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2018-10-07 09:30:15 +00:00
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2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Project name="ACE">
<Package name="Hearing">
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_EarPlugs_Name">
<Spanish>Tapones para los oídos</Spanish>
<Polish>Stopery do uszu</Polish>
<French>Bouchons Anti-Bruits</French>
<Portuguese>Protetor auricular</Portuguese>
<Italian>Tappi auricolari</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:11:40 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_EarPlugs_Description">
<English>Protective Earplugs allow the wearer to be near loud weaponry without damage to his hearing.</English>
<German>Schützende Ohrenstöpsel, die es dem Träger ermöglichen, sich in der Nähe lauter Waffen aufzuhalten ohne Gehörschäden davonzutragen..</German>
<Spanish>Los tapones para los oídos permiten al usuario operar armamento ruidoso sin sufrir pérdida de audición.</Spanish>
<Polish>Stopery do uszu umożliwiają użytkownikowi przebywać w pobliżu głośnej broni bez poniesienia konsekwencji jaką jest utrata słuchu.</Polish>
<Czech>Ochranné špunty umožňují uživateli, aby neutrpěl zranění jeho sluchu v blízkosti hlasitých zbraní.</Czech>
<Russian>Беруши позволяют носителю находиться возле громкого вооружения без потери слуха.</Russian>
<French>Bouchons Anti-Bruits permettant au porteur d'être près d'arme bruyante sans risque d'endommager son ouïe.</French>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Hungarian>Erősebb hanghatásoktól védő füldugó, megakadályozza a nagy hanggal járó fegyverzettől való halláskárosodást.</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Protetor para ouvidos permitem que o usuário esteja próximo a ruídos sem danificar sua audição.</Portuguese>
<Italian>Proteggono l'apparato uditivo, permettendo a chi li indossa di resistere ai suoni particolarmente forti senza alcun danno.</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:11:40 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>보호용 귀마개는 화기로부터의 큰소리로부터 사용자의 청력을 보호합니다.</Korean>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_EarPlugs_On">
<English>Earplugs in</English>
<German>Ohrenstöpsel rein</German>
<Spanish>Poner tapones</Spanish>
<Polish>Włóż stopery</Polish>
<Czech>Dát špunty do uší</Czech>
<Russian>Надеть беруши</Russian>
<French>Mettre les bouchons</French>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Hungarian>Füldugó berakva</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Protetores colocados</Portuguese>
<Italian>Indossa i tappi auricolari</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:11:40 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>귀마개 착용</Korean>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_EarPlugs_Off">
<English>Earplugs out</English>
<German>Ohrenstöpsel raus</German>
<Spanish>Quitar tapones</Spanish>
<Polish>Wyjmij stopery</Polish>
<Czech>Vyndat špunty z uší</Czech>
<Russian>Снять беруши</Russian>
<French>Enlever les bouchons</French>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Hungarian>Füldugó kivéve</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Protetores retirados</Portuguese>
<Italian>Levati i tappi auricolari</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:11:40 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>귀마개 뺌</Korean>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_EarPlugs_Are_On">
<English>Earplugs in</English>
Update German Stringtables Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml kommas........................................................................................................................................................... Rallypoint Update stringtable.xml slideshow, not finished yet Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml What does Curator mean in this context? l. 294, l 302 cargo Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml I left a few things out. I'd like if someone gives me advice Z.698 Pionier oder Instandsetzer o.Ä. Was genau ist die deutsche Bezeichung der Klasse in ACE bzw Arma? Z.707 Ich habe mich einfach mal auf Mechatroniker festgelegt, da Reperaturspezialist sich doch ein wenig ungelenk anhört... Update stringtable.xml Habe engineer als Pionier übersetzt (halte es selbst für etwas unpassend) Der specialist ist bei mir zum Mechatroniker geworden. Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Fix Mistakes from merge Fix Empty Entries Fix Mistake Fix
2015-09-30 23:30:38 +00:00
<German>Ohrenstöpsel drin</German>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Spanish>Tapones puestos</Spanish>
<Polish>Stopery włożone</Polish>
<Czech>Špunty v uších</Czech>
<Russian>Беруши надеты</Russian>
<French>Bouchons mis</French>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Hungarian>Füldugó berakva</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Protetores colocados</Portuguese>
<Italian>Indossa i tappi auricolari</Italian>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>귀마개 착용</Korean>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_EarPlugs_Are_Off">
<English>Earplugs out</English>
<German>Ohrenstöpsel raus</German>
<Spanish>Tapones quitados</Spanish>
<Polish>Stopery wyjęte</Polish>
<Czech>Špunty venku z uší</Czech>
<Russian>Беруши сняты</Russian>
<French>Bouchons enlevés</French>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Hungarian>Füldugó kivéve</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Protetores retirados</Portuguese>
<Italian>Levati i tappi auricolari</Italian>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>귀마개 뺌</Korean>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_NoPlugs">
<English>You have no earplugs</English>
<German>Keine Ohrenstöpsel im Inventar</German>
<Spanish>No tienes tapones para los oídos</Spanish>
<Polish>Nie masz stoperów</Polish>
<Czech>Nemáš žádné špunty</Czech>
<Russian>У вас нет беруш</Russian>
<French>Vous n'avez pas de bouchons anti-bruits</French>
<Hungarian>Nincsen füldugód</Hungarian>
<Portuguese>Você não possui protetores auriculares</Portuguese>
<Italian>Non hai i tappi auricolari</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:11:40 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>귀마개가 없습니다</Korean>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_Inventory_Full">
<English>No inventory space</English>
<German>Kein Platz im Inventar</German>
<Spanish>Sin espacio en el inventario</Spanish>
<Polish>Brak miejsca w ekwipunku</Polish>
<French>Pas de place dans l'inventaire</French>
<Czech>Není místo v inventáři</Czech>
<Italian>Non hai abbastanza spazio</Italian>
<Portuguese>Não há espaço no inventário</Portuguese>
<Hungarian>Nincs több hely</Hungarian>
<Russian>Нет места в инвентаре</Russian>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>넣을 공간이 없습니다</Korean>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_DisableEarRinging_DisplayName">
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<English>Disable ear ringing</English>
<French>Désactiver le bourdonnement</French>
<Spanish>Desactivar zumbido de oídos</Spanish>
<Russian>Отключить звон в ушах</Russian>
<German>Knalltrauma deaktivieren</German>
<Czech>Vypnout pískání v uších</Czech>
<Polish>Wyłącz dzwonienie w uszach</Polish>
<Hungarian>Fülcsengés letiltása</Hungarian>
<Italian>Disabilita i fischi nelle orecchie</Italian>
<Portuguese>Desabilitar zumbido de ouvidos</Portuguese>
2016-09-27 16:11:40 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>이명현상 끄기</Korean>
2016-02-06 17:49:28 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_DisableEarRinging_Description">
<English>Remove tinnitus effect when the player takes hearing damage</English>
2016-02-21 18:55:08 +00:00
<German>Deaktiviert Ohrklingeln wenn der Spieler Hörschäden davonträgt.</German>
2016-02-25 13:54:19 +00:00
<Spanish>Desactiva el efecto de zumbido cuando el jugador recibe daño auditivo.</Spanish>
<Polish>Usuń szum w uszach przy chwilowej utracie słuchu.</Polish>
<French>Enlève les acouphènes quand le joueur prend des dommages auditifs.</French>
2016-03-27 19:20:15 +00:00
<Italian>Quando il giocatore riceve danni all'udito, non fa sentire i fischi nelle orecchie</Italian>
2016-03-01 11:56:43 +00:00
<Portuguese>Remove o efeito de zunido quando o jogador recebe dano na audição</Portuguese>
2016-08-13 09:25:43 +00:00
<Russian>Убирает эффект звона в ушах, когда игрок получает повреждение слуха</Russian>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>플레이어가 청력손실을 입을때 생기는 이명현상을 제거합니다.</Korean>
<Chinesesimp>关闭耳鸣效果时,就算玩家受到相当程度的听力伤害, 也不会造成耳鸣效果</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese>關閉耳鳴效果時,就算玩家受到相當程度的聽力傷害, 也不會造成耳鳴效果</Chinese>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_Module_DisplayName">
2016-09-27 16:11:40 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_EnableCombatDeafness_DisplayName">
<English>Enable Combat Deafness</English>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Polish>Wł. głuchotę bojową</Polish>
<Spanish>Habilitar sordera de combate</Spanish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<German>Aktiviere Taubheit im Gefecht?</German>
<Czech>Povolit ztrátu sluchu?</Czech>
<Portuguese>Ativar surdez em combate?</Portuguese>
2016-02-26 18:24:53 +00:00
<French>Activer la surdité au combat</French>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Hungarian>Harci süketség engedélyezése?</Hungarian>
<Italian>Sordità da combattimento</Italian>
2016-09-27 16:11:40 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>전투 난청 켜기</Korean>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_EnableCombatDeafness_Description">
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<English>Reduces the hearing ability as the player takes hearing damage</English>
<Polish>Możliwość chwilowej utraty słuchu przy głośnych wystrzałach i jednoczesnym braku włożonych stoperów</Polish>
<Spanish>Habilita la sordera de combate</Spanish>
2016-02-10 15:57:12 +00:00
<German>Verringert das Hörvermögen wenn der Spieler einen Hörschaden davonträg</German>
2016-02-03 17:30:23 +00:00
<Czech>Snižuje schopnost sluchu pokud dojde k jeho poškození hlasitou a blízkou střelbou</Czech>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Portuguese>Ativar surdez em combate?</Portuguese>
<Russian>Уменьшает возможность игрока слышать звуки при повреждении органов слуха</Russian>
<Italian>Riduci l'abilità uditiva quando il giocatore riceve danno uditivo</Italian>
<French>Réduire l'audition lorsque le joueur prend des dommages auditifs.</French>
2016-09-27 16:11:40 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>청력에 손상을 입으면 듣는 소리가 감소합니다.</Korean>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_Module_Description">
<English>Controls combat deafness and ear ringing. When activated, players can be deafened when a gun is fired in their vicinity or an explosion takes place without hearing protection</English>
<Hungarian>Harci süketség engedélyezése?</Hungarian>
<Russian>Уменьшает способность игроков слышать при повреждении слуха</Russian>
<Polish>Głuchota bojowa pojawia się w momentach, kiedy stoimy w pobliżu broni wielkokalibrowej bez ochrony słuchu, lub np. podczas ostrzału artyleryjskiego. Moduł ten pozwala na włączenie lub wyłączenie tego efektu.</Polish>
<German>Dieses Modul aktiviert/deaktiviert die Taubheit im Gefecht. Wenn aktiviert, können Spieler ohne Gehörschutz taub werden, wenn eine Waffe in ihrer Nähe abgefeuert wird oder eine Explosion stattfindet.</German>
<Czech>Ztráta sluchu je možná ve chvíly, kdy se v bezprostřední blízkosti střílí z velkorážní zbraně nebo při bombardování a osoba je bez ochrany sluchu (např. špunty). Tento modul umožňuje tuto věc povolit nebo zakázat.</Czech>
<Portuguese>Este módulo ativa / desativa surdez em combate. Quando ativado, os jogadores podem ficar surdos quando uma arma é disparada ao seu redor ou uma explosão ocorre sem proteção auditiva.</Portuguese>
<French>Ce module active / désactivé la surdité au combat. Si active, des joueurs peuvent devenir sourds sans protection d'oreille, si une arme est utilisée ou une explosion a lieu à proximité</French>
<Spanish>Controles de sordera de combate y zumbido en los oídos. Al activarlo, los jugadores pueden ser ensordecidos cuando un arma se dispara cerca o una explosión tiene lugar sin protección auditiva</Spanish>
<Italian>Controlla la sordità da combattimento e fischio alle orecchie. Quando attivato, i giocatori possono essere assordati quando un'arma spara vicino o avviene un'esplosione senza protezione uditiva</Italian>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>전투 난청과 이명현상을 조작합니다. 작동시 플레이어가 화기나 폭발의 주변에 있을경우 청력보호장치가 없을때 청력손실을 입습니다.</Korean>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_enabledForZeusUnits_DisplayName">
<English>Effect Zeus RC</English>
Update German Stringtables Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml kommas........................................................................................................................................................... Rallypoint Update stringtable.xml slideshow, not finished yet Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml What does Curator mean in this context? l. 294, l 302 cargo Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml I left a few things out. I'd like if someone gives me advice Z.698 Pionier oder Instandsetzer o.Ä. Was genau ist die deutsche Bezeichung der Klasse in ACE bzw Arma? Z.707 Ich habe mich einfach mal auf Mechatroniker festgelegt, da Reperaturspezialist sich doch ein wenig ungelenk anhört... Update stringtable.xml Habe engineer als Pionier übersetzt (halte es selbst für etwas unpassend) Der specialist ist bei mir zum Mechatroniker geworden. Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Update stringtable.xml Fix Mistakes from merge Fix Empty Entries Fix Mistake Fix
2015-09-30 23:30:38 +00:00
<German>Beeinflusst Zeus-Einheiten</German>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Polish>Wpływ na Zeus RC</Polish>
<Russian>Влияет на юнита Зевса</Russian>
<Portuguese>Afeta Zeus CR</Portuguese>
<Spanish>Efecto Zeus RC</Spanish>
2016-02-03 17:30:23 +00:00
<Czech>Vliv na Zeus RC</Czech>
<Italian>Effetto Zeus RC</Italian>
<French>Effet sur le CàD du Zeus</French>
2016-09-27 16:11:40 +00:00
<Japanese>Zeus RC への効果</Japanese>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>Zeus RC 효과</Korean>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_enabledForZeusUnits_Description">
<English>Allow zeus remote controlled units to be able to take hearing damage.</English>
2015-12-06 21:03:15 +00:00
<German>Erlaubt, durch von Zeus gesteuerten Einheiten, einen Hörschaden davonzutragen.</German>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Polish>Aktywuj efekty utraty słuchu dla jednostek kontrolowanych zdalnie przez Zeusa.</Polish>
<Russian>Контролирует оглушение в бою и звон в ушах. При активации играки могут быть оглушены близкими выстрелами и взрывами при отсутствии защиты для ушей.</Russian>
<Portuguese>Permite que unidades remotamente controladas pelo Zeus sejam atingidas por danos auditivos.</Portuguese>
<Spanish>Permitir a las unidades por control remoto de zeus que puedan tener daños auditivos.</Spanish>
2015-11-10 18:10:36 +00:00
<Czech>Aktivovat efekt ztráty sluchu pro vzdáleně ovládané jednotky.</Czech>
<Italian>Consenti alle unità controllate in remoto da Zeus di ricevere danni all'udito.</Italian>
<French>Permet aux unités controlées à distance de subir des traumatismes sonores.</French>
2016-09-27 16:11:40 +00:00
<Japanese>Zeus により遠隔操作されたユニットにも、聴覚へ損傷を受けるようにします。</Japanese>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>Zeus가 원격으로 청력손실을 입힐 수 있게 합니다.</Korean>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_autoAddEarplugsToUnits_DisplayName">
<English>Add earplugs to units</English>
2016-02-10 15:56:15 +00:00
<German>Füge Ohrenstöpsel zu Einheiten hinzu</German>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Polish>Dodaj stopery dla jednostek</Polish>
2015-12-10 17:32:16 +00:00
<Russian>Добавлять юнитам беруши</Russian>
<Portuguese>Adiciona protetores de ouvido as unidades</Portuguese>
2016-02-03 17:30:23 +00:00
<Czech>Přidat špunty jednotce</Czech>
<Italian>Aggiungi Tappi per Orecchie alle unità</Italian>
2016-02-25 13:54:19 +00:00
<Spanish>Agregar tapones de oida a la unidad</Spanish>
<French>Ajouter des bouchons anti-bruits aux unités</French>
2016-09-27 16:11:40 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>해당 인원에게 귀마개 추가</Korean>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_autoAddEarplugsToUnits_Description">
<English>Add the `ACE_EarPlugs` item to all units that have loud weapons. Can disable if using custom loadouts.</English>
2017-12-27 07:14:26 +00:00
<German>Fügt die "ACE_EarPlugs" zu allen Einheiten mit lauten Waffen hinzu. Wird deaktiviert wenn eigene Ausrüstungsprofile verwendet werden.</German>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
<Polish>Dodaje `ACE_EarPlugs` - stopery - do wszystkich jednostek, które posiadają głośną broń. Można wyłaczyć w przypadku korzystania z niestandardowych loadoutów.</Polish>
2015-12-10 17:32:16 +00:00
<Russian>Добавляет предмет `ACE_EarPlugs` всем юнитам, которые имеют громкое оружие. Можно отключить при ручной настройке снаряжения.</Russian>
<Portuguese>Adicionar o item `ACE_EarPlugs` a todas as unidades que tenham armas barulhentas. Pode ser desabilitado com carregamentos customizados.</Portuguese>
2016-02-03 17:30:23 +00:00
<Czech>Přidat `ACE_EarPlugs` všem jednotkám které mají zbraň. Můžete vypnout, pokud používáte vlastní výbavu.</Czech>
<Italian>Aggiungi l'oggetto 'ACE_EarPlugs' a tutte le unità che hanno armi rumorose. Può essere disabilitato se vengono usati loadout personalizzati.</Italian>
2016-02-25 13:54:19 +00:00
<Spanish>Agregar el item `ACE_EarPlugs` a todas las unidades equipadas con armas muy ruidosas. Desactivar si quieren utilizarse equipamientos personalizados.</Spanish>
<French>Ajoute l'objet "Ace_EarPlugs" à toutes les unités ayant des armes bruyantes. Peut être désactivé par des loadouts personalisés.</French>
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean>무기를 가지고 있는 모든 인원에게 'ACE_EarPlugs'를 지급합니다. 임의의 장비를 사용시 비활성화 할 수 있습니다.</Korean>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
Add ACE Arsenal stats (#6110) * Add test class * Add stats mockup * Merge branch 'master' of into arsenalStats * Finish mockup, add basic hide/show logic * Add base for stats * Use CBA EHs for stats to allow 3rd party mods of it * Add handleStats and most of the UI behaviors for stats * Continue work on stats * Add container stats * Add page support for stats * Add text for the ROF stat * Add accuracy in MOA for the accuracy stat * Change accuracy shown number to 1 decimal instead of 2 * Add MIL in the dispersion stat text * Change stats layout, remove dummy text strings * Add some AB stats * Remove last test string * Replace configExtremes by normal lookup where it's relevant * Add "undefined value" string when AB stat isn't present Mostly for laucnhers * Fix typo in preInit * Change drag model stat to ballistic coef * Fix issue with unused stats, change text to white when bar is present * Rewrite some part of handleStats Reason: add support for conditions, less redundant code, less reasons for dedmen to emasculate me * Re-add _hideUnusedFnc, handle empty stats arrays * Pass args to stat conditions, add test condition stat * Add hearing related stats * Remove the padding between stats and the stat bar / text * Add strings for stats * Change stats window to fit baer's suggestion * Algin the close stats button, add missing strings * Finish code review * Add missing newline * Remove duplicate strings * Add explosive range stat * Use proper string for the explo range stat * Fix capitalization for ctrlParent * Fix conditional stats blocking other stats * Add better integration for ballistics, hearing and explosive stats * Replace the private array in handleStat by params * Add backblast stats * Add backblast stat strings * Add flashlight map color and g-force reduction stats * Shorten preInit * Change stats close button to fit arsenal design * Improve stats page indicator look * Rework how stats are stored and retrieved * Remove args config entry, add priority entry, add vanilla weapon stats * Add vanilla container stats * Remove some lines in preInit * Add ballistics stats * Add hearing stats * Remove uneeded config entries * Add explosive range stat * Add backblast stats * Add spaces after semicolons in statements To make JJ happy because I don't care. * Add flashlights map color stat * Add gforce reduction stat FINALLY FUCKING DONE * Fix headers for the new stats funcs * Add add / remove stat API * Fix typo in removeStat header * Remove uneeded inline func * Clean up add / remove stat * Move all CfgACEArsenalStats entries to their own file * Replace STR_ACE_Ballistics_statAmmo by a BI string * Add script profiler related macro and code * Use the highest ballistic coef instead of first one defined * Add support for future ammo displayname * Add ACE_standardAtmosphere for ballistic coef * Add mag muzzle velocity stat * Add weapon muzzle velocity stat * Add comment explaining the ENABLE_PERF_PROFILING macro * Change cfgACEArsenalStats to ACE_Arsenal_Stats * Make JJ less pissy about spaces around = * Fix indentation in weaponMuzzleVelocity, use param * Use GVAR and EGVAR when appropriate * Prefix all stats except the base class * Fix Merge * Fix aspect ratio scaling of stats panel * Minor fixes
2018-02-15 16:03:22 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_statHearingProtection">
<English>Hearing protection</English>
<French>Protection auditive</French>
<Italian>Protezione auditiva</Italian>
<Polish>Ochrona słuchu</Polish>
Add ACE Arsenal stats (#6110) * Add test class * Add stats mockup * Merge branch 'master' of into arsenalStats * Finish mockup, add basic hide/show logic * Add base for stats * Use CBA EHs for stats to allow 3rd party mods of it * Add handleStats and most of the UI behaviors for stats * Continue work on stats * Add container stats * Add page support for stats * Add text for the ROF stat * Add accuracy in MOA for the accuracy stat * Change accuracy shown number to 1 decimal instead of 2 * Add MIL in the dispersion stat text * Change stats layout, remove dummy text strings * Add some AB stats * Remove last test string * Replace configExtremes by normal lookup where it's relevant * Add "undefined value" string when AB stat isn't present Mostly for laucnhers * Fix typo in preInit * Change drag model stat to ballistic coef * Fix issue with unused stats, change text to white when bar is present * Rewrite some part of handleStats Reason: add support for conditions, less redundant code, less reasons for dedmen to emasculate me * Re-add _hideUnusedFnc, handle empty stats arrays * Pass args to stat conditions, add test condition stat * Add hearing related stats * Remove the padding between stats and the stat bar / text * Add strings for stats * Change stats window to fit baer's suggestion * Algin the close stats button, add missing strings * Finish code review * Add missing newline * Remove duplicate strings * Add explosive range stat * Use proper string for the explo range stat * Fix capitalization for ctrlParent * Fix conditional stats blocking other stats * Add better integration for ballistics, hearing and explosive stats * Replace the private array in handleStat by params * Add backblast stats * Add backblast stat strings * Add flashlight map color and g-force reduction stats * Shorten preInit * Change stats close button to fit arsenal design * Improve stats page indicator look * Rework how stats are stored and retrieved * Remove args config entry, add priority entry, add vanilla weapon stats * Add vanilla container stats * Remove some lines in preInit * Add ballistics stats * Add hearing stats * Remove uneeded config entries * Add explosive range stat * Add backblast stats * Add spaces after semicolons in statements To make JJ happy because I don't care. * Add flashlights map color stat * Add gforce reduction stat FINALLY FUCKING DONE * Fix headers for the new stats funcs * Add add / remove stat API * Fix typo in removeStat header * Remove uneeded inline func * Clean up add / remove stat * Move all CfgACEArsenalStats entries to their own file * Replace STR_ACE_Ballistics_statAmmo by a BI string * Add script profiler related macro and code * Use the highest ballistic coef instead of first one defined * Add support for future ammo displayname * Add ACE_standardAtmosphere for ballistic coef * Add mag muzzle velocity stat * Add weapon muzzle velocity stat * Add comment explaining the ENABLE_PERF_PROFILING macro * Change cfgACEArsenalStats to ACE_Arsenal_Stats * Make JJ less pissy about spaces around = * Fix indentation in weaponMuzzleVelocity, use param * Use GVAR and EGVAR when appropriate * Prefix all stats except the base class * Fix Merge * Fix aspect ratio scaling of stats panel * Minor fixes
2018-02-15 16:03:22 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_statHearingLowerVolume">
<English>Volume muffling</English>
<French>Étouffement des sons</French>
<Italian>Volume attenuazione</Italian>
<Polish>Tłumienie głośności</Polish>
Add ACE Arsenal stats (#6110) * Add test class * Add stats mockup * Merge branch 'master' of into arsenalStats * Finish mockup, add basic hide/show logic * Add base for stats * Use CBA EHs for stats to allow 3rd party mods of it * Add handleStats and most of the UI behaviors for stats * Continue work on stats * Add container stats * Add page support for stats * Add text for the ROF stat * Add accuracy in MOA for the accuracy stat * Change accuracy shown number to 1 decimal instead of 2 * Add MIL in the dispersion stat text * Change stats layout, remove dummy text strings * Add some AB stats * Remove last test string * Replace configExtremes by normal lookup where it's relevant * Add "undefined value" string when AB stat isn't present Mostly for laucnhers * Fix typo in preInit * Change drag model stat to ballistic coef * Fix issue with unused stats, change text to white when bar is present * Rewrite some part of handleStats Reason: add support for conditions, less redundant code, less reasons for dedmen to emasculate me * Re-add _hideUnusedFnc, handle empty stats arrays * Pass args to stat conditions, add test condition stat * Add hearing related stats * Remove the padding between stats and the stat bar / text * Add strings for stats * Change stats window to fit baer's suggestion * Algin the close stats button, add missing strings * Finish code review * Add missing newline * Remove duplicate strings * Add explosive range stat * Use proper string for the explo range stat * Fix capitalization for ctrlParent * Fix conditional stats blocking other stats * Add better integration for ballistics, hearing and explosive stats * Replace the private array in handleStat by params * Add backblast stats * Add backblast stat strings * Add flashlight map color and g-force reduction stats * Shorten preInit * Change stats close button to fit arsenal design * Improve stats page indicator look * Rework how stats are stored and retrieved * Remove args config entry, add priority entry, add vanilla weapon stats * Add vanilla container stats * Remove some lines in preInit * Add ballistics stats * Add hearing stats * Remove uneeded config entries * Add explosive range stat * Add backblast stats * Add spaces after semicolons in statements To make JJ happy because I don't care. * Add flashlights map color stat * Add gforce reduction stat FINALLY FUCKING DONE * Fix headers for the new stats funcs * Add add / remove stat API * Fix typo in removeStat header * Remove uneeded inline func * Clean up add / remove stat * Move all CfgACEArsenalStats entries to their own file * Replace STR_ACE_Ballistics_statAmmo by a BI string * Add script profiler related macro and code * Use the highest ballistic coef instead of first one defined * Add support for future ammo displayname * Add ACE_standardAtmosphere for ballistic coef * Add mag muzzle velocity stat * Add weapon muzzle velocity stat * Add comment explaining the ENABLE_PERF_PROFILING macro * Change cfgACEArsenalStats to ACE_Arsenal_Stats * Make JJ less pissy about spaces around = * Fix indentation in weaponMuzzleVelocity, use param * Use GVAR and EGVAR when appropriate * Prefix all stats except the base class * Fix Merge * Fix aspect ratio scaling of stats panel * Minor fixes
2018-02-15 16:03:22 +00:00
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_earplugsVolume_DisplayName">
<English>Earplugs Volume</English>
<Italian>Volume tappi per le orecchie</Italian>
<Polish>Głośność Stoperów</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_earplugsVolume_Description">
<English>Volume when using earplugs.</English>
<Italian>Volume audio quandi si indossano i tappi per le orecchie.</Italian>
<Polish>Głośność podczas używania stoperów.</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_unconsciousnessVolume_DisplayName">
<English>Unconscious Volume</English>
<Italian>Volume quando incoscente</Italian>
<Polish>Nieprzytomna Głośność</Polish>
<Key ID="STR_ACE_Hearing_unconsciousnessVolume_Description">
<English>Volume when unconscious.</English>
<Italian>Volume quando incoscente.</Italian>
<Polish>Głośność podczas bycia nieprzytomnym.</Polish>
2015-11-27 20:54:04 +00:00
Korean Translation v1.0 (#4794) * Add files via upload * Add files via upload * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation * Added Korean translation japanese translation caused error while translating process, had to remove some duplicated keys in stringtable.xml. * Fix encoding
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00