Trader mission to check an unknown document, if it a vehicle manual.
With a chance of 70%, the Trader can read the document and can give you a Vehicle manual back. The better the manuel, the lower the chance
- You need 3x energy pack small + 1x electronic + 1x Gold to craft a
large energy pack.
- The 3 small packs can hold max 30 bullets
- If you have in these 3 small packs only 15 bullets, you will return
only a half full large pack (50 Bullets)
- If you have only 10 Bullets, you will get back 100*10/30 -> 33
Added some missing and new configs to CfgEpochClient
Added Energy settings for default map sources to CfgBaseBuilding
Included wind / overcast / distance to energy calculations (depents on
- Solars are affected by SunOrMoon and overcast
- Windmills are affected by wind
- Satellites are affected by distance
- More accurate Snappositions für Walls without Floors
- More accurate Snappoints for Foundations
- Added ability to snap Wood / Cynder Walls to each other
- Added SnapPoint for 2 Stairs onto each other for double-Walls (Higher
- Default Key is "W"
- You can change the key in EPOCH ESC Menu
- If choosen key is same as "moveforward" (default), you have to 2x tap
it, else you only have to 1x tap it
- If your legs are broken, you get a hint "can not autorun - legs are
- If the terrain is too steep, you only walk in AutoRun
- Inside Water, you can not Autorun
[FIXED] BurnBarrel and FirePlace02 UserActions requiring lighter_epoch
did not need lighter when performed.
[NEW] CfgActions event handler for "Action" ("PrevAction" and
"NextAction" - not implemented yet)
-Allows ability to override any of the CfgActions/UserActions in Arma 3
and other mods.
[ADDED] usedItemRepack function to remove 1 use from the lighter.
[ADDED] Require fire extinguisher to "Put Out Fire" on the Burn Barrel
[CHANGED] ItemFireExtinguisher now has count = 5 for 5 uses to put out a
small fire
[ADDED] ItemFireExtinguisher to CfgItemSort and CfgPricing
[ADDED] Arma Sling Loading requires ItemRope to sling and returns rope
upon release..
[ADDED] Checks for R3F can_lift and Advanced Slingload InitVar.
[ADDED] If above mod/script is present disable Arma SlingLoad
Hook/Unhook action and key press.
[CHANGED] While working with keyDown EH, debug logs show the DIKCodes
are being pushed as whole numbers and not the 0x01 as the escape keyDown
handler was setup to use and why my tests were failing using the 0x30
for the letter B(Hook/Unhook).
[UPGRADED] Changed over the 0x01 and 0x30 to the actionKeys name in
order to properly handle those with client using custom keys.
[TEASED] Have a commented line in the Light Fire case showing future
plans for a fire system(BURN BABY BURN!).
[NEW] EPOCH_usedItemRepack
Allows adjusting of "ammo" counts in a magazine.
Can be used locally and on the server for a remote unit.
[_player,_magazine,_change] call EPOCH_usedItemRepack;
- Added an option to completely disable Simulation for specific Base
- Added Base Parts without animations to this array.
- Removed Base Objects Init (mpAddEventhandler "mpKilled") from
indestructible Base Objects, as it is not needed.
- Moved Dynamicsimulation server side (not needed client side)
- Resorted epochonfig.hpp
All changes are running on our Server without any problems and with a
good performance boost, as the dynamicsimulationhandler has not to
handle a few thousand objects anymore
DB - Today at 8:00 AM
For some reason, that effects moving vehicles (mostly helis) with crew,
so if you have vehicle set to 1600, with the default multiplier of 2, if
it isn't within 3200m of another player it can sometimes freeze
Add exitWith to remove wasted resizing during scrolling
Add config entry for custom adjustments
Change how adjustment calculation is made.
Added new min calculation.
Adjust cfg marker sets sizing to fit new setup
all markers now scaled based on sizing desired in the cfgMarkerSets.
Adjustment of 2.25 to the mapScale was added to achieve smaller markers sooner and maintain non cluttered map markers
Allow eating of all seeds
Fixed no effect from nanite injector, nanite cream, nanite pills, iodide
Provide feedback when attempting to use morphine when you dont need it.
when using Default as parent class InteractAction defaults to ammo
repack = 0
interactActions 1,2 ,6,7,8,9 are all do the same thing via
_unifiedInteract function