- API behavior switched!
- the `Network` no longer holds a copy of participant, thus if the return of `connect` (before `Arc<Participant>, now `Participant`) got dropped, the `Participant::Drop` is triggered!
- you can close a Participant async via `Particiant::disconnect()`, no more need to know the network at this point
- the `Network::Drop` will check and drop not yet disconnected Participants.
- you can compare Participants via PartialEq, if they are true they point to the same endpoint (it checks remote_pid)
- Note: multiple Participants are only supported in theory, wont work yet
- fix some `debug!`
- veloren-client will now drop the participant gracefully on shutdown
- rename `error` to `debug` when 2 times Bparticipant shutdown is called, as it is to be expected in a async runtime
- replace serde_derive by feature of serde
incl. source code modifications to compile
- reduce futures-timer to "2.0" to be same as async_std
- update notify
- removed mio, bincode and lz4 compress in common as networking is now in own crate
btw there is a better lz4 compress crate, which is newer than 2017
- update prometheus to 0.9
- can't update uvth yet due to usues
- hashbrown to 7.2 to only need a single version
- libsqlite3 update
- image didn't change as there is a problem with `image 0.23`
- switch old directories with newer directories-next
- no num upgrade as we still depend on num 0.2 anyways
- rodio and cpal upgrade
- const-tewaker update
- dispatch (untested) update
- git2 update
- iterations update
- mostly its the message handling put now in a async wrapper
- add some fixes to pass without warnings and make clippy happy
- some network error handling is ignored, this can be improved but is no blocker
this is the part which prob has less Merge conflics and is easy to rebase
the next commit will have prob alot of merge conflics
followed by a fmt commit
* Added chat message when an item is picked up
* Changed InventoryUpdateEvent::Collected to InventoryUpdateEvent::Collected(Item) to facilitate the client being aware of what was picked up
* Added SfxInventoryEvent enum to allow different sounds to be used based on the item type. The RON mapping/de-serialization doesn't support matching on structs so we have to give it fixed enum values which are determined in TryFrom<&InventoryUpdateEvent> for SfxEvent
* Refactored InventoryManip::Pickup arm of match in inventory_manip::handle_inventory for clarity/better warning messages
* Fixed a bug that prevented the CollectFailed event from being raised when a player's inventory is full
* Added a panic for the situation where an item is pushed into the players inventory and then the deletion of the entity fails as this would indicate an item dupe bug - this could potentially be reworked to pull the item back from the player's inventory but this seems like there's be a more correct transactional way to do this.
* Added two temporary sounds to prove the per-item sound functionality (pickup sounds for Swords and Staffs)
- Handle/notify the client of errors during character load by returning to character select with the error, clean up client and server states
- Add player_uuid check when loading character data.
- Completely removed both `log` and `pretty_env_logger` and replaced
with `tracing` and `tracing_subscriber` where necessary.
- Converted all `log::info!(...)` et al. statements to just use the
shorthand macro i.e. `info!`. This was mostly to make renaming easier.
Persist the hotbar state to disk by writing it out to a `profile.ron`
situated next to the existing `settings.ron`. There are individual
profiles for every character on every server. On creation of a new
character the default hotbar state will be `[None; 10]` i.e. the hotbar
will be empty.
Resolves: https://gitlab.com/veloren/veloren/-/issues/577
- authc no longer uses reqwest
- image only supports PNG
- replace routille with tiny_http
- several other dependencies
- cargo upgrade
- following improvement was measured on R7 1700X:
- cargo build: 3076.73s user / 4:45 total / 589 dependencies
- cargo test: 6118.38s user / 7:30 total / 959 dependencies
- cargo build: 2680.54s user / 4:05 total / 480 dependencies
- cargo test: 5351.81s user / 7:04 total / 791 dependencies
- added xMAC94x to CODEOWNERS for Cargo.toml, he will protect them from now on and hit people with evil looks ;)
big combined updates.
- Add a timer to the stats persistence system and change the frequency
that it runs to 10s
- Seperate the loading of character data for the character list during
selection, and the full data we will grab during state creation. Ideally
additional persisted bits can get returned at the same point and added
to the ecs within the same block.
- Update client code to use persisted stats
- Add a system for stats persistence
- Add a basic scheduler to control duration between execution of
persistence systems
- Make the character screen load with an empty character list from the server, send event to the server for character creation with data, but not yet saving them to the DB.
- Working but messy character saving to DB
- Add the character_data to the client, rather than keep it in the GLobalState.
Adds removing extra components and deleting entities clientside when
going back to the character screen. Also, simplifies ClientState by
removing the Dead variant and removing ClientMsg::StateRequest in favor
of more specific ClientMsg variants.
fix(overflow): Stops including block updates that fail (since chunks
don't exist on the client) in `TerrainUpdates` (which would trigger
meshing of those nonexistent chunks). Furthermore, removes
remeshing of chunks with block updates if those chunks don't have all their
neighbours (since those wouldn't be meshed in the first place).
- Clarify caffeine fueled comment
- Be better at comparing Instant's, and catch the 0 seconds case to say
Goodbye to the user
- Switch println for 'info!'
- Bugfix: Check whether the server response (pong) is greater than the timeout period, rather than the ping (which will always fire regardless of connection status) This was causing the timeout error event to never fire.
- Feature: Send the player notifications to the chat window that they will be kicked due to disconnection for 6 seconds before kicking them back to the main menu.
Currently we only do this when no players are in range of the chunk. We
also send the first client who posted the chunk a message indicating
that it's canceled, the hope being that this will be a performance win
in single player mode since you don't have to wait three seconds to
realize that the server won't generate the chunk for you.
We now check an atomic flag for every column sample in a chunk. We
could probably do this less frequently, but since it's a relaxed load it
has essentially no performance impact on Intel architectures.
Currently we only do this when no players are in range of the chunk. We
also send the first client who posted the chunk a message indicating
that it's canceled, the hope being that this will be a performance win
in single player mode since you don't have to wait three seconds to
realize that the server won't generate the chunk for you.
We now check an atomic flag for every column sample in a chunk. We
could probably do this less frequently, but since it's a relaxed load it
has essentially no performance impact on Intel architectures.
Previously, voxels in sparsely populated chunks were stored in a `HashMap`.
However, during usage oftentimes block accesses are followed by subsequent
nearby voxel accesses. Therefore it's possible to provide cache friendliness,
but not with `HashMap`.
The previous merge request [!469](https://gitlab.com/veloren/veloren/merge_requests/469)
proposed to order voxels by their morton order (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Z-order_curve ).
This provided excellent cache friendliness. However, benchmarks showed that
the required indexing calculations are quite expensive. Particular results
on my _Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70 GHz_ were:
| Benchmark | Before this commit @ d322384bec | Morton Order @ ec8a7caf42 | This commit |
| ---------------------------------------- | --------------------------------- | --------------------------- | -------------------- |
| `full read` (81920 voxels) | 17.7ns per voxel | 8.9ns per voxel | **3.6ns** per voxel |
| `constrained read` (4913 voxels) | 67.0ns per voxel | 40.1ns per voxel | **14.1ns** per voxel |
| `local read` (125 voxels) | 17.5ns per voxel | 14.7ns per voxel | **3.8ns** per voxel |
| `X-direction read` (17 voxels) | 17.8ns per voxel | 25.9ns per voxel | **4.2ns** per voxel |
| `Y-direction read` (17 voxels) | 18.4ns per voxel | 33.3ns per voxel | **4.5ns** per voxel |
| `Z-direction read` (17 voxels) | 18.6ns per voxel | 38.2ns per voxel | **5.4ns** per voxel |
| `long Z-direction read` (65 voxels) | 18.0ns per voxel | 37.7ns per voxel | **5.1ns** per voxel |
| `full write (dense)` (81920 voxels) | 17.9ns per voxel | **10.3ns** per voxel | 12.4ns per voxel |
This commit (instead of utilizing morton order) replaces `HashMap` in the
`Chunk` implementation by the following data structure:
The volume is spatially subdivided into groups of `4*4*4` blocks. Since a
`Chunk` is of total size `32*32*16`, this implies that there are `8*8*4`
groups. (These numbers are generic in the actual code such that there are
always `256` groups. I.e. the group size is chosen depending on the desired
total size of the `Chunk`.)
There's a single vector `self.vox` which consecutively stores these groups.
Each group might or might not be contained in `self.vox`. A group that is
not contained represents that the full group consists only of `self.default`
voxels. This saves a lot of memory because oftentimes a `Chunk` consists of
either a lot of air or a lot of stone.
To track whether a group is contained in `self.vox`, there's an index buffer
`self.indices : [u8; 256]`. It contains for each group
* (a) the order in which it has been inserted into `self.vox`, if the group
is contained in `self.vox` or
* (b) 255, otherwise. That case represents that the whole group consists
only of `self.default` voxels.
(Note that 255 is a valid insertion order for case (a) only if `self.vox` is
full and then no other group has the index 255. Therefore there's no
The index buffer should be small because:
* Small size increases the probability that it will always be in cache.
* The index buffer is allocated for every `Chunk` and an almost empty `Chunk`
shall not consume too much memory.
The number of 256 groups is particularly nice because it means that the index
buffer can consist of `u8`s. This keeps the space requirement for the index
buffer as low as 4 cache lines.
See the doc comments in `common/src/vol.rs` for more information on
the API itself.
The changes include:
* Consistent `Err`/`Error` naming.
* Types are named `...Error`.
* `enum` variants are named `...Err`.
* Rename `VolMap{2d, 3d}` -> `VolGrid{2d, 3d}`. This is in preparation
to an upcoming change where a “map” in the game related sense will
be added.
* Add volume iterators. There are two types of them:
* _Position_ iterators obtained from the trait `IntoPosIterator`
using the method
`fn pos_iter(self, lower_bound: Vec3<i32>, upper_bound: Vec3<i32>) -> ...`
which returns an iterator over `Vec3<i32>`.
* _Volume_ iterators obtained from the trait `IntoVolIterator`
using the method
`fn vol_iter(self, lower_bound: Vec3<i32>, upper_bound: Vec3<i32>) -> ...`
which returns an iterator over `(Vec3<i32>, &Self::Vox)`.
Those traits will usually be implemented by references to volume
types (i.e. `impl IntoVolIterator<'a> for &'a T` where `T` is some
type which usually implements several volume traits, such as `Chunk`).
* _Position_ iterators iterate over the positions valid for that
* _Volume_ iterators do the same but return not only the position
but also the voxel at that position, in each iteration.
* Introduce trait `RectSizedVol` for the use case which we have with
`Chonk`: A `Chonk` is sized only in x and y direction.
* Introduce traits `RasterableVol`, `RectRasterableVol`
* `RasterableVol` represents a volume that is compile-time sized and has
its lower bound at `(0, 0, 0)`. The name `RasterableVol` was chosen
because such a volume can be used with `VolGrid3d`.
* `RectRasterableVol` represents a volume that is compile-time sized at
least in x and y direction and has its lower bound at `(0, 0, z)`.
There's no requirement on he lower bound or size in z direction.
The name `RectRasterableVol` was chosen because such a volume can be
used with `VolGrid2d`.
Humidity and temperature are now indexed to uniform altitude *over land
chunks* (and water chunks adjacent to land) rather than over the whole
range of altitude. This is necessary in order to satisfy the uniformity
conditions of the formula for weighted sum CDF.
Additionally, fixes the computation of whether a tree should be
generated or not. Previously, it was using a source of randomness
scaled to use much less than the full 0-1 range; this has been resolved.
This makes for much nicer and more gradual transitions between densities
and reduces the amount of completely barren landscapes, while also
making forests larger.
Finally, this commit adds a server command, debug_column, which returns
some useful debug information about a column given an x and y
coordinate. This is useful for debugging worldgen.
Change animation history to animation
Add attack input event
Implement killing with ecs systems for damage and death
Sync attack properly
Sync deaths
Former-commit-id: 72b5be7d65d9d3fcbef50d4836a6f06ec218d69e