2018-10-07 09:30:15 +00:00
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Project name= "ACE" >
<Package name= "Explosives" >
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_Menu" >
<English > Explosives</English>
<German > Sprengstoffe</German>
<Spanish > Explosivos</Spanish>
<Polish > Mat. wybuchowe</Polish>
<French > Explosifs</French>
<Czech > Výbušniny</Czech>
<Italian > Esplosivi</Italian>
<Hungarian > Robbanóanyagok</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Explosivos</Portuguese>
<Russian > Взрывчатка</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 爆発物</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 폭발물</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 炸药</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 炸藥</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Patlayı cı lar</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_Place" >
<English > Place</English>
<German > Platzieren</German>
<Spanish > Colocar</Spanish>
<Polish > Umieść</Polish>
<French > Placer</French>
<Czech > Položit</Czech>
<Italian > Piazza</Italian>
<Hungarian > Elhelyezés</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Colocar</Portuguese>
<Russian > Установить</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 設置</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 설치</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 放置</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 放置</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Yerleştir</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_Detonate" >
<English > Detonate</English>
<German > Zünden</German>
<Spanish > Detonar</Spanish>
<Polish > Detonuj</Polish>
2016-06-18 23:18:12 +00:00
<French > Détoner</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Czech > Odpálit</Czech>
<Italian > Detona</Italian>
<Hungarian > Robbantás</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Detonar</Portuguese>
<Russian > Подрыв</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 点火</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 폭파</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 引爆</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 引爆</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Patlat</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_DetonateAll" >
<English > Detonate All</English>
2016-02-20 22:19:51 +00:00
<German > Alle Zünden</German>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Spanish > Detonar Todo</Spanish>
<Russian > Подрыв всех</Russian>
<Czech > Odpálit VŠE</Czech>
<Polish > Detonuj wszystkie</Polish>
2016-02-20 20:39:05 +00:00
<Italian > Detona Tutti</Italian>
2016-06-18 23:18:12 +00:00
<French > Tout détoner</French>
2016-06-04 02:11:40 +00:00
<Portuguese > Detonar Tudo</Portuguese>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > すべて点火</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 모두 폭파</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 引爆全部</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 引爆全部</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Hepsini Patlat</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_DetonateCode" >
<English > Explosive code: %1</English>
<German > Sprengstoffcode: %1</German>
<Spanish > Código del explosivo: %1</Spanish>
<Polish > Kod ładunku: %1</Polish>
French translation (#7298)
* Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) :
- Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators.
- Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date.
- Minor french translation correction.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Weaponselect module,
- Weather module,
- Winddeflection module,
- Yardage450 module,
- Zeus module.
* Convert Tabs to Spaces
* Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files.
* Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings.
- Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque
option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines
absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les
langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée.
Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très
- Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer
l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas,
aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options).
- Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage
du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons.
Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas
dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant.
* Corrections mineures
* correction erreurs
* correction erreurs (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common)
* Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes
* correction key error
* Added Vdauphin suggestions :).
* French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side)
* Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation
* - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml
* Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation :
Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically.
Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list.
modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml
modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml
* Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French > Code de l'explosif : %1</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Czech > Kód výbušniny: %1</Czech>
<Hungarian > Robbanóanyag kódja: %1</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Código do explosivo: %1</Portuguese>
<Russian > Код подрыва: %1</Russian>
<Italian > Codice esplosivo: %1</Italian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 爆破コード: %1</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 폭파 코드: %1</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 炸药代码: %1</Chinesesimp>
2019-11-28 16:09:59 +00:00
<Chinese > 炸藥代號: %1</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Patlayı cı Kodu: %1</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_PlaceAction" >
<English > Place</English>
<German > Platzieren</German>
<Spanish > Colocar</Spanish>
<Polish > Umieść</Polish>
<French > Placer</French>
<Czech > Položit</Czech>
<Italian > Piazza</Italian>
<Hungarian > Elhelyezés</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Colocar</Portuguese>
<Russian > Установить</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 設置</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 설치</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 放置</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 放置</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Yerleştir</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_AttachAction" >
<English > Attach</English>
<German > Befestigen</German>
<Spanish > Acoplar</Spanish>
<Polish > Przyczep</Polish>
<French > Attacher</French>
<Czech > Připnout</Czech>
<Portuguese > Fixar</Portuguese>
<Italian > Attacca</Italian>
<Hungarian > Hozzácsatolás</Hungarian>
<Russian > Прикрепить</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 取り付け</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 부착</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 连接</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 連接</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Bağla</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_BlockedAction" >
<English > Blocked</English>
<Spanish > Obstruido</Spanish>
<Portuguese > Bloqueado</Portuguese>
<Russian > Заблокировано</Russian>
<Czech > Blokováno</Czech>
<Polish > Zablokowany</Polish>
2015-09-06 17:13:42 +00:00
<Italian > Bloccato</Italian>
2016-02-25 17:10:26 +00:00
<German > Blockiert</German>
2016-02-26 18:24:53 +00:00
<French > Bloqué</French>
2018-05-11 13:39:32 +00:00
<Japanese > 取り付け不可</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 막힘</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 断开</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 斷開</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Bloke Edilmiş</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_CancelAction" >
<English > Cancel</English>
<German > Abbrechen</German>
<Spanish > Cancelar</Spanish>
<Polish > Anuluj</Polish>
<French > Annuler</French>
<Czech > Zrušit</Czech>
<Italian > Annulla</Italian>
<Hungarian > Mégsem</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Cancelar</Portuguese>
<Russian > Отмена</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 中止</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 취소</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 取消</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 取消</Chinese>
2020-01-17 03:14:23 +00:00
<Turkish > Iptal</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_ScrollAction" >
2016-03-06 15:54:27 +00:00
<English > Rotate</English>
<German > Drehen</German>
<Spanish > Girar</Spanish>
<French > Tourner</French>
<Italian > Rotazione</Italian>
<Czech > Otočit</Czech>
<Hungarian > Forgatás</Hungarian>
<Polish > Obrót</Polish>
<Portuguese > Rotaciona</Portuguese>
<Russian > Bр а ща ть</Russian>
2017-12-12 16:17:51 +00:00
<Japanese > 回転</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 회전</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 旋转</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 旋轉</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Döndür</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_Jammer_TurnOn" >
<English > Turn On Thor III</English>
<German > Thor III aktivieren</German>
<Spanish > Encender Thor III</Spanish>
<Polish > Włącz Thor III</Polish>
<French > Allumer Thor III</French>
<Czech > Zapnout Thor III</Czech>
<Italian > Accendi Thor III</Italian>
<Hungarian > Thor III bekapcsolása</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Ativar Thor III</Portuguese>
<Russian > Активировать Thor III</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > Thor III を使う</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > Thor III 켜기</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 开启索尔三型</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 開啟索爾三型</Chinese>
2020-01-17 03:14:23 +00:00
<Turkish > Thor III ü aç</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_Jammer_TurnOff" >
<English > Turn Off Thor III</English>
<German > Thor III deaktivieren</German>
<Spanish > Apagar Thor III</Spanish>
<Polish > Wyłącz Thor III</Polish>
<French > Éteindre Thor III</French>
<Czech > Vypnout Thor III</Czech>
<Italian > Spegni Thor III</Italian>
<Hungarian > Thor III kikapcsolása</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Desativar Thor III</Portuguese>
<Russian > Деактивировать Thor III</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > Thor III を止める</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > Thor III 끄기</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 关闭索尔三型</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 關閉索爾三型</Chinese>
2020-01-17 03:14:23 +00:00
<Turkish > Thor III ü kapat</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_cellphone_displayName" >
<English > Cellphone</English>
<German > Mobiltelefon</German>
<Spanish > Télefono móvil</Spanish>
<Polish > Telefon komórkowy</Polish>
<French > Téléphone portable</French>
<Czech > Telefon</Czech>
<Italian > Cellulare</Italian>
<Hungarian > Mobiltelefon</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Celular</Portuguese>
<Russian > Сотовый телефон</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 携帯電話</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 휴대전화</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 手机</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 手機</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Cep Telefonu</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_cellphone_description" >
<English > Used to remotely trigger explosives</English>
<German > Wird benutzt um Sprengstoffe fernzuzünden</German>
<Spanish > Usado para detonar remotamente explosivos</Spanish>
<Polish > Używany do zdalnego detonowania ładunków wybuchowych</Polish>
French translation (#7298)
* Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) :
- Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators.
- Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date.
- Minor french translation correction.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Weaponselect module,
- Weather module,
- Winddeflection module,
- Yardage450 module,
- Zeus module.
* Convert Tabs to Spaces
* Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files.
* Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings.
- Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque
option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines
absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les
langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée.
Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très
- Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer
l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas,
aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options).
- Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage
du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons.
Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas
dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant.
* Corrections mineures
* correction erreurs
* correction erreurs (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common)
* Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes
* correction key error
* Added Vdauphin suggestions :).
* French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side)
* Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation
* - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml
* Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation :
Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically.
Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list.
modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml
modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml
* Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French > Utilisé pour déclencher des explosifs à distance.</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Czech > Používaný ke vzdálenému odpalování výbušnin</Czech>
<Italian > Usato per l'attivazione a distanza degli esplosivi</Italian>
<Hungarian > Robbanóanyagok távoli robbantásához való</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Usado para acionar explosivos remotamente</Portuguese>
<Russian > Используется для удаленной детонации С В У </Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 爆発物を遠隔で起爆させるのに使います</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 원격으로 폭발물을 폭파시킬때 씁니다.</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 用于远端引爆炸药</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 用於遠端引爆炸藥</Chinese>
2020-10-04 15:57:46 +00:00
<Turkish > Bombaları uzaktan patlatmak için kullanı lı r</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_clacker_displayName" >
<English > M57 Firing Device</English>
<German > M57 Zündvorrichtung</German>
<Spanish > Dispositivo de detonación M57</Spanish>
<Polish > Zapalnik M57</Polish>
<French > Dispositif de mise à feu M57</French>
<Czech > Odpalovací zařízení M57</Czech>
<Italian > Detonatore M57</Italian>
<Hungarian > M57 Gyújtóeszköz</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > M57 Dispositivo de Detonação</Portuguese>
<Russian > Взрыватель M57</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > M57 起爆装置</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > M57 격발기</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > M57 引爆装置</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > M57 引爆裝置</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > M57 Ateşleme Cihazı </Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_clacker_description" >
<English > Used to remotely trigger explosives</English>
<German > Wird benutzt um Sprengstoffe fernzuzünden</German>
<Spanish > Usado para detonar remotamente explosivos</Spanish>
<Polish > Używany do zdalnego detonowania ładunków wybuchowych</Polish>
French translation (#7298)
* Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) :
- Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators.
- Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date.
- Minor french translation correction.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Weaponselect module,
- Weather module,
- Winddeflection module,
- Yardage450 module,
- Zeus module.
* Convert Tabs to Spaces
* Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files.
* Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings.
- Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque
option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines
absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les
langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée.
Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très
- Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer
l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas,
aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options).
- Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage
du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons.
Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas
dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant.
* Corrections mineures
* correction erreurs
* correction erreurs (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common)
* Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes
* correction key error
* Added Vdauphin suggestions :).
* French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side)
* Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation
* - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml
* Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation :
Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically.
Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list.
modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml
modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml
* Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French > Utilisé pour déclencher des explosifs à distance.</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Czech > Používané ke vzdálenému odpalování výbušnin</Czech>
<Italian > Usato per l'attivazione a distanza degli esplosivi</Italian>
<Hungarian > Robbanóanyagok távoli robbantásához</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Usado para acionar explosivos remotamente</Portuguese>
<Russian > Используется для удаленной детонации зарядов</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 爆発物を遠隔で起爆させるのに使います</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 원격으로 폭발물을 폭파시킬때 씁니다.</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 用于远端引爆炸药</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 用於遠端引爆炸藥</Chinese>
2020-01-17 03:14:23 +00:00
<Turkish > Patlayı cı ları uzaktan tetiklemek için kullanı lı r</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_M152_Clacker_displayName" >
<English > M152 Firing Device</English>
<German > M152 Zündvorrichtung</German>
<Spanish > Dispositivo de detonación M152</Spanish>
<Polish > Zapalnik M152</Polish>
<French > Dispositif de mise à feu M152</French>
<Czech > Odpalovací zařízení M152</Czech>
<Italian > Detonatore M152</Italian>
<Hungarian > M152 Gyújtóeszköz</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > M152 Dispositivo de Detonação</Portuguese>
<Russian > Взрыватель M152</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > M152 起爆装置</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > M152 격발기</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > M152 引爆装置</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > M152 引爆裝置</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > M152 Ateşleme Cihazı </Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_M152_displayName" >
<English > M152 RAMS</English>
<German > M152 RAMS</German>
<Czech > M152 RAMS</Czech>
<French > M152 RAMS</French>
<Hungarian > M152 RAMS</Hungarian>
<Polish > M152 RAMS</Polish>
<Portuguese > M152 RAMS</Portuguese>
<Russian > M152 RAMS</Russian>
<Spanish > M152 RAMS</Spanish>
<Italian > M152 RAMS</Italian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > M152 RAMS</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > M152 RAMS</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > M152 远端炸药引爆系统</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > M152 遠端炸藥引爆系統</Chinese>
2020-01-17 03:14:23 +00:00
<Turkish > M152 RAMS</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_DefusalKit_displayName" >
<English > Defusal Kit</English>
<German > Entschärfungskit</German>
<Spanish > Kit de desactivación</Spanish>
<Polish > Zestaw do rozbrajania</Polish>
<French > Kit de désamorçage</French>
<Czech > Zneškodňovací sada</Czech>
<Italian > Kit E.O.D.</Italian>
<Hungarian > Hatástalanító felszerelés</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Kit de desarme</Portuguese>
<Russian > Комплект разминирования</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 解除キット</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 해체 장비</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 拆弹工具</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 拆彈工具</Chinese>
2020-01-17 03:14:23 +00:00
<Turkish > Imha Kiti</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_DefusalKit_description" >
<English > Allows defusing of explosives</English>
<German > Erlaubt die Entschärfung von Sprengstoffen</German>
<Spanish > Permite desactivar explosivos</Spanish>
<Polish > Umożliwia rozbrajanie ładunków wybuchowych</Polish>
French translation Update / Added (#7213)
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* Update French Explosives Translation Update
* Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation
* Update hearing french translation
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Frag Module
- Gestures Module
- Goggles Module
- Grenades Module
- Gunbag Module
- Hearing Module
- Hellfire Module
- Hitreactions Module
- Hot Module
- Interact_Menu Module
- Interaction Module
- Inventory Module
- Laser Module
- Laserpointer Module
- Magazinerepack Module
- Map Module
- Map_gesture Module
- Maptools Module
- Markers Module
- Maverick Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Interaction Module
- Medical Module
- Medical_damage Module
- Medical_feedback Module
- Medical_gui Module
- Medical_statemachine Module
- Medical_treatment Module
- Microdagr Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Missileguidance Module
- Missionmodules Module
- Nametags Module
- Nightvision Module
- Nlaw Module
- Noradio Module
- Optionsmenu Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Overheating Module
- Overpressure Module
- Parachute Module
- Pylons Module
- Quickmount Module
- Rangecard Module
- Realisticnames Module
- Rearm Module
- Refuel Module
- Reload Module
* Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module
* Correction typo mineure
* Adding French translation and / or correction for :
- Respawn Module
- Safemode Module
- Sandbag Module
- Scopes Module
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module
* Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden.
Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission.
En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin.
Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;).
De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée.
Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Slideshow Module,
- Spectator Module,
- Spottingscope Module,
- Swichunits Module,
Minor correction on Nametags Module
* Correction ponctuation
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Tacticalladder Module,
- Tagging Module,
- Trenches Module,
- Tripod Module.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- UI Module,
- Vehiclelock Module,
- Vehicles Module.
Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French > Outils nécessaires au désamorçage des explosifs.</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Czech > Dovoluje zneškodňování výbušnin</Czech>
<Italian > Consente la disattivazione degli ordigni esplosivi</Italian>
<Hungarian > Robbanóanyagok hatástalanítását teszi lehetővé</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Permite o desarme de explosivos</Portuguese>
<Russian > Позволяет обезвреживать взрывчатку</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 爆発物を無力化できます</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 폭발물을 해체할 수 있게 해줍니다</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 可以用来拆除炸弹</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 可以用來拆除炸彈</Chinese>
2020-01-17 03:14:23 +00:00
<Turkish > Patlayı cı ları n etkisiz hale gelmesini sağlar.</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_Phone_AddToSpeedDial" >
<English > Add to Speed Dial</English>
<German > Zur Schnellauswahl hinzufügen</German>
<Spanish > Añadir a marcado rápido</Spanish>
<Polish > Dodaj do szybkiego wybierania</Polish>
French translation Update / Added (#7213)
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* Update French Explosives Translation Update
* Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation
* Update hearing french translation
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Frag Module
- Gestures Module
- Goggles Module
- Grenades Module
- Gunbag Module
- Hearing Module
- Hellfire Module
- Hitreactions Module
- Hot Module
- Interact_Menu Module
- Interaction Module
- Inventory Module
- Laser Module
- Laserpointer Module
- Magazinerepack Module
- Map Module
- Map_gesture Module
- Maptools Module
- Markers Module
- Maverick Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Interaction Module
- Medical Module
- Medical_damage Module
- Medical_feedback Module
- Medical_gui Module
- Medical_statemachine Module
- Medical_treatment Module
- Microdagr Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Missileguidance Module
- Missionmodules Module
- Nametags Module
- Nightvision Module
- Nlaw Module
- Noradio Module
- Optionsmenu Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Overheating Module
- Overpressure Module
- Parachute Module
- Pylons Module
- Quickmount Module
- Rangecard Module
- Realisticnames Module
- Rearm Module
- Refuel Module
- Reload Module
* Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module
* Correction typo mineure
* Adding French translation and / or correction for :
- Respawn Module
- Safemode Module
- Sandbag Module
- Scopes Module
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module
* Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden.
Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission.
En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin.
Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;).
De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée.
Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Slideshow Module,
- Spectator Module,
- Spottingscope Module,
- Swichunits Module,
Minor correction on Nametags Module
* Correction ponctuation
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Tacticalladder Module,
- Tagging Module,
- Trenches Module,
- Tripod Module.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- UI Module,
- Vehiclelock Module,
- Vehicles Module.
Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French > Ajouter à la numérotation rapide</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Czech > Přidat jako rychlou volbu</Czech>
<Italian > Aggiungi alla selezione rapida</Italian>
<Hungarian > Hozzáadás a gyorstárcsázóhoz</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Adicionar à ligação rápida</Portuguese>
<Russian > Добавить в быстрый вызов</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 短縮ダイアルに追加</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 단축키에 지정</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 增加到快速拨号</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 增加到快速撥號</Chinese>
2020-10-04 15:57:46 +00:00
<Turkish > Hı zlı Aramaya Ekle</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_Clear" >
<English > Clear</English>
<German > Löschen</German>
<Spanish > Borrar</Spanish>
<Polish > Usuń</Polish>
<French > Effacer</French>
<Czech > Čistý</Czech>
<Italian > Libera</Italian>
<Hungarian > Törlés</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Limpar</Portuguese>
<Russian > Очистить</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 消去</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 삭제</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 清除</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 清除</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Temiz</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_Phone_Dial" >
<English > Dial</English>
<German > Wählen</German>
<Spanish > Marcar</Spanish>
<Polish > Wybierz numer</Polish>
<French > Composer</French>
<Czech > Vytočit</Czech>
<Italian > Composizione numero</Italian>
<Hungarian > Tárcsázás</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Discar</Portuguese>
<Russian > Hа б р а ть</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > ダイアル</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 다이얼</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 拨号</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 撥號</Chinese>
2020-10-04 15:57:46 +00:00
<Turkish > Numarayı Çevir</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_Phone_Up" >
<English > Up</English>
<German > Hoch</German>
<Spanish > Arriba</Spanish>
<Polish > W górę</Polish>
<French > Haut</French>
<Czech > Nahoru</Czech>
<Italian > Sopra</Italian>
<Hungarian > Fel</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Cima</Portuguese>
<Russian > Вызов</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 上へ</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 위</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 上</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 上</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Yukarı </Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_Phone_Down" >
<English > Down</English>
<German > Runter</German>
<Spanish > Abajo</Spanish>
<Polish > W dół</Polish>
<French > Bas</French>
<Czech > Dolu</Czech>
<Italian > Sotto</Italian>
<Hungarian > Le</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Baixo</Portuguese>
<Russian > С б р о с </Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 下へ</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 아래</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 下</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 下</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Aşağı </Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_Cancel" >
<English > Cancel</English>
<German > Abbrechen</German>
<Spanish > Cancelar</Spanish>
<Polish > Anuluj</Polish>
<French > Annuler</French>
<Czech > Zrušit</Czech>
<Italian > Annulla</Italian>
<Hungarian > Mégsem</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Cancelar</Portuguese>
<Russian > Отмена</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 中止</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 취소</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 取消</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 取消</Chinese>
2020-01-17 03:14:23 +00:00
<Turkish > Iptal</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_DetonateMenu" >
<English > Detonate Menu</English>
<German > "Zünden"-Menü</German>
<Spanish > Menú de detonación</Spanish>
<Polish > Menu detonacji</Polish>
2016-02-28 13:48:04 +00:00
<French > Menu de mise à feu</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Czech > Menu detonace</Czech>
<Italian > Menù di detonazione</Italian>
<Hungarian > Robbantási menü</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Menu de detonação</Portuguese>
<Russian > Меню подрыва</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 点火メニュー</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 폭파 메뉴</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 引爆选单</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 引爆選單</Chinese>
2020-01-17 03:14:23 +00:00
<Turkish > Patlatma Menüsü</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_PlaceMenu" >
<English > Place Menu</English>
<German > "Platzieren"-Menü</German>
<Spanish > Menú de colocación</Spanish>
<Polish > Menu umieszczania</Polish>
<French > Menu de placement</French>
<Czech > Menu umístění</Czech>
<Italian > Menù di collocamento</Italian>
<Hungarian > Elhelyezési menü</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Menu de posicionamento</Portuguese>
<Russian > Меню установки</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 設置メニュー</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 설치 메뉴</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 放置选单</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 放置選單</Chinese>
2020-01-17 03:14:23 +00:00
<Turkish > Yerleştirme Menüsü</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_Defuse" >
<English > Defuse</English>
<German > Entschärfen</German>
<Spanish > Desactivar</Spanish>
<Polish > Rozbrój</Polish>
French translation Update / Added (#7213)
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* Update French Explosives Translation Update
* Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation
* Update hearing french translation
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Frag Module
- Gestures Module
- Goggles Module
- Grenades Module
- Gunbag Module
- Hearing Module
- Hellfire Module
- Hitreactions Module
- Hot Module
- Interact_Menu Module
- Interaction Module
- Inventory Module
- Laser Module
- Laserpointer Module
- Magazinerepack Module
- Map Module
- Map_gesture Module
- Maptools Module
- Markers Module
- Maverick Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Interaction Module
- Medical Module
- Medical_damage Module
- Medical_feedback Module
- Medical_gui Module
- Medical_statemachine Module
- Medical_treatment Module
- Microdagr Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Missileguidance Module
- Missionmodules Module
- Nametags Module
- Nightvision Module
- Nlaw Module
- Noradio Module
- Optionsmenu Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Overheating Module
- Overpressure Module
- Parachute Module
- Pylons Module
- Quickmount Module
- Rangecard Module
- Realisticnames Module
- Rearm Module
- Refuel Module
- Reload Module
* Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module
* Correction typo mineure
* Adding French translation and / or correction for :
- Respawn Module
- Safemode Module
- Sandbag Module
- Scopes Module
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module
* Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden.
Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission.
En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin.
Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;).
De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée.
Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Slideshow Module,
- Spectator Module,
- Spottingscope Module,
- Swichunits Module,
Minor correction on Nametags Module
* Correction ponctuation
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Tacticalladder Module,
- Tagging Module,
- Trenches Module,
- Tripod Module.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- UI Module,
- Vehiclelock Module,
- Vehicles Module.
Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French > Désamorcer</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Czech > Zneškodnit</Czech>
<Italian > Disinnesca</Italian>
<Hungarian > Hatástalanítás</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Desarmar</Portuguese>
<Russian > Обезвредить</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 無力化</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 해체</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 拆除</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 拆除</Chinese>
2020-01-17 03:14:23 +00:00
<Turkish > Imha</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_DefusingExplosive" >
<English > Defusing Explosive...</English>
<German > Entschärfe Sprengstoff...</German>
<Spanish > Desactivando explosivo...</Spanish>
<Polish > Rozbrajanie ładunku...</Polish>
French translation Update / Added (#7213)
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* Update French Explosives Translation Update
* Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation
* Update hearing french translation
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Frag Module
- Gestures Module
- Goggles Module
- Grenades Module
- Gunbag Module
- Hearing Module
- Hellfire Module
- Hitreactions Module
- Hot Module
- Interact_Menu Module
- Interaction Module
- Inventory Module
- Laser Module
- Laserpointer Module
- Magazinerepack Module
- Map Module
- Map_gesture Module
- Maptools Module
- Markers Module
- Maverick Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Interaction Module
- Medical Module
- Medical_damage Module
- Medical_feedback Module
- Medical_gui Module
- Medical_statemachine Module
- Medical_treatment Module
- Microdagr Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Missileguidance Module
- Missionmodules Module
- Nametags Module
- Nightvision Module
- Nlaw Module
- Noradio Module
- Optionsmenu Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Overheating Module
- Overpressure Module
- Parachute Module
- Pylons Module
- Quickmount Module
- Rangecard Module
- Realisticnames Module
- Rearm Module
- Refuel Module
- Reload Module
* Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module
* Correction typo mineure
* Adding French translation and / or correction for :
- Respawn Module
- Safemode Module
- Sandbag Module
- Scopes Module
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module
* Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden.
Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission.
En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin.
Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;).
De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée.
Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Slideshow Module,
- Spectator Module,
- Spottingscope Module,
- Swichunits Module,
Minor correction on Nametags Module
* Correction ponctuation
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Tacticalladder Module,
- Tagging Module,
- Trenches Module,
- Tripod Module.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- UI Module,
- Vehiclelock Module,
- Vehicles Module.
Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French > Désamorçage de l'explosif...</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Czech > Zneškodňuji Výbušninu...</Czech>
<Italian > Esposivo in fase di disattivazione...</Italian>
<Hungarian > Robbanóanyag hatástalanítása...</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Desarmando Explosivo...</Portuguese>
<Russian > Обезвреживание...</Russian>
2017-12-12 16:17:51 +00:00
<Japanese > 爆発物を無力化しています・・・</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 폭발물 해체중...</Korean>
2020-08-04 15:15:03 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 正在拆除炸弹...</Chinesesimp>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinese > 炸彈拆除中...</Chinese>
2020-01-17 03:14:23 +00:00
<Turkish > Patlayı cı Imha Ediliyor...</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_timerName" >
<English > Timer</English>
<German > Zeitzünder</German>
<Spanish > Temporizador</Spanish>
<Polish > Czasomierz</Polish>
<French > Minuteur</French>
<Czech > Časovač</Czech>
<Italian > Cronometro</Italian>
<Hungarian > Időzítő</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Timer</Portuguese>
<Russian > Таймер</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > タイマー</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 타이머</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 计时器</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 計時器</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Zamanlayı cı </Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_TimerMenu" >
<English > Time: %1m %2s</English>
<German > Zeit: %1m %2s</German>
<Spanish > Tiempo: %1m %2s</Spanish>
<Polish > Czas: %1m %2s</Polish>
<French > Temps : %1m %2s</French>
<Czech > Čas: %1m %2s</Czech>
<Italian > Tempo : %1m %2s</Italian>
<Hungarian > Idő: %1m %2s</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Tempo: %1m %2s</Portuguese>
<Russian > Время: %1m %2c</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 設定時間: %1分 %2秒</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 시간: %1분 %2초</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 时间: %1分%2秒</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 時間: %1分%2秒</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Süre: %1m %2s</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_SetTime" >
<English > Set Time</English>
<German > Zeit einstellen</German>
<Spanish > Configurar tiempo</Spanish>
<Polish > Ustaw czas</Polish>
2020-10-05 16:40:26 +00:00
<French > Valider la durée</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Czech > Nastavit čas</Czech>
<Italian > Modifica il conto alla rovescia</Italian>
<Hungarian > Idő beállítása</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Configurar Tempo</Portuguese>
<Russian > Установить время</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 時間を設定</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 시간 설정</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 设定时间</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 設定時間</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Süreyi Ayarla</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_TriggerMenu" >
<English > Select a Trigger</English>
<German > Wähle einen Zünder</German>
<Spanish > Seleccionar un detonador</Spanish>
<Polish > Wybierz zapalnik</Polish>
French translation Update / Added (#7213)
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* Update French Explosives Translation Update
* Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation
* Update hearing french translation
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Frag Module
- Gestures Module
- Goggles Module
- Grenades Module
- Gunbag Module
- Hearing Module
- Hellfire Module
- Hitreactions Module
- Hot Module
- Interact_Menu Module
- Interaction Module
- Inventory Module
- Laser Module
- Laserpointer Module
- Magazinerepack Module
- Map Module
- Map_gesture Module
- Maptools Module
- Markers Module
- Maverick Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Interaction Module
- Medical Module
- Medical_damage Module
- Medical_feedback Module
- Medical_gui Module
- Medical_statemachine Module
- Medical_treatment Module
- Microdagr Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Missileguidance Module
- Missionmodules Module
- Nametags Module
- Nightvision Module
- Nlaw Module
- Noradio Module
- Optionsmenu Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Overheating Module
- Overpressure Module
- Parachute Module
- Pylons Module
- Quickmount Module
- Rangecard Module
- Realisticnames Module
- Rearm Module
- Refuel Module
- Reload Module
* Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module
* Correction typo mineure
* Adding French translation and / or correction for :
- Respawn Module
- Safemode Module
- Sandbag Module
- Scopes Module
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module
* Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden.
Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission.
En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin.
Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;).
De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée.
Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Slideshow Module,
- Spectator Module,
- Spottingscope Module,
- Swichunits Module,
Minor correction on Nametags Module
* Correction ponctuation
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Tacticalladder Module,
- Tagging Module,
- Trenches Module,
- Tripod Module.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- UI Module,
- Vehiclelock Module,
- Vehicles Module.
Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French > Sélectionner un déclencheur</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Czech > Zvolit detonátor</Czech>
<Italian > Seleziona un attivatore</Italian>
<Hungarian > Gyújtóeszköz kiválasztása</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Selecionar um Gatilho</Portuguese>
<Russian > Выберите детонатор</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 点火装置を選択</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 작동방식 선택</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 选择一个触发器</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 選擇一個觸發器</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Tetikleyici seç</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_SelectTrigger" >
<English > Select</English>
<German > Wählen</German>
<Spanish > Seleccionar</Spanish>
<Polish > Wybierz</Polish>
<French > Sélectionner</French>
<Czech > Zvolit</Czech>
<Italian > Seleziona</Italian>
<Hungarian > Kiválasztás</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Selecionar</Portuguese>
<Russian > Выбрать</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 選択</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 선택</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 选择</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 選擇</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Seç</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_PressurePlate" >
<English > Pressure Plate</English>
<Polish > Płyta naciskowa</Polish>
<Spanish > Placa de presión</Spanish>
<German > Druckplatte</German>
<French > Plaque de pression</French>
<Czech > Nášlapná nástraha</Czech>
<Italian > Piastra a pressione</Italian>
<Hungarian > Nyomólap</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Placa de pressão</Portuguese>
<Russian > Нажимная плита</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 圧力感知式</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 압력식</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 压力盘</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 壓力盤</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Bası nç Plakası </Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_TripWire" >
<English > Tripwire</English>
<Polish > Linka naciągu</Polish>
<Spanish > Cable trampa</Spanish>
<German > Stolperdraht</German>
French translation Update / Added (#7213)
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* Update French Explosives Translation Update
* Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation
* Update hearing french translation
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Frag Module
- Gestures Module
- Goggles Module
- Grenades Module
- Gunbag Module
- Hearing Module
- Hellfire Module
- Hitreactions Module
- Hot Module
- Interact_Menu Module
- Interaction Module
- Inventory Module
- Laser Module
- Laserpointer Module
- Magazinerepack Module
- Map Module
- Map_gesture Module
- Maptools Module
- Markers Module
- Maverick Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Interaction Module
- Medical Module
- Medical_damage Module
- Medical_feedback Module
- Medical_gui Module
- Medical_statemachine Module
- Medical_treatment Module
- Microdagr Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Missileguidance Module
- Missionmodules Module
- Nametags Module
- Nightvision Module
- Nlaw Module
- Noradio Module
- Optionsmenu Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Overheating Module
- Overpressure Module
- Parachute Module
- Pylons Module
- Quickmount Module
- Rangecard Module
- Realisticnames Module
- Rearm Module
- Refuel Module
- Reload Module
* Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module
* Correction typo mineure
* Adding French translation and / or correction for :
- Respawn Module
- Safemode Module
- Sandbag Module
- Scopes Module
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module
* Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden.
Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission.
En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin.
Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;).
De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée.
Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Slideshow Module,
- Spectator Module,
- Spottingscope Module,
- Swichunits Module,
Minor correction on Nametags Module
* Correction ponctuation
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Tacticalladder Module,
- Tagging Module,
- Trenches Module,
- Tripod Module.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- UI Module,
- Vehiclelock Module,
- Vehicles Module.
Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French > Fil piège</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Czech > Nástražný drát</Czech>
<Italian > Filo a inciampo</Italian>
<Hungarian > Botlódrót</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Linha de tração</Portuguese>
<Russian > Растяжка</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 仕掛け線</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 인계철선</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 绊线</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 絆線</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Telli tuzak</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_IRSensor" >
<English > IR Sensor</English>
<Polish > Czujnik podczerwieni</Polish>
<Spanish > Sensor IR</Spanish>
<German > Infrarotsensor</German>
<French > Capteur IR</French>
<Czech > IR Značkovač</Czech>
<Italian > Sensore IR</Italian>
<Hungarian > Infravörös szenzor</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Sensor IV</Portuguese>
<Russian > ИК сенсор</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 赤外線感知式</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 적외선 센서</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 红外线感应器</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 紅外線感應器</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > IR Sensörü</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_NoTriggersAvailable" >
<English > No triggers available for %1</English>
<Polish > Brak dostępnych zapalników dla %1</Polish>
<Spanish > No hay detonadores disponibles para %1</Spanish>
2016-02-20 22:19:51 +00:00
<German > Keine Auslöser für %1 vorhanden</German>
French translation (#7298)
* Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) :
- Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators.
- Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date.
- Minor french translation correction.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Weaponselect module,
- Weather module,
- Winddeflection module,
- Yardage450 module,
- Zeus module.
* Convert Tabs to Spaces
* Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files.
* Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings.
- Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque
option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines
absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les
langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée.
Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très
- Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer
l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas,
aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options).
- Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage
du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons.
Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas
dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant.
* Corrections mineures
* correction erreurs
* correction erreurs (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common)
* Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes
* correction key error
* Added Vdauphin suggestions :).
* French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side)
* Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation
* - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml
* Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation :
Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically.
Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list.
modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml
modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml
* Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French > Pas de déclencheur disponible pour %1.</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Czech > Žádný detonátor k dispozici pro %1</Czech>
<Italian > Nessun attivatore disponibile per %1</Italian>
<Hungarian > Nincs elérhető gyújtóeszköz ide: %1</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Nenhum gatilho disponível para %1</Portuguese>
<Russian > Нет доступных взрывателей для %1</Russian>
2018-11-26 23:09:32 +00:00
<Japanese > %1 に使える点火装置がありません</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > %1(을)를 작동할 장치가 없습니다.</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 没有适合%1的触发器</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 沒有適合%1的觸發器</Chinese>
2020-10-04 15:57:46 +00:00
<Turkish > % 1 için tetikleyici yok</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_SLAME_IRSensor" >
<English > IR Sensor (Side Attack)</English>
<Polish > Czujnik podczerwieni (wybuch na bok)</Polish>
<Spanish > Sensor IR (ataque lateral)</Spanish>
<German > Infrarotsensor (Seitenangriff)</German>
<French > Capteur IR (de flanc)</French>
<Czech > IR Značkovač (Výbuch stranou)</Czech>
<Italian > Sensore IR (attacco laterale)</Italian>
<Hungarian > Infravörös szenzor (Side Attack)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Sensor infravermelho (ataque lateral)</Portuguese>
<Russian > ИК сенсор (детонация вбок)</Russian>
2017-12-12 16:17:51 +00:00
<Japanese > 赤外線感知式 (側面攻撃)</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 적외선 센서 (측면 공격)</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 红外线感应器 (侧边攻击)</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 紅外線感應器 (側邊攻擊)</Chinese>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_SLAME_Magnetic" >
<English > Magnetic Influence Sensor (Bottom Attack)</English>
<Polish > Czujnik magnetyczny (wybuch w górę)</Polish>
<Spanish > Sensor IM (ataque inferior)</Spanish>
<German > Magnetfeldsensor (Bodenangriff)</German>
<French > Capteur magnétique (par le bas)</French>
<Czech > Magnetický Senzor (Výbuch ze spoda)</Czech>
<Italian > Sensore Magnetico di Prossimità (attacco inferiore)</Italian>
<Hungarian > Mágneses mező érzékelő (Bottom Attack)</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Influência magnética (ataque inferior)</Portuguese>
<Russian > Магнитный сенсор (детонация вверх)</Russian>
2017-12-12 16:17:51 +00:00
<Japanese > 磁気感知式 (底面攻撃)</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 자기장 감지센서 (바닥 공격)</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 磁性感应器 (底部攻击)</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 磁性感應器 (底部攻擊)</Chinese>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_NoExplosivesAvailable" >
<English > No explosives on trigger.</English>
<German > Keine Sprengladungen auf diesem Auslöser.</German>
<Spanish > Ningún explosivo en el detonador.</Spanish>
2016-02-26 18:24:53 +00:00
<French > Pas d'explosif à déclencher.</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Italian > Nessun esplosivo</Italian>
<Czech > Žádná výbušnina k odpálení.</Czech>
<Hungarian > Nincs robbanóanyag a gyújtóeszközhöz kötve.</Hungarian>
<Polish > Brak ładunków na zapalnik.</Polish>
<Portuguese > Nenhum explosivo no gatilho.</Portuguese>
<Russian > Взрыватель не подсоединён к взрывчатке</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 点火装置に爆発物がありません。</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 격발기에 등록된 폭발물이 없습니다.</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 触发器上并没有炸药</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 觸發器上並沒有炸藥</Chinese>
2020-10-04 15:57:46 +00:00
<Turkish > Tetikte patlayı cı yok.</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_DeadManSwitch_displayName" >
<English > Dead Man's Switch</English>
<German > Totmannschalter</German>
2016-06-18 23:18:12 +00:00
<French > Détonateur par relâchement de pression</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Czech > Spínač mrtvého muže</Czech>
<Polish > Czuwak</Polish>
<Spanish > Detonador de hombre muerto</Spanish>
<Hungarian > Halott ember kapcsolója</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Detonador do homem morto</Portuguese>
<Russian > Кнопка мертвеца</Russian>
<Italian > Detonatore a rilascio</Italian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 自爆装置</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 자폭 장치</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 自杀炸弹客引爆器</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 自殺炸彈客引爆器</Chinese>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_DeadManSwitch_description" >
<English > Used to remotely trigger explosives when released.</English>
<German > Zündet Sprengladungen wenn losgelassen.</German>
French translation (#7298)
* Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) :
- Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators.
- Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date.
- Minor french translation correction.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Weaponselect module,
- Weather module,
- Winddeflection module,
- Yardage450 module,
- Zeus module.
* Convert Tabs to Spaces
* Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files.
* Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings.
- Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque
option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines
absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les
langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée.
Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très
- Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer
l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas,
aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options).
- Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage
du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons.
Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas
dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant.
* Corrections mineures
* correction erreurs
* correction erreurs (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common)
* Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes
* correction key error
* Added Vdauphin suggestions :).
* French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side)
* Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation
* - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml
* Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation :
Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically.
Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list.
modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml
modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml
* Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French > Utilisé pour déclencher des explosifs à distance quand relâché.</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Czech > Používaný k vzdálenému odpálení, při uvolnění odpálí výbušniny</Czech>
<Polish > Używany w celu zdalnej detonacji ładunków, kiedy jego operator zostanie zabity.</Polish>
<Spanish > Utilizado para detonar explosivos remotamente al soltarlo.</Spanish>
<Hungarian > Robbanóanyagok távoli robbantásához</Hungarian>
<Portuguese > Usado para detonar remotamente o explosivo quando solto.</Portuguese>
<Russian > Используется для дистанционного подрыва, после смерти оператора.</Russian>
<Italian > Usato per attivare a distanza esplosivi al momento del rilascio</Italian>
2018-11-26 23:09:32 +00:00
<Japanese > 点火装置から遠隔から起爆したい時に使います。</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 압력이 해제될때 원격으로 폭발시킵니다.</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 当放开按钮时, 将会引爆炸弹.</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 當放開按鈕時, 將會引爆炸彈.</Chinese>
2020-10-04 15:57:46 +00:00
<Turkish > Patlayı cı ları serbest bı rakı ldı ğı nda uzaktan tetiklemek için kullanı lı r.</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_Pickup" >
<English > Pick up</English>
<German > Aufheben</German>
<Spanish > Recoger</Spanish>
<Czech > Sebrat</Czech>
<Polish > Podnieś</Polish>
<French > Ramasser</French>
<Hungarian > Felszedés</Hungarian>
<Russian > Поднять</Russian>
<Italian > Raccogli</Italian>
<Portuguese > Pegar</Portuguese>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 拾う</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 줍기</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 捡起</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 撿起</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Al</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_Module_DisplayName" >
<English > Explosive System</English>
<Polish > System ładunków wybuchowych</Polish>
<Spanish > Sistema de explosivos</Spanish>
<German > Sprengstoffsystem</German>
<Czech > Systém výbušnin</Czech>
<Portuguese > Sistema de explosivos</Portuguese>
<French > Module explosifs</French>
<Hungarian > Robbanóanyag-rendszer</Hungarian>
<Russian > Взрывные устройства</Russian>
2016-02-20 20:39:05 +00:00
<Italian > Sistema Esplosivi</Italian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 爆発システム</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 폭발물 시스템</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 炸药系统</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 炸藥系統</Chinese>
2020-01-05 17:37:48 +00:00
<Turkish > Patlayı cı Sistemi</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_RequireSpecialist_DisplayName" >
<English > Require specialists?</English>
<Polish > Wymagaj specjalistów?</Polish>
<Spanish > ¿Requiere especialista?</Spanish>
<German > Benötigt Sprengstoffexperten?</German>
<Czech > Vyžadovat specialistu?</Czech>
<Portuguese > Requer especialista?</Portuguese>
French translation Update / Added (#7213)
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* Update French Explosives Translation Update
* Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation
* Update hearing french translation
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Frag Module
- Gestures Module
- Goggles Module
- Grenades Module
- Gunbag Module
- Hearing Module
- Hellfire Module
- Hitreactions Module
- Hot Module
- Interact_Menu Module
- Interaction Module
- Inventory Module
- Laser Module
- Laserpointer Module
- Magazinerepack Module
- Map Module
- Map_gesture Module
- Maptools Module
- Markers Module
- Maverick Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Interaction Module
- Medical Module
- Medical_damage Module
- Medical_feedback Module
- Medical_gui Module
- Medical_statemachine Module
- Medical_treatment Module
- Microdagr Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Missileguidance Module
- Missionmodules Module
- Nametags Module
- Nightvision Module
- Nlaw Module
- Noradio Module
- Optionsmenu Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Overheating Module
- Overpressure Module
- Parachute Module
- Pylons Module
- Quickmount Module
- Rangecard Module
- Realisticnames Module
- Rearm Module
- Refuel Module
- Reload Module
* Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module
* Correction typo mineure
* Adding French translation and / or correction for :
- Respawn Module
- Safemode Module
- Sandbag Module
- Scopes Module
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module
* Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden.
Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission.
En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin.
Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;).
De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée.
Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Slideshow Module,
- Spectator Module,
- Spottingscope Module,
- Swichunits Module,
Minor correction on Nametags Module
* Correction ponctuation
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Tacticalladder Module,
- Tagging Module,
- Trenches Module,
- Tripod Module.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- UI Module,
- Vehiclelock Module,
- Vehicles Module.
Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French > Spécialiste requis</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Hungarian > Specialisták igénylése?</Hungarian>
<Russian > Требуется специалист?</Russian>
2016-02-20 20:39:05 +00:00
<Italian > Richiedi specialisti?</Italian>
2020-04-27 16:24:34 +00:00
<Japanese > 特技兵を必須</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 전문가가 필요합니까?</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 需要专家?</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 需要專家?</Chinese>
2020-10-04 15:57:46 +00:00
<Turkish > Uzmanlara ihtiyaç var mı ?</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_RequireSpecialist_Description" >
<English > Require explosive specialists to disable explosives? Default: No</English>
<Polish > Wymagać saperów do rozbrajania ładunków wybuchowych? Domyślnie: Nie</Polish>
<Spanish > Requiere especialista en explosivos para desactivar explosivos?. Por defecto: No</Spanish>
<German > Benötige Sprengstoffexperte um Sprengladungen zu entschärfen? Standard: Nein</German>
<Czech > Vyžadovat specialistu na zneškodnění výbušniny? Výchozí: Ne</Czech>
<Portuguese > Requer especialista em explosivos para desativar explosivos? Padrão: Não</Portuguese>
French translation Update / Added (#7213)
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* Update French Explosives Translation Update
* Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation
* Update hearing french translation
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Frag Module
- Gestures Module
- Goggles Module
- Grenades Module
- Gunbag Module
- Hearing Module
- Hellfire Module
- Hitreactions Module
- Hot Module
- Interact_Menu Module
- Interaction Module
- Inventory Module
- Laser Module
- Laserpointer Module
- Magazinerepack Module
- Map Module
- Map_gesture Module
- Maptools Module
- Markers Module
- Maverick Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Interaction Module
- Medical Module
- Medical_damage Module
- Medical_feedback Module
- Medical_gui Module
- Medical_statemachine Module
- Medical_treatment Module
- Microdagr Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Missileguidance Module
- Missionmodules Module
- Nametags Module
- Nightvision Module
- Nlaw Module
- Noradio Module
- Optionsmenu Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Overheating Module
- Overpressure Module
- Parachute Module
- Pylons Module
- Quickmount Module
- Rangecard Module
- Realisticnames Module
- Rearm Module
- Refuel Module
- Reload Module
* Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module
* Correction typo mineure
* Adding French translation and / or correction for :
- Respawn Module
- Safemode Module
- Sandbag Module
- Scopes Module
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module
* Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden.
Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission.
En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin.
Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;).
De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée.
Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Slideshow Module,
- Spectator Module,
- Spottingscope Module,
- Swichunits Module,
Minor correction on Nametags Module
* Correction ponctuation
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Tacticalladder Module,
- Tagging Module,
- Trenches Module,
- Tripod Module.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- UI Module,
- Vehiclelock Module,
- Vehicles Module.
Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French > Seul un spécialiste peut désamorcer des explosifs.</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Hungarian > Szükséges-e egy specialista a robbanóanyagok hatástalanításához? Alapértelmezett: Nem</Hungarian>
<Russian > Требуется ли специалист по минному делу для обезвреживания взрывчатки? По-умолчанию: Нет</Russian>
2016-02-20 20:39:05 +00:00
<Italian > Richiedi specialisti esplosivi per disabilitare esplosivi? Default: No</Italian>
2020-04-27 16:24:34 +00:00
<Japanese > 爆発物を無効化するには特技兵である必要かどうかを設定できます。標準: 無効化</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 폭발물을 해제하기 위해서는 전문가가 필요합니까? 기본설정: 아니요</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 需要炸弹专家才能拆除炸弹? 预设: 否</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 需要炸彈專家才能拆除炸彈? 預設: 否</Chinese>
2020-10-04 15:57:46 +00:00
<Turkish > Patlayı cı uzmanları nı n patlayı cı ları etkisiz hale getirmesini ister misiniz? Varsayı lan: Hayı r</Turkish>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_PunishNonSpecialists_DisplayName" >
<English > Punish non-specialists?</English>
<Polish > Karaj nie-specjalistów?</Polish>
<Spanish > ¿Penalizar a los no especialistas?</Spanish>
<German > Bestrafe Nicht-Sprengstoffexperten?</German>
<Czech > Potrestat, pokud není specialista?</Czech>
<Portuguese > Punir não especialistas?</Portuguese>
French translation Update / Added (#7213)
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* Update French Explosives Translation Update
* Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation
* Update hearing french translation
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Frag Module
- Gestures Module
- Goggles Module
- Grenades Module
- Gunbag Module
- Hearing Module
- Hellfire Module
- Hitreactions Module
- Hot Module
- Interact_Menu Module
- Interaction Module
- Inventory Module
- Laser Module
- Laserpointer Module
- Magazinerepack Module
- Map Module
- Map_gesture Module
- Maptools Module
- Markers Module
- Maverick Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Interaction Module
- Medical Module
- Medical_damage Module
- Medical_feedback Module
- Medical_gui Module
- Medical_statemachine Module
- Medical_treatment Module
- Microdagr Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Missileguidance Module
- Missionmodules Module
- Nametags Module
- Nightvision Module
- Nlaw Module
- Noradio Module
- Optionsmenu Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Overheating Module
- Overpressure Module
- Parachute Module
- Pylons Module
- Quickmount Module
- Rangecard Module
- Realisticnames Module
- Rearm Module
- Refuel Module
- Reload Module
* Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module
* Correction typo mineure
* Adding French translation and / or correction for :
- Respawn Module
- Safemode Module
- Sandbag Module
- Scopes Module
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module
* Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden.
Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission.
En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin.
Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;).
De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée.
Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Slideshow Module,
- Spectator Module,
- Spottingscope Module,
- Swichunits Module,
Minor correction on Nametags Module
* Correction ponctuation
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Tacticalladder Module,
- Tagging Module,
- Trenches Module,
- Tripod Module.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- UI Module,
- Vehiclelock Module,
- Vehicles Module.
Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French > Pénaliser les non-spécialistes</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Hungarian > Nem-specialisták büntetése?</Hungarian>
<Russian > Штраф не-специалистам?</Russian>
2016-02-20 20:39:05 +00:00
<Italian > Punisci non-specialisti?</Italian>
2020-04-27 16:24:34 +00:00
<Japanese > 非特技兵へ足かせ</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 비-전문가에 불이익을 줍니까?</Korean>
2021-12-18 23:13:43 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 惩罚非专业人士?</Chinesesimp>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinese > 折磨非專業人員?</Chinese>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_PunishNonSpecialists_Description" >
<English > Increase the time it takes to complete actions for non-specialists? Default: Yes</English>
<Polish > Zwiększyć ilość wymaganego czasu do ukończenia akcji dla nie-specjalistów? Domyślnie: Tak</Polish>
<Spanish > Aumenta el tiempo que lleva completar acciones para los no especialstas?. Por defecto: Si</Spanish>
<German > Entschärfungszeit für Nicht-Sprengstoffexperten erhöhen? Standard: Ja</German>
<Czech > Zvýšit čas potřebný k dokončení akce pokud není specialista? Výchozí: Ano</Czech>
<Portuguese > Aumentar o tempo necessário para completar ações por não especialistas? Padrão: Sim</Portuguese>
French translation Update / Added (#7213)
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* Update French Explosives Translation Update
* Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation
* Update hearing french translation
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Frag Module
- Gestures Module
- Goggles Module
- Grenades Module
- Gunbag Module
- Hearing Module
- Hellfire Module
- Hitreactions Module
- Hot Module
- Interact_Menu Module
- Interaction Module
- Inventory Module
- Laser Module
- Laserpointer Module
- Magazinerepack Module
- Map Module
- Map_gesture Module
- Maptools Module
- Markers Module
- Maverick Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Interaction Module
- Medical Module
- Medical_damage Module
- Medical_feedback Module
- Medical_gui Module
- Medical_statemachine Module
- Medical_treatment Module
- Microdagr Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Missileguidance Module
- Missionmodules Module
- Nametags Module
- Nightvision Module
- Nlaw Module
- Noradio Module
- Optionsmenu Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Overheating Module
- Overpressure Module
- Parachute Module
- Pylons Module
- Quickmount Module
- Rangecard Module
- Realisticnames Module
- Rearm Module
- Refuel Module
- Reload Module
* Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module
* Correction typo mineure
* Adding French translation and / or correction for :
- Respawn Module
- Safemode Module
- Sandbag Module
- Scopes Module
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module
* Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden.
Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission.
En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin.
Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;).
De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée.
Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Slideshow Module,
- Spectator Module,
- Spottingscope Module,
- Swichunits Module,
Minor correction on Nametags Module
* Correction ponctuation
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Tacticalladder Module,
- Tagging Module,
- Trenches Module,
- Tripod Module.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- UI Module,
- Vehiclelock Module,
- Vehicles Module.
Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French > Augmente le temps nécessaire au désamorçage pour les unités non spécialisées.</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Hungarian > Nem-specialisták esetén több ideig tartson a cselekvés befejezése? Alapértelmezett: Igen</Hungarian>
<Russian > Увеличивать время завершения действий для не-специалистов? По-умолчанию: Нет</Russian>
2016-02-20 20:39:05 +00:00
<Italian > Aumenta il tempo richiesto per completare azioni per non-specialisti? Default: Si</Italian>
2020-04-27 16:24:34 +00:00
<Japanese > 非特技兵は動作完了までの時間を増加させますか? 標準: 有効化</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 비-전문가가 폭발물을 해제시 더욱 많은 시간을 소요합니까? 기본설정: 예</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 增加非专业人员相关操作的时间? 预设: 是</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 增加非專業人員相關操作的時間? 預設: 是</Chinese>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_ExplodeOnDefuse_DisplayName" >
<English > Explode on defusal?</English>
<German > Explodieren beim Entschärfen?</German>
<Portuguese > Explosão no desarmamento?</Portuguese>
<Polish > Eksplozja przy rozbrajaniu?</Polish>
<Czech > Explodovat při zneškodňování?</Czech>
<Spanish > Explotar al desactivar?</Spanish>
French translation Update / Added (#7213)
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* Update French Explosives Translation Update
* Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation
* Update hearing french translation
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Frag Module
- Gestures Module
- Goggles Module
- Grenades Module
- Gunbag Module
- Hearing Module
- Hellfire Module
- Hitreactions Module
- Hot Module
- Interact_Menu Module
- Interaction Module
- Inventory Module
- Laser Module
- Laserpointer Module
- Magazinerepack Module
- Map Module
- Map_gesture Module
- Maptools Module
- Markers Module
- Maverick Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Interaction Module
- Medical Module
- Medical_damage Module
- Medical_feedback Module
- Medical_gui Module
- Medical_statemachine Module
- Medical_treatment Module
- Microdagr Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Missileguidance Module
- Missionmodules Module
- Nametags Module
- Nightvision Module
- Nlaw Module
- Noradio Module
- Optionsmenu Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Overheating Module
- Overpressure Module
- Parachute Module
- Pylons Module
- Quickmount Module
- Rangecard Module
- Realisticnames Module
- Rearm Module
- Refuel Module
- Reload Module
* Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module
* Correction typo mineure
* Adding French translation and / or correction for :
- Respawn Module
- Safemode Module
- Sandbag Module
- Scopes Module
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module
* Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden.
Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission.
En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin.
Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;).
De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée.
Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Slideshow Module,
- Spectator Module,
- Spottingscope Module,
- Swichunits Module,
Minor correction on Nametags Module
* Correction ponctuation
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Tacticalladder Module,
- Tagging Module,
- Trenches Module,
- Tripod Module.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- UI Module,
- Vehiclelock Module,
- Vehicles Module.
Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French > Explosion au désamorçage</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Hungarian > Robbanás hatástalanításkor?</Hungarian>
<Russian > Взрыв при разминир.?</Russian>
2016-02-20 20:39:05 +00:00
<Italian > Fai esplodere quando disarmato?</Italian>
2020-04-27 16:24:34 +00:00
<Japanese > 解除中に爆発</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 해제시 폭발합니까?</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 拆除时引爆?</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 拆除時引爆?</Chinese>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_ExplodeOnDefuse_Description" >
<English > Enable certain explosives to explode on defusal? Default: Yes</English>
<German > Sollen bestimmte Sprengladungen beim Entschärfen explodieren? Standard: Ja</German>
<Portuguese > Ativa certos explosivos para detonar no desarmamento? Padrão: Sim</Portuguese>
<Polish > Spraw, aby niektóre ładunki wybuchowe eksplodowały przy próbie ich rozbrojenia? Domyślnie:Tak</Polish>
<Czech > Umožnit u některých výbušnin explozi při pokusu je zneškodnit? Výchozí: Ano</Czech>
<Spanish > ¿Habilitar ciertos explosivos para estallar al desactivar? Por defecto: Sí</Spanish>
French translation (#7298)
* Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) :
- Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators.
- Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date.
- Minor french translation correction.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Weaponselect module,
- Weather module,
- Winddeflection module,
- Yardage450 module,
- Zeus module.
* Convert Tabs to Spaces
* Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files.
* Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings.
- Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque
option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines
absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les
langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée.
Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très
- Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer
l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas,
aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options).
- Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage
du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons.
Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas
dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant.
* Corrections mineures
* correction erreurs
* correction erreurs (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common)
* Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes
* correction key error
* Added Vdauphin suggestions :).
* French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side)
* Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation
* - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml
* Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation :
Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically.
Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list.
modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml
modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml
* Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French > Certains explosifs exploseront durant le désamorçage. Valeur par défaut : activé.</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Hungarian > Meghatározott robbanóanyagok felrobbanjanak-e hatástalanításkor? Alapértelmezett: Igen</Hungarian>
<Russian > Разрешить определенным взрывным устройствам взрываться при разминировании? По-умолчанию: Да</Russian>
2016-02-20 20:39:05 +00:00
<Italian > Abilita alcuni esplosivi per esplosione al disarmo? Default: Si</Italian>
2020-04-27 16:24:34 +00:00
<Japanese > 特定の爆発物を解除中に爆発させるかどうかを設定できます。? 標準: 有効化</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 특정 폭발물이 해제시 폭발하게 합니까? 기본설정: 예</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 启用后, 某些炸弹会在拆除时引爆? 预设: 是</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 啟用後, 某些炸彈會在拆除時引爆? 預設: 是</Chinese>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_Module_Description" >
<English > This module adjusts the settings related to explosives.</English>
<Polish > Moduł ten pozwala dostosować opcje związane z ładunkami wybuchowymi, ich podkładaniem oraz rozbrajaniem.</Polish>
<German > Dieses Modul erlaubt die Einstellungen für Sprengstoffe zu verändern.</German>
<Czech > Tento modul umoňuje přizpůsobit nastavení týkajících se výbušnin.</Czech>
<Portuguese > Este módulo permite personalizar as definições relacionadas a explosivos.</Portuguese>
2016-02-26 18:24:53 +00:00
<French > Ce module ajuste les paramètres liés aux explosifs.</French>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Hungarian > Ez a modul a robbanóanyagokhoz kötött beállításokat szabályozza.</Hungarian>
<Russian > Этот модуль управляет настройками, связанными с о взрывными устройствами</Russian>
<Spanish > Este módulo ajusta las configuraciones relacionadas con explosivos.</Spanish>
2016-02-20 20:39:05 +00:00
<Italian > Questo modulo cambia le impostazioni relative agli esplosivi</Italian>
2018-05-11 13:39:32 +00:00
<Japanese > モジュールを調節し爆発物に設定を反映させます。</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 이 모듈은 폭발물에 관한 설정을 수정할 수 있게합니다.</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 此模块用来调整炸药的相关设定</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 此模塊用來調整炸藥的相關設定</Chinese>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_Module_SLAMBottomAttack_DisplayName" >
<English > M6 SLAM Mine (Bottom Attack)</English>
2021-07-06 19:25:10 +00:00
<French > Mine M6 SLAM (par le bas)</French>
2016-02-20 22:19:51 +00:00
<German > M6-SLAM-Mine (Bodenangriff)</German>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Polish > Mina M6 SLAM (atak od dołu)</Polish>
2016-02-25 13:54:19 +00:00
<Spanish > Mina M6 SLAM (Ataque Inferior)</Spanish>
2016-03-27 19:20:15 +00:00
<Italian > Mina M6 SLAM (base)</Italian>
2016-04-29 22:57:24 +00:00
<Czech > M6 SLAM (Útok zespoda)</Czech>
2016-03-01 11:56:43 +00:00
<Portuguese > Mina M6 SLAM (Ataque Inferior)</Portuguese>
2016-08-13 09:25:43 +00:00
<Russian > Мина M6 SLAM (направлена вверх)</Russian>
2017-12-12 16:17:51 +00:00
<Japanese > M6 SLAM 地雷 (底面攻撃)</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > M6 SLAM 지뢰 (바닥 공격)</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > M6指向性反装甲地雷 (底部攻击)</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > M6指向性反裝甲地雷 (底部攻擊)</Chinese>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_Module_SLAMSideAttack_DisplayName" >
<English > M6 SLAM Mine (Side Attack)</English>
2021-07-06 19:25:10 +00:00
<French > Mine M6 SLAM (de flanc)</French>
2016-02-20 22:19:51 +00:00
<German > M6-SLAM-Mine (Seitenangriff)</German>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Polish > Mina M6 SLAM (atak od boku)</Polish>
2016-02-25 13:54:19 +00:00
<Spanish > Mina M6 SLAM (Ataque Lateral)</Spanish>
2019-06-03 14:59:13 +00:00
<Italian > Mina M6 SLAM (Laterale)</Italian>
2016-04-29 22:57:24 +00:00
<Czech > M6 SLAM (Útok do strany)</Czech>
2016-03-01 11:56:43 +00:00
<Portuguese > Mina M6 SLAM (Ataque Lateral)</Portuguese>
2016-08-13 09:25:43 +00:00
<Russian > Мина M6 SLAM (направлена вбок)</Russian>
2017-12-12 16:17:51 +00:00
<Japanese > M6 SLAM 地雷 (側面攻撃)</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > M6 SLAM 지뢰 (측면 공격)</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > M6指向性反装甲地雷 (侧边攻击)</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > M6指向性反裝甲地雷 (側邊攻擊)</Chinese>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_Module_IEDUrbanBig_Range_DisplayName" >
<English > Large IED (Urban, Pressure Plate)</English>
2021-07-06 19:25:10 +00:00
<French > Grand EEI (urbain, plaque de pression)</French>
2016-02-20 22:19:51 +00:00
<German > Große USBV (Stadt, Druckplatte)</German>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Polish > Duży IED (miejski, płyta naciskowa)</Polish>
2016-02-25 13:54:19 +00:00
<Spanish > IED Grande (Urbano, Placa de presión)</Spanish>
2016-03-27 19:20:15 +00:00
<Italian > IED grande (urbano, a pressione)</Italian>
2016-04-29 22:57:24 +00:00
<Czech > IED, Velké (Městské, Nášlapné)</Czech>
2016-03-01 11:56:43 +00:00
<Portuguese > IED Grande (Urbano, Placa de pressão)</Portuguese>
2016-08-13 09:25:43 +00:00
<Russian > Большое С В У (городское, нажимного действия)</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 大きな IED (市街地用、圧力感知)</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 대형 급조폭발물 (시가지, 압력식)</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 大型简易爆炸装置 (地表上, 压力盘)</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 大型簡易爆炸裝置 (地表上, 壓力盤)</Chinese>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_Module_IEDLandBig_Range_DisplayName" >
<English > Large IED (Dug-in, Pressure Plate)</English>
2021-07-06 19:25:10 +00:00
<French > Grand EEI (enterré, plaque de pression)</French>
2016-02-20 22:19:51 +00:00
<German > Große USBV (Eingegraben, Druckplatte)</German>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Polish > Duży IED (zakopany, płyta naciskowa)</Polish>
2016-02-25 13:54:19 +00:00
<Spanish > IED Grande (Enterrado, Placa de presión)</Spanish>
2016-03-27 19:20:15 +00:00
<Italian > IED grande (interrato, a pressione)</Italian>
2016-04-29 22:57:24 +00:00
<Czech > IED, Velké (Zakopané, Nášlapné)</Czech>
2016-03-01 11:56:43 +00:00
<Portuguese > IED Grande (Enterrado, Placa de pressão)</Portuguese>
2016-08-13 09:25:43 +00:00
<Russian > Большое С В У (закопанное, нажимного действия)</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 大きな IED (埋め込み型、圧力感知)</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 대형 급조폭발물 (묻힘, 압력식)</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 大型简易爆炸装置 (地表下, 压力盘)</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 大型簡易爆炸裝置 (地表下, 壓力盤)</Chinese>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_Module_IEDUrbanSmall_Range_DisplayName" >
<English > Small IED (Urban, Pressure Plate)</English>
2021-07-06 19:25:10 +00:00
<French > Petit EEI (Urbain, plaque de pression)</French>
2016-02-20 22:19:51 +00:00
<German > Kleine USBV (Stadt, Druckplatte)</German>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Polish > Mały IED (miejski, płyta naciskowa)</Polish>
2016-02-25 13:54:19 +00:00
<Spanish > IED Pequeño (Urbano, Placa de presión)</Spanish>
2016-03-27 19:20:15 +00:00
<Italian > IED piccolo (urbano, a pressione)</Italian>
2016-04-29 22:57:24 +00:00
<Czech > IED, Malé (Městské, Nášlapné)</Czech>
2016-03-01 11:56:43 +00:00
<Portuguese > IED Pequeno(Urbano, Placa de pressão)</Portuguese>
2016-08-13 09:25:43 +00:00
<Russian > Малое С В У (городское, нажимного действия)</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 小さな IED (市街地用、圧力感知)</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 소형 급조폭발물 (시가지, 압력식)</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 小型简易爆炸装置 (地表上, 压力盘)</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 小型簡易爆炸裝置 (地表上, 壓力盤)</Chinese>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_Module_IEDLandSmall_Range_DisplayName" >
<English > Small IED (Dug-in, Pressure Plate)</English>
2021-07-06 19:25:10 +00:00
<French > Petit EEI (Enterré, plaque de pression)</French>
2016-02-20 22:19:51 +00:00
<German > Kleine USBV (Eingegraben, Druckplatte)</German>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
<Polish > Mały IED (zakopany, płyta naciskowa)</Polish>
2016-02-25 13:54:19 +00:00
<Spanish > IED Pequeño (Enterrado, Placa de presión)</Spanish>
2016-03-27 19:20:15 +00:00
<Italian > IED piccolo (interrato, a pressione)</Italian>
2016-04-29 22:57:24 +00:00
<Czech > IED, Malé (Zakopané, Nášlapné)</Czech>
2016-03-01 11:56:43 +00:00
<Portuguese > IED Pequeno (Enterrado, Placa de pressão)</Portuguese>
2016-08-13 09:25:43 +00:00
<Russian > Малое С В У (закопанное, нажимного действия)</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 小さな IED (埋め込み型、圧力感知)</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 소형 급조폭발물 (묻힘, 압력식)</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 小型简易爆炸装置 (地表下, 压力盘)</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 小型簡易爆炸裝置 (地表下, 壓力盤)</Chinese>
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
2016-02-05 05:55:29 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_connectInventoryExplosiveToDeadman" >
<English > Connect to %1</English>
<Spanish > Conectar a %1</Spanish>
2016-02-05 20:46:30 +00:00
<Russian > Подключиться к %1</Russian>
<German > Verbinde mit %1</German>
2016-02-05 05:55:29 +00:00
<Czech > Připojit k %1</Czech>
<Polish > Podłącz do %1</Polish>
<French > Connecter %1</French>
<Hungarian > Csatlakozás %1</Hungarian>
<Italian > Collega a %1</Italian>
<Portuguese > Conectar à %1</Portuguese>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > %1 へ接続</Japanese>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > %1에 연결중</Korean>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 连接到%1</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 連接到%1</Chinese>
2020-10-04 15:57:46 +00:00
<Turkish > Bağlandı %1</Turkish>
2016-02-05 05:55:29 +00:00
2016-08-13 09:29:01 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_TripFlare_Name" >
<English > Tripwire Flare</English>
2016-08-27 08:36:00 +00:00
<Russian > Сигнальная растяжка</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 仕掛け型照明地雷</Japanese>
2016-09-18 20:00:13 +00:00
<Polish > Flara na linkę</Polish>
2016-11-05 12:42:55 +00:00
<German > Stolperdraht-Leuchtrakete</German>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 조명지뢰</Korean>
French translation Update / Added (#7213)
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French Missile Guidance Translation Update
* French missionmodules Translation Update
* French mk6mortar Translation Update
* French Advanced Ballistics Translation Update
* French Advanced Fatigue Translation Update
* French Ai Translation Update
* French Arsenal Translation Update
* French Ballistics Translation Update
* French Captives Translation Update
* French Cargo Translation Update
* French Common Translation Update
* French Cookoff Translation Update
* French MicroDAGR Translation Update
* French CSW Translation Update
* French Dagr Translation Update
* French Dogtags Translation Update
* French Dragging Translation Update
* French Dragon Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update
* French Explosives Translation Update - update
* French Fastroping Translation Update
* French FCS and Finger Translation Update
* Update French Explosives Translation Update
* Update addons/advanced_ballistics/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/cargo/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/arsenal/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update addons/advanced_fatigue/stringtable.xml
Co-Authored-By: Vdauphin <vdauphin@outlook.fr>
* Update frag/gestures/goggles/grenades/gunbag french translation
* Update hearing french translation
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Frag Module
- Gestures Module
- Goggles Module
- Grenades Module
- Gunbag Module
- Hearing Module
- Hellfire Module
- Hitreactions Module
- Hot Module
- Interact_Menu Module
- Interaction Module
- Inventory Module
- Laser Module
- Laserpointer Module
- Magazinerepack Module
- Map Module
- Map_gesture Module
- Maptools Module
- Markers Module
- Maverick Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Interaction Module
- Medical Module
- Medical_damage Module
- Medical_feedback Module
- Medical_gui Module
- Medical_statemachine Module
- Medical_treatment Module
- Microdagr Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Missileguidance Module
- Missionmodules Module
- Nametags Module
- Nightvision Module
- Nlaw Module
- Noradio Module
- Optionsmenu Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for :
- Overheating Module
- Overpressure Module
- Parachute Module
- Pylons Module
- Quickmount Module
- Rangecard Module
- Realisticnames Module
- Rearm Module
- Refuel Module
- Reload Module
* Adding French translation and correction for the Repair Module
* Correction typo mineure
* Adding French translation and / or correction for :
- Respawn Module
- Safemode Module
- Sandbag Module
- Scopes Module
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the ACE arsenal
* Minor corrections of the French translation for the Medical_treatment Module
* Correction de quelques anomalies dans les options ACE pour Eden.
Remplacement de la mention "Est infirmier" par "Qualification médicale", dans les options ACE de l'éditeur de mission.
En effet, il n'y a pas (plus ?) de case à cocher, mais un menu "direct", avec les choix "Par défaut/Aucune/Infirmier/Médecin.
Cela est donc bien plus approprié ;).
De même pour la mention "Est ingénieur", remplacée par "Qualification technique", là aussi bien plus appropriée.
Il a également fallu que je remplace la valeur "Ingénieur avancé" par "Ing. avancé" (Adv. Engineer en anglais), pour des raisons de place : la dénomination complète déborderait de la case / serait tronquée.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Slideshow Module,
- Spectator Module,
- Spottingscope Module,
- Swichunits Module,
Minor correction on Nametags Module
* Correction ponctuation
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Tacticalladder Module,
- Tagging Module,
- Trenches Module,
- Tripod Module.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- UI Module,
- Vehiclelock Module,
- Vehicles Module.
Minor correction on Tacticalladder Module
* Added French update translation and / or correction for Viewdistance Module
2019-12-07 19:48:47 +00:00
<French > Fusée éclairante avec fil piège</French>
2017-05-23 18:44:17 +00:00
<Italian > Cavo d'innesco</Italian>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 绊线闪光地雷</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 絆線閃光地雷</Chinese>
2019-09-14 18:36:28 +00:00
<Portuguese > Tripwire (Sinalizador)</Portuguese>
2019-12-20 19:38:53 +00:00
<Czech > Světlice na nástražném drátu</Czech>
2021-04-26 16:48:02 +00:00
<Spanish > Bengala con cable trampa</Spanish>
2016-08-13 09:29:01 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_TripFlare_Description" >
<English > Type: Tripwire flare - Ignites a non-lethal flare when triggered.< br /> Rounds: 1< br /> Used on: Ground</English>
2019-06-03 14:59:13 +00:00
<Russian > Тип: Сигнальная растяжка - При срабатывании выпускает несмертельную сигнальную вспышку.< br /> Зарядов: 1< br /> Используется на: Земле</Russian>
2016-09-16 16:44:45 +00:00
<Japanese > 種類: 仕掛け型照明地雷 - 発動したとき、非致死性の照明を発炎します。< br /> 装填数: 1< br /> 次で使用: 地表</Japanese>
2016-09-18 20:00:13 +00:00
<Polish > Typ: Flara na linkę - Wystrzeliwuje nieszkodliwą flarę przy nadepnięciu linki.< br/> Pociski: 1< br/> Używane na: ziemia</Polish>
2016-11-05 12:42:55 +00:00
<German > Typ: Stolperdraht-Leuchtrakete - Schießt bei Auslösung eine nicht-tödliche Leuchtrakete ab.< br /> Ladungen: 1< br /> Benutzt auf: Boden</German>
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00
<Korean > 종류: 조명지뢰 - 작동시 무해한 조명을 사출합니다.< br /> 장탄수: 1< br /> 사용처: 지면</Korean>
French translation (#7298)
* Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) :
- Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators.
- Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date.
- Minor french translation correction.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Weaponselect module,
- Weather module,
- Winddeflection module,
- Yardage450 module,
- Zeus module.
* Convert Tabs to Spaces
* Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files.
* Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings.
- Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque
option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines
absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les
langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée.
Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très
- Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer
l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas,
aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options).
- Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage
du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons.
Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas
dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant.
* Corrections mineures
* correction erreurs
* correction erreurs (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common)
* Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes
* correction key error
* Added Vdauphin suggestions :).
* French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side)
* Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation
* - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml
* Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation :
Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically.
Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list.
modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml
modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml
* Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French > Type : Fusée éclairante avec fil piège - Allume une fusée éclairante lorsque déclenchée.< br /> Coups : 1< br /> Utilisé sur : le sol</French>
2017-05-23 18:44:17 +00:00
<Italian > Tipo: Cavo d'innesco - Sfocio un abbaglio non letale quanto attivato. < br /> Rimanenti: 1< br /> Usato: A terra</Italian>
2017-07-08 14:48:39 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 类型: 绊线闪光地雷 - 触发后产生非致命性的强光.< br /> 发数: 1< br /> 使用于: 地面</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 類型: 絆線閃光地雷 - 觸發後產生非致命性的強光.< br /> 發數: 1< br /> 使用於: 地面</Chinese>
2019-09-14 18:36:28 +00:00
<Portuguese > Tipo: Flare de Tripwire - Acende um sinalizador não letal quando acionado.< br/> Usos: 1< br/> Usado em: Chão</Portuguese>
2019-12-20 19:38:53 +00:00
<Czech > Typ: Světlice na nástražném drátu - Zapálí světlici při aktivaci.< br/> Pouze 1 použití< br/> Použít na zem</Czech>
2021-04-26 16:48:02 +00:00
<Spanish > Tipo: Bengala con cable trampa - Enciende una bengala no letal cuando es activado.< br /> Rondas: 1< br /> Usado en: Tierra</Spanish>
2016-08-13 09:29:01 +00:00
Add ACE Arsenal stats (#6110)
* Add test class
* Add stats mockup
* Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/acemod/ACE3 into arsenalStats
* Finish mockup, add basic hide/show logic
* Add base for stats
* Use CBA EHs for stats to allow 3rd party mods of it
* Add handleStats and most of the UI behaviors for stats
* Continue work on stats
* Add container stats
* Add page support for stats
* Add text for the ROF stat
* Add accuracy in MOA for the accuracy stat
* Change accuracy shown number to 1 decimal instead of 2
* Add MIL in the dispersion stat text
* Change stats layout, remove dummy text strings
* Add some AB stats
* Remove last test string
* Replace configExtremes by normal lookup where it's relevant
* Add "undefined value" string when AB stat isn't present
Mostly for laucnhers
* Fix typo in preInit
* Change drag model stat to ballistic coef
* Fix issue with unused stats, change text to white when bar is present
* Rewrite some part of handleStats
Reason: add support for conditions, less redundant code, less reasons for dedmen to emasculate me
* Re-add _hideUnusedFnc, handle empty stats arrays
* Pass args to stat conditions, add test condition stat
* Add hearing related stats
* Remove the padding between stats and the stat bar / text
* Add strings for stats
* Change stats window to fit baer's suggestion
* Algin the close stats button, add missing strings
* Finish code review
* Add missing newline
* Remove duplicate strings
* Add explosive range stat
* Use proper string for the explo range stat
* Fix capitalization for ctrlParent
* Fix conditional stats blocking other stats
* Add better integration for ballistics, hearing and explosive stats
* Replace the private array in handleStat by params
* Add backblast stats
* Add backblast stat strings
* Add flashlight map color and g-force reduction stats
* Shorten preInit
* Change stats close button to fit arsenal design
* Improve stats page indicator look
* Rework how stats are stored and retrieved
* Remove args config entry, add priority entry, add vanilla weapon stats
* Add vanilla container stats
* Remove some lines in preInit
* Add ballistics stats
* Add hearing stats
* Remove uneeded config entries
* Add explosive range stat
* Add backblast stats
* Add spaces after semicolons in statements
To make JJ happy because I don't care.
* Add flashlights map color stat
* Add gforce reduction stat
* Fix headers for the new stats funcs
* Add add / remove stat API
* Fix typo in removeStat header
* Remove uneeded inline func
* Clean up add / remove stat
* Move all CfgACEArsenalStats entries to their own file
* Replace STR_ACE_Ballistics_statAmmo by a BI string
* Add script profiler related macro and code
* Use the highest ballistic coef instead of first one defined
* Add support for future ammo displayname
* Add ACE_standardAtmosphere for ballistic coef
* Add mag muzzle velocity stat
* Add weapon muzzle velocity stat
* Add comment explaining the ENABLE_PERF_PROFILING macro
* Change cfgACEArsenalStats to ACE_Arsenal_Stats
* Make JJ less pissy about spaces around =
* Fix indentation in weaponMuzzleVelocity, use param
* Use GVAR and EGVAR when appropriate
* Prefix all stats except the base class
* Fix Merge
* Fix aspect ratio scaling of stats panel
* Minor fixes
2018-02-15 16:03:22 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_statExploRange" >
<English > Explosive range</English>
2019-06-08 15:35:42 +00:00
<German > Explosionsradius</German>
Add ACE Arsenal stats (#6110)
* Add test class
* Add stats mockup
* Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/acemod/ACE3 into arsenalStats
* Finish mockup, add basic hide/show logic
* Add base for stats
* Use CBA EHs for stats to allow 3rd party mods of it
* Add handleStats and most of the UI behaviors for stats
* Continue work on stats
* Add container stats
* Add page support for stats
* Add text for the ROF stat
* Add accuracy in MOA for the accuracy stat
* Change accuracy shown number to 1 decimal instead of 2
* Add MIL in the dispersion stat text
* Change stats layout, remove dummy text strings
* Add some AB stats
* Remove last test string
* Replace configExtremes by normal lookup where it's relevant
* Add "undefined value" string when AB stat isn't present
Mostly for laucnhers
* Fix typo in preInit
* Change drag model stat to ballistic coef
* Fix issue with unused stats, change text to white when bar is present
* Rewrite some part of handleStats
Reason: add support for conditions, less redundant code, less reasons for dedmen to emasculate me
* Re-add _hideUnusedFnc, handle empty stats arrays
* Pass args to stat conditions, add test condition stat
* Add hearing related stats
* Remove the padding between stats and the stat bar / text
* Add strings for stats
* Change stats window to fit baer's suggestion
* Algin the close stats button, add missing strings
* Finish code review
* Add missing newline
* Remove duplicate strings
* Add explosive range stat
* Use proper string for the explo range stat
* Fix capitalization for ctrlParent
* Fix conditional stats blocking other stats
* Add better integration for ballistics, hearing and explosive stats
* Replace the private array in handleStat by params
* Add backblast stats
* Add backblast stat strings
* Add flashlight map color and g-force reduction stats
* Shorten preInit
* Change stats close button to fit arsenal design
* Improve stats page indicator look
* Rework how stats are stored and retrieved
* Remove args config entry, add priority entry, add vanilla weapon stats
* Add vanilla container stats
* Remove some lines in preInit
* Add ballistics stats
* Add hearing stats
* Remove uneeded config entries
* Add explosive range stat
* Add backblast stats
* Add spaces after semicolons in statements
To make JJ happy because I don't care.
* Add flashlights map color stat
* Add gforce reduction stat
* Fix headers for the new stats funcs
* Add add / remove stat API
* Fix typo in removeStat header
* Remove uneeded inline func
* Clean up add / remove stat
* Move all CfgACEArsenalStats entries to their own file
* Replace STR_ACE_Ballistics_statAmmo by a BI string
* Add script profiler related macro and code
* Use the highest ballistic coef instead of first one defined
* Add support for future ammo displayname
* Add ACE_standardAtmosphere for ballistic coef
* Add mag muzzle velocity stat
* Add weapon muzzle velocity stat
* Add comment explaining the ENABLE_PERF_PROFILING macro
* Change cfgACEArsenalStats to ACE_Arsenal_Stats
* Make JJ less pissy about spaces around =
* Fix indentation in weaponMuzzleVelocity, use param
* Use GVAR and EGVAR when appropriate
* Prefix all stats except the base class
* Fix Merge
* Fix aspect ratio scaling of stats panel
* Minor fixes
2018-02-15 16:03:22 +00:00
<French > Portée du détonateur</French>
2018-05-11 13:39:32 +00:00
<Japanese > 爆発範囲</Japanese>
2018-06-27 19:16:11 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 爆炸范围</Chinesesimp>
<Chinese > 爆炸範圍</Chinese>
Italian Translation Update (#6425)
* Fix wrong order shown in addon category list
Just put 'ACE' at begin
* Typo
* Add/Fix: arsenal, nightvision and others.
common, explosives, maverick, gforces, pylons, hearing, marksers, repair,
flashlights, nametags, interaction, vehicles, medical_menu, medical_ai,
interact_menu, medical
2018-07-11 15:17:13 +00:00
<Italian > Raggio di detonazione</Italian>
2018-12-11 22:50:36 +00:00
<Polish > Zasięg wybuchu</Polish>
2019-06-03 14:59:13 +00:00
<Russian > Дальность подрыва</Russian>
2019-09-14 18:36:28 +00:00
<Portuguese > Alcance do explosivo</Portuguese>
2019-12-20 19:38:53 +00:00
<Czech > Dosah exploze</Czech>
2020-10-04 15:57:46 +00:00
<Turkish > Patlayı cı menzili</Turkish>
2021-04-26 16:48:02 +00:00
<Spanish > Alcance explosivo</Spanish>
2022-01-12 20:41:09 +00:00
<Korean > 폭발 범위</Korean>
Add ACE Arsenal stats (#6110)
* Add test class
* Add stats mockup
* Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/acemod/ACE3 into arsenalStats
* Finish mockup, add basic hide/show logic
* Add base for stats
* Use CBA EHs for stats to allow 3rd party mods of it
* Add handleStats and most of the UI behaviors for stats
* Continue work on stats
* Add container stats
* Add page support for stats
* Add text for the ROF stat
* Add accuracy in MOA for the accuracy stat
* Change accuracy shown number to 1 decimal instead of 2
* Add MIL in the dispersion stat text
* Change stats layout, remove dummy text strings
* Add some AB stats
* Remove last test string
* Replace configExtremes by normal lookup where it's relevant
* Add "undefined value" string when AB stat isn't present
Mostly for laucnhers
* Fix typo in preInit
* Change drag model stat to ballistic coef
* Fix issue with unused stats, change text to white when bar is present
* Rewrite some part of handleStats
Reason: add support for conditions, less redundant code, less reasons for dedmen to emasculate me
* Re-add _hideUnusedFnc, handle empty stats arrays
* Pass args to stat conditions, add test condition stat
* Add hearing related stats
* Remove the padding between stats and the stat bar / text
* Add strings for stats
* Change stats window to fit baer's suggestion
* Algin the close stats button, add missing strings
* Finish code review
* Add missing newline
* Remove duplicate strings
* Add explosive range stat
* Use proper string for the explo range stat
* Fix capitalization for ctrlParent
* Fix conditional stats blocking other stats
* Add better integration for ballistics, hearing and explosive stats
* Replace the private array in handleStat by params
* Add backblast stats
* Add backblast stat strings
* Add flashlight map color and g-force reduction stats
* Shorten preInit
* Change stats close button to fit arsenal design
* Improve stats page indicator look
* Rework how stats are stored and retrieved
* Remove args config entry, add priority entry, add vanilla weapon stats
* Add vanilla container stats
* Remove some lines in preInit
* Add ballistics stats
* Add hearing stats
* Remove uneeded config entries
* Add explosive range stat
* Add backblast stats
* Add spaces after semicolons in statements
To make JJ happy because I don't care.
* Add flashlights map color stat
* Add gforce reduction stat
* Fix headers for the new stats funcs
* Add add / remove stat API
* Fix typo in removeStat header
* Remove uneeded inline func
* Clean up add / remove stat
* Move all CfgACEArsenalStats entries to their own file
* Replace STR_ACE_Ballistics_statAmmo by a BI string
* Add script profiler related macro and code
* Use the highest ballistic coef instead of first one defined
* Add support for future ammo displayname
* Add ACE_standardAtmosphere for ballistic coef
* Add mag muzzle velocity stat
* Add weapon muzzle velocity stat
* Add comment explaining the ENABLE_PERF_PROFILING macro
* Change cfgACEArsenalStats to ACE_Arsenal_Stats
* Make JJ less pissy about spaces around =
* Fix indentation in weaponMuzzleVelocity, use param
* Use GVAR and EGVAR when appropriate
* Prefix all stats except the base class
* Fix Merge
* Fix aspect ratio scaling of stats panel
* Minor fixes
2018-02-15 16:03:22 +00:00
2018-06-22 19:41:43 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_ExplosiveTimer" >
<English > Explosive Timer</English>
2019-06-08 15:35:42 +00:00
<German > Detonationszeit</German>
2018-10-09 01:49:37 +00:00
<Italian > Timer di detonazione</Italian>
2018-11-26 23:09:32 +00:00
<Japanese > 爆発タイマー</Japanese>
2018-12-11 22:50:36 +00:00
<Polish > Czasomierz Wybuchu</Polish>
2019-06-03 14:59:13 +00:00
<Russian > Таймер взрывчатки</Russian>
2019-09-14 18:36:28 +00:00
<Portuguese > Timer de explosão</Portuguese>
2020-10-05 16:40:26 +00:00
<French > Minuteur pour explosifs</French>
2019-11-28 16:09:59 +00:00
<Chinese > 引爆倒數</Chinese>
2021-12-18 23:13:43 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 定时爆炸</Chinesesimp>
2019-12-20 19:38:53 +00:00
<Czech > Časovač exploze</Czech>
2020-10-04 15:57:46 +00:00
<Turkish > Patlayı cı Zamanlayı cı </Turkish>
2021-04-26 16:48:02 +00:00
<Spanish > Temporizador de explosivo</Spanish>
2022-01-12 20:41:09 +00:00
<Korean > 폭발 타이머</Korean>
2018-06-22 19:41:43 +00:00
2019-10-13 17:22:46 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_IsEOD_DisplayName" >
<English > Is EOD</English>
<German > Kampfmittelbeseitigung</German>
2019-11-26 20:08:14 +00:00
<Japanese > EOD に</Japanese>
French translation (#7298)
* Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) :
- Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators.
- Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date.
- Minor french translation correction.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Weaponselect module,
- Weather module,
- Winddeflection module,
- Yardage450 module,
- Zeus module.
* Convert Tabs to Spaces
* Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files.
* Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings.
- Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque
option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines
absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les
langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée.
Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très
- Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer
l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas,
aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options).
- Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage
du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons.
Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas
dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant.
* Corrections mineures
* correction erreurs
* correction erreurs (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common)
* Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes
* correction key error
* Added Vdauphin suggestions :).
* French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side)
* Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation
* - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml
* Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation :
Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically.
Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list.
modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml
modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml
* Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French > Spécialiste en explosifs</French>
2019-11-28 16:09:59 +00:00
<Chinese > 是EOD</Chinese>
2021-12-18 23:13:43 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 爆破专家</Chinesesimp>
2020-01-03 03:52:40 +00:00
<Italian > è EOD</Italian>
2019-12-20 19:38:53 +00:00
<Czech > Je specilista na výbušniny (EOD)</Czech>
Additions to Polish Translation (#7374)
* Addition to Polish translation
*added missing polish translation up to adv_ballistic, adv_fatigue, ballistics, common, cookoff, explosives, grenades, medical_statemachine, medical_treatment, rearm, spectator, switchunits, weather
* Next Addition to Polish translation
#some missing stuff
* Apply Code Review Suggestions
Co-Authored-By: Filip Maciejewski <veteran29q+github@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: PabstMirror <pabstmirror@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Filip Maciejewski <veteran29@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-01-07 19:53:02 +00:00
<Polish > Jest EOD</Polish>
2020-05-31 21:04:21 +00:00
<Russian > Сапёр</Russian>
2021-04-26 16:48:02 +00:00
<Spanish > ¿Es EOD?</Spanish>
2022-01-12 20:41:09 +00:00
<Korean > 폭발물 처리반</Korean>
2019-10-13 17:22:46 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_IsEOD_Description" >
<English > Controls whether the unit is an explosive specialist.</English>
<German > Steuert, ob die Einheit ein Sprengstoffspezialist ist.</German>
2019-11-26 20:08:14 +00:00
<Japanese > ユニットが何であれ爆発物専門家にします。</Japanese>
French translation (#7298)
* Cleaning and reorganizing of some stringtable files (WIP) :
- Duplicate entries have been removed, and the arrangement improved, to help future translators.
- Some ACE_Settings.hpp files have been modified because they were not up to date.
- Minor french translation correction.
* Added French translation and / or correction for :
- Weaponselect module,
- Weather module,
- Winddeflection module,
- Yardage450 module,
- Zeus module.
* Convert Tabs to Spaces
* Minor corrections ; arrangement improved for few stringtable.xml files.
* Improved French translation, and adjust fews settings.
- Nombreuses corrections mineures, en vérifiant chaque menu un à un, puis chaque
option dans le jeu lui-même. Ca m'a permit de constater qu'il y a certaines
absurdités, y compris en anglais, qui ont donc été retraduites dans toutes les
langues, mais qui ne correspondent pas vraiment à l'option telle qu'implémentée.
Par exemple, le système de réarmement dans Eden est traduit de manière très
- Modification du fichier "addons/overheating/ACE_Settings.hpp", afin de changer
l'ordre du menu "ACE Surchauffe". En effet la case "activé" était tout en bas,
aussi je l'ai mise tout en haut (comme c'est déjà le cas pour toutes les options).
- Modification du fichier "addons/finger/ACE_Settings.hpp", concernant le pointage
du doigt ACE, afin d'y ajouter une description dans les réglages des addons.
Il y en avait déjà une (peu utile) dans les paramètres des commandes, mais pas
dans les options des addons, ce qui rend l'option peu explicite pour un débutant.
* Corrections mineures
* correction erreurs
* correction erreurs (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (nametags)
* correction erreurs et modules obsolètes (common)
* Mise en commentaire d'éléments obsolètes
* correction key error
* Added Vdauphin suggestions :).
* French translation - Replaced "Faction" (faction) to "Camp" (side)
* Minor correction of french Concertina_wire translation
* - (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace tabs by spaces, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- (PabstMirror suggestions) Replace xml comments by french plain text, in addons/common/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/explosives/stringtable.xml
- Replace xml comments by french plain text, addons/nametags/stringtable.xml
* Removed accented capital letters for objects in french translation :
Capital accented letters were a problem because they were not classified alphabetically.
Thus in Eden or in the arsenal, objects starting with a capital accented letter were systematically at the top of the list.
modified: addons/chemlights/stringtable.xml
modified: addons/huntir/stringtable.xml
* Correction of a typing error (french concertina_wire translation
2019-12-19 17:08:31 +00:00
<French > Définit si l'unité est un spécialiste en explosifs.</French>
2019-11-28 16:09:59 +00:00
<Chinese > 控制該單位是否是爆裂物處置專家</Chinese>
2021-12-18 23:13:43 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 控制该单位是否是爆破专家</Chinesesimp>
2020-01-03 03:52:40 +00:00
<Italian > Controlla se l'unità è uno specialista di esplosivi.</Italian>
2019-12-20 19:38:53 +00:00
<Czech > Určuje jestli je jednotka specialista na výbušniny.</Czech>
Additions to Polish Translation (#7374)
* Addition to Polish translation
*added missing polish translation up to adv_ballistic, adv_fatigue, ballistics, common, cookoff, explosives, grenades, medical_statemachine, medical_treatment, rearm, spectator, switchunits, weather
* Next Addition to Polish translation
#some missing stuff
* Apply Code Review Suggestions
Co-Authored-By: Filip Maciejewski <veteran29q+github@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: PabstMirror <pabstmirror@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Filip Maciejewski <veteran29@users.noreply.github.com>
2020-01-07 19:53:02 +00:00
<Polish > Kontroluje, czy jednostka jest specjalistą od materiałów wybuchowych.</Polish>
2020-05-31 21:04:21 +00:00
<Russian > Определяет, является ли юнит сапёром.</Russian>
2021-04-26 16:48:02 +00:00
<Spanish > Controla si la unidad es un especialista en explosivos</Spanish>
2022-01-12 20:41:09 +00:00
<Korean > 유닛이 폭발물 처리반인지 결정합니다</Korean>
2019-10-13 17:22:46 +00:00
2020-10-03 17:00:06 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_TimerMin_DisplayName" >
<English > Minimum Time</English>
2021-05-26 02:06:00 +00:00
<Russian > Минимальное время</Russian>
2020-10-05 16:40:26 +00:00
<French > Durée minimale</French>
2021-03-04 17:27:06 +00:00
<Japanese > 最短時間</Japanese>
2021-04-26 16:48:02 +00:00
<Spanish > Tiempo mínimo</Spanish>
2021-10-10 22:27:06 +00:00
<Polish > Minimalny czas</Polish>
2021-10-28 05:10:19 +00:00
<German > Minimale Zeit</German>
2021-12-18 23:13:43 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 最短时间</Chinesesimp>
2022-01-12 20:41:09 +00:00
<Korean > 최소 시간</Korean>
2020-10-03 17:00:06 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_TimerMax_DisplayName" >
<English > Maximum Time</English>
2021-05-26 02:06:00 +00:00
<Russian > Максимальное время</Russian>
2020-10-05 16:40:26 +00:00
<French > Durée maximale</French>
2021-03-04 17:27:06 +00:00
<Japanese > 最長時間</Japanese>
2021-04-26 16:48:02 +00:00
<Spanish > Tiempo máximo</Spanish>
2021-10-10 22:27:06 +00:00
<Polish > Maksymalny czas</Polish>
2021-10-28 05:10:19 +00:00
<German > Maximale Zeit</German>
2021-12-18 23:13:43 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 最长时间</Chinesesimp>
2022-01-12 20:41:09 +00:00
<Korean > 최대 시간</Korean>
2020-10-03 17:00:06 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_TimerDefault_DisplayName" >
<English > Default Time</English>
2021-05-26 02:06:00 +00:00
<Russian > Стандартное время</Russian>
2020-10-05 16:40:26 +00:00
<French > Durée par défaut</French>
2021-03-04 17:27:06 +00:00
<Japanese > 標準時間</Japanese>
2021-04-26 16:48:02 +00:00
<Spanish > Tiempo por defecto</Spanish>
2021-10-10 22:27:06 +00:00
<Polish > Domyślny czas</Polish>
2021-10-28 05:10:19 +00:00
<German > Standardmäßige Zeit</German>
2021-12-18 23:13:43 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 默认时间</Chinesesimp>
2022-01-12 20:41:09 +00:00
<Korean > 기본 시간</Korean>
2020-10-03 17:00:06 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_TimerMin_Description" >
<English > Minimum time value (in seconds) for the explosive timer.</English>
2021-05-26 02:06:00 +00:00
<Russian > Минимальное время до взрыва в секундах</Russian>
2020-10-05 16:40:26 +00:00
<French > Définit la durée minimale paramétrable sur le minuteur.</French>
2021-03-04 17:27:06 +00:00
<Japanese > 起爆タイマーの最低時間 (秒) を設定します。</Japanese>
2021-04-26 16:48:02 +00:00
<Spanish > Tiempo mínimo (en segundos) para el temporizador del explosivo.</Spanish>
2021-10-10 22:27:06 +00:00
<Polish > Minimalna wartość czasomierza dla ładunku (w sekundach).</Polish>
2021-10-28 05:10:19 +00:00
<German > Minimale Zeit (in Sekunden) für den Zeitzünder.</German>
2021-12-18 23:13:43 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 定时爆炸的最短时间(单位:秒)</Chinesesimp>
2022-01-12 20:41:09 +00:00
<Korean > 초 단위로, 폭발 타이머의 최소 시간을 정합니다</Korean>
2020-10-03 17:00:06 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_TimerMax_Description" >
<English > Maximum time value (in seconds) for the explosive timer.</English>
2021-05-26 02:06:00 +00:00
<Russian > Макисмальное время до взрыва в секундах</Russian>
2020-10-05 16:40:26 +00:00
<French > Définit la durée maximale paramétrable sur le minuteur.</French>
2021-03-04 17:27:06 +00:00
<Japanese > 起爆タイマーの最長時間 (秒) を設定します。</Japanese>
2021-04-26 16:48:02 +00:00
<Spanish > Tiempo máximo (en segundos) para el temporizador del explosivo.</Spanish>
2021-10-10 22:27:06 +00:00
<Polish > Maksymalna wartość czasomierza dla ładunku (w sekundach).</Polish>
2021-10-28 05:10:19 +00:00
<German > Maximale Zeit (in Sekunden) für den Zeitzünder.</German>
2021-12-18 23:13:43 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 定时爆炸的最长时间(单位:秒)</Chinesesimp>
2022-01-12 20:41:09 +00:00
<Korean > 초 단위로, 폭발 타이머의 최대 시간을 정합니다</Korean>
2020-10-03 17:00:06 +00:00
<Key ID= "STR_ACE_Explosives_TimerDefault_Description" >
<English > Default time value (in seconds) for the explosive timer.</English>
2021-05-26 02:06:00 +00:00
<Russian > Стандартное время до взрыва в секундах</Russian>
2020-10-05 16:40:26 +00:00
<French > Définit la durée paramétrée par défaut sur le minuteur.</French>
2021-03-04 17:27:06 +00:00
<Japanese > 起爆タイマーの標準時間 (秒) を設定します。</Japanese>
2021-04-26 16:48:02 +00:00
<Spanish > Tiempo por defecto (en segundos) para el temporizador del explosivo.</Spanish>
2021-10-10 22:27:06 +00:00
<Polish > Domyślna wartość czasomierza dla ładunku (w sekundach).</Polish>
2021-10-28 05:10:19 +00:00
<German > Standardmäßige Zeit (in Sekunden) für den Zeitzünder.</German>
2021-12-18 23:13:43 +00:00
<Chinesesimp > 定时爆炸的默认时间(单位:秒)</Chinesesimp>
2022-01-12 20:41:09 +00:00
<Korean > 초 단위로, 기본 폭발 타이머 시간을 정합니다</Korean>
2020-10-03 17:00:06 +00:00
2016-02-09 11:01:13 +00:00
2017-01-02 23:52:01 +00:00