Add exitWith to remove wasted resizing during scrolling
Add config entry for custom adjustments
Change how adjustment calculation is made.
Added new min calculation.
Adjust cfg marker sets sizing to fit new setup
added missing var init server side
moved playMoveNow to master loop init and after display checks.
added config switch setAnimStateEnabled to test this, set
setAnimStateEnabled = true in CfgEpochClient to enable. Disabled by
all markers now scaled based on sizing desired in the cfgMarkerSets.
Adjustment of 2.25 to the mapScale was added to achieve smaller markers sooner and maintain non cluttered map markers
Allow eating of all seeds
Fixed no effect from nanite injector, nanite cream, nanite pills, iodide
Provide feedback when attempting to use morphine when you dont need it.
when using Default as parent class InteractAction defaults to ammo
repack = 0
interactActions 1,2 ,6,7,8,9 are all do the same thing via
_unifiedInteract function
Add direction lock.
If direction lock it only allows 0 and 180 degrees adjustment.
Will force 90 to 180 an 270 to 0
This keeps all snaps in proper order during tests
logic to select low or high criticalAttributes
forced blood drop if player is hypothermic.
force blood pressure rise if toxicity or radiation is over 55
removed Radiation reduction in master loop so you can only reduce
radiation with treatments
players blood pressure must stay within 11-179 range or be killed.
Only do the marker resizing of core Epoch mod markers since it causes issues with mission markers.
Also shrank the sizes a bit after discussion with @xDrokz
New global marker sets and functions.
Replace all markers for events and locations(fully configurable in CfgMarkerSets)
New MapScale marker zoom feature.
Rearming not local turrets do not work, so make it similar to new
Dyna-Options to add / remove Magazines
- Driver can Refuel / Repair and Reload only Driver-Weapons
- All other Seats can only rearm they current available weapons
Player Location Marker with Assigned GPS
Death Marker location saved only when assigned GPS on death
CfgEpochClient on/off toggle for hosts
DynaMenu on map toggle for players
New Marker Sets come to life!
First set of functions for Local Marker Sets as needed for the above
feature additions
added action 16 that will repair most damaged player hitpoint and give
_unifiedInteract function now returns bool based on if item was removed.
added attributes to other new items
NOTE: will consider a digest system for 1.1
Correct vector snap issues clientside
Correct vector placement issues server side
Correct remoteExec reveal to clients(fixes incorrect placement during
use nearObjects instead of nearestObjects
use _lootClasses as filter for objects array, force array to lower to
prevent case issues.
This should allow loot spawn for simple objects.
-use the second set of GVARs to track adding and removing attributes.
-Epoch_player* vars moved to local vars only accessible inside the
master loop.
-TODO: finish digest system with a config entry to control digest
limits. Some extra logic is needed.
Basically, when you consume some food, it will not increase your hunger
level immediately but raise over time.
Each of these should have limits on how much you can store in the digest
and how much each tick the digest var can affect the local player var in
the master loop.
- Added CinderWall Door to DoorCount in UpgradeBuild
- Added Option to prevent repairing full damaged HitPoints in
- Added Option to disable removing Parts in Advanced Vehicle Repair
- Added CinderWallDoorwHatch_EPOCH to cfgBaseBuilding
- Fix in cfgCrafting for KitVehicleUpgradeI_200_EPOCH
- Added an "isdamageallowed" check in EPOCH_server_repairVehicle for
repairing untouched Vehicles in Bases
- Some Cleanups of commented out lines
[Fixed] Snapping Stud Walls to Floors tilted on their left or right(had
forward and back working)
[Added] Checks for Tilt Left / Right / Forward / Back
[Added] Checks for Snap Points N,S / E,W
[Added] Checks for Snapping Direction 0,2 / 1,3
[Fixed] Snapping Direction's failed to keep level with tilt of floor on
some snap points with specific directions requiring the above checks
- We no longer spawn antagonists on opening loot containers or trash.
Instead we have the client spawn them from a new weighted array. Note:
Admins can control what AI are spawning by removing from array
(antagonistChances) or setting chance to 0
- moved EPOCH_spawnIndex and EPOCH_spawnLimits to master loop init
instead of both_init as it is only needed client side.
- loot table updates for extra logic condition.
- Vehicle Upgrade moved to DynaMenu
- Hitpoints now also will be given to Vehicles from other BaseClasses
(controlled by HitPointNames)
- Added a security Check that Players must have a bit distance to
- Fixed some errors in Colorscript for upgraded Vehicles. If it is only
an upgrade, same color is used. If it is another Class, a new random
color will be taken.
- Removed Upgrade Vehicle from Inventory Click
- Changed DynaMenu to make it possible to call a script to get iconpath
(use "iconcode" instead of "icon" then)
- No longer track hitpoints from client side, now saved server side only
and pushed to clients on login.
- Changed use set / getUnitLoadout and should still have legacy player
data support that will upgrade automatically on first save.
- Default loadout can be controlled via new variables in epochconfig.hpp
- Made data validation check dynamic using isEqualTypeParams as it does
type checking and still fails if input is shorter than the default.
- Added back server side damage protection for the new player body. If
the new unit dies before the player switch it could cause login issues
and should not cause issues with scripted setdamage or hitpoints as
first thought.
This has no effect to Epoch, but if you are working with EPOCH_InteractedItem in custom scripts, the crate items are from the wrong wh (if a crate and a groundWH is in target.
local antagonists killed by non-local entity needed to be handled.
Local and Non-Local stat changes are now sent to server first then back
to the appropriate client after pToken check is verified.
- Moved configs to cfgepochclient
- Changed Keydown-Check from EPOCH_Buildmode to EPOCH_Target
- Replaced "resetonLogin" to only remove "forbidden items"
Fully customizable system.
Base system laid out more so as an example.
Client side stat change with optional send to server.
Server side stat change with optional send to client.
Server is backed up with token check if sent from client.
ItemInteractions for VehDoc's set for UPGRADE
CfgVehicleUpgrade added for customizing materials needed
Server function for upgrading vehicle
CfgRemoteExec addition for server function above.