian>Размыть фон, пока открыто меню взаимодействия.</Russian>
<Italian>Sfoca lo sfondo mentre il Menù Interazioni è aperto.</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
<Japanese>インタラクション メニューを開いたとき、背景にボケを与えます。</Japanese>
<Korean>상호작용 메뉴가 열릴 시 배경을 흐릿하게 처리합니다.</Korean>
<Turkish>Etkileşim menüsü açıkken arka planı bulanıklaştırın.</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_backgroundBlur">
<English>Blur screen</English>
<Polish>Rozmycie ekranu</Polish>
<Spanish>Pantalla de desenfoque</Spanish>
<Czech>Rozmazaný obraz</Czech>
<German>Verschwommenes Bild</German>
<Portuguese>Desfoque de tela</Portuguese>
<French>Flouter l'écran</French>
<Hungarian>Kép elmosása</Hungarian>
<Italian>Sfoca schermo</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>화면 흐리게</Korean>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish>Bulanık Ekran</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_backgroundBlack">
<Polish>Przyciemnienie ekranu</Polish>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_addBuildingActions">
<English>Show actions for buildings</English>
2016-02-10 15:49:00 +00:00
<German>Zeige Aktionen für Gebäude</German>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Polish>Pokazuj akcje dla budynków</Polish>
<Czech>Zobrazit akci pro budovy</Czech>
<Spanish>Mostrar acciones para edificios</Spanish>
French translation (#7298) * Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) : - Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators. - Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date. - Minor french translation correction. * Added French translation and / or correction for : - Weaponselect module, - Weather module, - Winddeflection module, - Yardage450 module, - Zeus module. * Convert Tabs to Spaces * Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files. * Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings. - Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée. Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très étrange. - Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas, aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options). - Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons. Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant. * Corrections mineures * correction erreurs * correction erreurs (nametags) * correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags) * correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common) * Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes * correction key error * Added Vdauphin suggestions :). * French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side) addons/captives/stringtable.xml addons/switchunits/stringtable.xml addons/zeus/stringtable.xml * Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation * - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml - Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml - Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml * Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation : Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically. Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list. modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml * Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French>Afficher les actions pour les bâtiments</French>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Hungarian>Cselekvések mutatása épületeknél</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Mostrar ações para edifícios</Portuguese>
<Russian>Показывать действия для зданий</Russian>
<Italian>Mostra azioni per edifici</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>건물에 행동을 취함</Korean>
<Turkish>Binalar için eylemleri göster</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_addBuildingActionsDescription">
<English>Adds interaction actions for opening doors and mounting ladders on buildings. (Note: There is a performance cost when opening interaction menu, especially in towns)</English>
2016-02-10 15:49:00 +00:00
<German>Fügt Aktionen zum Türöffnen oder für eine Leiter zum Besteigen von Gebäuden hinzu. (Hinweis: Verschlechtert die Leistung wenn das Interaktionsmenü geöffnet wird. Insbesondere in Städten) </German>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Polish>Dodaje opcje interakcji dla otwierania drzwi oraz wchodzenia po drabinach do budynków. Uwaga: Użycie tej opcji może spowodować spadek wydajności menu interakcji, szczególnie w dużych miastach.</Polish>
<Czech>Přidá možnost interakce pro otevření dvěří a umistňovat žebříky na budovy. (Poznámka: Použití této možnosti snižuje výkon při otevírání pomocí interakčního menu, zejména ve velkých městech.) </Czech>
<Spanish>Añade las acciones de interacción para la apertura de puertas y montaje de escaleras en los edificios. (Nota: Hay un coste de rendimiento al abrir el menú de interacción, especialmente en las ciudades)</Spanish>
French translation (#7298) * Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) : - Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators. - Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date. - Minor french translation correction. * Added French translation and / or correction for : - Weaponselect module, - Weather module, - Winddeflection module, - Yardage450 module, - Zeus module. * Convert Tabs to Spaces * Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files. * Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings. - Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée. Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très étrange. - Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas, aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options). - Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons. Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant. * Corrections mineures * correction erreurs * correction erreurs (nametags) * correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags) * correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common) * Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes * correction key error * Added Vdauphin suggestions :). * French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side) addons/captives/stringtable.xml addons/switchunits/stringtable.xml addons/zeus/stringtable.xml * Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation * - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml - Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml - Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml * Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation : Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically. Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list. modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml * Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French>Ajoute des interactions pour ouvrir les portes et les échelles des bâtiments.\nNote : l'ouverture du menu en ville dégrade les performances.</French>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Hungarian>Cselekvéseket engedélyez ajtók kinyitására és létrák mászására. (Figyelem: ez teljesítményvesztéssel járhat a menü megnyitásakor, főleg városokban)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Adiciona ações de interações para abrir portas e montar escadas em edifícios. (Nota: Existe um custo de performance quando aberto o menu de interação, especialmente em cidades)</Portuguese>
<Russian>Добавляет действия открывания дверей и залезания на лестницы для зданий. (Примечание: возможно падение производительности при открытии меню взаимодействия, особенно в городах)</Russian>
<Italian>Aggiunge azioni interattive per l'apertura delle porte e piazzamento scale su edifici. (Nota: C'è un costo in performance quando si apre il Menù Interazioni, soprattutto in città)</Italian>
<Japanese>建物にある扉の開閉やはしごの昇降といった動作をインタラクションへ追加します。(街などでインタラクション メニューを開くと動作が低下します)</Japanese>
<Korean>건물의 문을 열거나 사다리에 오르는 상호작용 행동을 추가합니다. (주의: 상호작용 메뉴를 열 경우 성능하락이 있을 수 있음, 특히 마을 내부에서)</Korean>
<Chinese>增加互動選單的功能在可開啟的門與建築物的梯子上。(注意: 此功能有可能會降低系統效能,特別是在城鎮區更明顯)</Chinese>
<Turkish>Binalara kapıları açmak ve merdivenleri monte etmek için etkileşim eylemleri ekler. (Not: Etkileşim menüsünü açarken, özellikle şehirlerde bir performansı etkiler)</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_Category_InteractionMenu">
<English>Interaction Menu</English>
2016-02-10 15:49:00 +00:00
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Polish>Menu interakcji</Polish>
<Portuguese>Menu de interação</Portuguese>
<Russian>Меню взаимодействия</Russian>
<Czech>Menu interakce</Czech>
<Spanish>Menú de interacción</Spanish>
<Italian>Menù Interazioni</Italian>
<French>Menu d'interaction</French>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
<Japanese>インタラクション メニュー</Japanese>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>상호작용 메뉴</Korean>
<Turkish>Etkileşim Menüsü</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_menuAnimationSpeed">
<English>Interaction Animation Speed</English>
2016-02-10 15:49:00 +00:00
<German>Interaktionsmenü Animationsgeschwindigkeit</German>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Polish>Szybkość animacji interakcji</Polish>
2015-12-10 17:32:16 +00:00
<Russian>Скорость анимации меню взаимодействия</Russian>
<Portuguese>Velocidade da animação de interação</Portuguese>
2016-02-03 17:30:23 +00:00
<Czech>Rychlost animace interakce</Czech>
<Italian>Velocità Animazioni Interazioni</Italian>
2016-02-25 13:54:19 +00:00
<Spanish>Velocidad de animación del menú de interacción</Spanish>
French translation Update / Added (#7213) * French MicroDAGR Translation Update * French Missile Guidance Translation Update * French missionmodules Translation Update * French mk6mortar Translation Update * French MicroDAGR Translation Update * French Missile Guidance Translation Update * French missionmodules Translation Update * French mk6mortar Translation Update * French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update * French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update * French Ai Translation Update * French Arsenal Translation Update * French Ballistics Translation Update * French Captives Translation Update * French Cargo Translation Update * French Common Translation Update * French Cookoff Translation Update * French CSW Translation Update * French Dagr Translation Update * French Dogtags Translation Update * French Dragging Translation Update * French Dragon Translation Update * French Explosives Translation Update * French Explosives Translation Update - update * French Fastroping Translation Update * French FCS and Finger Translation Update * French MicroDAGR Translation Update * French Missile Guidance Translation Update * French missionmodules Translation Update * French mk6mortar Translation Update * French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update * French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update * French Ai Translation Update * French Arsenal Translation Update * French Ballistics Translation Update * French Captives Translation Update * French Cargo Translation Update * French Common Translation Update * French Cookoff Translation Update * French MicroDAGR Translation Update * French CSW Translation Update * French Dagr Translation Update * French Dogtags Translation Update * French Dragging Translation Update * French Dragon Translation Update * French Explosives Translation Update * French Explosives Translation Update - update * French Fastroping Translation Update * French FCS and Finger Translation Update * Update French Explosives Translation Update * Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation * Update hearing french translation * Added French update translation and / or correction for : - Frag Module - Gestures Module - Goggles Module - Grenades Module - Gunbag Module - Hearing Module - Hellfire Module - Hitreactions Module - Hot Module - Interact_Menu Module - Interaction Module - Inventory Module - Laser Module - Laserpointer Module - Magazinerepack Module - Map Module - Map_gesture Module - Maptools Module - Markers Module - Maverick Module * Added French update translation and / or correction for : - Interaction Module - Medical Module - Medical_damage Module - Medical_feedback Module - Medical_gui Module - Medical_statemachine Module - Medical_treatment Module - Microdagr Module * Added French update translation and / or correction for : - Missileguidance Module - Missionmodules Module - Nametags Module - Nightvision Module - Nlaw Module - Noradio Module - Optionsmenu Module * Added French update translation and / or correction for : - Overheating Module - Overpressure Module - Parachute Module - Pylons Module - Quickmount Module - Rangecard Module - Realisticnames Module - Rearm Module - Refuel Module - Reload Module * Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module * Correction typo mineure * Adding French translation and / or correction for : - Respawn Module - Safemode Module - Sandbag Module - Scopes Module * Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal * Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module * Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden. Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission. En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin. Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;). De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée. Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée. * Added French translation and / or correction for : - Slideshow Module, - Spectator Module, - Spottingscope Module, - Swichunits Module, Minor correction on Nametags Module * Correction ponctuation * Added French translation and / or correction for : - Tacticalladder Module, - Tagging Module, - Trenches Module, - Tripod Module. * Added French translation and / or correction for : - UI Module, - Vehiclelock Module, - Vehicles Module. Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module * Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French>Vitesse de l'animation d'interaction</French>
2016-09-27 16:12:22 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>상호작용 움직임 속도</Korean>
<Turkish>Etkileşim Animasyon Hızı</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_menuAnimationSpeed_Description">
<English>Makes menu animations faster and decreases the time needed to hover to show sub actions</English>
2016-02-10 15:49:00 +00:00
<German>Beschleunigt die Menüanmimationen und folglich das Öffnen eines Submenüs. </German>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Polish>Przyśpiesza animacje menu interakcji oraz czas wymagany do pokazania podmenu</Polish>
2015-12-10 17:32:16 +00:00
<Russian>Ускоряет анимацию меню и уменьшает задержку при наведении мыши для раскрытия подменю</Russian>
<Portuguese>Faz com que as animações do menu de interação sejam mais rápidas, dimiuindo a necessidade de esperar para mostrar as ações</Portuguese>
2016-02-03 17:30:23 +00:00
<Czech>Zrychlí animaci menu a sníží tak čas potřebný pro plné zobrazení podmenu</Czech>
<Italian>Rende le animazioni Menù più veloci e diminuisce il tempo richiesto per mostrare sotto-azioni</Italian>
2016-02-25 13:54:19 +00:00
<Spanish>Hace la animación del menú más rápida, reduciendo el tiempo necesario para abrir sub-acciones.</Spanish>
French translation (#7298) * Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) : - Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators. - Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date. - Minor french translation correction. * Added French translation and / or correction for : - Weaponselect module, - Weather module, - Winddeflection module, - Yardage450 module, - Zeus module. * Convert Tabs to Spaces * Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files. * Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings. - Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée. Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très étrange. - Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas, aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options). - Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons. Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant. * Corrections mineures * correction erreurs * correction erreurs (nametags) * correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags) * correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common) * Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes * correction key error * Added Vdauphin suggestions :). * French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side) addons/captives/stringtable.xml addons/switchunits/stringtable.xml addons/zeus/stringtable.xml * Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation * - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml - Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml - Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml * Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation : Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically. Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list. modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml * Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French>Rend les animations du menu plus rapide, et réduit le temps nécessaire à l'affichage des sous menus d'action.</French>
<Korean>상호작용을 표시하기 위해 메뉴 애니메이션을 빠르게 만들고 마우스를 가져오는 데 필요한 시간을 줄입니다.</Korean>
<Turkish>Menü animasyonlarını daha hızlı hale getirir ve alt eylemleri göstermek için fareyle üzerine gelmek için gereken süreyi azaltır</Turkish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_SelectorColor">
<English>Selector Color</English>
Translations - German (#6920) * Add all missing german translations for the ace medical system * RHS Compat - Add 2 round hellfire to pylon options (#6893) * RHS Compat - Add 2 rnd hellfire pylon Close #5957 * change magwell name * gvar->addon * Fastroping - Add user setting to confirm cutting ropes (#6876) * Fastroping - Add user setting to confirm cutting ropes * always confirm * fix * Update stringtable.xml * compatibility with CBA scripted 2d optics framework * compatibility with CBA scripted 2d optics framework * Bewusstlosstatus -> Bewusstlosigkeit * Verblutungseffekt -> Blutungs effekt * Aktivitere ACE Sanitäter Aktionen -> Aktiviere Sanitäter Aktionen * Sanitätermenüs -> Sanitätsmenü * kritsche -> kritische * Update addons/medical_statemachine/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/medical_statemachine/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/medical_statemachine/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/medical_statemachine/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/medical_treatment/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/medical_treatment/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Add missing german translations for advanced fatigue, ai, arsenal & ballistics * Update addons/ai/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/medical_gui/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/medical_statemachine/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/medical_statemachine/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/medical_gui/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/medical_gui/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: C0kkie <20169938+C0kkie@users.noreply.github.com> * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Add missing german translations for ace cargo * Add missing german translation for vehicles * Add missing german translation for weaponselect * Add missing german translations für ace repair * Add missing german translations for ace quickmount * Add missing german translations for ace explosives * Add missing german translations for ace common * Ace flashlight missing german translation * Add missing german translations for ace scopes * add missing translations for ace respawn * Add missing german translations for ace overpressure * ACE Nametags german translation * . * ace magazinerepack german translation * ace interaktion german translations * add missing german translation for ace interaction menu * ACE Hearing german translations * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Missing german translation in ace dogtags * Missing german translations ace hot * ace pylons missing german translations * ACE Cook off German Translations * zeus german translations * Fast roping german translations * gforces german translations * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Map - Don't enable map light for parachutes (#6961) * Refuel - Drop nozzle at unit's feet if no valid pos found (#6957) * Refuel - Drop nozzle at unit's feet if no valid pos found Fix #6944 * Update fnc_dropNozzle.sqf * Update addons/refuel/functions/fnc_dropNozzle.sqf Co-Authored-By: PabstMirror <pabstmirror@gmail.com> * Common - Don't add UAV AI to localUnits array (#6951) * Common - Don't add UAV AI to localUnits array * Update addons/common/functions/fnc_setupLocalUnitsHandler.sqf Co-Authored-By: PabstMirror <pabstmirror@gmail.com> * Fastroping - Remove FRIES on vehicle deletion / adjust Ghosthawk Fries (#6932) * fastroping_fnc_deequipFRIES, remove FRIES on vehicle deletion * Prevent FRIES from clipping into Ghost Hawk right door * UNequipFRIES * Remove fastroping checkVehicleThread * Document FRIES equip and unequip functions * Update stringtable.xml * Nightvision german translations * Update stringtable.xml * remove non-stringtable stuff ???
2019-06-08 15:35:42 +00:00
<Italian>Controllo Settore</Italian>
<Polish>Kolor wybierającego</Polish>
Russian translations (#7005) * Russian translation is done * Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Dystopian <sddex@ya.ru> * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Dystopian <sddex@ya.ru> * Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Dystopian <sddex@ya.ru> * Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Dystopian <sddex@ya.ru> * Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Dystopian <sddex@ya.ru> * Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml * Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml * Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml * Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Dystopian <sddex@ya.ru> * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Dystopian <sddex@ya.ru> * next iteration, still WIP Co-Authored-By: Dystopian <sddex@ya.ru> * next iteration 2, still WIP, sorry Co-Authored-By: Dystopian <sddex@ya.ru> * re-translation in /captives and small fixes in /explosives * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Dystopian <sddex@ya.ru> * Apply suggestions from code review small fixes Co-Authored-By: Dystopian <sddex@ya.ru> * Apply suggestions from code review Co-Authored-By: Dystopian <sddex@ya.ru> * minor misspells corrections Co-Authored-By: Dystopian <sddex@ya.ru> * minor misspells corrections Co-Authored-By: Dystopian <sddex@ya.ru> * /arsenal and /captives resolve Co-Authored-By: Dystopian <sddex@ya.ru> * minor changes in /scopes, almost done Co-Authored-By: Dystopian <sddex@ya.ru> * Some strings shortened for menu Co-Authored-By: Dystopian <sddex@ya.ru>
2019-06-03 14:59:13 +00:00
<Russian>Цвет селектора</Russian>
2019-09-14 18:36:28 +00:00
<Portuguese>Cor do Seletor</Portuguese>
French translation Update / Added (#7213) * French MicroDAGR Translation Update * French Missile Guidance Translation Update * French missionmodules Translation Update * French mk6mortar Translation Update * French MicroDAGR Translation Update * French Missile Guidance Translation Update * French missionmodules Translation Update * French mk6mortar Translation Update * French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update * French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update * French Ai Translation Update * French Arsenal Translation Update * French Ballistics Translation Update * French Captives Translation Update * French Cargo Translation Update * French Common Translation Update * French Cookoff Translation Update * French CSW Translation Update * French Dagr Translation Update * French Dogtags Translation Update * French Dragging Translation Update * French Dragon Translation Update * French Explosives Translation Update * French Explosives Translation Update - update * French Fastroping Translation Update * French FCS and Finger Translation Update * French MicroDAGR Translation Update * French Missile Guidance Translation Update * French missionmodules Translation Update * French mk6mortar Translation Update * French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update * French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update * French Ai Translation Update * French Arsenal Translation Update * French Ballistics Translation Update * French Captives Translation Update * French Cargo Translation Update * French Common Translation Update * French Cookoff Translation Update * French MicroDAGR Translation Update * French CSW Translation Update * French Dagr Translation Update * French Dogtags Translation Update * French Dragging Translation Update * French Dragon Translation Update * French Explosives Translation Update * French Explosives Translation Update - update * French Fastroping Translation Update * French FCS and Finger Translation Update * Update French Explosives Translation Update * Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr> * Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation * Update hearing french translation * Added French update translation and / or correction for : - Frag Module - Gestures Module - Goggles Module - Grenades Module - Gunbag Module - Hearing Module - Hellfire Module - Hitreactions Module - Hot Module - Interact_Menu Module - Interaction Module - Inventory Module - Laser Module - Laserpointer Module - Magazinerepack Module - Map Module - Map_gesture Module - Maptools Module - Markers Module - Maverick Module * Added French update translation and / or correction for : - Interaction Module - Medical Module - Medical_damage Module - Medical_feedback Module - Medical_gui Module - Medical_statemachine Module - Medical_treatment Module - Microdagr Module * Added French update translation and / or correction for : - Missileguidance Module - Missionmodules Module - Nametags Module - Nightvision Module - Nlaw Module - Noradio Module - Optionsmenu Module * Added French update translation and / or correction for : - Overheating Module - Overpressure Module - Parachute Module - Pylons Module - Quickmount Module - Rangecard Module - Realisticnames Module - Rearm Module - Refuel Module - Reload Module * Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module * Correction typo mineure * Adding French translation and / or correction for : - Respawn Module - Safemode Module - Sandbag Module - Scopes Module * Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal * Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module * Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden. Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission. En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin. Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;). De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée. Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée. * Added French translation and / or correction for : - Slideshow Module, - Spectator Module, - Spottingscope Module, - Swichunits Module, Minor correction on Nametags Module * Correction ponctuation * Added French translation and / or correction for : - Tacticalladder Module, - Tagging Module, - Trenches Module, - Tripod Module. * Added French translation and / or correction for : - UI Module, - Vehiclelock Module, - Vehicles Module. Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module * Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French>Couleur du sélecteur</French>
<Czech>Barva selektoru</Czech>
<Spanish>Selector de color</Spanish>
<Turkish>Seçici Renk</Turkish>
<Korean>색상 선택</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_consolidateSingleChild">
<English>Consolidate single child actions</English>
<Russian>Объединять с единственным дочерним действием</Russian>
2021-03-04 17:27:06 +00:00
<Spanish>Consolidar acciones hijo únicas</Spanish>
<French>Combiner les sous-actions uniques</French>
Translations - Add Missing German (#8592) * Added German Translation Added German Translation * Added German Translation Added German Translation * Added German Translation Added German Translation * Added German Translation Added German Translation * Added German Translation Added German Translation * Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/ballistics/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/ballistics/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update addons/common/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/common/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/common/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/ui/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/vehicle_damage/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/vehicle_damage/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/vehiclelock/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/common/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/cookoff/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/cookoff/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/explosives/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/explosives/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/field_rations/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/field_rations/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/field_rations/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/fire/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/field_rations/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/fortify/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/gforces/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/grenades/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/gunbag/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/hellfire/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/hellfire/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/interact_menu/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/interaction/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/magazinerepack/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/map_gestures/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/map_gestures/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/map_gestures/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/map_gestures/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/map_gestures/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/map_gestures/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/markers/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/markers/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/markers/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/markers/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/markers/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/medical_damage/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/medical_damage/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/medical_engine/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/medical_engine/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/medical_feedback/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update stringtable.xml * Update addons/medical/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update stringtable.xml * Update addons/explosives/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/gforces/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/medical/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/medical_engine/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de>
2021-10-28 05:10:19 +00:00
<German>Untergeordnete Aktionen zusammenfassen</German>
<Polish>Połącz akcje podrzędne</Polish>
Translations - Add missing Simplified Chinese translation and change a few existing ones (#8731) * Add files via upload * Delete stringtable.xml * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: PabstMirror <pabstmirror@gmail.com>
2021-12-18 23:13:43 +00:00
<Korean>하위 동작 통합</Korean>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Interact_Menu_consolidateSingleChild_Description">
<English>Combines parent action with only one child action together.</English>
<Russian>Объединять родительское действие с единственным дочерним действием в одно.</Russian>
2021-03-04 17:27:06 +00:00
<Spanish>Combina acciones padre con una única accion hijo de forma conjunta</Spanish>
<French>Lorsqu'un menu ne contient qu'une seule sous-action, elle est combinée avec son menu parent.</French>
Translations - Add Missing German (#8592) * Added German Translation Added German Translation * Added German Translation Added German Translation * Added German Translation Added German Translation * Added German Translation Added German Translation * Added German Translation Added German Translation * Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/ballistics/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/ballistics/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update stringtable.xml * Update addons/common/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/common/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/common/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/ui/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/vehicle_damage/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/vehicle_damage/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/vehiclelock/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/common/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/cookoff/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/cookoff/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/explosives/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/explosives/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/field_rations/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/field_rations/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/field_rations/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/fire/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/field_rations/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/fortify/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/gforces/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/grenades/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/gunbag/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/hellfire/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/hellfire/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/interact_menu/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/interaction/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/magazinerepack/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/map_gestures/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/map_gestures/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/map_gestures/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/map_gestures/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/map_gestures/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/map_gestures/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/markers/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/markers/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/markers/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/markers/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/markers/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/medical_damage/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/medical_damage/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/medical_engine/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/medical_engine/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/medical_feedback/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update stringtable.xml * Update addons/medical/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update stringtable.xml * Update addons/explosives/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/gforces/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/medical/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> * Update addons/medical_engine/stringtable.xml Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de> Co-authored-by: Jo David <github@jonathandavid.de>
2021-10-28 05:10:19 +00:00
<German>Übergeordnete Aktionen mit nur einer Unteraktion zusammenfassen.</German>
<Polish>Gdy menu zawiera tylko jedną akcję podrzędną, łączy ją z akcją nadrzędną.</Polish>
Translations - Add missing Simplified Chinese translation and change a few existing ones (#8731) * Add files via upload * Delete stringtable.xml * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Apply suggestions from code review Co-authored-by: PabstMirror <pabstmirror@gmail.com>
2021-12-18 23:13:43 +00:00
<Korean>대분류로 나뉜 행동을 한눈에 보여줍니다</Korean>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00