This removes interpolation of translated strings, which is bad practice
because it simply doesn't work in many languages.
Translation files were updated using the following fish script. Some
resulting translations are truly terrible, but they always have been -
now it's just a lot more obvious.
function getbuff --argument langfile buff
grep hud-outcome-$buff $langfile | cut -d= -f2- | string trim
set buffs burning bleeding curse crippled frozen mysterious
function replacebuffs --argument langfile entity
set slug 'hud-chat-died_of_'$entity'_buff_msg'
for buff in $buffs[-1..1]
set bstr (getbuff $langfile $buff)
or continue
sed -i -e '/'$slug'/{p; s/[^=]* = \(.*\)/ .'$buff' = \1/; s/{ \$died_of_buff }/'(string replace / '\\/' $bstr)'/}' $langfile
sed -i -E 's/('$slug' \=).*/\1/' $langfile
function dofile --argument langfile
sed -i -e s/buff_nonexistent/nonexistent_buff/ $langfile
for entity in pvp npc nonexistent
replacebuffs $langfile $entity
sed -i -e s/nonexistent_buff/buff_nonexistent/ $langfile
sed -i -e /hud-outcome-/d $langfile
sed -i -e '/#.*outcomes/d' $langfile
for langfile in assets/voxygen/i18n/*/hud/chat.ftl
echo doing $langfile
dofile $langfile
* Inert entities like arrows no longer block interactions like picking
up items! Logic looking for the closest entity will skip them.
* When pickaxe is not equipped and wielded we now show "Needs Pickaxe"
as the hint text for mineable blocks.
* Mineable blocks that aren't pointed at now show the mining text hint
instead of the text hint used for regular collectible blocks.
* Fixed recent bug where all interactables were showing the open text hint.
* Split `BlockInteraction` out of the `Interaction` enum in voxygen
since we were using this enum for two different things.