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Raw Normal View History

mod cache;
mod event;
mod graphic;
mod scale;
mod widgets;
pub mod img_ids;
mod font_ids;
pub use event::Event;
pub use graphic::Graphic;
2019-07-26 02:28:53 +00:00
pub use scale::{Scale, ScaleMode};
pub use widgets::{
2019-07-12 03:45:21 +00:00
ingame::{Ingame, IngameAnchor, Ingameable},
2019-09-25 16:51:47 +00:00
tooltip::{Tooltip, Tooltipable, TooltipManager},
use crate::{
create_ui_quad, create_ui_tri, Consts, DynamicModel, Globals, Mesh, RenderError, Renderer,
UiLocals, UiMode, UiPipeline,
use cache::Cache;
2019-08-04 19:54:08 +00:00
use common::{assets, util::srgba_to_linear};
use conrod_core::{
image::{self, Map},
input::{touch::Touch, Motion, Widget},
render::{Primitive, PrimitiveKind},
text::{self, font},
widget::{self, id::Generator},
Rect, UiBuilder, UiCell,
use graphic::Rotation;
use log::warn;
2019-06-23 20:42:17 +00:00
use std::{
2019-08-06 06:31:48 +00:00
2019-06-23 20:42:17 +00:00
io::{BufReader, Read},
2019-07-29 14:06:13 +00:00
2019-06-23 20:42:17 +00:00
use vek::*;
pub enum UiError {
enum DrawKind {
// Text and non-textured geometry
enum DrawCommand {
Draw { kind: DrawKind, verts: Range<usize> },
impl DrawCommand {
fn image(verts: Range<usize>) -> DrawCommand {
DrawCommand::Draw {
kind: DrawKind::Image,
fn plain(verts: Range<usize>) -> DrawCommand {
DrawCommand::Draw {
kind: DrawKind::Plain,
pub struct Font(text::Font);
impl assets::Asset for Font {
2019-08-06 06:31:48 +00:00
const ENDINGS: &'static [&'static str] = &["ttf"];
fn parse(mut buf_reader: BufReader<File>) -> Result<Self, assets::Error> {
let mut buf = Vec::new();
2019-06-23 20:42:17 +00:00
buf_reader.read_to_end(&mut buf)?;
pub struct Ui {
ui: conrod_core::Ui,
image_map: Map<(graphic::Id, Rotation)>,
cache: Cache,
// Draw commands for the next render
draw_commands: Vec<DrawCommand>,
// Model for drawing the ui
model: DynamicModel<UiPipeline>,
// Consts for default ui drawing position (ie the interface)
interface_locals: Consts<UiLocals>,
default_globals: Consts<Globals>,
// Consts to specify positions of ingame elements (e.g. Nametags)
ingame_locals: Vec<Consts<UiLocals>>,
// Window size for updating scaling
window_resized: Option<Vec2<f64>>,
// Used to delay cache resizing until after current frame is drawn
need_cache_resize: bool,
// Scaling of the ui
scale: Scale,
2019-07-29 14:06:13 +00:00
// Tooltips
tooltip_manager: TooltipManager,
impl Ui {
pub fn new(window: &mut Window) -> Result<Self, Error> {
let scale = Scale::new(window, ScaleMode::Absolute(1.0));
let win_dims = scale.scaled_window_size().into_array();
let renderer = window.renderer_mut();
2019-07-29 14:06:13 +00:00
let mut ui = UiBuilder::new(win_dims).build();
let tooltip_manager = TooltipManager::new(
2019-09-18 16:46:12 +00:00
2019-07-29 14:06:13 +00:00
Ok(Self {
2019-07-29 14:06:13 +00:00
image_map: Map::new(),
cache: Cache::new(renderer)?,
draw_commands: Vec::new(),
model: renderer.create_dynamic_model(100)?,
interface_locals: renderer.create_consts(&[UiLocals::default()])?,
default_globals: renderer.create_consts(&[Globals::default()])?,
ingame_locals: Vec::new(),
window_resized: None,
need_cache_resize: false,
2019-07-29 14:06:13 +00:00
// Set the scaling mode of the ui.
2019-07-26 02:28:53 +00:00
pub fn set_scaling_mode(&mut self, mode: ScaleMode) {
// To clear the cache (it won't be resized in this case)
self.need_cache_resize = true;
// Give conrod the new size.
let (w, h) = self.scale.scaled_window_size().into_tuple();
self.ui.handle_event(Input::Resize(w, h));
2019-07-26 02:28:53 +00:00
// Get a copy of Scale
pub fn scale(&self) -> Scale {
pub fn add_graphic(&mut self, graphic: Graphic) -> image::Id {
.insert((self.cache.add_graphic(graphic), Rotation::None))
pub fn add_graphic_with_rotations(&mut self, graphic: Graphic) -> img_ids::Rotations {
let graphic_id = self.cache.add_graphic(graphic);
img_ids::Rotations {
none: self.image_map.insert((graphic_id, Rotation::None)),
cw90: self.image_map.insert((graphic_id, Rotation::Cw90)),
cw180: self.image_map.insert((graphic_id, Rotation::Cw180)),
cw270: self.image_map.insert((graphic_id, Rotation::Cw270)),
pub fn new_font(&mut self, font: Arc<Font>) -> font::Id {
pub fn id_generator(&mut self) -> Generator {
2019-07-29 14:06:13 +00:00
pub fn set_widgets(&mut self) -> (UiCell, &mut TooltipManager) {
(self.ui.set_widgets(), &mut self.tooltip_manager)
// Accepts Option so widget can be unfocused.
pub fn focus_widget(&mut self, id: Option<widget::Id>) {
self.ui.keyboard_capture(match id {
Some(id) => id,
None => self.ui.window,
// Get id of current widget capturing keyboard.
pub fn widget_capturing_keyboard(&self) -> Option<widget::Id> {
// Get whether a widget besides the window is capturing the mouse.
pub fn no_widget_capturing_mouse(&self) -> bool {
.filter(|id| id != &self.ui.window)
// Get the widget graph.
pub fn widget_graph(&self) -> &Graph {
pub fn handle_event(&mut self, event: Event) {
match event.0 {
Input::Resize(w, h) if w > 1.0 && h > 1.0 => {
self.window_resized = Some(Vec2::new(w, h))
Input::Touch(touch) => self.ui.handle_event(Input::Touch(Touch {
xy: self.scale.scale_point(touch.xy.into()).into_array(),
Input::Motion(motion) => self.ui.handle_event(Input::Motion(match motion {
Motion::MouseCursor { x, y } => {
let (x, y) = self.scale.scale_point(Vec2::new(x, y)).into_tuple();
Motion::MouseCursor { x, y }
Motion::MouseRelative { x, y } => {
let (x, y) = self.scale.scale_point(Vec2::new(x, y)).into_tuple();
Motion::MouseRelative { x, y }
Motion::Scroll { x, y } => {
let (x, y) = self.scale.scale_point(Vec2::new(x, y)).into_tuple();
Motion::Scroll { x, y }
_ => motion,
_ => self.ui.handle_event(event.0),
pub fn widget_input(&self, id: widget::Id) -> Widget {
pub fn maintain(&mut self, renderer: &mut Renderer, cam_params: Option<(Mat4<f32>, f32)>) {
2019-07-29 14:06:13 +00:00
// Maintain tooltip manager
.maintain(self.ui.global_input(), self.scale.scale_factor_logical());
// Regenerate draw commands and associated models only if the ui changed
let mut primitives = match self.ui.draw_if_changed() {
Some(primitives) => primitives,
None => return,
if self.need_cache_resize {
// Resize graphic cache
// Resize glyph cache
self.need_cache_resize = false;
let mut mesh = Mesh::new();
let (half_res, x_align, y_align) = {
let res = renderer.get_resolution();
(|e| e as f32 / 2.0),
(res.x & 1) as f32 * 0.5,
(res.y & 1) as f32 * 0.5,
// TODO: this could be removed entirely if the draw call just used both textures,
// however this allows for flexibility if we want to interweave other draw calls later.
enum State {
let mut current_state = State::Plain;
let mut start = 0;
let window_scissor = default_scissor(renderer);
let mut current_scissor = window_scissor;
let mut ingame_local_index = 0;
enum Placement {
// Number of primitives left to render ingame and relative scaling/resolution
InWorld(usize, Option<f32>),
let mut placement = Placement::Interface;
// TODO: maybe mutate an ingame scale factor instead of this, depends on if we want them to scale with other ui scaling or not
let mut p_scale_factor = self.scale.scale_factor_physical();
// Switches to the `Plain` state and completes the previous `Command` if not already in the
// `Plain` state.
macro_rules! switch_to_plain_state {
() => {
if let State::Image = current_state {
start = mesh.vertices().len();
current_state = State::Plain;
while let Some(prim) = {
let Primitive {
} = prim;
// Check for a change in the scissor.
let new_scissor = {
let (l, b, w, h) = scizzor.l_b_w_h();
let scale_factor = self.scale.scale_factor_physical();
// Calculate minimum x and y coordinates while
// flipping y axis (from +up to +down) and
// moving origin to top-left corner (from middle).
let min_x = self.ui.win_w / 2.0 + l;
let min_y = self.ui.win_h / 2.0 - b - h;
Aabr {
min: Vec2 {
x: (min_x * scale_factor) as u16,
y: (min_y * scale_factor) as u16,
max: Vec2 {
x: ((min_x + w) * scale_factor) as u16,
y: ((min_y + h) * scale_factor) as u16,
if new_scissor != current_scissor {
// Finish the current command.
self.draw_commands.push(match current_state {
State::Plain => DrawCommand::plain(start..mesh.vertices().len()),
State::Image => DrawCommand::image(start..mesh.vertices().len()),
start = mesh.vertices().len();
// Update the scissor and produce a command.
current_scissor = new_scissor;
match placement {
// No primitives left to place in the world at the current position, go back to drawing the interface
Placement::InWorld(0, _) => {
placement = Placement::Interface;
p_scale_factor = self.scale.scale_factor_physical();
// Finish current state
self.draw_commands.push(match current_state {
State::Plain => DrawCommand::plain(start..mesh.vertices().len()),
State::Image => DrawCommand::image(start..mesh.vertices().len()),
start = mesh.vertices().len();
// Push new position command
// Primitives still left to draw ingame
Placement::InWorld(num_prims, res) => match kind {
// Other types aren't drawn & shouldn't decrement the number of primitives left to draw ingame
PrimitiveKind::Other(_) => {}
// Decrement the number of primitives left
_ => placement = Placement::InWorld(num_prims - 1, res),
Placement::Interface => {}
// Functions for converting for conrod scalar coords to GL vertex coords (-1.0 to 1.0).
let (ui_win_w, ui_win_h) = match placement {
Placement::InWorld(_, Some(res)) => (res as f64, res as f64),
// Behind the camera or far away
Placement::InWorld(_, None) => continue,
Placement::Interface => (self.ui.win_w, self.ui.win_h),
let vx = |x: f64| (x / ui_win_w * 2.0) as f32;
let vy = |y: f64| (y / ui_win_h * 2.0) as f32;
let gl_aabr = |rect: Rect| {
let (l, r, b, t) = rect.l_r_b_t();
let min = Vec2::new(
((vx(l) * half_res.x + x_align).round() - x_align) / half_res.x,
((vy(b) * half_res.y + y_align).round() - y_align) / half_res.y,
let max = Vec2::new(
((vx(r) * half_res.x + x_align).round() - x_align) / half_res.x,
((vy(t) * half_res.y + y_align).round() - y_align) / half_res.y,
Aabr { min, max }
match kind {
PrimitiveKind::Image {
2019-07-03 03:09:37 +00:00
source_rect: _, // TODO: <-- use this
} => {
let (graphic_id, rotation) = self
.expect("Image does not exist in image map");
let (graphic_cache, cache_tex) = self.cache.graphic_cache_mut_and_tex();
match graphic_cache.get_graphic(*graphic_id) {
Some(Graphic::Blank) | None => continue,
_ => {}
// Switch to the image state if we are not in it already.
if let State::Plain = current_state {
start = mesh.vertices().len();
current_state = State::Image;
let color =
2019-08-04 19:54:08 +00:00
let gl_aabr = gl_aabr(rect);
let resolution = Vec2::new(
(gl_aabr.size().w * half_res.x).round() as u16,
(gl_aabr.size().h * half_res.y).round() as u16,
// Transform the source rectangle into uv coordinate.
// TODO: Make sure this is right.
let source_aabr = {
let (uv_l, uv_r, uv_b, uv_t) = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
/*match source_rect {
Some(src_rect) => {
let (l, r, b, t) = src_rect.l_r_b_t();
((l / image_w) as f32,
(r / image_w) as f32,
(b / image_h) as f32,
(t / image_h) as f32)
None => (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0),
Aabr {
min: Vec2::new(uv_l, uv_b),
max: Vec2::new(uv_r, uv_t),
// TODO: get dims from graphic_cache (or have it return floats directly)
let (cache_w, cache_h) =
cache_tex.get_dimensions().map(|e| e as f32).into_tuple();
// Cache graphic at particular resolution.
let uv_aabr = match graphic_cache.queue_res(
) {
Some(aabr) => Aabr {
min: Vec2::new(
(aabr.min.x as f32) / cache_w,
(aabr.max.y as f32) / cache_h,
max: Vec2::new(
(aabr.max.x as f32) / cache_w,
(aabr.min.y as f32) / cache_h,
None => continue,
mesh.push_quad(create_ui_quad(gl_aabr, uv_aabr, color, UiMode::Image));
PrimitiveKind::Text {
} => {
let positioned_glyphs = text.positioned_glyphs(p_scale_factor as f32);
let (glyph_cache, cache_tex) = self.cache.glyph_cache_mut_and_tex();
// Queue the glyphs to be cached.
for glyph in positioned_glyphs {
glyph_cache.queue_glyph(font_id.index(), glyph.clone());
.cache_queued(|rect, data| {
let offset = [rect.min.x as u16, rect.min.y as u16];
let size = [rect.width() as u16, rect.height() as u16];
let new_data = data
.map(|x| [255, 255, 255, *x])
.collect::<Vec<[u8; 4]>>();
if let Err(err) =
renderer.update_texture(cache_tex, offset, size, &new_data)
warn!("Failed to update texture: {:?}", err);
2019-08-04 19:54:08 +00:00
let color = srgba_to_linear(color.to_fsa().into());
for g in positioned_glyphs {
if let Ok(Some((uv_rect, screen_rect))) =
glyph_cache.rect_for(font_id.index(), g)
let uv = Aabr {
min: Vec2::new(uv_rect.min.x, uv_rect.max.y),
max: Vec2::new(uv_rect.max.x, uv_rect.min.y),
let rect = Aabr {
min: Vec2::new(
vx(screen_rect.min.x as f64 / p_scale_factor
- self.ui.win_w / 2.0),
vy(self.ui.win_h / 2.0
- screen_rect.max.y as f64 / p_scale_factor),
max: Vec2::new(
vx(screen_rect.max.x as f64 / p_scale_factor
- self.ui.win_w / 2.0),
vy(self.ui.win_h / 2.0
- screen_rect.min.y as f64 / p_scale_factor),
mesh.push_quad(create_ui_quad(rect, uv, color, UiMode::Text));
PrimitiveKind::Rectangle { color } => {
2019-08-04 19:54:08 +00:00
let color = srgba_to_linear(color.to_fsa().into());
// Don't draw a transparent rectangle.
if color[3] == 0.0 {
Aabr {
min: Vec2::new(0.0, 0.0),
max: Vec2::new(0.0, 0.0),
PrimitiveKind::TrianglesSingleColor { color, triangles } => {
// Don't draw transparent triangle or switch state if there are actually no triangles.
2019-08-04 19:54:08 +00:00
let color = srgba_to_linear(Rgba::from(Into::<[f32; 4]>::into(color)));
if triangles.is_empty() || color[3] == 0.0 {
for tri in triangles {
let p1 = Vec2::new(vx(tri[0][0]), vy(tri[0][1]));
let p2 = Vec2::new(vx(tri[1][0]), vy(tri[1][1]));
let p3 = Vec2::new(vx(tri[2][0]), vy(tri[2][1]));
// If triangle is clockwise, reverse it.
let (v1, v2): (Vec3<f32>, Vec3<f32>) = ((p2 - p1).into(), (p3 - p1).into());
let triangle = if v1.cross(v2).z > 0.0 {
[p1.into_array(), p2.into_array(), p3.into_array()]
} else {
[p2.into_array(), p1.into_array(), p3.into_array()]
[[0.0; 2]; 3],
PrimitiveKind::Other(container) => {
if container.type_id == std::any::TypeId::of::<widgets::ingame::State>() {
// Calculate the scale factor to pixels at this 3d point using the camera.
if let Some((view_mat, fov)) = cam_params {
// Retrieve world position
let parameters = container
.state_and_style::<widgets::ingame::State, widgets::ingame::Style>()
let pos_in_view = view_mat * Vec4::from_point(parameters.pos);
let scale_factor = self.ui.win_w as f64
/ (-2.0
* pos_in_view.z as f64
* (0.5 * fov as f64).tan()
* parameters.res as f64);
// Don't process ingame elements behind the camera or very far away
placement = if scale_factor > 0.2 {
// Finish current state
self.draw_commands.push(match current_state {
State::Plain => {
State::Image => {
start = mesh.vertices().len();
// Push new position command
if self.ingame_locals.len() > ingame_local_index {
&mut self.ingame_locals[ingame_local_index],
} else {
ingame_local_index += 1;
p_scale_factor = ((scale_factor * 10.0).log2().round().powi(2)
/ 10.0)
// Scale down ingame elements that are close to the camera
let res = if scale_factor > 3.2 {
parameters.res * scale_factor as f32 / 3.2
} else {
Placement::InWorld(parameters.num, Some(res))
} else {
Placement::InWorld(parameters.num, None)
_ => {} // TODO: Add this.
//PrimitiveKind::TrianglesMultiColor {..} => {println!("primitive kind multicolor with id {:?}", id);}
// Enter the final command.
self.draw_commands.push(match current_state {
State::Plain => DrawCommand::plain(start..mesh.vertices().len()),
State::Image => DrawCommand::image(start..mesh.vertices().len()),
// Draw glyph cache (use for debugging).
start = mesh.vertices().len();
Aabr {
min: (-1.0, -1.0).into(),
max: (1.0, 1.0).into(),
Aabr {
min: (0.0, 1.0).into(),
max: (1.0, 0.0).into(),
Rgba::new(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.8),
// Create a larger dynamic model if the mesh is larger than the current model size.
if self.model.vbuf.len() < mesh.vertices().len() {
self.model = renderer
.create_dynamic_model(mesh.vertices().len() * 4 / 3)
// Update model with new mesh.
renderer.update_model(&self.model, &mesh, 0).unwrap();
// Move cached graphics to the gpu
let (graphic_cache, cache_tex) = self.cache.graphic_cache_mut_and_tex();
graphic_cache.cache_queued(|aabr, data| {
let offset = aabr.min.into_array();
let size = aabr.size().into_array();
if let Err(err) = renderer.update_texture(cache_tex, offset, size, data) {
warn!("Failed to update texture: {:?}", err);
// Handle window resizing.
if let Some(new_dims) = self.window_resized.take() {
let (old_w, old_h) = self.scale.scaled_window_size().into_tuple();
self.scale.window_resized(new_dims, renderer);
let (w, h) = self.scale.scaled_window_size().into_tuple();
self.ui.handle_event(Input::Resize(w, h));
// Avoid panic in graphic cache when minimizing.
// Avoid resetting cache if window size didn't change
// Somewhat inefficient for elements that won't change size after a window resize
let res = renderer.get_resolution();
self.need_cache_resize = res.x > 0 && res.y > 0 && !(old_w == w && old_h == h);
pub fn render(&self, renderer: &mut Renderer, maybe_globals: Option<&Consts<Globals>>) {
let mut scissor = default_scissor(renderer);
let globals = maybe_globals.unwrap_or(&self.default_globals);
let mut locals = &self.interface_locals;
for draw_command in self.draw_commands.iter() {
match draw_command {
DrawCommand::Scissor(new_scissor) => {
scissor = *new_scissor;
DrawCommand::WorldPos(index) => {
locals = index.map_or(&self.interface_locals, |i| &self.ingame_locals[i]);
DrawCommand::Draw { kind, verts } => {
let tex = match kind {
DrawKind::Image => self.cache.graphic_cache_tex(),
DrawKind::Plain => self.cache.glyph_cache_tex(),
let model = self.model.submodel(verts.clone());
renderer.render_ui_element(&model, &tex, scissor, globals, locals);
fn default_scissor(renderer: &Renderer) -> Aabr<u16> {
let (screen_w, screen_h) = renderer.get_resolution().map(|e| e as u16).into_tuple();
Aabr {
min: Vec2 { x: 0, y: 0 },
max: Vec2 {
x: screen_w,
y: screen_h,