- Any mypy issues are a misconfiguration of mypy
- Use simple conditionals instead of ternaries
- Consistent & standards-compliant docstring formatting
- Use `dict` instead of `typing.Dict`
Some tech debt related to dynamic pydantic schemas for invocations became problematic. Including the invocations and results in the event schemas was breaking pydantic's handling of ref schemas. I don't really understand why - I think it's a pydantic bug in a remote edge case that we are hitting.
After many failed attempts I landed on this implementation, which is actually much tidier than what was in there before.
- Create pydantic-enabled types for `AnyInvocation` and `AnyInvocationOutput` and use these in place of the janky dynamic unions. Actually, they are kinda the same, but better encapsulated. Use these in `Graph`, `GraphExecutionState`, `InvocationEventBase` and `InvocationCompleteEvent`.
- Revise the custom openapi function to work with the new models.
- Split out the custom openapi function to a separate file. Add a `post_transform` callback so consumers can customize the output schema.
- Update makefile scripts.
This is required to get these event fields to deserialize correctly. If omitted, pydantic uses `BaseInvocation`/`BaseInvocationOutput`, which is not correct.
This is similar to the workaround in the `Graph` and `GraphExecutionState` classes where we need to fanagle pydantic with manual validation handling.
There's no longer any need for session-scoped events now that we have the session queue. Session started/completed/canceled map 1-to-1 to queue item status events, but queue item status events also have an event for failed state.
We can simplify queue and processor handling substantially by removing session events and instead using queue item events.
- Remove the session-scoped events entirely.
- Remove all event handling from session queue. The processor still needs to respond to some events from the queue: `QueueClearedEvent`, `BatchEnqueuedEvent` and `QueueItemStatusChangedEvent`.
- Pass an `is_canceled` callback to the invocation context instead of the cancel event
- Update processor logic to ensure the local instance of the current queue item is synced with the instance in the database. This prevents race conditions and ensures lifecycle callback do not get stale callbacks.
- Update docstrings and comments
- Add `complete_queue_item` method to session queue service as an explicit way to mark a queue item as successfully completed. Previously, the queue listened for session complete events to do this.
- Restore calculation of step percentage but in the backend instead of client
- Simplify signatures for denoise progress event callbacks
- Clean up `step_callback.py` (types, do not recreate constant matrix on every step, formatting)
We don't need to use the payload schema registry. All our events are dispatched as pydantic models, which are already validated on instantiation.
We do want to add all events to the OpenAPI schema, and we referred to the payload schema registry for this. To get all events, add a simple helper to EventBase. This is functionally identical to using the schema registry.
The model loader emits events. During testing, it doesn't have access to a fully-mocked events service, so the test fails when attempting to call a nonexistent method. There was a check for this previously, but I accidentally removed it. Restored.
- Remove ABCs, they do not work well with pydantic
- Remove the event type classvar - unused
- Remove clever logic to require an event name - we already get validation for this during schema registration.
- Rename event bases to all end in "Base"
Our events handling and implementation has a couple pain points:
- Adding or removing data from event payloads requires changes wherever the events are dispatched from.
- We have no type safety for events and need to rely on string matching and dict access when interacting with events.
- Frontend types for socket events must be manually typed. This has caused several bugs.
`fastapi-events` has a neat feature where you can create a pydantic model as an event payload, give it an `__event_name__` attr, and then dispatch the model directly.
This allows us to eliminate a layer of indirection and some unpleasant complexity:
- Event handler callbacks get type hints for their event payloads, and can use `isinstance` on them if needed.
- Event payload construction is now the responsibility of the event itself (a pydantic model), not the service. Every event model has a `build` class method, encapsulating this logic. The build methods are provided as few args as possible. For example, `InvocationStartedEvent.build()` gets the invocation instance and queue item, and can choose the data it wants to include in the event payload.
- Frontend event types may be autogenerated from the OpenAPI schema. We use the payload registry feature of `fastapi-events` to collect all payload models into one place, making it trivial to keep our schema and frontend types in sync.
This commit moves the backend over to this improved event handling setup.
* avoid copying model back from cuda to cpu
* handle models that don't have state dicts
* add assertions that models need a `device()` method
* do not rely on torch.nn.Module having the device() method
* apply all patches after model is on the execution device
* fix model patching in latents too
* log patched tokenizer
* closes#6375
Co-authored-by: Lincoln Stein <lstein@gmail.com>
I had set the cancel event at some point during troubleshooting an unrelated issue. It seemed logical that it should be set there, and didn't seem to break anything. However, this is not correct.
The cancel event should not be set in response to a queue status change event. Doing so can cause a race condition when nodes are executed very quickly.
It's possible that a previously-executed session's queue item status change event is handled after the next session starts executing. The cancel event is set and the session runner sees it aborting the session run early.
In hindsight, it doesn't make sense to set the cancel event here either. It should be set in response to user action, e.g. the user cancelled the session or cleared the queue (which implicitly cancels the current session). These events actually trigger the queue item status changed event, so if we set the cancel event here, we'd be setting it twice per cancellation.
- Add handling for new error columns `error_type`, `error_message`, `error_traceback`.
- Update queue item model to include the new data. The `error_traceback` field has an alias of `error` for backwards compatibility.
- Add `fail_queue_item` method. This was previously handled by `cancel_queue_item`. Splitting this functionality makes failing a queue item a bit more explicit. We also don't need to handle multiple optional error args.
We were not handling node preparation errors as node errors before. Here's the explanation, copied from a comment that is no longer required:
TODO(psyche): Sessions only support errors on nodes, not on the session itself. When an error occurs outside
node execution, it bubbles up to the processor where it is treated as a queue item error.
Nodes are pydantic models. When we prepare a node in `session.next()`, we set its inputs. This can cause a
pydantic validation error. For example, consider a resize image node which has a constraint on its `width`
input field - it must be greater than zero. During preparation, if the width is set to zero, pydantic will
raise a validation error.
When this happens, it breaks the flow before `invocation` is set. We can't set an error on the invocation
because we didn't get far enough to get it - we don't know its id. Hence, we just set it as a queue item error.
This change wraps the node preparation step with exception handling. A new `NodeInputError` exception is raised when there is a validation error. This error has the node (in the state it was in just prior to the error) and an identifier of the input that failed.
This allows us to mark the node that failed preparation as errored, correctly making such errors _node_ errors and not _processor_ errors. It's much easier to diagnose these situations. The error messages look like this:
> Node b5ac87c6-0678-4b8c-96b9-d215aee12175 has invalid incoming input for height
Some of the exception handling logic is cleaned up.
- Use protocol to define callbacks, this allows them to have kwargs
- Shuffle the profiler around a bit
- Move `thread_limit` and `polling_interval` to `__init__`; `start` is called programmatically and will never get these args in practice
- Add `OnNodeError` and `OnNonFatalProcessorError` callbacks
- Move all session/node callbacks to `SessionRunner` - this ensures we dump perf stats before resetting them and generally makes sense to me
- Remove `complete` event from `SessionRunner`, it's essentially the same as `OnAfterRunSession`
- Remove extraneous `next_invocation` block, which would treat a processor error as a node error
- Simplify loops
- Add some callbacks for testing, to be removed before merge
The session is never updated in the queue after it is first enqueued. As a result, the queue detail view in the frontend never never updates and the session itself doesn't show outputs, execution graph, etc.
We need a new method on the queue service to update a queue item's session, then call it before updating the queue item's status.
Queue item status may be updated via a session-type event _or_ queue-type event. Adding the updated session to all these events is a hairy - simpler to just update the session before we do anything that could trigger a queue item status change event:
- Before calling `emit_session_complete` in the processor (handles session error, completed and cancel events and the corresponding queue events)
- Before calling `cancel_queue_item` in the processor (handles another way queue items can be canceled, outside the session execution loop)
When serializing the session, both in the new service method and the `get_queue_item` endpoint, we need to use `exclude_none=True` to prevent unexpected validation errors.
Canvas images are saved by uploading a blob generated from the HTML canvas element. This means the existing metadata handling, inside the graph execution engine, is not available.
To save metadata to canvas images, we need to provide it when uploading that blob.
The upload route now has a `metadata` body param. If this is provided, we use it over any metadata embedded in the image.
Graph, metadata and workflow all take stringified JSON only. This makes the API consistent and means we don't need to do a round-trip of pydantic parsing when handling this data.
It also prevents a failure mode where an uploaded image's metadata, workflow or graph are old and don't match the current schema.
As before, the frontend does strict validation and parsing when loading these values.
The previous super-minimal implementation had a major issue - the saved workflow didn't take into account batched field values. When generating with multiple iterations or dynamic prompts, the same workflow with the first prompt, seed, etc was stored in each image.
As a result, when the batch results in multiple queue items, only one of the images has the correct workflow - the others are mismatched.
To work around this, we can store the _graph_ in the image metadata (alongside the workflow, if generated via workflow editor). When loading a workflow from an image, we can choose to load the workflow or the graph, preferring the workflow.
Internally, we need to update images router image-saving services. The changes are minimal.
To avoid pydantic errors deserializing the graph, when we extract it from the image, we will leave it as stringified JSON and let the frontend's more sophisticated and flexible parsing handle it. The worklow is also changed to just return stringified JSON, so the API is consistent.
These simplify loading multiple LoRAs. Instead of requiring chained lora loader nodes, configure each LoRA (model & weight) with a selector, collect them, then send the collection to the collection loader to apply all of the LoRAs to the UNet/CLIP models.
The collection loaders accept a single lora or collection of loras.
There were some invalid constraints with the processors - minimum of 0 for resolution or multiple of 64 for resolution.
Made minimum 1px and no multiple ofs.
`PC_PATH_MAX` doesn't exist for (some?) external drives on macOS. We need error handling when retrieving this value.
Also added error handling for `PC_NAME_MAX` just in case. This does work for me for external drives on macOS, though.
- Move model install calls into model manager and create passthrus in invocation_context.
- Consider splitting load_model_from_url() into a call to get the path and a call to load the path.
- Use the our adaptation of the HWC3 function with better types
- Extraction some of the util functions, name them better, add comments
- Improve type annotations
- Remove unreachable codepaths
* introduce new abstraction layer for GPU devices
* add unit test for device abstraction
* fix ruff
* convert TorchDeviceSelect into a stateless class
* move logic to select context-specific execution device into context API
* add mock hardware environments to pytest
* remove dangling mocker fixture
* fix unit test for running on non-CUDA systems
* remove unimplemented get_execution_device() call
* remove autocast precision
* Multiple changes:
1. Remove TorchDeviceSelect.get_execution_device(), as well as calls to
2. Rename TorchDeviceSelect to TorchDevice
3. Added back the legacy public API defined in `invocation_api`, including
4. Added a config file migration script to accommodate removal of precision=autocast.
* add deprecation warnings to choose_torch_device() and choose_precision()
* fix test crash
* remove app_config argument from choose_torch_device() and choose_torch_dtype()
Co-authored-by: Lincoln Stein <lstein@gmail.com>
`LatentsField` objects have an optional `seed` field. This should only be populated when the latents are noise, generated from a seed.
`DenoiseLatentsInvocation` needs a seed value for scheduler initialization. It's used in a few places, and there is some logic for determining the seed to use with a series of fallbacks:
- Use the seed from the noise (a `LatentsField` object)
- Use the seed from the latents (a `LatentsField` object - normally it won't have a seed)
- Use `0` as a final fallback
In `DenoisLatentsInvocation`, we set the seed in the `LatentsOutput`, even though the output latents are not noise.
This is normally fine, but when we use refiner, we re-use the those same latents for the refiner denoise. This causes that characteristic same-seed-fried look on the refiner pass.
Simple fix - do not set the field in the output latents.
The previous algorithm errored if the image wasn't divisible by the tile size. I've reimplemented it from scratch to mitigate this issue.
The new algorithm is simpler. We create a pool of tiles, then use them to create an image composed completely of tiles. If there is any awkwardly sized space on the edge of the image, the tiles are cropped to fit.
Finally, paste the original image over the tile image.
I've added a jupyter notebook to do a smoke test of infilling methods, and 10 test images.
The other infill algorithms can be easily tested with the notebook on the same images, though I didn't set that up yet.
Tested and confirmed this gives results just as good as the earlier infill, though of course they aren't the same due to the change in the algorithm.
We have had a few bugs with v4 related to file encodings, especially on Windows.
Windows uses its own character encodings instead of `utf-8`, often `cp1252`. Some characters cannot be decoded using `utf-8`, causing `UnicodeDecodeError`.
There are a couple places where this can cause problems:
- In the installer bootstrap, we install or upgrade `pip` and decode the result, using `subprocess`.
The input to this includes the user's home dir. In #6105, the user had one of the problematic characters in their username. `subprocess` attempts and fails to decode the username, which crashes the installer.
To fix this, we need to use `locale.getpreferredencoding()` when executing the command.
- Similarly, in the model install service and config class, we attempt to load a yaml config file. If a problematic character is in the path to the file (which often includes the user's home dir), we can get the same error.
One example is #6129 in which the models.yaml migration fails.
To fix this, we need to open the file with `locale.getpreferredencoding()`.
Compare the installed paths to determine if the model is already installed. Fixes an issue where installed models showed up as uninstalled or vice-versa. Related to relative vs absolute path handling.
Renaming the model file to the model name introduces unnecessary contraints on model names.
For example, a model name can technically be any length, but a model _filename_ cannot be too long.
There are also constraints on valid characters for filenames which shouldn't be applied to model record names.
I believe the old behaviour is a holdover from the old system.
Setting to 'auto' works only for InvokeAI config and auto detects the SD model but will override if user explicitly sets it. If auto used with checkpoint models, we raise an error. Checkpoints will always need to set to non-auto.
Previously, exceptions raised as custom nodes are initialized were fatal errors, causing the app to exit.
With this change, any error on import is caught and the error message printed. App continues to start up without the node.
For example, a custom node that isn't updated for v4.0.0 may raise an error on import if it is attempting to import things that no longer exist.
Prefer an early return/continue to reduce the indentation of the processor loop. Easier to read.
There are other ways to improve its structure but at first glance, they seem to involve changing the logic in scarier ways.
This must not have been tested after the processors were unified. Needed to shift the logic around so the resume event is handled correctly. Clear and easy fix.
* pass model config to _load_model
* make conversion work again
* do not write diffusers to disk when convert_cache set to 0
* adding same model to cache twice is a no-op, not an assertion error
* fix issues identified by psychedelicious during pr review
* following conversion, avoid redundant read of cached submodels
* fix error introduced while merging
Co-authored-by: Lincoln Stein <lstein@gmail.com>
We switched all model paths to be absolute in #5900. In hindsight, this is a mistake, because it makes the `models_dir` non-portable.
This change reverts to the previous model pathing:
- Invoke-managed models (in the `models_dir`) are stored with relative paths
- Non-invoke-managed models (outside the `models_dir`, i.e. in-place installed models) still have absolute paths.
## Why absolute paths make things non-portable
Let's say my `models_dir` is `/media/rhino/invokeai/models/`. In the DB, all model paths will be absolute children of this path, like this:
- `/media/rhino/invokeai/models/sd-1/main/model1.ckpt`
I want to change my `models_dir` to `/home/bat/invokeai/models/`. I update my `invokeai.yaml` file and physically move the files to that directory.
On startup, the app checks for missing models. Because all of my model paths were absolute, they now point to a nonexistent path. All models are broken.
There are a couple options to recover from this situation, neither of which are reasonable:
1. The user must manually update every model's path. Unacceptable UX.
2. On startup, we check for missing models. For each missing model, we compare its path with the last-known models dir. If there is a match, we replace that portion of the path with the new models dir. Then we re-check to see if the path exists. If it does, we update the models DB entry. Brittle and requires a new DB entry for last-known models dir.
It's better to use relative paths for Invoke-managed models.
These two changes are interrelated.
## Autoimport
The autoimport feature can be easily replicated using the scan folder tab in the model manager. Removing the implicit autoimport reduces surface area and unifies all model installation into the UI.
This functionality is removed, and the `autoimport_dir` config setting is removed.
## Startup model dir scanning
We scanned the invoke-managed models dir on startup and took certain actions:
- Register orphaned model files
- Remove model records from the db when the model path doesn't exist
### Orphaned model files
We should never have orphaned model files during normal use - we manage the models directory, and we only delete files when the user requests it.
During testing or development, when a fresh DB or memory DB is used, we could end up with orphaned models that should be registered.
Instead of always scanning for orphaned models and registering them, we now only do the scan if the new `scan_models_on_startup` config flag is set.
The description for this setting indicates it is intended for use for testing only.
### Remove records for missing model files
This functionality could unexpectedly wipe models from the db.
For example, if your models dir was on external media, and that media was inaccessible during startup, the scan would see all your models as missing and delete them from the db.
The "proactive" scan is removed. Instead, we will scan for missing models and log a warning if we find a model whose path doesn't exist. No possibility for data loss.
I had added this because I mistakenly believed the HF token was required to download HF models.
Turns out this is not the case, and the vast majority of HF models do not need the API token to download.
Previously we only handled expected error types. If a different error was raised, the install job would end up in an unexpected state where it has failed and isn't doing anything, but its status is still running.
This indirectly prevents the installer threads from exiting - they are waiting for all jobs to be completed, including the failed-but-still-running job.
We need to handle any error here to prevent this.
- Enriched dependencies to not just be a string - allows reuse of a dependency as a starter model _and_ dependency of another model. For example, all the SDXL models have the fp16 VAE as a dependency, but you can also download it on its own.
- Looked at popular models on the major model sites to select the list. No SD2 models. All hosted on HF.
* Fix minor bugs involving model manager handling of model paths
- Leave models found in the `autoimport` directory there. Do not move them
into the `models` hierarchy.
- If model name, type or base is updated and model is in the `models` directory,
update its path as appropriate.
- On startup during model scanning, if a model's path is a symbolic link, then resolve
to an absolute path before deciding it is a new model that must be hashed and
registered. (This prevents needless hashing at startup time).
* fix issue with dropped suffix
Co-authored-by: Lincoln Stein <lstein@gmail.com>
Add class `DefaultInvokeAIAppConfig`, which inherits from `InvokeAIAppConfig`. When instantiated, this class does not parse environment variables, so it outputs a "clean" default config. That's the only difference.
Then, we can use this new class in the 3 places:
- When creating the example config file (no env vars should be here)
- When migrating a v3 config (we want to instantiate the migrated config without env vars, so that when we write it out, they are not written to disk)
- When creating a fresh config file (i.e. on first run with an uninitialized root or new config file path - no env vars here!)
For SSDs, `blake3` is about 10x faster than `blake3_single` - 3 files/second vs 30 files/second.
For spinning HDDs, `blake3` is about 100x slower than `blake3_single` - 300 seconds/file vs 3 seconds/file.
For external drives, `blake3` is always worse, but the difference is highly variable. For external spinning drives, it's probably way worse than internal.
The least offensive algorithm is `blake3_single`, and it's still _much_ faster than any other algorithm.
Some processors, like Canny, didn't use `detect_resolution`. The resultant control images were then resized by the processors from 512x512 to the desired dimensions. The result is that the control images are the right size, but very low quality.
Using detect_resolution fixes this.
This allows users to create simple "profiles" via separate `invokeai.yaml` files.
- Remove `InvokeAIAppConfig.set_root()`, it's extraneous
- Remove `InvokeAIAppConfig.merge_from_file()`, it's extraneous
- Add `--config` to the app arg parser, add `InvokeAIAppConfig._config_file`, and consume in the config singleton getter
- `InvokeAIAppConfig.init_file_path` -> `InvokeAIAppConfig.config_file_path`
The models from INITIAL_MODELS.yaml have been recreated as a structured python object. This data is served on a new route. The model sources are compared against currently-installed models to determine if they are already installed or not.
This flag acts as a proxy for the `get_config()` function to determine if the full application is running.
If it was, the config will set the root, do HF login, etc.
If not (e.g. it's called by an external script), all that stuff will be skipped.
HF login, legacy yaml confs, and default init file are all handled during app setup.
All directories are created as they are needed by the app.
No need to check for a valid root dir - we will make it if it doesn't exist.
This provides a simple way to provide a HF token. If HF reports no valid token, one is prompted for until a valid token is provided, or the user presses Ctrl + C to cancel.
Use the util function to calculate ram cache size on startup. This way, the `ram` setting will always be optimized for a system, even if they add or remove RAM. In other words, the default value is now dynamic.
When running the configurator, the `legacy_models_conf_path` was stripped when saving the config file. Then the migration logic didn't fire correctly, and the custom models.yaml paths weren't migrated into the db.
- Rework the logic to migrate this path by adding it to the config object as a normal field that is not excluded from serialization.
- Rearrange the models.yaml migration logic to remove the legacy path after migrating, then write the config file. This way, the legacy path doesn't stick around.
- Move the schema version into the config object.
- Back up the config file before attempting migration.
- Add tests to cover this edge case
Hold onto `conf_path` temporarily while migrating `invokeai.yaml` so that it gets migrated correctly as the model installer starts up. Stashed as `legacy_models_yaml_path` in the config, excluded from serialization.
We have two problems with how argparse is being utilized:
- We parse CLI args as the `api_app.py` file is read. This causes a problem pytest, which has an incompatible set of CLI args. Some tests import the FastAPI app, which triggers the config to parse CLI args, which receives the pytest args and fails.
- We've repeatedly had problems when something that uses the config is imported before the CLI args are parsed. When this happens, the root dir may not be set correctly, so we attempt to operate on incorrect paths.
To resolve these issues, we need to lift CLI arg parsing outside of the application code, but still let the application access the CLI args. We can create a external app entrypoint to do this.
- `InvokeAIArgs` is a simple helper class that parses CLI args and stores the result.
- `run_app()` is the new entrypoint. It first parses CLI args, then runs `invoke_api` to start the app.
The `invokeai-web` project script and `invokeai-web.py` dev script now call `run_app()` instead of `invoke_api()`.
The first time `get_config()` is called to get the singleton config object, it retrieves the args from `InvokeAIArgs`, sets the root dir if provided, then merges settings in from `invokeai.yaml`.
CLI arg parsing is now safely insulated from application code, but still accessible. And we don't need to worry about import order having an impact on anything, because by the time the app is running, we have already parsed CLI args. Whew!