* Add possibility to create zeus during mission
* Allow deleting when setting is disabled
* Delete canCreate function
* Delete workaround for missed vehicles
* Revert "Delete workaround for missed vehicles"
This reverts commit e33102ee3c.
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Fix wrong order shown in addon category list
Just put 'ACE' at begin
* Typo
* Add/Fix: arsenal, nightvision and others.
common, explosives, maverick, gforces, pylons, hearing, marksers, repair,
flashlights, nametags, interaction, vehicles, medical_menu, medical_ai,
interact_menu, medical
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* Update Japanese translation
* New Toggle NVG ui and improve function
* Add Toggle Flashlights icon
* New Toggle Flashlights ui and improve function
* Stringtable changes and ace_ai postInit clean up
* TRACE fix and stringtable capitalization
* Disable anim previews when center isn't the player
* Abuse configs to change the edit loadout 3DEN entry
* Remove inheriting as it's not needed
* Remove uneeded condition
* Add zeus modules for ACE Arsenal, revert old arsenal modules
* Add 3 new arsenal EHs
* Add a setting to disable the identity tabs in ace arsenal
* Pass loadoutName in the onloadoutLoad EH
* Change foreach to forEach and ctrlcommit to ctrlCommit
* Resize the right window when the load bar isn't there
* Add a tooltip for the "clear container" button
* Improve onKeyDown, add classname copying using ctrl+c
* Add the Jpn translation for ai
Add the Japanese translation for ai
* Update the Jpn translation for nightbision
just tweaks for name.
* Update the Jpn translation for captives
added missing word
* Add the Jpn translation for pylons
Add the Japanese translation for pylons
* Update the Jpn translation for zeus
added to new entry.
* Add garrison and un-garrison modules
* Remove unnecessary text from garrison header
* Add french translations to new strings
* Add changes requested by review
* Change pushback to pushBack
* Move garrison funcs to ai, finish headers
* Remove diag log debug
* Fix typos and header issues
* Add missing newlines
* Fix strings, Fix typos and headers
* Enable debug and disable compile cache, Add trace and comments
* Rebase before review
* Fix default case running instead of case 3
* Fix edge case related to players being in garrison group
The player would make the enableAttack checks in ungarrison and garrisonMove fail, this is now fixed.
* Fix some arrays in garrsionMove and garrison
* Relax distance checks in garrisonMove, change AI behaviour while pathing to aware
* Add debug view
* Remove unused var, fix unit pos using the wrong format
* Make debug more visually pleasing
* Change garrison debug target to a waypoint icon
* Change disableAI event to AISection, comment out doFollow in doMove EH
* Fix locality issue
* advanced_fatigue stringtable german
* cargo stringtable german
* cookoff stringtable german
* fastroping stringtable german
* hellfire stringtable german
* nlaw stringtable german
* overpressure stringtable german
* quickmount stringtable german
* refuel stringtable german
* repair stringtable german
* scopes stringtable german
* slideshow stringtable german
* spectator stringtable german
* zeus stringtable german
* cookoff stringtable german #2
* hellfire stringtable german #2
* nlaw stringtable german #2
* overpressure stringtable german #2
* quickmount stringtable german#2
* refuel stringtable german #2
* scopes stringtable german #2
* slideshow stringtable german #2
* zeus stringtable german #2
* tiny fix
* tiny fix
* quickmount stringtable german #3
* fastroping stringtable german #2
* captives stringtable german
* cargo stringtable german
* cookoff stringtable german
* tiny change
* cargo stringtable german
* fcs stringtable german
* Fix german strings for scopes
* Update the Jpn translation
following to official localization.
* Update the Jpn translation
fix for miss translation
* Update the Jpn translation
added more natural words and fix miss translation.
* Update the Jpn translation
fixed for miss translation.
* Update the Jpn translation
just tweaks
* Update the Jpn translation
added to new entry. fixed or tweaked to few entry.
* Update the Jpn translation
added the jpn translation to new entry
* Update the Jpn translation
Added the Jpn translation to new entry.
* Update the Jpn translation
tweak to jpn translation
* Update the Jpn translation
following to official Japanese localization
* Update the Jpn translation
support to new entrys and few fix
* Update the Jpn translation
just tweaks to few entrys
* Add toggle flashlight and NVG modules
* Remove excessive spaces in moduleToggleNvg
* Fix indentation and typos to fit review
* Add an option to add gear, fix headers
* Change category to utility
* Add QOL improvement suggested by pabst
* Fix locality issues
* Remove locality check before enableFlashlight targetEvent
* Remove locality check before addWeaponItem targetEvent
* Add a player check in moduleToggleNVG, change modules category
* Add the same QOL in toggleNVG than in toggleFlashlight
* Update the Jpn translation for cargo
Update the Japanese translation for cargo
* Add the Jpn translation for hellfire
Add the Japanese translation for hellfire
* Add the Jpn translation for nlaw
Add the Japanese translation for nlaw
* Add the Jpn translation for rearm
Add the Japanese translation for rearm
* Update the Jpn translation for refuel
Update the Japanese translation for refuel
* Update the Jpn translation for repair
Update the Japanese translation for repair
* Update the Jpn translation for zeus
Update the Japanese translation for zeus
* Update the Jpn translation for cargo
Update the Japanese translation for cargo
* Add the Jpn translation for hellfire
Add the Japanese translation for hellfire
* Add the Jpn translation for nlaw
Add the Japanese translation for nlaw
* Add the Jpn translation for rearm
Add the Japanese translation for rearm
* Update the Jpn translation for refuel
Update the Japanese translation for refuel
* Update the Jpn translation for repair
Update the Japanese translation for repair
* Update the Jpn translation for zeus
Update the Japanese translation for zeus
* French translation for the two last entries
* French translation for the last entrie
* French Translation for the first entrie
* correct the spelling error
* Add zeus arsenal modules
* Add french strings to arsenal modules
* Fix typo in french string
* Make changes to fit review
* locality check, use showMessage, set categroy
Added Italian translation for:
-advanced fatigue
-advanced throwing
-cook off
-ui-scopes and much more...
Fixed a lot of grammatical errors
* add base structure
* Add getModuleDestination
* Add 2d map support, debug
* Cleanup, handle weapon max range
* Handle non-local units
* Use new showMessage func
* Run on groups when placed on leader
* Support for Indirect Fire Vehicles
* Cleanup
* Use doArtilleryFire which was fixed in 1.68
* French localization complete
* STR_ACE_MapTools_drawStaightLines_description fix
"l'on doit survoler le milieu du trait pour pouvoir le supprimer"
* Space management
alganthe :
Espace en trop après référence.
* Diapo
alganthe :
Slideshow -> diaporama
Slide -> diapo
* Cohesion fix
alganthe :
Vous avez traduit le nom du module juste au dessus (displayname).
Il est vrai que les créateurs de missions doivent consulter une documentation principalement écrite en anglais, donc vous avez le choix de traduire la ligne ci-dessus ou la garder, les deux semblent valide à mes yeux.
Reasoning : since French mission makers read reference material in English, it makes sense not to translate it and thus keep it simple for them.
* Caisses de munitions
caisse de mun -> caisses de munitions
* STR_ACE_Scopes_Description
Oops, forgot that one.